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DocuSigr: nvelope ID:OC66B24B-6065 4776-95C1-53F78F1976E2 FDate: 7-1-20 City, State: Port St. Lucie, FL SHEET: 1 OF 2 Allen Industries Overall Height: 25'-0"Max Sean M. McFarland, P.E. Metro b T-Mobile Wind Speed 170 mph McFarland Engineering Project Description 7592 S US-1 Table of Contents ME Job: 48837 N01 a%cht-1 d a. Content: Page Design Loads. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 ULTIMATE LOADS Connection Design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-2 Overall Size: 1'4'x 10'-5" Mounting Height:25'-0" Max Mounting Style: Raceway Mounted Channel Letters&Cloud Letterset,Various Attachment Methods Structural Variables and Code Loading Specifications Sign Type: 7Channel Letters/Wall Signs Code:. 2017 FBC 6th Ed. j Existing Wall Material: Various Wind Speed: 170 Sign Weight Per Foot: 15 1� Wind Exposure: C Wind Loads Per ASCE 7-10 Connection Design Using ASCE 7-10 (Simplified Procedure) Topography: Homogeneous I = 1.15 (Table 6-1) Exposure: C' lambda= 1.35 (Figure 6-3, Exp. C, height=25 ft) Enclosure: Enclosed Structure: Components and Cladding Zone= 5 End-Wall-Worst Case P 9 ( ) Building: Category II Effective Wind Area= 10 Sq. Ft. Net Wind Pressure= -58.1 (Figure 6-3) Total Load Pnet=(lambda)*I*Pnet Pnet(25)_ -90.20 PSF DocuSigned by: Sign Loads Area Pressure Tension Shear 1L&W AAAW1 (Suction) Force Force 1eoo4704Dce5405... Large Letters(EA) 0.7 FTA2 -90.2 PSF -63 LBF 4 LBF Small Letterset 3.7 FTA2 -90.2 PSF -335 LBF 19 LBF. Tension Connection Design Connections Tension/ 3/8" Pia. HY-20 3/8" Dia. 3/8" Dia. 3/8" Dia. 3/8" Dia. Total Connection 3/8"Dia. Kwik Bolts Tapcons Lags (2x) Liberty Bolts Thru Bolts Total Raceway 8 -81 LBF 250 LBF 8 -81 LBF 145 LBF 8 -81 LBF 245 LBF 8 -81 LBF 250 LBF 6 -108 LBF 350 LBF Components to Raceway 1/4"Dia. 1/4" Dia. Force Thru Bolts Force TEKS Large Letters(EA) 3 -21.0.LBF 125 LBS 5 -12.6 LBF 45 LBS Small Letterset 10 -33.5 LD& 125 LBS 14 -23.9 LBF 45 LBS 0 Py lam• REVIEWED FOR - RECEIV81D CODE COMPLIANCE. ST. LUCIE COUNTY JUL 10 2020 ST. Lucie County, Permitting s r Do tlSigr#Envelope ID:OCB8B24B-BOB5-4776-95C1-53F78F1976E2 Date: 7-1-20 City, State: Port St. Lucie, FL SHEET: 2 OF 2 Client: Allen Industries Overall Height: 25'-0" Max Sean M. McFarland, P.E. Sion: Metro by T-Mobile Wind Speed 170 mph McFarland En ineerin 7592 S US-1 ME Job: 48837 N01 Shear Connection Design Connections Shear/ 3/8" Dia. HY-20 3/8"`Dia. 3/8" Dia. 3/8" Dia. 3/8"Dia. Total Connection 3/8" Dia. Kwik Bolts Tapcons Lags (2x) Liberty Bolts Thru Bolts Total Raceway 8 5 LBF 175 LBF. 8 5 LBF 90 LBF 8 5 LBF 140 LBF 8 5 LBF 175 LBF 6 6 LBF 300 LBF Combined Connector (%of Capacity) Tension Shear Total Capacity Total Raceway 8 Kwik/HY-20 -32.5% 2.6% 32.6% OK 8 Tapcons -56.1% 5.0% 56.3% OK 8 Lags(2x) .' -33.2% 3.2% 33:3% OK 8 Liberty Bolts -32.5% 2.6% 32.6% OK 6 Thru Bolts -31.0% 2.0% 31.0% OK Embed Tapcons- 1 1/2" Min. into Solid Wall Kwik Bolts or HY-20 HAS Rods- 