HomeMy WebLinkAboutProject InformationProject Summary Job: : v*$rltghtsof Entire House By. Quick Calcs, Inc. 317 St Line Lang, FortPieroa, FL 34946 Ph°re:772-466-6799 Email: qtidmks@aol.com For. Melissa Model II Port St Lucie, FL 34983 Notes: Weather. Fort Pierce, FL, US Winter Design Conditions Outside db 42 OF Inside db 70 OF Design TD 28 OF Heating Summary Structure 21856 Btuh Duds 7668 Btuh Central vent (0 ctm) 0 Btuh (none) Humidification 0 Btuh Piping 0 Btuh Equlpmentload 29524 Btuh Infiltration Method Simplified Construction quality Average 0 Fireplaces Heat! Co tin 48 Area (ttz) 48 Volume (f 3) 17184 17184 Air changes/hour 0.332 0.16 Equiv.AVF (cfm) Heating Equipment Summary Make Trade Model AHRI ref Efficiency Heating Input Heating output Temperature rise Acbual airflow Air flow factor Static pressure Space thermostat 100 EFF 8.5 kW 28862 Btuh 18 OF 1500 cfm 0.051 cf Td tuh 0.50 in H2O Summer Design Conditions Outside db 90 OF Inside db 75 OF in TD 15 °F range Fy M ative humidity 50 Moisture difference 61 grAb Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure 24180 Btuh Duds 9508 Central vent (0 dm) BBtuh (none) Blower 0 Btuh Use manufacturer's data n Rate/swing multiplier Equipmentsensible load 0.95 32003 Btuh Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure 4914 Btuh Ducts 3080 Btuh Central vent (0 cIm) Btuh (none) Equipment latent load 8001 Ruh ffmirlitTotal Load ( t) Req.total 40 04 tuh capacity at 0.70 SHR 3.8 tBon Cooling Equipment Summary Make Goodman Mfg. Trade GOODMAN Cond GSX160481 F coil ASPT49D14A AHRI ref 201384390 Efficiency 13.0 EER,16 SEER Sensible cooling 31500 Btuh Latentcooling 13500 Btuh Total cooling 46000 Btuh Actual airflow 1500 elm Air low factor 0.045 cfm/Bt Static pressure 0.50 in H2( Load sensible heat ratio 0.81 Calculations approved byACCAto meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. -- wrightsoft^ • Rigk-Sufe011riversa1201919.021 RSU08101 14"'Cl"_.ts\WrigWzftHVACNelissaModel ll-MASTERnq Cale =M18 Frort Door face& E 18.46.35 Page 1 - - wrightsoft Right-J® Worksheet Job: Entire House Dale: BY Quick Calcs, Inc. 317 St Lude Lane, Fort Pierce, FL 34946 Phone:772-466-6799 Effialf:qLid=lcs@aot.com 1 Room name Entire Hale Master Bedroom 2 F�osed wall 179D ft 32D ft 3 Room height 8.0 ft 8.0 ft h 4 Room dimensions 1.0 x 245.0 ft 5 Room area 2148.0 iF 245.0 T Ty Construction U-value Or HTM Area OF) Load Area OF) Load number (Btuhr-*n (B1rtnft� or perimeter (f) Ruh) or Perimeter (ft) (Btuh) Heat Cool Grose NOS Heat Cod Gr. NOS Heat 1 6 13A ocs 0143 4A0 219 344 309 1236 675 0 0 0 0 V 10A-m 1i70 ,fig ne 4..1. 42M I:20 0 954 876 0.: 0 0 0 1A�lam 1270 :ne 3556 43A3 15 0 0 ' 0 . 0 0 13A-0ocs 0.143 se 4.00 Z19 280 238 952 520 0 0 0 0 11 1A-rlom 1270 se 3556 4128 15 2 533 619 0 0 0 0 1B-Mfm 1.130 se 31.64 24.50 7 7 215 167 0 0 0 0 11D0 0390 se 10.92 1034 20 20 223 211 0 0 0 0 V� 13AAocs 0.143 gN d00 } 219 328 315 1261 689 120 120 480 263 I---G IA-rlom 1270 sw 3556 38a9 = a 1 142 153 0 0 0 0 j 1A-r1an 1270 sv 3556 0. 