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Private Provider
J I .��. Jam.• �' V ��.,.':`" J!i����� Municipal Services Construction Inspection and Plan Review Expert Testimony PRO VATE PROVIDER CERTIFICATE of INSPECTION COMPLIANCE JURISDICTION: iQt PERMIT#: 4— INSPECTION JOB ADDRESS: i PROJECT/OWNER NAME: GENERAL.CONTRACTOR: INSPECTOR: 's u-k� �-t' t 7�—i PRONE#: I 1 INSPECTION PERFORMED INSPECTION CODE INSPECTION RESULT I INSPECTION SUMMARY/COMMENTS: ! I I To the best of my knowledge and belief,as authorized under Florida Statute 553.791 Private Provider,the building components and site improvements outlined herein and inspected under my authority have been completed in conformalnce with the currently adopted codes in effect,and the associated plans and documentation as permitted,by the governing authority.In the event of a conflict between the codes in effect and the permitted documents,the more restrictive requirements have been applied.Signature below affirms qualification under s.553.791 F.S.to provide the inspection services ated her ' ,that the inspections indicated herein were performed in person and conducted in accordance with the applica l codesI in effect nd als prescribed by the local authority having jurisdiction. J Printed Name—Architect/Engineer/Inspector gi;ature— chitect/Engineer/Inspector " PRIVATE PROVIDER INFORMATION Firm:Tew&Taylor,Inc. Address:3595.County Rd.,Palm Beach,FL.33414 Phone:561-366-0100 Fax:561-366-0107 E Mail:tewandtaylor.com Qualifier:Steven M.Elias License#:AK 615053 Insurance:Commercial General Liability—0185FL0023322-04 I I i 359 South County Road, Suite 201 F Palm Beach, Florida 33480 1 I�����. D Office: 561.366.0100 Fax: 561.366.0107 Email: info@tewandtaylor.com�/ I ' ai i JL Municipal Services Construction Inspection and Plan Review Expert Testimony PRIVATE PROVIDER CERTIFICATE of INSPECTION COMPUANAre JURISDICTION: PERMIT M 2 0�y C3 ¢ INSPECTION DATE% t04--,,kV-1 JOB.A►DDRESS: Le PROJECT/OWNER'NAME: GENERAL CONTRACTOR: INSPECTOR:f!fgftl:w� it _ + PHONE##: -� - Z INSPECTION PERFORMED INSPECTION CODE INSPECTION RESULT I I .�I PECTION SUMMARY/COMMENTS: To the.best of my knowledge and belief,as authorized under Florida Statute 553.791 Private Provider the building components and site improvements outlined herein and inspected under my authority have been completed in conformance with the currently adopted codes in effect,and the associated plans and documentation as permitted,by the governing authority. In the event of a conflict between the codes in effect and the permitted documents,the more restrictive requirements have been applied.Signature below affirms qualification under s.553.791 F.S.to provide the inspection services indicated herein,that the inspections indicated herein were performed in person and conducted-in accordance with t ppli�a�lcaeed 9 s prescribed by the local authority having jurisdiction. Printed'Name—Architect/Engineer/Inspector Signature rchite 'Engineer/Inspector PRIVATE PROVIDER INFORMATION Firm:Tew&Taylor,Inc. Address:359 S.County Rd.,Palm Beach,FL.33414 Phone:!561-366-0100 Fax:'561-366-0107 I Mail:tewandtayior.com Qualifier:Steven M.Elias , License#:AR0015053 Insurance:Commercial General Liability—0185FL0023322-04 359 South County Road, Suite 201 Palm Beach, Florida 33480 Office: 561.366.0100 Fax: 561.366.0107 Email: info@tewandtaylor.com I d I � Municipal Services Construction Inspection and Plan Review Expert Testimony � ; I PRIVATE PROVIDER CERTIFICATE of INSPECTOO� COMPLIANCE JURISDICTION: PERMIT#:1;7VsC - INSPECTION DATE: IG l � a JOB ADDRESS: a C:-- � ---a, I PROJECT/OWNER NAME:: GENERAL CONTRACTOR: I INSPECTOR: PHONE#: -�_.•$�,� .._ " ( C.