HomeMy WebLinkAboutFDEP ApprovalJAN 11 =7
Floyd Grigsby
903'Jacksori Way
Fort Pierce, FL 34949
Re: File No.: 56-0189358-005
'File Name: Grigsby, Floyd
Dear W. Grigsby:....
On December 15, 2006, we
Florida Department of
Environmental Protection
Port St. Lucie Branch Office
1801.5E Hilhwor Drive, Suite C-204
Port St Lucie, FL 34952
Fax # (772)398-2815
exemption to Pei
Waters ofthe State, adjacent to 903 Jackson Way, (Section 23, Township 34
Lucie County (Latitude 27° 29' 57.83" N, Longitude 80' 18' 12.36" W).
Charlie Cast
Jeff TCottkamp
Lt. Governor
Michael W. Sole
Secretary - Designee
( -.
the following activities ' install a
d in a manmade canal, Class 11
4 Mange 40 East), Fort Pierce, St.
Your application has been reviewed to determine whether it qualifies for any of three kinds of authorization that
may be necessary for work in wetlands or'waters of the United States. The kinds of authorization are (1) regulatory
authorization, (2) proprietary authorization (related to state-owned submerged lands), and (3) federal authorization.
Tire authority for review and the outcomes of the reviews are listed below. Please read each section carefully. Your
project may, not have qualified for all three forms of authorization If your project did not qualify for one or more of
the authorizations, refer to *.specific section dealing with that authorization for advice on hoar to obtain it.
L. Regulatory Re vieW. E7�1
The Department has the authority to review your project under Part 1V of Chapter. 373, Florida Statutes (F.S.), Title
62, Florida'Administiative Code (F.A:C.), and in accordance with operating agreements executed between the
Department and the water management districts, as referenced in Chapter 62-113; F-A.C.
Based on the infoi-oration you submitted, we have determined that your project is exempt from the need to obtain a
DEP Environmental Resource Permit under Rule 40EA051(3)(a),Y.A.C.
2, Proprietary Review (related to state-owned lands). — NO ()UIIZI;D
The Department acts as. staff to the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund (Board of Trustees)
and issues certain authorizations for the use of sovereign submerged lands. The Department has the authority to
review your project under Chapters 253 and 258, F.S., Chapters 18-20 and 18-21, F,A,C., and Section 62-343.075,
Your project will not occur on sovereign submerged rand. Therefore, pursuant to Chapter 253.77, F,$.,
autharizaiion,from the Board of Trustees is not required.
3. Federal Review (State Programmatic General permit).—.GRAIMTE
Federal authorization forr the proposed project is reviewed by DEP pursuant. to an agreement between.the
Departmett and the. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps). The agreement is outlined in a document titled
G'oordination Agreement Between°the U.S.'Armmy Corps ofkngineers and the Plorfda'Department of Environmental
Protection. State Programmatic, Ron eraY Permit, Section 1 D of the 12iyers and Harbor Act of 1899 and Section 404 of
the G'lean,;WaterAet.
"More Promotion, Less Process"
WWW' lep.state flats PY
File Name: Grigsby, Floyd
FDEP File No.: 56-0199358.005
Page 2
Your project has been reviewed for compliance with a State Programmatic General Permit (SPGP). As shown on
the attached drawings, the proposed project is consistent with the SPGP program The attached Corps general
conditions apply to your project.�N4 —b herpmmittuig fdt this-actiVit`y'ts requtred by the Ccips.
The determinations in this letter are based solely on the information provided to the Department and on the statutes
and rules in effect when the application was submitted. The determinations are effective only for the specific
activity proposed. These, determinations shall automatically expire if site conditions materially change or if the
governing statutes or rules are amended. In addition, any substantial modifications in your plans should be
submitted to the Department for review, as changes may result in a permit being required. In any event,
C4eaermrnation sh-dll expire -after -one -yeah
This letter does not relieve you from the responsibility of obtaining other permits (federal, state, or local) that may
be required for the project. ` .
