HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application11, AII.APPLICABLE.'INFO-MUST BE'COMPLETEaF.OR',AP-PLICATION,TO:BE ACCEPTED Date:� RECEIVED Building P'rm1tAP H ation JUL $ 0 2021 ., pe Prqhn1ng'Arid .DdVe.10'P" tS St, Lucie County pien erwCes Buil4ing and q0kRegy1q(ion'D1V'1Y*on' Permitting Perm 2300'Vitiftild'Avenge, ;Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (712')' oi?-4,5­53i :Fax.,,(772) 462408 Commercial: Residential x. PERMITTYPE: RESIDENTIAL BUILDING (SFR UP TO: 2 FLOORS) I WIVEMEN RO,P;OSEQ.,,.MP Address: 61-18ArTihaPIacb,F6i`tPierce - W27 Property Tax ID O: 1811-700-,0171-000,'-6, LotNo... 27' Site Plan Name: W,,NTER§TqNE-F"HASE,0NF Bloch No. 3 Project Narrie:1, ASPIRE AT WATFRSTQNE 'b N - SINGLE FAMILY RESI E, C.E',(S I#., R) Lelia. -,Elevation A - Garage Rid . ht- 1,917 AtO -2361Total'­4 Beds,,3 Baths; 2 Car Garagp. 1, cowT'ik6 ION, Additional: work4o'be pelprmed, under this permit- check'all that apply: V mechanical _Gaslanl,<- —Gas Piping _ZShutters f Windows/Doors V Electric -Zolumbing ZSprinklers Generator t/ Roof Pifcll Total'Sq. Ft of Con-structlow. Sq, Ft. of First Floor: Cost ofConstrudl6n:$ 1*21,674 Utilities: V 5eWer Septic- Building Height: Address: 3601 QUANTUM EILYID City: BOY.INTO NBEACH State, FL 6; Zip:Cdd33426 , Fax; ,Phone No.. 561464-3116 E-Mail:. Fill in fee.,s](mipie title. Hol,der on -next page-( it diff6reni, from the: Owftdr listed :above) Karne. JOSEPH SPALT c6rnpahV'. KMOVNANIAN FLORIDA OPERATIONS,-1-1-C! Address: W01 QUANTUM BLVD City:. BOYNTON: BEACH State:FL Zip Codbl'."3342& Fax: Phone No E-Mail State or Coqnty [feense:C801 263643 1f.vaf - o 14VAC is.,$ value f !,,Soo ar more, a: RECORbEp Notice of'Cornmenc6niek Is required: Address;. City: Stafie Zip:, Phbne FEEISIMPLETITILE- HOLDER' A00 Name:, Addfdss: City,: Z10- Phone; ' I ' bf- ' 0ONDING-COMPANY... Ndt-Ap"Olma., 0: Name:.T Address.,,.' indicated: permt- In consideration Of the gi-aniihg"df.this,request'e'd'pi!,rilil*4 Fdb'hereby ,ag6d6 thAt4willi'l.n all -fe'sp ; ec 'ts I ,.p I e I r(qm'the.-work, i6accordance - St.lLiciekbuin yAn"eftientse T'lile,fbli.bwih'g-buildi0g,',Pdrriiit,apolicatio'nS aMek6rhDtfrom undergoing alull concurrency. review 'room additions, accessorylA 'd— 'i'mse s':'td�anotnon-residential'' rOctu'res, iWimm(hg�ooQlifefi6�t,W�lls,-�signs, screen r.ppn)S an accessory her:use "WARNING TO OWN= Mik FAIM1946. 0EC006, A Mbtg, ()F OMMMVEMEMT* MAY RESULT IN YQUO PAYING STATE OF FLORIDA. STATEOF . FLORIDA COUNTY OF PAd'006H COUNTY 00 P"BEXCK, Ep t as bdk The fyr' "' I �6wledgddbefdreaM6 Thef "I'' I" qqwied9bcb04re,,Me: ,gqipg, n§t�Ome acknowledged W6� t5 day of -this,' ....... j2 y &y'Of JOSEPH SFIiALT, '$'p'h ib''Alng'staierned. Name f- per �grsqp,,makingstateriment;: Personally'Known.. X_ of Produced' Identification. Personally ,Kh6ifn.i,k '0R!ProdUce&Id6ntIfIdiloh Type of 'den tlilca6oh Type of ide� , ii , fic , aOi! , Prod�ced. Pi6duced, Comm lssldn*NO. REVIEWS FRONT ZONING G, SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEATURTTLE 1� WNGItMt , REVIEW REVIEW COUNTER REVIEW; REVIEW AEV, REVIEW : REVIEW