�'%+ l INSPECTION PERFORMED INSPECTION CODE INSPECTION RESULT I I I I I i I I INSPECTION SUMMARY/COMMENTS: i { y To the best of my knowledge and belief,as authorized under Florida Statute 553.791 Private Provider,the building components and site improvements outlined herein and inspected under my authority have been completed in conformance with the currently adopted codes in effect,and the associated plans and documentation as permitted,by the governing authority.In the event of a conflict between the codes in effect and the permitted documents,the more restrictive requirements have been applied.Signature below affirms qualification under s.553.791 F.S.to provide the inspection services indicated herein,that the inspections indicated herein were performed in person and conducted in accordance with the applicable codesl in effect and as prescribed by the local authority having jurisdiction. Printed Name—Architect/Engineer/Inspector Signatu ':—Ar a rigineer/Inspector PRIVATE PROVIDER INFORMATION Firm:Tew&Taylor,Inc. Address:359 S.County Rd.,Palm Beach,FL.33414 Phone:561-366-0 Fax:561-366-0107 E Mail:tewandtaylor.com Qualifier:Steven M.Elias License#:AR0015053 Insurance:Commercial General Liability—0185FL0023322-04 j I i I 359 South County Road, Suite 201 I Palm Beach, Florida 33480 I Office:561.366.0100 Fax: 561.366.0107 Email: inifo@tewan,dtaylor.com I I � I I I i it r TEW/ LOa . Municipal Services Construction Inspection and Plan Review Expert Testimony 1- R'ROVATE PROVIDER CERTIFOCATE of QNS1PECTIQ6 C®MPLI HCE JURISDICTION: PERMIT#: LIZA 59 ��''1 INSPECTION DATE: i JOB ADDRESS: PROJECT/OWNER NAME: r Isi GENERAL CONTRACTOR: INSPECTOR: @®"4�A:57� Lt --� PHONE#: �I �� a INSPECTION PERFORMED INSPECTION CODE INSPECTI N RESULT I i IN ECTION SUMMARY/COMMENTS: J To the best of my knowledge and belief,as authorized under Florida Statute 553.791 Private Provider,the building components and site improvements outlined herein and inspected under my authority have been completed in conformance with the currently adopted codes in effect,and the associated plans and documentation as permitted,by th`e governing authority.In the event of a conflict between the codes in effect and the permitted documents;the more restrictive requirements have been applied.Signature below affirms qualification under s.553.791 F.S.to provide the inspection services indicated herein,that the inspections indicated herein were performed in person and conducted in accordance with the applicable codes in effect and as prescribed by the local authority having jurisdiction. i Printed Name—Architect/Engineer/inspector Si nature rch .ct/Engineer/Inspector PRIVATE PROVIDER INFORMATION Firm:Tew&Taylor,Inc. Address:359 S.County Rd.,Palm.Beach,FL.33414 Phone:561-366-0100 I Fax:561-366-0107 E Mail:tewandtaylor.com Qualifier:Steven M.Elias License#:AR001505 � Insurance:Commercial General Liability—0185FL0023322-04 � i 1 359 South County Road, Suite 201 Palm Beach, Florida 33480 Office: 561.366.0100 Fax: 561.366.0107 Email: info@tewandtaylm i i TE `r TXYLok I Municipal Services Construction Inspection and Plan Review ,Expert Testimony PRIMATE PROVIDER CERTIFICATE of INSPECTION C MPLIANCE JURISDICTION: Lj5;�415;; 04.0-1 F__ PERMIT#: �"� d 4-- • C� � R,� , NSPECPION DATE: I 1 JOB ADDRESS: ce PROJECT/OWNER NAME: GENERAL CONTRACTOR: I INSPECTOR: `mac' 0 PHONE#: ��t L� • a \ a o INSPECTION PERFORMED INSPECTION CODE IN ECTION RESULT INSPECTION SUMMARY/COMMENTS: � v taws i To the best of my knowledge.and belief,as authorized under Florida Statute 553.791 Private Provider,the building components and site improvements outlined herein and inspected under my authority have been completed in conformance with the currently adopted codes in effect,and the associated plans and documentation as permitted,by the governing authority. In the event of a conflict between the codes in effect and the permitted documents,the more restrictive requirements have been applied.Signature below affirms qualification under s.553.791 F.S.to provide the inspection services indicated herein,that the inspections indicated herein were performed in person and conducted in accordance with the applicable codes in effe an Is prescribed by the local authority having jurisdiction. Printed Name—Architect/Engineer/Inspector Signature—Ar hi, ct/ gineer/Inspector PRIVATE PROVIDER INFORMATION Firm:Tew&Taylor,Inc. Address:359 S.County Rd.,Palm Beach,FL.33414 Phone:561-366-0100 Fax:561-366-0107 E Mail:tewandtaylor.com Qualifier:Steven M. Elias License#:AR0015053 Insurance:Commercial General Liability—0185FL0023322-04 359 South County Road, Suite 201 Palm Beach, Florida 33480 Office: 561.366.0100 Fax: 561.366.0107 Email: info@tewandtaylor.com TEW(�"_'��_-'zTNYLOIF Municipal Services Construction Inspection and Plan Review Expert Testimony PRIVATE PROVIDER CERTIFICATE