HomeMy WebLinkAboutHutchison Island Beach Club Wind Load CalcPac -revisedPage 1 of 3 DESIGN OF HAPCO ALUMINUM LIGHTING POLES CATALOG No. 33777-0725 PROJECT: ISLAND BEACH RESORT St Lucie County, Florida. DESIGN CRITERIA: FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 2020 170 MPH (max with Gust) Using ASCE7-16, Per Section 1601 & 1819 Date: 10-18-2020 References: ASCE 7-10 & 7-16 — Minimum Design Loads for Buildings & Other Structures Florida Building Code 2020 Chapter 16 for Structures and 18 for Foundations Cat.I AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Signs, Luminaries and Traffic Signals 1994 & 2014 FDOT Standard Specifications Catalog Cut Sheets Prepared By: James E. Wild, P.E. 592 Lancaster Gate SE North Canton Ohio 44709 Submitted By: Precision Outdoor Lighting, Inc. 3832 Shipping Ave Miami, F1 33146 Submitted by Power & Liqhtinq Systems, Inc. Catalog Number: Type: a Job Name: 33777-0725-01 (32' OAH) SATIN Island Beach Resort ALUMINUM FINISH Notes: 25FT MH 321FT OA RTA DIRECT BURIED POLE SINGLE DRILL FOR ACUITY DSXO FBC 2017, Ultimate Design Strength Wind Speed With EPA Ratings(sq. ft_) Item No. Hapco Part No A B C Weight 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 RTA2OC7BD 33777-0720 26' 20' 6' 210 lbs. 17.3 14.4 12.2 10.5 RTA25C78D 33777-0725 32 25 7 140 lbs. 1 i.6 9.4 7.9 6.7 5.7 4.9 4.3 The EPA Is Calculated At 1 ' above the shaft, and offset by 1 '-6" For different loading cases, please contact Hopco. B" +I Mounting Height 7" O.D. -- 2'-0" Flattened References: SKKPO60410A 30155 —Alum. Pole Cap With S.S. Screws Drilling Specified By Customer SATIN FINISH Internal Damper (Factory Installed) Tapered Alum. Tube / 156" Wall Alloy 6063—T6 Satin Ground ! <nish Frame Tapped 3/8'-16NC For Grounding ` 3 4" x 6" Reinforced Handhole With Cover And Stainless Steel Hex. Hd. Screws Ground Line �gNgt�tl�a8/Nl ®g F No A1383 � 1j" X 6" Long Slotted Wire Hole (2 @ 180) F3 112" C t WARNING: DO NOT INSTALL LIGHTING POLES WITHOUT LUMINAIRES DRE —20' & 25' EMBEDDED POLE 6.18 hapco MSIDMER smE NTS DATE 6.14-18 er BAD Dwc. No. Abingdon, Va. 33777 CHK'D Submitted On: May 4, 2021 1/1 Index Page POLE ID 33777-0725 By: J.Wild, PE ver 10-1-12 (32' OAH, 25' MH) Date: 10/18/2021 Project: Island Beach Resort General Data: Calculations: ASCII 7-16 & 2020 FiBC C.G of Fixture 25 ft q = 0.000256 *VA 2 = 73.984 psf Base Height Above Ground 0 fit Wind Pressure = 0.00256*Kz*Kzt*Kd*v"2 C.G of Fixture from Pole CL 2 ft P = 7&93 psf EPA, of Fixture (total) 0.95 sf Fixtures: Weight of Fixture (total) 17 lbs Dead Load 17 lbs Wind Speed (V) 170 mph Wind Load 73.08 lbs OT Moment 1827.04 ft-lbs Material for Pole & Arm Alum 6063 Pole Data: Pole: Shape of Pole Rd Dead Load: 123.64 lbs Embedment Depth 7 ft EPA 5.39 sf Length 32 ft Wind Load: 414.69 lbs Base OD 7 in C.G. of Pole 12.50 ft Top OD 4.5 in OT Moment 5183 62 ft-lbs Wall Thickness 0.156 in Torsion M 146.16 ft-lbs Aver Unit Wt /LF 3.86 lbs/If Area Aver_ 2.74 in"2 Sum of loads Base: r = (OD-t)/2 aver 2.80 in axial 140.64 lbs r = (od@base-t)/2 @ base 3A2 in shear 487.77 lbs Area @ Base 3.35 in moment 7010.66 ft-lbs Section Modulus @ Base 5.74 in"3 torsion 146.16 ft-lbs Mom of Inertia @ Base 19.63 in"4 Torsion Constant (J) 11.47 in"4 Projected Area of Pole 11.98 sf Exposure category C Kz for Pole: 0.95 Cf for Pole: 0.45 Kzt - use 1.0 1.00 Kd 1 Overload factor = 1.33 Stress Calculations: Allowable Stresses: Pole: fa = axial / Area = 42.0 psi Fa = Fcylny = 17,727 psi fib = OT Mom f Sect Mod. = 14666.5 psi_ Fb = 1.17*Fty/1.65 = 17,727 psi fv = (2*shear/a)+(torsion/j) = 443.9 psi or Fb = 124*Ftull.95 = 19,077 psi CSR's: use use 17,727 psi Post: CSR = falFa + (fb/Fb)+(fvlFv )A 2 = 0.62 Fv = Fsy/ny = 13,473 psi csr < 1.0 so OK! Check Embedment Depth of Pole: REF FBC Table 1806.2 & Equation 1807.3.2.1 d= 0.5A.(1+(1+(4.36h/A))A1/2 Where Tabluated Value of Lateral Pressure (LP) = 100.00 psf A = 2.34P/(S1 b), where S1 = 2`S*d/3, S1 = 466.67 psf d= Depth of Embedment in fleet 7.00 ft b = Diann of Post, Concrete or compacted fill 1.00 ft - average flatenned (see 1806.3.3 - Increase for depth - increase tabulated value per foot of depth) (see 1806.3.4 - Increase for Poles - Lateral Bearing Pressure two times table value) (load that produces GrdLine Mom) P = Maximum Lateral Load 280.43 lbs - load that produces GrdLine Mom) (assume load at fixture height) h = Dist from Load to Groundline 25 ft - assume load at fixture height SOLVE for A = 2.34P/(S1 b) = 1.41 so d= 0.5A(1+(1+(4.36h1A))^112) = ft Embedment Depth Shown > Calculated so OK