This letter acknowledges that the proposed activity is exempt from E" permitting requirements under Rule 40E-
4.051(3)(a), F.A.C..This determination is final and effective on the date filed with the Clerk ofthe Department
unless a sufficient petition for an administrative hearing is timely filed under sections 120,569 and 120.57 of the
Florida Statutes as provided below. If a sufficient petition for an administrative hearing is timely filed, this ,
determination automatically becomes only proposed agency action subject to the result of the administrative review
process. Therefore, on the filing of a timely and sufficient petition, this action will not be final and effective until
further order of the Department. The procedures for petitioning for a hearing are set forth in the attached notice.
Be advised that your neighbors and other parties who may be substantially affected by the proposed activity allowed
under this determination of exemption have a right to request an administrative hearing on the Department's
decision that the proposed activity qualifies for this exemption. Because the administrative hearing process is
designed to redetermine final agency action on the application, the filing of a petition for an administrative hearing
may result in a final determination that the proposed activity is not, authorized under the exemption established under
Rule 40B 4.051(3)(a), F.A.C.
The Department will not publish notice of this determination. Publication of this notice by you is optional and is not
required for you to proceed. However, in the event that an administrative hearing is held and the Department's
determination is reversed, proceeding with the proposed activity before the time,period for requesting an
administrative hearing has expired would mean that the activity was conducted without the required peninit.
If you wish to limit the time within which all substantially affected persons may request an administrative hearing,
you may elect to publish, at your own expense, the enclosed notice (Attachment A) in the legal advertisement
section of a newspaper of general circulation in the county where the activity is to take place. A single publication
will suffrcc.
For the purposes of publication, a newspaper of general 'circulation means a newspaper meeting the requirements of
sections 50.011 and 50.031 of the Florida Statutes. In the event you do publish this notice, within seven days of
publication, you must provide to the following address proof of publication issued by the newspaper as provided in
section 50.051 of the Florida Statutes. If you provide direct written notice to any person as noted above,you must
provide to the following address a copy of the direct written notice.
Florida Department of Environmental protection
Southeast District Branch Office
Submerged Lands & EnvironrnentaI Resources Program
1801 SE Hillmoor Dr., Suitc C-204
Pile Name: Grigsby, Floyd
PDEP File No.: 56-0189358-005
Page 3
If you have any questions, please contact Melinda Kohlmyer at (772)398-2806 or at
Melinda.Kohlmyer@dep.state.fl.u$. When referring to your project, please use the FDEP file name and number
listed above.
Sin rel
Eric hea at
Florida Department ofFnviromnental Protection
Southeast District ]Branch Office
Enclosures: Federal Manatee Conditions, Federal General Conditions for SPOP IV and Transfer Request
Attachment A- Notice of Determination of Qualification for,Exemption
cc: USACOF — palm Beach Gardens EricG.Reusch@u ggjQZ.usace.army.mil (without enclosures)
Dave Serhal, Marine Permitting, Inc. FAX: 772.464-3789 (Agent) (without enclosures]
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Floyd Grigsby Des0i � Drawrngby.- DS Sheet T of 3
930 Jackson Way � Madne.permitfing Inc Date: 12ilaas
a~ 816 S.e Simi
Fort Pierce, FL. 34949 IF
-_ Fort Pieme FL. 34950
Ph(772)464.3789 /Fax (772)464-3789
Existing, permitted dock
Man-made Cana!
Cana! MW 70' +/-
Ebb f Flood
a -a
Proposed 12' x 167
Boatli#t within
are existing mooring area
Floyd .Grrgsby
930 Jackson Way
Fort Pierce, FL. 34949
40' -7
Existing, Permit W dock arrd saaiaaN
Dodo & Dfawfv by. • DS Scale: PUTS
Sheet 2 of 3
r Marine permitting Inc Da 92/93f08
816 S. 8m Street
Fart ReMe FL. 34950
Ph(772) 4W789 {Fax (772}4W789
- Floyd Gflgsby D�e�n & &s scads: TUTS
by: ns Sheet 3 of 3
930 Jackson WayMarine permitting Inc Date: 42I1WB
ale S. am street
Fdit Pierce, FL. 34949 = ton Pierce Ft. 34950
Pb(772)464,3789IFax (772)4M789