0 0 0 y/ 13A4ocs 0.143 rruv 4.00 2.19 480 390 1552 853 136 106 424 232 FL--�G IA-rlom 1270 nw 3556 43.03 60 0 2134 2582 30 0 1067 1291 1A•dorn 1270 rrw 3556 43.03 30 0 1067 1291 0 0 0 0 1�d 0049 137 2A5 2148 2148 2947 : , . 5263 :' '. "245 245 336 600 F 0.989 27.69 0.00 2148 179 4957.. 0. .245 32 886 0 6 c)AEDexarson Envelope loss(gain 12 a) Infiltration b) Roomventilation 13 Internal gairm Subtotal (lines 6 to 13) Less mmamat load Lesstransfer Redistribution 14 Subtotal 151 Dud loads Total room load Alr required (dim) ACC . ;v._._," '' " ^' RigttSrileOUrivetsal201919.021 RSU08101 tsUrigttsoftWACM[issaModel ll-MASTERnQ Cale =M8 Front Door faces: E T/1 I 1 1 269 19036 15674 3194 2654 28M 755 504 135 0 0 0 0 15 3450 2 460 4300 900 21856 24180 3698 4149 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21856 24180 3698 4149 i% 39A 7668 9508 35% 39% 1297 1631 29524 33688 4996 5781 1500 1500 254 257 ;et all mulrements of Manual J 8th Ed. 2D21 -May, 151BA635 Pagel wrightsoft, RighWO Worksheet Job: Entire House Date: By - Quick CaIcs, Inc. 317 St Ude Lars, Fort Pierce, FL 34946 Phone: 772-466-6799 Email: qLidccalcs@acA.com 1 Room name WIC 1 WIC 2 2 EVosed %%Wl 6.0 ft 0 ft 3 Room height 8.0 it heabbool 8.0 ft heaVa 4 Room dimensions 6.0 x 6.0 ft 1.0 x 47.0 It 5 Room area 36.0 T 47.0 J12 Ty Construction U-value or HTM Area (T) Load Area OF) Load number (EkuhF-'g PUW or perimeter (ft) ( ) I or perimeter 00 (Btuh) I Heat cool Gross NIPS Heat cool Gross I Nlpr. Heat 6 V�� 13A-40CS O.w3 ,tie 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 10A-nn 1.670, no 46,76 ' .:.' U. 10 14ilorn 1.270 rib: 34.56 . 4=1 ';:, . � 1: .. ;: ad 1 1 0 0 -01 -0 0 0 13AAocs 0.143 se � 4.00 219 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 1A-r1om 1270 se 35.56 4128 0 a 0 0 0 113-r1fhn 1.130 se 31.64 24.50 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 11.00 03%. se 1034 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13AAocs O;w iw� '10.92 ".4 Z19 48 0 0 0 IA-rionn 1M SW �.W 35S6 -.0 0 .0 0 0 1A-rlom 1270 0 'a 0 0 0. 0 0 vLi13A-40cs 0.143 nw 4.60 2.19 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 1"Orn IA-rlonn 1270 1270 nw nw 35.56 35.56 43D3 43.03 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 1613-19ad 0.049 - : wi ;�-IZt 245 .36 : .. . 36, .- 49 88 47 47 64 F 22A-tpi 0.989 7 w. PDq 36 6, 1136 a 47 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 115 0 61 q) AED ex ursion 1 S1 -3. Envelope loss/gain 408 1881 64 113. 121 ) Infiltration 95 261 0 0 b) Room ventilation 0 0 0 0 131 Internal gains: Occupants @ 230 0 0 0 0 Appliances/other 0 0 Subbtal (lines 6 to 13) 502 214 64 113 Lew c=mW load 0 0 0 0 Lesstransfer 0 0 0 0 Redishibution 0 0 0 14 Subt:)tal 502 2141 64 113 15 uct Dloads 35% 390A 176 84 35% 39. 