of INSPECT16N COM LIANCE f JURISDICTION: PERMIT#: V_Ld PECTION DATE: JOB ADDRESS: 1 PROJECT/OWNER NAME: GENERAL CONTRACTOR:C� yk-lePHONE d aINSPECTOR: � # INSPECTION PERFORMED INSPECTION CODE INSPECTION RESULT t c SkLO I I 1 INSPECTION SUMMARY/COMMENTS: i i To the best of my knowledge and belief,as authorized under Florida Statute 553.791 Private Provider,the building components and site improvements outlined herein and inspected under my authority have been.completed in confor T ance with the currently adopted codes in effect,and the associated plans and documentation as permitted,by the governing authority.In the event off a conflict between the codes in effect and the permitted documents,the more restrictive requirements have been applied.Signature below affirms qualification under s.553.791 F.S.to provide the inspection services indicated herein,that the inspections indicated herein were performed in person and conducted in accordance with the applicable.cod s in effect an as prescribed by the local authority having jurisdiction. I 3 Q Printed Name—Architect/Engineer/Inspector S'gn at:u're rchitect/Engineer/Inspector PRIVATE PROVIDER INFORMATION Firm:Tew&TaY lor,Inc. Address:359 S.County Rd„Palm Beach,FL.33414 Phone:561-366-0100 Fax:561-366-0107 E Mall:tewandtaylor.com Qualifier:Steven M.Elias License#:AR0015053 Insurance:Commercial General Liability-0185FL01]23322-04 359 South County Road, Suite 201 Palm Beach, Florida 33480 Office: 561.366.0100 Fax: 561.366.0107 Email: info@tewandtaylor,com I TEW,t-z-,TAYL , Municipal Services Construction Inspection and Plan`Review Expert Testimony PRIVATE PROVIDER CERTIFICATE of INSPECTION COMPLIANCE JURISDICTION: PE RMIT#: �� 0 - 1 INSPECTION DATE: $ 2 b JOB ADDRESS: PROTECT/OWNER TAME: i GENERAL CONTRACTOR: INSPECTOR: � < PHONE#: Ce L. '2t' C a e INSPECTION PERFORMED INSPECTION CODE INSPECTION RESULT 1 L ; . II � I { INSPECTIO SUMMA Y/COMMENTS: . IN 1 I # To the best of my knowledge and belief,as authorized under Florida Statute 553.791 Pri I vate Provider,the building components and site improvements outlined herein and inspected under my authority have been completed in conformance with the currently adopted codes in effect,and the associated plans and documentation as permitted,by the governing authority.In the event of a conflict between the codes in effect and the permitted documents,the more restrictive requirements have been applied.Signature below affirms qualification under s.553.791 F.S.to provide the inspection services in ' a herein,thlat the inspections indicated herein were performed in person and conducted in accordance,with the applicabie odes I effect aW as prescribed by the local authority having jurisdiction. Printed Name—.Architect/Engineer/Inspector Si urge—Architect/Engineer/Insp r PRIVATE PROVIDER INFORMATION Firm:Tew&Taylor,Inc. Address:359 S.County Rd.,Palm Beach,FL.33414 Phone:561-366-0100 Fax:561-366-0107 E Mail:tewandtayior.com Qualifier:Steven M.Elias License#:AR 0 015053 Insurance:Commercial General Liability—0185FL0023322-04 359 South County Road, Suite 201 Palm Beach, Florida 33480 Office: 561.366.0100 Fax: 561.366.0107 Email: info@tewa i dtaylor.com � I - I TEW �'_' I kYLOR Municipal Services Construction Inspection and Plan Review Expert Testimony _ , I PRgVATE PROVIDER CERTIFICATE off ONSPE(6Tg0H t0`!!1i PEIA6�9CE JURISDICTION: PERMIT#: �-) = INSPECTION DATE: f JOB ADDRESS: PROJECT/OWNER NAME: GENERAL CONTRAC'TOR:�y �'�e4 INSPECTOR: -- i.6 13 PHONE#: I INSPECTION PERFORMED INSPECTION CODE INS P ION RESULT I INSPECTION SUMMARY/COMMENTS• t�f`a"�•• � ��•'.,.:� C---maw.-tn C I 1 To the best of my knowledge and belief,as authorized under Florida Statute 553.791 Private Provider,the building components and site improvements outlined herein and inspected under my authority have been completed in conformance with the currently adopted codes in effect,and the associated plans and documentation as permitted,by the governing authority. In the event of a conflict between the codes in effect and the permitted documents,the more restrictive requirements have been applied.Signature below affirms qualification under s.553.791 F.S.to provide the inspection services indicated herein,that the inspections indicated herein were