HomeMy WebLinkAbout30 day power releaseL71 7­ Planning".&..Dtiveloi)me..O-t��--services Building & Code- Regulation Division 4/1 2300 Virginia. -Ave, Fort- Pierce, FL .34982. ' 772462-2165 Fax -7-72 462-6443 .Request for 30-D.ay-Tqmporary Power Release 11 /16/2017 Date.: Permit Number, 1704-0266 ie34982Project-Address! 41915.Seagrape Drive, Ft Pi rce, FL 1 THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REQUEST RELEASE OF -ELECTRICAL POWER70 THE AE PROP ERTY,: FOR A PEkIOD.N0T_T0 EXCEEC(THIRTY,(30) DAYS, OR�THE PURPOSE AND -EQUIPMENT IN PREPARATION FORA -FINAL INSPECTION. 'IN.CONSIDERAT[Ot REQUEST WE"HEREBYACkNOWLEDGE AND AGREE ASfOLLOWS: 1. This;temporary porar, power release is requested.for the above slated purpose only, 6n( occupancy of iny-typej other tha'n: that permiftedty'co v ristruction.d4',ring'this time 2. As W0* by - our -sipa-tdies, we hereby agree to abide by all ter insland conditicir, irdudhg Suildin,_Divi i-on P Iicy, which is incorporated herei b n : y r erence. 3. All cond itions end- requirements -listed in the attached docyrrik entitled -Requirer Power -for Testing' have -been fulfilled and the premise is ready-r,or compliance ins 4. All requests for an extension, beyond 30.days must be made in, writing to the Builc the season for the -re -quest. Power may be removed:,from the site and/or a StopVI the,Rnal"InsDection has -not been approved Within 30 d ci $100.00 pys, Afee' Will the. Stop Work Order: )VE DESCRIBED- )FTESTINGSYSTEMS. OFAPPROVAL*OF-THE' will:be no - of this agreement; !nts for 30,Day rig OM cipl-smil , no ork Orderisgued if be- required t6- lift WE,,HEREBY,REL-,EASEAND-AGREE TO HOLD HARMLESS,--S-T. LUCIE COUNTY, AND THEIR EMPLOYEES FROM ALL LIABILITIESAND CLAIMS OF ANY TYPE: OF -NATURE WHICH "MAY NOW Ok IN THE'FUT OFTHISTRANSACTION,' INCLUDING ANY � DAMAGE WHICH.. MAY BE r INCURRED I DUE TO -THE DI-$CQNNECTION-OFELECTRI,AL,POWER,,,IN.TH E-EVENTIOFVIOLAft6N, OF THIS AdREEMENT.