23, 44 Total room load 6781 2981 1 871 157 Air required (cfm) 34 13 4 7 Calculations approved byACCAto meet all requirements of Manual J ft Ed. 2021-May4 : 5 5 35 FZigft-StiL-@Uriversa12Ol9l9.O.2iRSL)08101 ACCK r18:46 Page 2 Page 2 ts\WrigftzoftWACMelissa Model 11-MASTERnp Calc=MJ8 FrontDoorfaces: E wrightsoftr Right-J® Worksheet Job: Entire House Date: BY• Quick Caics, Inc. 317 St Lucie Lare, Fort Pierre, FL 34946 PFone:772-466-6799 Email: gUdxalcs@aolxom 1 Room name Pantry Toilet 2 Er�osed well 0 ft 4.0 ft 3 Room height 8.0 ft heaftol 8.0 ft 4 Room dimensions 3A x 4.0 It 6.0 x 4.0 ft 5 Room area 120 iF 24.0 ftz Ty Construct on U-value Or HTM Araa (ft') Load Area (ft) Load number (BtuhAF-*9 or padmebr (it) (Bhrh) or perimeter (ft) (Bhih) Heat Cool Gross N1P/S Heat Cad C. NA'IS Heat I 6 13A1tas 0.143 -rre 4A0 219 0 0 0 0 0: 0 0 0 - G 10A m 1.670 _ ne 4676 4295 0 0 0 0` 0. 0 0 0 r G %rlom 1270 :rre 3556 43.03 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 13A-0ocs 0.143 se 4.00 2-19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IA-rlom 1270 se 3556 4128 0 0 0 0 0 0 I—G 1Bt1frn 1.130 se 31.64 2450 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 II -DD 11D0 0.390 as 10.92 1034 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 V� 13A4as 0.143 ;av 4A0 219 0 0 0 0 32 28 112 61 {—C 4A-rlom 12M i3w, 3558 W.M 0 0r 0 0 4 1 142 153 t—� 1At1om 127.0 SW ... 56 '' 3995 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13A4= 0.143 rw 4.00 2.19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IA-rlom 1270 rnv 3556 43.03 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C lA-r1om 16B 19ad 1270 0049 rw 35M 137 43.03 ..:'1245 0 12 0 1 16 :- . 29 ; : 24 . 24 33 59 F 22A-W 0.989 - 27.69 .. , 0.00 ... 12 _ 0 0 0 24 4 ill 0 6 0) AED excursion -1 49 Enelopeloss/gain 161 29 - 398 1 322 12 a) Infiltration 0 0 63 17 b) Roomeentilation 0 0 0 0 13 Internal gains: Oavpards@ 230 0 0 0 0 AppliancerJother 0 0 Subtotal (lines 6 to 13) 16 29 461 339 Ley, caa.-mzu iva<i 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lesstrander Redistribution 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 Subtotal 16 29 461 339 15 Ductloads 35% 390A 6 11 35% 39% 162 133 Total mom load 22 40 1 623 1 473 Air required (dm) 1 2 - - - 32 21 WgrtSrite®Urioersa1201919.021 RSU08101 ACCN_.ts\WdgttsoftHVACftlissaModel ll-MASTERnp Cale=M,8 FrortDoorfaces: E 18.4635 Page 3 XIL_ wrightsoft, Right-M Worksheet Job: rF Date: Entire House By. Quick CaIcs, Inc. 317 St Lude Lane, Fort Pierce, FL 34946 Phone: 772-466-6799 Email: qLidralcs@aol=m i Room name Master Bath Laundry 2 E>posed vd] 11D ft 0 1 3 Room height 8D ft heaVcool 8.0 ft head> 1 4 Room dimensions 1 D x 195.0 ft 6.0 x 9.0 ft 5 Room area 195.0 f12 54.0 fF Ty Construction U-Value Or HTM Area (fF) Load Ara (ft) Load number (Btuhff-*F) or pertmeki (111) or perimeter (ft) (131uh) Heat cd c,,. NIPS Hat Cool Gross, I N/PS Het C .1 6 ILS 13AA= 0.143 ADD :w; .2.19 ''..'Cl �;O.'. < .. 