1 1/2" Min. Embed. into Solid Wall (or Hollow CMU w/Screens) Lags into 2X-Full Tip Penetration Liberty Bolts into Min. 3/4"Plywood or Other Solid Wall Thru Bolts Require Continuous 2X or Unistrut Backers Connection Specifications Attach Channel Letter Raceway to Wall with Evenly Spaced Connectors. See Drawings for Complete Fabrication Specifications. Don't Overtighten Connectors. Use Oversized Washer Backers for Thru Wall Connectors. See Schedule for Letter.Attachment Quantity to Raceway. REVIEWED OR � C®®E C®MPLI'A �1� LUCIE CC Dow Sign Envelope ID:0CB8B246-BOBS-0776-95C1-53F78F1976E2 A r ME M 48837 Connection Specifications Attach Channel Letter Raceway to Wall With Evenly Spaced Connectors.See Drawings for Complete Fabrication Specifications. Don't Overtighten Connectors. Use Oversized Washer Backers for Thru Wall Connectors.See Schedule for Letter Attachment Quantity to Raceway. CONNECTION 4) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 318- 318' 3/8' 318'LIBERTY 318"LAGS 318- 114' 11<' Embed Tapcons-1 172'Min.into Solid Wall QUANTITY TAPCONS HY-20 KWIKBOLTS BOLTS 2X4 THRU BOLTS 11 BOLTS TEKS Kw0 Boltsor F1Y 20 HAS Rods-112'WMin.Embed. RACEWAY 8 8 8 8 8 6 into Solid Wag(or Hollow CMU wl Screens) LARGE LETTERS(EA) 3 #14� Liberty Bons Into Min.314'Plywood or Other Sonid WallLagsinto 2X-FugTipPenetration SMALL LErrERSET IgThm Boos Require Continuous 2X or UnisW Backers EXTERIOR MASONRY EXTE IORMASONRY EXTERIOR MASOWtY WALL WALL WALL MTG PLATE .-,� ,X. MTG PLATEEt., t.;r.- MrG PIATE - TAPCON HILn HY 20 EPDXY Sri�;:•f EXPANSION ANCHOR��. WIRM-ARODS. ANCHOR BOLTKM BOLT) \� RACEWAYBACK .'i�':�: RACEWAY BACK RACEWAY�.- 0 TYRCALANCNOR'BOLTCONNEC110N TYPICAL CMEMICALANCNOR CONNECTION TYPICALEXPANSION BOLT CONNE00 n � 351 Y rEXTERIOR WALL STRUCTURE E%iERIOR WPll 2X BLOCKING EXTERIORWALL WALL ® STRUCTURE rV ®. MTG PLATE MTG PLATE MTG PLATE STEELANGLE .gplp rn UBERTYBOLT UIG BOLTS F THRU BOLT BACKER Nam ® C rn RACEWAYBACK RALEWAY BALK WAIL RACEWAY BACK STRUCTURE • ,a ® ]YPICAL IIBEATY BOLT CONNECTION IYPK:AL LAO BOLT CONNECTION TYPICALTXRU eOLTCONNECTKIN on �q E�. LETTER a4CK LETTER a4CK � 0 RACEWAY---.--. RACEWAY ���OOOK qY 4 .. - THRU BOLT TEK SCREW TYRCALTNRU BOLTCONNECTON TO RCWY TYPICAL TEN SCREW CONNECTXIN TO RCYIY ASCE 7-10,170 mph Wind,Exposure C This design Complies with the High Velocity Hurricane Zone Code and with the 2017 FBC 6th ad. _,� + bicFlaland Initial vsl�q,: Tlnekftw et.ppamoon IN,doa-N— METRO BYT-MOBILE ENGINEERINGOF (48837)DS &fwULdby Sean M.McFed ,PEw Aly 1,202D. -,`-` , ,. :- Ph:(281)813-7439 ATTACHMENT TO WALL ONLY. I J �� Date: 7-1-2020 1 ea N.maa.nl,„-L rh, Email:sean@signstmctures.oDm Address: 7592SUS-1 NO CABINET ENGINEERING tBDOAT0IDCEBIos... ' At—NC 27M Web:www.signsWctures.com OR EVALUATION OFAS Sheet#:, 2OF2 CitvlState:PORT St LUCIE.FL BUILTWALL CONDHIONS NC Fmn Reg*tj5an:F-1136 sm,a„nL sir,o<.IK„ PROVIDED OR IMPLIED. Me License Number.61049 EnRlneeH�s�..mn Client: ALLEN INDUSTRIES FbWa License Expires:Feb.28,2021