performed in person and conducted in accordance tlbe appiieab# �effect as prescribed by the local authority having jurisdiction. Printed Name—Architect/Engineer/inspector Sig ure rchitect/Engineer/Inspector PRIVATE PROVIDER INFORMATION Firm:Tew&Taylor,Inc. Address:359 S.County Rd.,Palm Beach,FL.33414 Phone:561-366-0100 Fax:561-366-0107 E Mail:tewandtaylor.com Qualifier:Steven M.Elias License#:AR0015,053 Insurance:Commercial,General Liability—0185FL0023322-04 i 359 South County Road, Suite 201 Palm Beach, Florida 33480 r I "Opy.Office: 561.366.0100 Fax: 561.366.0107 Email: info tewandta I I J TEW Municipal Services Construction Inspection and Plan Review Expert Testimony I � I PRIVATE PROVIDER CERTIFICATE of INSPECTION COMPLIA';6\I+CE JURISDICTION: i PERMIT#: a - �� �-. i r\ INSPECTION DATE: I '� JOB ADDRESS: PROJECT/OWNER NAME: / I GENERAL CONTRACTOR: t=t C �- t� 1"► INSPECTOR: t3-t Al-L' PHONE#: INSPECTION PERFORMED INSPECTION CODE INSPECTION RESULT tt I a I I, I INSPECTION SUMMARY/COMMENTS: r I I To the best of my Icnowledge and belief,as authorized under Florida Statute 553.791 Private Provider,the building components and site improvements outlined herein and inspected under my authority have been completed in conformance with the currently adopted codes in effect,and the associated plans and documentation as permitted,by the governing authority.In the event of a conflict between the codes in effect and the'permitted documents,the more restrictive requirements hay a been applied.Signature below affirms qualification under s.553.791 F.S.to provide the inspection services indicated herein,thatathe inspections indicated herein were performed in person and conducted in accordance with the applicable codes in effect and as prescribed by the local authority having jurisdiction. Printed Name—Arch itect/Engi neer/I nspector Signature'- hitect/Engineer/Inspector I - PRIVATE PROVIDER 7FL. MATION Firm:Tew&Taylor,Inc. Address:-359 S.County Rd„Palm Beach414 Phone: 100 Fax:561-366-0107 E Mail:tewandtaylor.com Qualifier:Steven M.Elias i e053 Insurance:Commercial General Liability-0195FL002332�-0 `?ter �1 I � 359 South County Road, Suite 201 j Palm Beach, Florida 33480 Office: 561.366.0100 Fax: 561.366.0107 Email: infb@tewand�ayior.com i —_T -al-AYLOR Municipal Ser%fices Construction Inspection and Plan ReView Expeftt Testimony PRIVATE PluROVIDER CERTIFICATE of iWSPEU iWl C 1PUAWILTE JURISDICTION: PERMIT JOB ADDRESS: L--,, 7 jt PROJECYOWNER NAME: GENERAL CONTRACTOR: t,� �. -'� �---�'�^-=5 �'� d�,rL J'�� c_r Y� L 11MSPECTOR:f PHONE#: INSPECTolOWPERFORMED I"IPECTION CODE INSPE 610H RESUCIF la� A m- n-6-r-,4x I'LA Si�kL'S� INSPECTION SUMMARYICOMMENTS: To the best of my knowledge and belief, as authorized under Florida Statute 553.791 Private Provider,the building components and site improvements outlined herein and inspected under my authority have been completed in conformanceii-th the currently adopted codes in effect,and the associated plans and documentation as permitted,by the governing authority.in the event of a conflict between the codes in effect and the permitted documents,the more restrictive requirements have been applied.Signature below affirms qualification under s.553.791 F.S.to provide the inspection serviceslndicdfe'�Nhrein,that the inspections Indicated I ild I herein were performed in person and conducted in accordance with the applicabika- d ey' and as Prescribed by the local authority having ju,iscliction. Printed flame-ArcKitect/Fngin--er/Inspect'o,- S; natur tir itect/Enginder/Inspector PRIVATE PRaVIDER INFORMATION Firm:Tew&Taylor,-Inc. Address.,359S.County Rd.,Palm Beach,FL.33.414 Phont:;561-360-0100 Fax:561-366-0107 E Malk tewandtaylor.com Qualifier:Steven M.Elias license 4;AR00115053 Insurance:Commercial General Liability-0185FLOO23322-04 359 South County Road, Suite 201 1 Palm Beach, Florida 33480 Office: 561.366.0100 Fax: 561.366.0107 Email: info6tewandtaylor.com APPROVED 1 • j ,� I T -LOP, KY Municipal Services Construction Inspection and Plan Review Expert Testimony w PRIVATE PROVIDER CERTIFICATE of IINSPECTOON C®MPLI�N'CE I ' JURISDICTION: � I PERMIT ` Ci C' INSPECTION DATE: ,C) ` ''2r `=��� " ! F t J003 ADDRESS: I PROJECT/OWNER NAME: GENERAL CONTRACTORt ' I � INSPECTOR: PHONE it: INSPECTION PERFORMED INSPECTION CODE INSPECTION RESULT I I I SPECTION SUMMARY COMMENTS: _ I To the best of my knowledge and belief,as authorized under Florida Statute 553.791 Private Provider,ithe building components and completed in conformance with the current) s' improvements outlined herein and inspected under m authority have been com I Y Itep y Y p adopted codes in effect,and the associated plans and documentation as permitted,by the governing authority. In the event of a conflict between the codes in effect and the permitted documents,the more restrictive requirementsihave been applied.Signature below affirms qualification under s.553.791 F.S.to provide the inspection services indicated herein,that the inspections indicated herein were performed in person and conducted in accordance with t idable-earl) s prescribed by the local authority having jurisdiction. Printed Name—Architect/Engineer/Inspector Signatuire rchite Engineer/Inspector PRIVATE PROVIDER INFORMATION Firm:Tew&Taylor,Inc. Address:359 S.County Rd.,Palm Beach,FL.33414 Phone:1561-366-01001 Fax:561-366-0107 E Mail:tewandtaylor.com Qualifier:Steven M. Elias License t AR0015053 Insurance:Commercial General Liability—0185FL0023322-04 • I , 359 South County Road, Suite 20 APPROVE® Palm Beach, Florida 33480 1 1 Office: 561.366.0100 Fax: 561.366.0107 Email: info@tewandtaylor.com I I ' . TAYLOR n j '�+ Municipal Services Construction InspectTEW-"; ion and Plan Review Expert Testimony PRIVATE PROVIDER CERTIFICATE ©f ONSPECTOON COMPLIANCE JURISDICTIONpp: PERMIT#: 4� INSPECTION DATE: JOB ADDRESS: Lou:�ZE:L, PROJECT/OWNER NAME: GENERAL CONTRACTOR: .C; a ,.i� ' .- PHONE#: INSPECTOR. -� s l INSPECTION PERFORMED INSPECTION CODE INSP ION RESULT 1 INSPECTION SUMMARY/COMMENTS s' (. e—,, ;� i- _ I To the best of my knowledge and belief,as authorized under Florida Statute 553.791.Private Provider,the�building components and site improvements outlined herein and inspected under my authority have been completed in conformance with the currently adopted codes in effect,and the associated plans and documentation as permitted,by the governing authority.In the event of a conflict between the codes in effect and the permitted documents,the more restrictive requirements have been applied.Signature below affirms qualification under s.553.791 F.S.to provide the inspection services indicated herein,that the inspections indicated herein were performed in person and conducted in accordance ppiieab I.effect d as prescribed by the local authority having jurisdiction. Printed Name—Architect/Engineer/Inspector Sig ure rchitect/Engineer/inspector PRIVATE PROVIDER INFORMATION Firm:Tew&Taylor,Inc. Address:3595.County Rd.,Palm Beach,FL.33414 Phone:561 I366-0100 Fax:561-366-0107 E Mail:tewandtaylor.com Qualifier:Steven M.Elias License#:AR0015053 Insurance:Commercial General Liability—0185FL0023322-04 I I 359 South County Road, Suite 201 I Palm Reach, Florida 33480 Office: 561.366.0100 Fax: 561.366.0107 Email: info @tewandt�a ylor.com i i i � TF,W -.1-" 'TAY- LOIR Municipal Services Construction Irspection and Plan RIeview Expert I estimony PROVATE PROVIDES CEPRTIF ',ATE of HMSPECTOO� CDMPLI�PJCE JURISDICTION: PERMIT#: INSPECTION DA It: iI JOB ADDRESS: Le bvl C-1 PROJECT/01,PYNER NAME: GENERAL CONTRACTOR: INSPECTOR: PHONE#: h,',1SPECTION PERF RMED INSPECTION CODE INSPECTION RESULT i ZA INSPEL-TIO.V' �,1"DAMA41V/COMMENTS: To the best of my knowledge and belief,as authorized tinder F*Ioricla Statute 553.791 Private Provider,the building components and site improvements outlined herein and inspected uncle;- my au.hority have been complete:d in conformaince with the currently adopted codc---in effect,and the associated plans and dDcurnca�itation as permitted,by the governing authority.In the event of a conflict between the codes in effect and the permitted dccuri,cfits,the more restrictive requirements have been applied.Signature below affirms(1-1alification under s.553.391 F.S.to provide tho inspection services indicated herein,that the inspections indicated herein were pl-ficirmed in person and conducted in accordant with the applicable codes in effect and as prescribed by the local authority having jurisdiction. kA Print�rl jlpme-Architect/Engineer/Inspectoi, ignature'-Ar itect/Engineer/Inspector PRIVATE-P,:',-,-XIF-'--.Z INFORMATION Firm:Tew&Trzvlor, Inc. Address:359 S. County Rd., P.!:n [-.' -,h, FL.33414 Phone:561-366-0100 Fax:561-366-0107 E Mail:tewandtaylor.com (-),ualifiei: ;seven M.Elias License#:AR001.5053 Insurance: Cornm E,,ci 1 G,- ral Liability-0185FL0023 322-04 359 Souzlh CC!