0 '0 0 :. :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 laA-m 1 j1WO 4M .0 0" 1A-dorn 100 Jid 35M :�'! 43JD3 0 :0 0 0 .0 0 0 13A4ocs 0.143 se 4.00 Z19 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1Aq1orn 1*270 so 35,55 4128 0 0 0 0 0 0 18-rlfm 1.130 se 31.64 24.50 0 0 0 0 0 Oro 0 1100 0.390 se 10.92 10.34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 VL2 13AAm 0.143,,isw 4.W 2.10 W -�- , - 79: - 316 173 0 0 0 0 1A41om 11270.15 0' 0 W 0 0 0 0 IA-rlom 1270 P. 35M .:;--i3995!*:: 9 ­2 360, 0 a 0 0 13AAocs 0.143 rw 4.00 Z19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IIA-riorn 1270 rw 35.56 43.03 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 lArrom 1270 nw 35.56 43.03 0 0 0 C 1613-119ad om ..195 ::478 1% 54 74 132 F 22w 0.989 27.69 0.00 w 195 AR, 11 305 j .0 54 0 0 0 61 c) AED excursion 961 1 -19 Envelope loss/gain 1209 1106 74 113 12 a) Infiltration 173 46 0 0 b) Room venfilation 0 0 0 0 13 Internal g2ira 0—pants@ 230 1 230 1 230 Appliancesiother 0 500 Subtotal (lines 6 to 13) 1382 13831 1 74 843 L .0= wagmal 19*0 Lesstransfer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Redistribution 0 0 0 0 14 Subtotal 1382 1383 74 843 15 Ductloads a 391A 485 544 351/6 399161 26, 331. Total room load 18 927 151 A 100 1175 Air required (cfrn) 967 86 51 52 Calculations approved bYACCAto meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. 2021 -Mal 18.46.35 Mgft-SLitLSLkiwrsa]201919.0.21RSL)08101 A& Page4 _.ts\Wr1gNsoft HVAQWlissa Model 11 -MASTERrW Calc= M FrontDoorfaoes: E - wrightsoft^ Right-M Worksheet Job: Entire House Date: By. Quick Calcs, Inc. 317 St Line Lane, Fort Pierce, FL 34946 Ptore: 772.4665799 Email: gUdd alrs@aclxom 1 Room name Bath Dining Room 2 End wall 0 it 22D ft 3 Room height 8.0 1t heatbW 8.0 It heaVax 4 Room dimensions 5A x 9D ft 14.0 x 8.0 It 5 Room area 45.0 fF 112D ff Ty (T) or Load T) open (meter Load umber (BtuhAF-*F) iBtuhAi� pen meter (ft) (Bhrh) (it) (Bluh) 6 13A-0ods 10A-m IA-rlom 13A-0as 1A•r'lom I—G 1 11D1DO W� 13A4as IA -Morn lAtloin 1t--GG 1A-r1om 1A-rlom C 16B-19ad F 22A-tpl Heat Cool Gross NIPS Heat Cool Gros NIPS Heat 0.143 'ite ":400 i 219 0 0 _,.0 :', 0 ,.: 64 44 175 1b70.r;rie 46178 ;4295 0. 0 .0 0 Z0 0. 954 1270 :xf10 .. 3558 .. ,:'43JD3 0 , , 0 .:•:: 0 0 0 '0 0.143 se 4.00 Z19 0 0 0 0 0 1270 se 3556 4128 0 0 0 0 0 1.130 se 31.64 2450 0 0 0 0 0 0.390 se 10.92 10.34 0 0 0 .0 0 0143 w .. 4A0 219 ... 0 0 0 0; ., 0. 1270 ''sw 3556 , 3829 0 0 0 0 ... 0 1270 sw ;35 5fi 3995 0 0 0 0 0 0.143 rev 4.00 2.19 0 0 0 0 112 1270 rend 35.56 43A3 0 0 0 0 30 1270 rtw 35M 43.03 0 0 0 0 0 0049 :;`:r 437 . ;245 "i45 a" 45 ;` V :: .. 110 :•:, 112 0.989 - 27.69 000 45 0 0 0 112 f 0 0 0 95 87.