HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED, Roof Project Information(1)s �txifi Sipe , , .Ridge Veritt{at�on3 St�s`an Raof�ieigM . "a _: 5e6f-ldrf'C-:{Low Slope;-Ro6fl fill in sokif b . compR4nt . s�,artdideritify mandictulper (If a component Is,-,nb,t us&'i; identify as " Syitem-,'Mart4actureri% 74-0- -tp ,posig0ohd-Press teo�,,Frdirfi:g 1. s;o tu 4's, 2 r,,cal(.. tatlidhs, Zoqe2 Max. Design Pressure, from Xhe.specificpr.64ud- app roval Type,. GaugeThickiiasss.- ..,ram E2 Ahch-oqpitp_et -56 '&No;.dfPl i6sulatio--n, Base layer -' 4;o .base Insykatl6rf $40 and Thickness , Qn Base jn Ulati r/9 on di�g,Maioi4k: 5, . Too; , Insulation'L6 e,;.. Top tnsa.ititt,6riSiz,e.a"nd�,Thickniiss lop nspilatl'o'n Fa'steniarl > aase!Sheeft(s)'&,Nq, of Ply(s).m er/BondfAg.-Materid- Ply:Sheit.(i)!t o _ f pl'y-'Sffqdt -asf6r'e rl$ondi' ng',MAterlfal: Tap ,Ply: Top P(Y.Fastdqsr/Bonding.Materiai,- :$L!;facfn'g-, ,FastenerSpacing for" Ancfor%68eShe Atachnientv. oc:@'Lap 0 . c ,OL2p,4Rbws_, Zane 2'. LaP,; o0, ws-- oo: Rumberof . FastLmhefs Per AristiWimBoard: , 4ckne.2­ Zone,3- - Woodblocking, GUtter, Edge Termination; -stripping; Flashiqgy I;OtiRuous deato' C-a.qt�. -Strilp, Baie". #16shing; CounterflOhing,,qpping, :Etc;,- Ind.icate,vMqzin;ko rap, flel#'j,H_ jglft:of'B` of eig Parapet 19'9 BS5 Flashirig, C pr.orienkM 4ten"al, M . ateria-PTh' k T,Vp6, Fastener Spaqing,or,,SU,bmit"Manu'factU'r.e'rs Detaif5.ihat CqMpjywith RAS 1: 11'and, Cheipur 16.., E.W, RK �*_Oon OM46.calculat'i6ity area of ihe, r—Oqf,tt'e {Zone4: Kx mg! X, )(A MR!, Yoogq App roval ProductApp MOO* 0 .40.t 2 24.4, 21 9 .. 482 ji- For Uplift based'.ti[6s7vft6r6t use.Mithodl- equal to. .the :Fo y6luet, foreach area of the roof; then the -tile attachment method isacceptable. , p M .6thod'3�"bolift-.Baf§ecr.-,rile,6tcuiitioris POrAAsl_2T (Zone W, -s. ) -W - , cas r Frz. Product AO (Zone -W.=, -W. cos. tj ,(Zone:2n. cos r TtodUct-Appr6NWV�_ _ "(Pne-2r.'; x L ww: cos r. -Ftzr Product .,Appr 41. F` cOsr Pf'OdOciApprdVal, Ff L xw� -, cbs,� VoZone*W Pro Approval Product zoes DAM ,CluataHOrx # 928 C ustQihO 16 Custbrnor blame M- di- wood Quotation vaird intr! . ,MW6 36LZM ` Prepared b : Robert pi. rk tc ask t . pe corm i a#' l�leado�cfs�od - , 9460 Nfeadowoad Dmce `Unit-::#2b6`fi -" Ft P.,terce,. 'we `Vil1 Provide: the-materlals•andj -rforra the labor niqdessaa,f6rthe corn letl6ri oft follow in, Des.cripiion t : •Tear off existing rpd6g to deck: . Us(ng ioatrt, adkteretapered, itisu{afion to deck .. 3..Fulty adhet;6 54 Mil Wl-o 1Last inerni ran t6l perea insulation: 4': Remove s{ding4Atnrn, insta{ixwa{{flashing up vuall behind <siding; tetra{Hale and insta{1.cottnter fiast 5.101spose of All W.Aste PritJe -and:.'( #mail 11`rnaterisi is uaeanteed # ba as specified, attid,the above Wqt to:.be per rated to accordanoc and -curmptetetf in a si tbtiantii l-.warrkniaiillke, manner kr th6 sum. of 'wo"tv-oria thousat dfour hundred C}pllar,." 2�,4Atf fl0< . _. $10,7bb.00 5DOWDeppsii . $10,70v.0Q 509`o;Due t)pon Camp{etton ;" .$21,4.00:00 Total ny'atfer�tibn &Ma�8n,6 i at�ves cificaUot�s w6wing ektracosts!Nitt t s; ecutscl:o;dyis wrfites►ceder asiiiwilt:tame en O&B ci?arge ouer'and abovelO esti na3e: Atl ag[eemer s`r n6tt nt upon it s: acrid to at delays beygrO ou'cp(rVol- F i tlt iu�s'� G stiLu cnEjj, Field- Paymotuptoatirnitedainaint,maybe.avaitabtefromUieFloridaHomesssnrnsres Construction. Recovery Fund tfyaalose atey'on a t r ect performed under cots#cact .wi re ttt� toss,resuits it nP sg Med vioiafim of Florida iavr. by a;(ibensed cmht tw: ForifformationabcAiierewVeryW—andfiling_a,claim,dnntacttiieFloiidaConz tructipindustry icensirx},i3cwdc t'itiafdiarritq. Ac pfanctr°cif-Proposal° T above prlces, specifC.atians and p6ijoitio r, a're -satisfkibrwand are herebyac c*p#ed. Work is authojized to, be cornpleteci as spgrMed in agreement wit{i the -payrrient-' chedute' alcove. 4 rib ire Pate