HomeMy WebLinkAbout179 SE Placita CT - RNoCMICHELLE R. MILLER, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4936258 OR BOOK 4700 PAGE 2471, Recorded 10/11/2021 04:39:55 PM AFTER RFCORDrN R , r ,'R\ :O: PERMIT N1_19BFR: NOT ICI­0,11 CONI-NIENCEMENT The undersigned here.)v g'l ., notice ..at ;rnp,t i h nlad to certain real property, and in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida Statutes, the lo'.[ i morn itwn i, r c i I s ,n is Nctic- of COmnlencenrent. 1. DESCRIPrION OF PROI'LF 1 Irn .�..m,u tm t- Im , strcef redhess a%ailable) TAX FOLK NO.: '� `006^9T SUBDIVISION _ ::SOCx LO'F_ X/� BLDG. - I -NIT — I. GENFRU. DESCRIPTION Or ItIPRUI I It CCU , _wcios\-�s6clu tc 1�S f1t1� - -- - 3. OWNER INFORNL4T I0 OR., .5ra I\, RM .ION It: rEll RA( TED FOR THE IMPROVEMENT: a. Name and address: Brittany A.dorno 179 SE laeita Ct pert St. Lucie FL 34983 b_ Interest in properiv c Name and address t fc s ^, ....� ;o:mar t, ei a. CONvrnwrotrsN:t1_F,. US 5',31ar FL Contractor's addressai �` _ b Phone number I SURETY 6fappheal , acop :h,p� : a. Name and address: b. Phone number_ 6. a. LENDER'S NANIF.: Lenders address. ?m,unt ofbond: £ b. Phone number: 7. Persons within the l in la br,atc by p rn ,� oni notices or ether documents maybe served as provided by Section 713.13 (1} (a)'., Fiore;.: zt res a. Name and address: b. Phone numbers of design: iad 8. a. In addition to nt r sclfor')c,se11. ) .er dca rate, of to receive a copy of the Li: nor , Not .ts pro,. ,d o in ' e ,ion 71.3 i 3 ; 1) (11)) Florida Statutes. b. Phone number of p rsc r 9. Expiration date of notice (n ,x S dale v, year from the date of recording unless a different date is specified): WARNING TO OR Nh,2.._^. s i P AVN: r " FXPL2ATION OF THE NOTICF, OF CO\I\IFNCF\iENl' ARE CONSIDERED AiPROri,7. i_AYV'I RT L SECTION 713.13, FLORIDA S"hA1C 1ES AND CAN RESULT IN YOUR PAINCr I 1 _C h-Q VPROm r \ iN fS 1 ` A NO T ICE OP COV ,1,11,NC I \1I.N"F MUS'P BL RECORDED AND POST Fib ON 1.11- 10 _.31 �Il. ;ST IWP_,C 170N IF YO( INTEND TO OBT:�I\ I INANCING. C ONSi;I_'P \V']T}1YOURt.ENDEROR.,\.m,1CIsAr.. r.�!rIs. C�):�d\,.At'1NG'lOil{ORRE.CORDINGYOURNO'r10EOFCO\1D4ESCEA4ENT. ond&n y, o-q,&7wn , If7fa 7facfb9d26 9a55e c9r& :b e r f .ate Brittany Adorno ���,,�� - —_ ----- - l�ri�j (Signature of Owner or Lessee, r i}�� ner s or L se 's Print Name and Provide Signatory's Title/Office) Authorized Officerft7ireetor;Tzirtc:er,'F:l nri;;r} State of - County olisaA, Ilvckt The foregoing insuun nt �� p ac.__.cs r �: e: o .a of phv ic,l presence or 0 online notarization, thua-541_ da/ oi''�L7` ( '(�h/o _ __ q p ` �Ar `1 \v V an s mere o"author v, .e.g. officer. trustee. attornev in fact for�= (name of par \ 1 i e,tcS C , Personally Known o Prodiicc u.fication Produced_— �� . KAYLIE MADISON GROBEN c/ G. Notary Pubuc State of Florida Commission = HH 0978 •.9 My Comm. Expires Feb 25. 2025 Bonded through National Notary Assn. Rev. 10-15-1 f� r-inure of N.tary Public) Stamp Commissioned Name of'Notary Public)