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 179 1291 0 274 0 61 0) AED e=auson -c 1 Envelope loss/gain 62 108 3286 2861 12 a) Infiltration 0 0 347 93 b) Roornventlation 0 0 0 0 13 Internal gains 0-pants@ 230 0 0 1 230 Appliancesb?w 0 0 Subtotal(lines 6to13) 1 62 108 3633 3184 Lo;mcmmei load 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 L�tansfer Redistribution 0 0 0 0 14 Sublotal 62 108 3633 3184 15 Dudloads 35% 3MA 22 42 35% 399/6 1275 1252 Total room load 83 150 4908 4436 Air required (clm) 4 7 249 198 Calculations approved b ACCAto meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. wrightsoFt' 2021 -Mal 18:4635 _ RigkStite®Uriversal201919.021 RSt108101 Page 5 _.1siWrigtisoftWACWlissaModel ll-MASTERnp Calc=MJ8 FrontDoorhaces E - - - wrirghtsoft" Right-J® Worksheet Jab: Entire House By. By. Quick Calcs, Inc. 317 St Line Lars, Fort Pierce, FL 34946 Phore:772-466-6799 Email: qudwdlcs@aolmm 1 Room name Kitchen Living Room 2 Exposed wall 0 ft 14.0 ft 3 Room height 8.0 ft healkod 8.0 ft 4 Room dimensions 1.0 x 216D ft 18.0 x 19.0 ft 5 Room area 216.0 ftz 3420 iF Ty Construction U-value Or HTM Area (1F) Load Area (ft) Load number (BhrhlR'-°P) (BIuhAF) or Perimeter (ft) (Bhih) or Perimeter (8) (Bhrh) Heat Cool Cross NAS Heat Cod Grass I NIPIS Heat I C ol 6 V�l�C 13A-0as 0143 ;ne 4A0 219 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10Afn 1.6T0 :ice 467fi 4295 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 4 G 1A r1om 1270 rw 3556 43D3 : 0 0 .0 0 0. 0 0 0 13AAocs 0.143 se 4.00 , 2.19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 1A-r1om 1270 se 3556 412.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1B-Mfm 1.130 se 31.64 24.50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ILS 1100 13A -0ou5 0.390 0.143 se, . 10.92 :4A0 10,34 219 0 0 0 0 0 0 ': 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 D 1A rtom 127p.. ex 3556 3629 0 0 0 0 0' O 0: 0 1A41om 1270 sw m 3925 0 0 0 0 0' 0 0 0 13A4ocs 0.143 rw 4.00 2.19 0 0 0 0 112 97 388 212 1A-r1om 1270 rnv 35.56 43.03 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 533 0 645 C 1A-r1om 1613-19ad 1270 0.049 nw : _ 3556 - ; 137 43.03 U5 :: 0 216 . 0 .., 216 :: 996 ;' 529 ;' ; ' ' '342 . 342 469 838 F 22A4pl 0.989 27.69 0.00 216 0 0 0 342 14 388 0 6 c) AED excursion -67 143 ErnRlopelosslgain 296 462 1779 1838 12 a) Infiltration a 0 221 59 b) Roomventlaton 0 0 0 0 13 Internal gains Omupants@ 230 2 460 2 460 Appliances'other 2000 900 Subtotal (lines 6 to 13) 296 2922 1999 3257 Lese#emalload 0 0 0 0 Less transfer 0 0 0 0 Redistribution 0 0 7 13 14 Subtotal 296 2922 2D07 3270 15 Dudloads 351/6 39% 104 1149 35°A 39% 704 1286 Total room load 400 4072 2711 4556 - Airrequired (dm) 20 181 138 203 Calculations approved b ACCAtD meet all requirement of Manual J 8th Ed. • -F�.f- wrAQtlatsoft^' 2021-MaF18:46:31RghtSuit�Lkiversa1201919.021RSW8101 .,,, ACCK ...ts1Wr1ghlsoftWACIMelissa Model 11-MAS7ERny Cale=MJ8 FroriDwrie= E - - wrightsoft^ Right-JO Worksheet o : Entire House By. Quick Calcs, Inc. 317 St Lurie Lane, Fort Pieroe, FL 34946 Phone: 772-466-8789 Email: qudccalcs@aolxom 1 Room name Foyer Bedroom 2 2 Exposed well 5.0 ft 8.0 ft heaNmd 20D ft 