HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub Contractor FormPERMIT#ISSUE DATE PLANNING & I}EVELOPMENT SERYICES Building & Code Compliance Division BLILDING PEITI,IIT SL! Tt.CON'IFLTf, TO R AGREEN{ENT It/lomentum Solar have agreed to be (Companl Name/l ndir,idual Name) the Electrical Sttb-contractorlbr [IatthewFranz ( Ilrimarl Crrntractor){'t'}pe of Trade} For the project located at 2809 Placid Ave Fort Pierce, FL 349-82 (Pfoject Street Address or Propertr Ta\ ID #) It is understood that, if there is an1'change of status regarding our par-ticipation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County rryill be advised pursuant to the tiling of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. rfnfr# l- CO|\-I'R,\{l l OR Sl(;\.\1'LRE (Qualifier) Cameron Christensen Sr=pdilrlEv-1on n")F ({)uBlificr) Matthew Franz PRI\T \.\1IE I'Rh*-I'N-^!IE cvc57036 EC13AA8217 COI]\T1' CT,RIITtC,{TIO\ \I:\IBER Stnte of F lorida. (;ount1' of St. Lucie Th€ foregoing inrtromnt was signed before me this 1 1 day of COtiNTY CER'TtI.'ICATI{)N \Ti}IBf,R -ltate of Florida, Countl of St. Lucie 'l'be forcgoirg irstrumtnl l'as signed hefore nre ttris 1 1 day of October zo 21.6t Cameron October 26_21, tv Matthew Franz who is pemnallr ltnon'o -f,or has produced 4..,__ __ as identification, who is prmonall) kDoso _Lor has prorlur:ed a as identification. STA]IIP ST.{}.IP Public \olart Kristina Salgado Print f*ame of Flster.v Peblk .{fl.:i% KR|STTNASALGADo _ "SA6 * Commission#GG922215 Eh$ry-". Expies Juty 21, 2Q24 n"ip+.At?it o,z{f8" Thru BudgetNorary seryic€g Kristina Salqado Print \ame of lotary Public smrrueg,0r1oy 1a6png ruqI papuog y763 'tr7 ,i1np sarrdx3 g f zel-6 sc # uolssrutuoc OCVClVSVN SIXY KRISTINA SAt6AT}O Conrmission # GG 9i??15 Expires July 21, 20?4 Booded Thru Budget Noia:ry Sd,1id{ic iik;*l $*Tr:'lo"ir;l' A*$$*;