HomeMy WebLinkAboutRoof Project Information Ti " _.y . i l Section D(steep Slope Raaf Systerri) ROtfSystern:ivtaRu�acturer: , Notice ofgccepta�ceNurr3tier; Mtri mum gesrgn.W rzd Pres's res,!f ppt:cable( rom'RAS 1,7 or CatcuEat-ons}:v Zane e�:2one,Ze tare 2rt; crane 2r __.2anee"_:�Zone3r Deck=Type -. Type Und nt ' : r - i � Ridgellemi{ation3 - pasferier�ype&�Spacutg: r-_ - Adhesiva Type Type.Cap Sheet. E , S>ilean Calif i eight Roof+�nverng '3'yPeA:;Srze Drip: E�Ige S i • - 1 f 1 I I - i I I - NE W ORKS 1 , SectionC(Low Slape Roaf). :$urfacing:• FiC in specific roof asseri�bty components and icenti{y Fastener 5.pacirg for Ane�io�/base SheefAttachr»ent;; manufacturer oc:@ Lap,:##Rovi+s� °ac (If a corrrpanent Es,-not used;identify as"NA'�} R Zane 1 ; oc••@ Lap,#:Rows ..... System Manufacturer Zone 2 Lap,.#:Rows oo:- Prodpct.ApprovalNo .�L t.fcO'��' - . > �; Slumber of Fasteners Per lnsutatiomboard -tp' D"esign<Wind Pressures,•From RAS-228"Or Gaicutatiaris: Zcinel` Zane 1;°, 4a6e:'2- Zone 3 Zone 1` r_Zane 2: Zone2,, Zone 3' [flu'ustrate.Components.Natgd and:Details as:Appficabte: Max Design Pressure,from the specifrc product approval Woodblockrng, Gutter, Edge .Term.inabon Strlpping; system: ' Flasttirigy Co ti uous Cleat, cant. Strip,; Base. FlasWng •counterflashing,,Caping,I tc;,- Decks Indicate.°Mean Roaf He�gfit�Parapet Herght,Nejglit of'B`- 7YPe e ._ F:tashIhg,Cornporient:iVlatenal,MateHat'l t ickness,;EasteneJr, ki Type,FastenerSpaclngorSubmit;Manufacturers Deraits•that`. r� CQrnplvwith RAS 111 AM,Chaipter 16.., Ancharjt3a§e5heet&No:.df Ply(s};'. �✓ , . AnchorjSase Sheet fastener/bonding•Materiai;• ' ttsulatian Base Layer lScti � .base tnsultatroa Srze and Thickness, Parapet Hase lnsulation:Fastener/Bo Height Trap.Insulation Layer:. -._. • Top tnsq{atiori Size,and Thickness '4--c..-V-t FT:. Iop,insulatiop Fastener/ ;nd n Material:; - Tszdam Mean Base Sheets}&,No,of Ply(s): Base:Sheet'FaSter►er/Boning Materia{ Height. Ply:Sheet.(s)'t Nqi of P19(s);. PIy:SEieetFasfen'er/Bonding Material: . Tap Ply • Top Kv.Fastener/Bandi�ngyMaterial,- I Secti.ott E Crife.Calculati, ii for Mon ent based tale systems,cY oose:e ttier"Method l:or 2 Comparel e:values foc Mf wiEf�the;values€car s Mf if.the Mr values, are greater than,or equa4to the"lVi rvalues�for each area"ot fihe roof,then_the tiie atfachment method is aceeptahte :Method 1'tVtariyen.tlwsed,Tile Ga(cutationg Rer-'RASA T {Zane;l: Kx . _ _.�.. ,mg! Pr6ductApplroua(Nie_ (Zone 2e x` _ _j—i►d9 m FraduetApprovat m. Zone 2n —[4dg 1 ; _ .Rrtiduct Apprava(.(Vir: Rroduct Approval Ms Froduoz,Appe qua(M� P,roduct Apptdot<Mc _ Methad Z"S mpfrfiedT le eol'cu ations Per'Fable Below"-` `Required':Morriecit`of Resistance{IVtrj From Tab(e Below RradcsctApproval IVIr ,. MF;requ(red'-Mote F,lesistance* Mears-RooHeght Roaf'S(ope. LS, 2O' Zia :12: - 34A ... .. 36.5 38.2 39:7 422 �:12_ 3Z 2' 34.4 35:tI .. 37 4 4 Y2 32.2 " 33:8 352 37.3 _ , .. 5:12 2$:4... 3f1:1 316LL._ 328"" 34 9:.. 2614, tit} 294 ' 3Q5 324 ... 712." 24:4•"Must.be used�nconjunctlon ti+aiti a:list'af rnorrtierit bas2d't(le.systems: For Uplift 6ased'tde,sysfems use tViethod`3 Cartpare the vatues:fbr F`with fhevaiues far,:F }f the F'Values are:greater than:oir equal ro.the FP value's,for`each area of tke roofs then the the attachment ittethod(s acceptable. iV4ethod 3�"t7piift.BasedTile,Caiculatiotis Per AAS 12T (Zone 1, . ,x;L =,t W: s. )-W cas r Frz. Product Approvi F`... (Zone =W cos.r =Fz&" . Frod'uctApproiial"F` (Zone2n xL . xW.