HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBCONTRACTOR PERMITS - 39 GRANDE CAMINO WAY PERMIT�` ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division e - „ - .n....-,.. BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT S&W ELECTRIC, INC. have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the.ELECTRICIAN _.._Sub-contractor fDr WYNNE EVELOPMENT.CORP. (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at�� a� (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID;*) It is understood that,if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. / CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) SUB-CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) MATTHEW LYLE WYNNE LAWRENCE STUBBS PRINT NAME PRINTNAME 08898 29442 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of County of-ST LUCIE ST, LU,CIE__ Florida,a. Ty - - -- --State of Florida;-County of - - - The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of The foregoing instrument was signed before me t���d�ay of `fit' • .201 by MATTHEW LYLE WYNNE , Za � � LAWRENCE STUBBS who is personally known S' or has produced a who is personany(mown°9�or bas produced a as identification, as identifi1cagtionn.., �(r�� p n ((�/ /J,yp/ ,0'(f l.O r X/7l�'1 �JGY.d/Ci STAMP 1I1/ &9" xAX CY7d .I' signature of No - STAMP en tart �c g lure of Notary Puhlic DOROTHYANNBASKIN QIkKQ i P .o Print Name of Notary Public Prmt.Name of Notary Public .. OROTHYMmSA D i°'. .`' '. SKIN _w. ., MY COMMISSION#HH 045W ;w+: IAURAR.CUBBEDGE a;;f P 5 EXPIRES:oclobar$2024 Commission#HH 013089 ', ono,.• �: en."• 80n Thin Notmy PuhkUMenuiler, �. o Expires October 21,2024 "F•��t°" BW dThre Troy Fain lneir BOWW7019 PERMIT 4 ISSUE DATE PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building& Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT AQUA DIMENSIONS have agreed to be (Company NametIndividual Name) the PLUMBER Sub-contractor for WYNNE DEVELOPMENT CORP. (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at DN � Q (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID 4) S It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St.Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub �-contractor notice. iLK' CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) SUIS- SIGNATURE(Qualifier) MATTHEW LYLE WYNNE ROBERT LUDLUM PRINT NAME PRINT NAME 08898 18628 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida,County of ST.LUCIE gg` day State of Florida,County of ST. LUCIE ^E The foregoing instrument was signed before me thin` of The foregoing instrument was signed before methis d\ day of IJT � .2o1\byC:'C'�"�r�.��lh\ A2 .', .20?�byu'Otz.4'k-Oa�✓.a who is Personally known � or has produced a who is personally knowov—or has produced a as iidd�enttiif�icatio`n.' /n�__ /�/J ' entification. I itFnY—f�`Y Wf� &L01c.- STAMP i1 "a x STAMP Signature of Notary u lie Signature of Notary Public DOROTHY ANN BASKIN RHONDA LAFFERTY Print Name of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public s' OOROTHYANNBASKIN o"`:`ve1., RFid44BA Lt4PEE4?sl' l'COMMISSfON#HH O454.{3 _ MY COMMISSION 9 GG058720 �a�> e �TMi SNotalyDaQ,Zp�q "T•: c EXP{RES January G8,2021 i °.Fora?.•' Bond J PERMIT# - ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ' a Building& Code Compliance Division 0 a e HMDJNG PERMIT WA-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Comfort Control oT St. Lucie County, Inc. haveagreedto'be (Company Name4ndividuat Name) the HVAC Sub-contractorfor Wynne Development Corp, (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at � (Project Sheet Addressor Property Tax ID#) It is understood.that, if there is any change of status.regarding our participation with the above mentioned.. project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St.Lucie County will be advised pursuant,to the filing of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier). S ONTlaIGNATORE(Qs ilifier) Matthew Lyle Wynne Barry - 'mmerman PRINT NAME PRINT NAM 08898 8288 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER shite Of norkla,Coam or���Jv state of Florida,County of The foregoing iosttvmi1ae twas signed be�f;o((re me this day of The forcg�oiaa%insfrumenx was atgued before me tbis�'a,y of who isperwn4y knows Zar bas prndumd a who is Personalty lmawu or has prodaeed a as identifteatiom /nq /n� asidenti6eatioa. Aa4A/ STAND en .Q 1�C�I� . STAMP 3igsatvre orNotaryP c // Sigaamre orNotavy Pt6 fIbogo744Y 1�^ilV PJRSI�ra �0 20 KN P/N y ASKr� PristNawe ofNoteryPnblia Print Nam fo otm'9 Public ?t,? D0R0 THYANHBMrft ANNBAM MYCAMMISSO #HH0454 4 3MYWMMISSION#HH04W3 XPIRES:0*W2,2024 E)MS:October2,2024 ThtuNotaryPubkWemiters aWad Thin Nato Public s Reved 11116t2M . L66—d ZOOO(ZOOOd tLO-1 999L8L83LL d,lo0 suipjin8 auuAM -woad 9[,:Zi, 96r-60-ZL PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compiiance Division VA BUII.DI\'G PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Treasure Coa-st Roofing have a,-reedtobe (Company Name/Individual Nance) the Roofing STb_comractorfor Wynne Development Corp,, (Type ofTm&) (Ptimary-Contmetor) Forthe project located at—,-.,, (PmjectSueet Addiess:or Property TaXID#)' It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our,participation with the above:mentioned pmject the Building and Code Regulation Division afS.t.Lucie County will be:advised pmsuW to the filing of a Changeof Sub-contractor notice. CONTRACTOR STGNATM(QWiier) .SUB-00r1'NA STG'3A3' EQaar�fierj Matthew Lyle Wynne Brian Maloney PRINTNAME:. - MNTNAME f2 f cc1 '136651 i5ao�3zO YCERTTRTCATIQCN iN-UAWER - COLN'YV CERTMCATTONXEMSER State 4121orida,County of4SX—• VC ^�+ State of Mori"County06�_ .\� Theforegoiw.Ws&umentwassipedbef`gremetWI day.of The foreg oing,iashame'a�twsssirgo�ed 4eforemefliis �rd,yof.- /-4a� St:1 c t2 —, .20 Abby WhoispersouaRy"awa:zIrbasproduceda who ispersoasIIy!sown:N!oi"has.produeeds- asti^de�ntifificadam.. 9 asidendReation: /n� 1.A/r�s, C A/ .. J�G . 51'AMl' "hS�0.J/lfJ ":1 afl / — �SZAW m -SipareofilotaryP ,e - - - signature of "yc.. . ,//_ lbcwoT-Hy Ay y XRS,,.j 1l0RO-nyy Yr/Y�v �ASKi v PdarNmuofNotary Public - PriMName of\otaryFubfie •<:+'^!.•••.. DOROTHYANNBNSKIN dw"'•. DOROTHYANN ° *; a Vie; 9ASWN NlYCOA1MISSIONtHH045443 MYCOMMISSIONNHH0g54g3 s,'• e EXPIRES:Oeto 0,2024 - e' EXPIRES:Octebat2,2024 'yE,oGn�ep S,n'W TWu Notw•Mk Qndwotm •�fOFp:°•"�`•`BoMed l7xuy . y��� RevisodYtltb26i6