--d-Y Road, Suite 201 Palm Ll Florida 334.80 Office: 561.366.0100 Fax: SISII- - - ,0107 Email: info@tewandtaylor.com i TE ll`:� L R Constructlot In$ action and Plan Review' Ex art Testtmon Munlcipal'Seruces p 4 .5 P y 1 PRIVATE PROVIDER�CERT1 ICATE of:INSPECTION COM AWC- JURlSOICTION. t I� PERMIT# l t "; INSPECTION DATE: •. ;108 ADDRESS,:: t PROJECT/OWNER NAME _ , INSPECTOR. . . .> .,. , '. .� .' PHONE INSPECTION PEREQRMED ;INSPEMON-CODE SPECTI' SILT t INSPECTION SUMMARY/COM ENTS :. _. Ta the best of my knowledge and belief,as authorized under Florida Statute_553 791 i?riv te Provider,t e f u�tdtng;componghts and::. site Improvements outlinedherein and inspecteduttifer my'authodty havebeen completed in conformance,with ttie currently adopted codes in effect,and the associated plans and documentation as permitted,by the;governing authority In the eventaf a con fitct between the codes m effect°and.the permitted documents,the more restrictive rye'quirements havebeen applied.:Signature ; below affirms qualification under s:S5.3.791 F S to:provide-the inspection services indicated herein,.tha the inspections indicated harem were-performed in person and conducted in accordance with the applicable'tod n e„ and prescrlbediby the:focat authority having jurisdiction a Printed Name Architect En sneer/Ins edor ' ignatur itect/Engineer/Inspector' PRNATE PROVIDER INFORMATION f Firmc,Tew&=Taylor,Inc. Address 3.59 S..County Rd„Palm:Beach,FL 33414 Phone 56�1-366 0100 Fax:561=366=010 E Mall tewandtayior coin Qualifier Steven M Elias �I'�cense#:AR8Q35053 W. Insurance Commercial General Liability _0185FLD023322-04 - t 35 p 9 South Coun Road .:Swte 201. Palm Beach, Florida 3348f1= Offl n00Fa6ce 513601 666 OU7Em `@tewndyior coal in TE� {��TAYLQR - Municipal Services Construction inspection and Plan Review Expert Testimony PRIVATE PROVIDER-CERTIFICATE of INSPECTION COMP ANCE JURISDICTION: a)e', PERMIT#: e4 - c��i� INSPECTION DATE: JOB ADDRESS: J PROJECT/OWNER NAME: GENERAL CONTRACTOR: INSPECTOR• -�-_ tii� a � PHO NE 24 ' ' el�)I Cri) INSPECTION PERFORMED 'INSPECTION CODE INSPECTOO RESULT I INSP ECTION SUMMARY/COMMENTS:, To the best of my knowledge and'.belief,as authorized under Florida Statute 553.791 Private Provider, e building components and site improvements outlined herein and inspected under my authority halve been completed in conformance with the currently adopted codes in effect,and the associated plans and documentation as permitted,by the governing authority.in the event of a confiict between the.codevin effect and the permitted documents,:the.more restrictive requirements have been applied.Signature below affirms qualification under s.553.791 F.S.to provide the ins pectlan services indicated eln,that the inspections indicated .herein were performed in person and conducted In accordance with the applicable cod �' n effe nd as prescribed by the local authority having jurisdiction. Printed Name—Architect/Engineer/Irfspector S' attire ect/f�gineer/Insp I: PRIVATE PROVIDER INFORMATION FirmiTew"&Taylor,inc. Address:359'S.County Rd.,Palm Beach,FL 33414 Phone:561-366-0100 Fax:561-366-0107 E.-Mail:tewandtaylor.com Qualifier:Steven M.Elias License#:AR0015053 insurance:Commercial General Liability—0185FL0023322-04 359 South County Road,Suite 201 Palm Beach, Florida 33480 Office:561.366.0100 Fax: 561.366.0107 Email: info@tewandtaylor.com 1 Jy : ABLY �� R 'Municipal Services Construction='Ins ectlon and Plan Review Expert Testimony = j P PRIVATE.PROVIDER,CERTIFICATE of.INSPECTION COMPUANCE JURISDICTION: PERMIT# t �! !✓ c� INSPECTION DATE:. �- JOB ADDRESS: PROJECT/OWNER NAME: GENERAL CONTRACT R. I INSPECTOR. C.• PHONE INSPECTION PERFORMED - INSPECTION CODE- INSPECTION RESU CTION.SUMM R. /COMMENTS: . 