HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement JOSEPH E . SMITH, CLERK OF THE COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4299994 OR BOOK 398 PAGE 60, Recorded 04/21/201 11 : 49: 16 AM AI''rLlt il;('UItDING-Rnijnh:l'u:. h,t APR 2 7 2017 PER."AIT ING PhRMUNI)MULR:_-.---- --- St. Lucie GOLInty, i=L NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT I'he undeTsitmed hereby gives notice that iulplovemer.l will he made to ccriair real property;and in accordance with Chapter 713, Flnridl Stanncs•the following information is pruvided it)this Notice of Commlicnceincm. 1. uC5(:RIP IION of PROPERTY(LeSd descriptinn of the prop",R•street address,i'mnitahlel I':\R In)I.KI s).: SIInDI1`ISIOV _BLOCK TRAC I' LOT _HI I1G t'�1-,- Q���r.�aik-Lla+a1-�•&Ik_�.Sto�13�rI4ap 8 'b5 d231,8'�1-Z� 7�y E l�rlrrc� tfrs� �/�'! !.GENRRAT.DrSCRIP-rioN,OF l\IPRONT-MEi`T: ---- �croo&- !, g1liNF.RfNFUIib`1AT10N OR LI?SSE'E INFOIIAL\'1'IUtNIP'rHl!LrSSPlF.C'USraA(TRI1 r(Ili'/I'jH is IAIPa(1\'I'\Ib:V'I` /� a.Nnmc and acui,css:J6g5�(,/� ���00'Rw 1(IJ� Pf lt'tNl �I�GFY,.♦�j`Va�. PO(i �� _l,uf:.�<I�L 3�a��-- b.Inwr,s!in pfopax y:—yy!he✓ e.Name tine,aAdtm of fee simple til- 1 chhoolder(if n�i\ffettn:finm Ovner limed abave): CONTR,\CTUR'S N:AM J1^,Q+ fPW�Q+�P..�� _ p y 1(4 tI O Cantmeter saddress:6 00 aw(?A^+)!! •(Sd's IIV rt GaM1.(iralalj �a3o,. b.°I,nrc:,no,ber: •• � •�1 ---- i. S11REl"k(ifaPpllmhle.acnpp nfthe payment hand is aacched). n.Name and address:.._.�''� ..._..._. - b.Phone nurnbcr. G.a.Lb:KnkR'S NAM, Leedcr'saddrems: b.Phone number. 7. Persuns ai Ili in file Slate I)rFlurida designated by 0WIlCT upon whrim noticas o.-other documents may be served as prov.dcd by Section 713.13(1)(it)7.,Florida Statutes: a.Name and addrr.•ss: h 1'litrc numbers of dcsimuted persons:.. S.a.ht addition to himselfor herself,Owner designates _ of to receive it copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Sect inn 71_. 3(I)(b).ITorida StaRites. I,Plume nntnber of person m entity derignaled by0m er: 9. Rxpimtinn date ci notice orcmtlmcnccn)cnt(the expiration date may tint be before the coinplcticn ofconstructin and final Payment to the centralctur,but will be I year from the(late orrecnrding unless a differcln elate is specified):__jj 20 \VARN?ING TO OWNER:ANY PAYMENTS MADE,BY THE OWNER AFTER TI I1.FXPIRA'rloN Ol'"r111'.NOTICE OP("O�1bIliN('lillli N'I' ARE CONS:DI RI_D Ail_4ovlili PAYPiENTS-UN7E CY..APTER 713,PART 1,SPCTION 713..13,FLORIDA STATUTE$,AN 1+)'SIiLT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR L11PROl[?dE\TS TO YOCRPROP=RTI'.- 1\OTf(7?Ol C'Gk1V11iNCl\tIiNT MUS7!F: RECORDED AND POSTLD Q\I:1E JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRS_;Itj$_P.LC'TIOK. 11:YOU INTEND-I"O OBTAIN IINAN("ING,CONSI!1:1 WITH YQ[LRI�tiNDER OR AK ATTORNL�_$LLQPE CQ�iI j N(II(3\YORIC OR RLC'C1RDL\(i Y'OVi NO1 WF 0L:(:0,M s41°V(;MI,,N'I% Under penalty ofporjur\'.I declare that I have read the`bregoing notice of commencement Bud that the facts stated Lierein are true to the best of my knonicdge and belief. ; E (Signature of Owner or Lassee,nr Onner's or Lessee's (Print Name and Provide Signatory's Title/Office) . Authorized Officer'Director/Partner/11`I2nageV) state of �L County Or 5f L,,z x-- t The foregoing instrument was acktto\\dedged before me this -_-I day of Ae(I ` .20 by 34 IS T to 1;,etq QD14*vv-_- as ova tn.O r - (noifie rson) (type of zuthnriiy,...c.g.otticer,lNstx,attaitcy in tact) for add 1 f (name of party on behalf of wburr.instrument was executed) Personally Known .,_or Produced tdcatiticatior. C— 'I)pc oi'Icentificetion Pro JOHN B MILLER MY COMMISSION ii FF222716 -- -- - - '�•. (S1'maulrc ul'Nolarp Public) EXPIRES April 21,?.019 rho,'f c or Slam Commissione(I Name ufNumty Pnhlic Rc..al-cl-ll�S.11mr it ItI XjIl O•ba FlorsdaNcla Suvicc.con