= }<^W.—.cos r Psoduct-Appr6%ial'E' :(Zone 2r"; x L =5c W':=, -W. cos r" -Ftzr Product Approval F'- Vet=, }'-W:: cos:r Fc3e Product Approval F' (Zone 3r..n x L =x W_ l W: cos r Ff t3� Product Approval yUt7ere-ta Ohta'sn tnforinaaon _ Descr�p�tocit .Synrbot� �" Where to 17nd Design P[essure Zones 1,;Ze,2n,2r.3e,3r Frpm`applicab(e table irf RAS 122 or isy an:engineecang analysis :- . prepared by PE 6ase,'d.on ASCE 7 . Allean Roof H,eight H:+ .lob site I Roof Slope 8' drib Site I �Aerci[iynamiC,Mulfiptier x . ProijuctApproual' Restorigg Murrientdue to.Gravity Mg ProductApp(oval, Atiactiment Resistance Mr. Pio#uct-Apprcvaf . Requ�red"Motnent-Resistance M8: Calculated: lVliriimum,Aitachment;Resistance" E' FFodictApprovat, Re:quned(.Uplift Resistance Average T,►tewi�etgtit'. :: . W _ _ -, PhroaucfApproeat ,..:.. ._ -' leDimensioris L=lengthW ;width ProductApproval:- 111t'catcutatiolts mast.tie su8rpitxed to ttie buitding official"at the time operm(t appGcanon: . I " i SebaptfiIj*, 'Io46 02 48' DATEf May 18,202 f j hOne 7-7 588 24,00 :Qcicitaffon:# 33928 CC, 12284Q Custor rtef 1f3: Custlimer Namr3 Maati iwood :Quotation valduntff' . March 30i;2Q21° ", Prepatmd Op, Rc bert Diedrleh tc rk#fit ba p MO at' f�feadouus�od - , 94,60 Meado ood D'—' `Unrt#206 -. Wa* riff. rbvide,the materiaf 5,andj -r&rm,the fabtir d3cessaEX.fbrtW to tedot#;r#fib fioftavit3i� Des.ctiptiOn Scr pe c fWork for re-roof f urs-LAsf SftM0 Maaiibrane;,roof snc4'bafcrinp`(tices ncit errcfucfe",corner bafconjr}" 1.Tearoff a"ng roflfing to deck ' . using fosmCadhers tapet4 irisCtfation to deck 3. �ulfy adhere 0 mif Biro-fast rrr MbtEr ne-,,O,t6pered fnsutation; �4 f�errrave siding tOinj fnstaff,waff ffashin u" g�`p walffiehfnd<sditig„teiminate and:frrstaif;cotrriterftasfr , a'.0ispose cif all W.Me pace.,btt~akdown ,2 flat"sections '-Marge arrdA srnatt. ; f!enateriaf is uaranfead#p be`as sR pgTeo,arid,the abode uv+ork to,,be perfonvied n'accdrdaiica ntf-completed in a su ttantiaf-Workmanlike;manner"frar thb-sum,of wooty ape thaus;d&fbur hundred', _ Dnnar,." 21,400,O-0< titfh a rrreri .to"be made ss:$offovts . - $30,7pQOQ0.%DUe'tlpOrt Camipieti4n $2�;400:'00 totaf" - 4h}r tier�iiar or dsvtaiion from abrn!s specificati -irnroivituj extra costs will be wde etlbi�y tspn wriftes;&der and will became arr$x5ra crruge over'and atiove:tfiis estimate AtP 8,weemet s'cmbrgw upon weattw amidertts at°ddays'beYond o ,cm-oor:- tc;rfda"Hisdi=Uae.�or�etitiquarlRy�Eidt.paym, ;up'toatirnitedacr OA may be-avaifabtefrom-ru*Frorida Homecwnsre Comtrucucin. Recovery Fund`rfyoatase F atey cue a prbect.patf4rtt3ed u x coact.where t8 is s,result fTamspecifiedvidau ms of Florida Law.by a;rtcemed crzntractrx; ior"irdcrnation about fl ret very Ww-aro.Anga.d4m,contact.tigeFloidacomtructiqttndust€yLicemirpg,Bcac . t'itia"fdiarrit . Im N.Monrcie Sk Tefiaiassw,FL.32399,BSG487-1396'www.floridelicomeLdbriI Act, cifropos ° The pbove On'ces,Specifcatfons an-d''po"n�qW"ns are-satisfacCery.aiid are"f�;eref�y acxopted. Work is authorized to, be comp.leteO a specMed in agreement witf°t°the"paynient' cfredule move. Sagtit 10re ` . ate.