00 L' I To the best O rh knowledge and befief,as authorized under Fiorida Statute S53 791 Pn 'te provider,the building"coMponerib'and site improvements outlined herein.and,-nspected under my authority have been completed in conformance with.the.currently adopted codes in effect,and the associated puns and documentation as perMked,by#he,governirig authority in"the e.'v_ent:of a. conflict between the-codes in effect and the permitted-documents,the more restrictive;requirements have been applied;Slgnature :below affirms qualification.under s:553.791 F.S.to provide the nspeetion-services,i herein,that the inspections indicated herein were pertormed+in,person and conductedin,accardancewith th rescnbed by: iocaf_ authority having jurisdiction. - Printed Natne re,hifLio/Enginet/lrispgdgr Signa a��, Architect/Engineer/Inspector PRNATE PROVIDER INFORMATION Firm:Tew&Taylor,Inc,. ' Address:i355 S.County.Rd'.,Palm=ldeach,•FL 33414 Phone:'S61-366=0100 Fax:561-366-0107 E Mail:tewandtaylorcorii Qualifier:Steven M.Elias. Ucense-#;AR0015QS3 :.. insutance Commercial General Uabllity-0185FL0Q23322-Q4 359.So. uth County-Road, it Su Palm Beach, Florida. 33480 Office. 561.366.0 Fax: 561:366"0107 Email. ;`info@tewandtaylor com a - Municipal Services Construction Inspectran`and;Plan .,evie. w Expert Testimony PRIVATE PROVIDER CERTfF1CATE:of INSPECTION OMPLIANCE . I . 1,URISDICTION:_._. PERMIT#. deter' l - I P ----* - _ INSPECTION�DATEi Edl . PROJECT/OWNER NAME: GENERAL CONTRACTOR., :.. INSPECTOR: PHONE#:; t INSPECTION PERFORMED INSPECTION CODE IN PECTION<RESULT I ION SUM MMENTS: i a To the best of my knowledge and be as authorized under Florid a Statute 553.791 PrLte Provider,the building cornponents.and Ate improvements.outline-d herein and-inspected,undermy authority have.been.completed in conformance with the currently adopted codes in`effect,and the associated plans and.documentation as.permitted 6y the:governing authorrty,In tfie event of a conflict between the codes in effect and the permitted documents;the more restrictive�i•equirementsfiave been applied:Signature below affirms.qualification'.under's.553:791 FS.to provide the inspectiomservices Indicated herein,that;the inspections;indicated herein were performed in;person,and conducted in accordance w l in effect and as;prescribed,by,the local authority having jurisdiction. i Printed Name Architect/,Engineer/lnspectoi Sig to —Architect/Eng nee[/Irispector- , PRIVATE Win- I; ` Firm:Tew_ &Taylor ffic. Address:359 S.County Rd' Palm Beach;FL.33414 .Phone:561-366-0100 Fax:561-366m=7 E.Mall:tewandtaylor com Qualifien stev6n MK,Eiias License#:,AR0015053 insurance Conmercial;6ene[al-Liability—0185FL0023322-04: 359 South County Road, Suite 201 ..� Palm Beach,.Florida $3480 Office; 561.366;0100 Fax: 56136 0107: . ,Email :info@tewandtaylor:com _ : TEw1'-.-.'.T-AY,, - Municipal Services Construction Inspection and Plan Review Expert Testimony PROVATE PROVIDER CERTIFICATE of 8NSPECT96im Comp�l, iir.E JURISDICTION: - -- t= - I PERMIT#: f% - `�- j ' ; INSPECTION DAT E: JOB ADDRESS: L C-9 f_�"� �-Y 2A- PROJECT/ObVNER NAME: GENERAL CONTRACTOR: INSPECT®R:�"--�` Lz &- ,.. PHONE#: r- 14 ---- INSPECTION PERFORMED INSPECTION CODE INSPECTION RESULT 1 � I I �-= INSPECTION SUMMARY/COMMENTS: I To the best of my knowledge and belief,as authorized under Florida Statute 553.791 Private Provider,the building components and site improvements outlined herein and inspected under my authority have been completed in conformance with the currently adopted codes in effect,and the associated plans and documentation as permitted,by the governing authority.In the event of a conflict between the codes in effect and the permitted documents,the more restrictive requirements have been applied.Signature below affirms qualification under s.553.791 F.S.to provide the inspection services indicated herein,that the inspections indicated herein were performed in person and conducted in accordance with the applicable codes in ect and as prescribed by the local authority having jurisdiction. t Printed Name-Architect/Engineer/Inspector tsre-�A hitect/16'' er Inspector -.-_ i PRIVATE PROVIDER INFORMATION Firm:Tew&Taylor,Inc. Address:359 S.County Rd., Palm Beach, FL.33414 Phone:561- 6-0100 Fax:561-366-0107 E Mail:tewandtaylor.com Qualifier:Steven M.Elias License#:AR0015053 Insurance:Commercial General Liability-0185FL0029322-04 I ; 359 South County Road, Suite 201 Palm,Reach, Florida 33450 Office: 561.366.0100 Fax: 561.366.0107 Email: info@tewan'dtaylor.com Municipal Services Construction Inspection and Plan Review ERpert Testimony PROVATE PROVIDER CERTIFICATE of INSPECTION COMPLIANCE JURISDICTION: C 9 e�fib= i..