8.0 ft h 3 4 Room height Room dimensions 5.0 x 11D ft 15.0 x 16.0 ft 5 Room area 55.0 tF 240.0 fF Ty um Cons1ructi� (13tuKR-7) (BWhAF) oPeri(meter 01) (Bhrh) or perimeter (ft) Load (fth) 6 13440cs I-- 1 1--G 1A-rla410 m 13A-4ocs 11 IA -Morn 1T3-Mfm 11DO 1A 1-r10mdom IA-rlom 13A-40cs IA-rlom 1A-Mom C 16B-19ad F 22A-tpl 10,92 Heat Cool I Gross NIPS Heat Cool Cross NIP/. Heat 0143 de 4A0 219 0 0 0 0 0: 0 0 1b70 ;(19 4676 4295 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1270 ,rie :';43A3 0 0 0 0.143 se 4.00 219 40 13 51 28 120 105 420 1270 se 35M 4128 0 0 0 0 15 2 533 1.130 se 31.64 24.50 7 7 215 167 0 0 0 1034 20 20 223 211 0 01 0 0.390 0143 se sw '.,4A0 219 0 0 0 40 , 1270 9At Y 3556 3829 0 0 0 0 0 1270 'sw ' : ' 3556 3995 : 0 0 0:; 0 . '. 0.1 0.143 rw 4.00 Z19 0 0 0 0 0 1270 rw 35.56 43.03 0 0 0 0 0 1270 rw 35.56 43.03 0 0.. 0 0 .. 0 0": 137 , ,_r.2A5 : 55 55 ... ;, 75 0.969 27.69 0.00 55 .. 5 138 0. 240 0 0 0 0 0 0 240 329 . . 20 554 0 230 619 0 0 88 0 0 0 0 0 6 c) AED exauson 1 -131 1 1 74 Envelopeloss/gain 703 528 1997 1599 12 a) Infiltration 79 21 315 84 b) Room ventilation 0 0 0 0 13 Internal9ains Occupants@ 230 0 0 2 460 Applianceslotlier 0 0 SubbW (li.6 to 13) 782 Sol 1 2312 2143 Less e7Zmal load o 0 O 0 0 0 Lesstrander Redistribution 0 0 7 13 14 Subtotal 782 549 2320 2156 15 Ductloads 35% 39'/a • 274 216 35°k 39% 814 848 Total room load 1056 764 3133 3003 Air required (dm) 54 34 159 134 _ wrYghtsotFt" - 2021-M.118:46:35 PogttSute®Umersal201919.021 RSU08101 I Page 7 tgWdghisoftWACV&IissaModel 11-MAS'TERnp Colo =MJ8 Front Door faces: E ^ �^ ^ Lew external load Total room load 248 Cal culabons approved byACCA to meet all requirements cyf Manual J 8th Ed. ' -- wrightsofi^ Flight-J® Worksheet Jab: Entire House By. By. Quick Calcs, Inc. • 317 St Lucie Lane, Fort Pierce, FL 34946 Phone: T72r166-6799 Email: qudmalcs@aol=m 1 2 3 4 5 Room name Exposed wall Room height Room dimensions Room area Bedroom 3 27.0 ft 8.0 ft heaftol 1A x 174.0 ft 174.0 it' Hail 0 ft 8.0 ft 4D x 8.0 it 32.0 iF Ty Construction number U-value (BluhAt'-`q Or HTM (Btuhlll Area (ft) or Patimeler (tU Load (Bluh) Area (T) or Perimeter (it) Load (Bhih) Heat Cool I Gross NIPIS Heat Cod Gross NOS Heat 6 11 yyylll {L--Cip Vjl I--G t 11A-rlom C F 13A-0as 10Atn 1A-rian 13A4ors IA -Morn 1B-r'lhn 11DO 13A-0as 1At1om 1Arlom 13A-0ocs 1Aitom 1fi&19ad 22A4pl 0143 1.670 1270. 0.143 1270 1.130 0" 0143 1270 127D 0.143 1270 1270 0.049 0289 ne ine 'no3556 se se se Be eiw 'av sw_ rmv nw rw - . -_. 400 4576 4.00 3656 31.64 10.92 440 3556 3556 4.00 35.56 3556 137 .. 2769 219 4295 ,.43D3 2.19 4128 24.50 10.34 219 3829 ,. 3995 Z19 43.03 43.03 245 000 :96 0 . 15 120 0 0 _ 0 0 :' 0 0. 0 0 0 �.174 .. 174 81 0 0 120 0 0 . „.. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 174 27 324 0 533 480 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 _`; 239 748 177 0 645 263 0 0 , . 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 .! .426 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ` :., `,32' .... 32 0 0 .." 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 78 0 6 c)AEDexrursion 1 -47 -2 Envelope lossrgain 2325 1465 44 77 12 a) Infittration 425 114 0 0 b) Room ventilation 0 0 0 0 13 Intannalgains: Occupants@ 230 2 460 0 0 Appliancesbther 0 0 Subtotal (lines 6to13) 1 2750 2039 44 77 Less eVemalload 0 0 0 0 Lessransfer 0 0 0 0 Redistribution 7 13 -44 -77 14 Subtotal 2757 2052 0 0 15 Ductloads WA 39°i6 967 807 359/6 399/a 0 0 —7— Total mom load 3189 2127&58 0 0 Air required (dm) 89 27 0 0 Calculations approved b ACCAto meet all requirements of Manual J ft Ed. -4dF- we-YgFai�.ofe- 2021-Ma 18:46:35 _ A&k Rigk-Sute@Universal 201919.021 RSU08101 Page 10 ts\Wrigfi3oftHVACV&IissaMOdelll-MAS7ERnp Calc=MJB FrortDoarfaces: E rM -�+- >�.rlrightsoft Duct System Summary Job: : Entire House By. Quids Calcs, Inc. 317 St Lie Lane, Fort Pierce, FL 34946 PFnre:772-466-6799 Email: qudwalm@iaol com For. Melissa Model 11 Port St. Lucie, FL 34983 External static pressure Pressurelosses Available static pressure Supply return available pressure Lowest friction rate Actual airflow Total effective length (TEL) Heating 0.50 in H2O 0 in H2O 0.50 in H2O 0250 / 0250 in H2O 0.248 in/100ft 1500 dm 202 ft Cooling 0.50 in H2O 0 in H2O 0.50 in H2O 0.250 / 0250 in H2O 0248 in/100ft 1500 dm Name Design (Btuh) Htg (dm) Cig (dm) Design FIR Diam (in) H x W (in) Duct Mat Actual Ln (ft) Ftg.Fgv Ln (ft) I runk Bath c 150 4 7 0.403 4.0 OxO MR 9.0 115.0 Battroom c 222 6 10 0254 4.0 OxO VIFx 41.9 155.0 Bedroom 2 h 3133 159 134 0.386 8.0 OxO VIFx 14.7 115.0 Bedroom3 h 2858 189 127 0 0 OxO VIFx 0 0 Bedroom h 3880 197 146 0254 8.0 OxO MR 41.6 155.0 Diring Room h 4908 249 198 0294 9.0 OxO VIFx 35.1 135.0 7 Foyer h 1056 54 34 0.384 5.0 Ox 0 MR 15.3 115.0 1 KihierFA c 4072 20 181 0.304 8.0 OxO MR 29.7 135.0 7 Landry C 1175 5 52 0.402 5.0 OxO MR 9A 115.0 Ci Living Room -A c 4556 138 203 0297 8.0 OX 0 VIFX 332 135.0 7 Master Bath h 1867 95 86 0.369 6.0 Ox0 MR 20.6 115.0 Master BedroORFA c 5781 254 257 0.333 9.0 OX 0 MR 35.0 115.0 t2 Party c 40 1t 2t .390 4.0 OxO VIFx 13.0 115.0 Toilet h 623 3221.359 4.0 OXO VIFX 24A 115.0 wlcl h 678 313.350 4.0 OxO VIFx 27.8 115.0 wtcz c 157 7.353 4.0 Ox0 VIFx 26.E 115wlc3 h 565 211295 4.0 OxO MR34.7 135.0wlC4 h 565 211248 4.0 OxO VIFx 46.8 155.0 Name Trunk Type Htg (dm) Gg (dm) Design FIR Veloc (fpm) Diam (in) H x W (in) Duct Material Tru ik st5 PeakAVF 232 167 0248 525 9.0 0 x 0 VinlFlx s4 st4 PeakAVF 261 178 0248 591 9.0 0 x 0 VinlFix S.1 st1 PeakAVF 474 346 0248 443 14.0 0 x 0 VinlFlx st7 PeakAVF 407 582 0294 544 14.0 0 x 0 VinIFIX st3 PeakAVF 418 642 0294 601 14.0 0 x 0 VinlFlx s12 PeakAVF 419 384 0.333 534 12.0 0 x 0 VinlFlx Grille Htg Clg Tl3 Design Veloc Diam H x W Stud/Joist Dud Name Size (in) (dm) (dim) (ft) FIR (fpm) (in) (in) Opening (in) Mat Tink rb1 Ox0 1500 1500 0 0 0 0 Ox 0 MR