�° PERMIT#: INSPECTION DATE: JOB ADDRESS: ?-- PROJECT/OWNER NAME: i GENERAL CONTRACTOR: INSPECTOR: i INSPECTION PERFORMED INSPECTION CODE1 INSPECTION RESULT Fir 9 ` cam' irk' INSPECTION SUMMARY/COMMENTS: To the best-of my knowledge and belief,as authorized under Florida Statute 553.791 Private Provider,the!building components and site improvements outlined herein and inspected under my authority have been completed in conformance with the currently adopted codes in effect,and the associated plans and documentation as permitted,by the governing authority.In the event of a conflict between the codes in effect and the permitted documents,the more restrictive requirements have been applied.Signature below affirms qualification under s.553.791 F.S.to provide the inspection services indicated herein,that the inspections indicated herein were performed in person and conducted in accordance with the applicable codes 1 and as prescribed by the local authority having jurisdiction. ,,,sa'r"" Printed Name—Architect/Engineer/inspector Signat�rr Ards ect ngi, or PRIVATE PROVIDER INFORMATION I Firm:Tew&Taylor,Inc. Address:359 S.County Rd.,Palm Beach,FL.33414 Phone:561=366-0100 Fax:561-366-0107 E Mail:tewandtaylor.com Qualifier:Steven M. Elias License#:AR0015053 Insurance:Commercial General Liability—G185FL0023322-04 i 359 South County Road, Suite 201 Palm Beach, Florida 33480 Office: 561.366.0100 Fax: 561.366.0107 Email: info@tewandtaylor.com 1 Municipal Services Construction Inspection and Plan Review Expert Testimony PRIVATE PROVIDER CERTIFICATE of ONSPECT06M COMPOANCE y JURISDICTION: f!!!E: PERMIT#:-ad-- ��j INSPECTION DATE: JOB ADDRESS: Cey I-e- - C-� 22- ��p•{tia; � PROJECT/OWNER NAME: GENERAL CONTRACTOR: INSPECTOR i PRONE#: INSPECTION PERFORMED INSPECTION CODE INSPE ION RESULT 7t:�---Z %4-5A INSPECTION SUMMARY/COMMENTS: To the best of my knowledge and belief,as authorized under Florida Statute 553.791 Private Provider;the building components and site Improvements outlined herein and inspected under my authority have been completed in conformance with the currently adopted codes in effect,and the associated plans and documentation as permitted,by the govern I ng,a uthority.In the event of a conflict between the codes in effect and the permitted documents,the more restrictive requirements have been applied.Signature below affirms qualification under s.553.791 F.S.to provide the inspection services in i atE ed h* in,that the inspections indicated herein were performed in person and conducted in accordance with the applicabl codes in effe and as prescribed by the local authority having jurisdiction. Printed Name-Architect/Engineer/Inspector nature- i t%Engineer/Inspector PRIVATE PROVIDER INFORMATION Firm:Tew&Taylor,Inc. Address:359 S.County Rd.,Palm Beach,FL.33414 Phone:561-366-0100 Fax:561-366-0107 E Mail:tewandtaylor.com Qualifier:Steven M.Elias License#:AR0015053 Insurance:Commercial General Liability-0185FL0023322-04 359 South County Road, Suite 201 f Palm Beach, Florida 33480 ©fEice: 561.366.0'100 Fax: 561.366.0107 Email:, info@tewandtaylor.com T1EW.j�'_` -T_AyLiLba �. Municipal Services Construction Inspection and Plan Review Expert Testimony I PRIVATE PROVIDER CERTIFICATE of OWSPECITOOW COMPLIAIMCE JURISDICTION: _ PERMIT#: De-1 INSPECTION DATE: 1`- JOB ADDRESS: C ..:`IL�2 C _ - t e s ct PROJECT/OWNER NAME: GENERAL CONTRACTOR: r ". INSPECTOR: t-:S PHONE#: C`' G ( INSPECTION PERFORMED INSPECTION CODE INSP CTION RESULT I I I INSPECTION SUMMARY/COMMENTS: i I To the best of my knowledge and belief,as authorized under Florida Statute 553.791 Private Provider,the building components and site improvements outlined herein and inspected under my authority have been completed in conforman dace with the currently adopted codes in effect,and the associated plans and documentation as permitted,by the governing authority.In the event of a conflict between the codes In effect and the permitted documents,the more restrictive requirements have been applied.Signature below affirms qualification under s.553.791 F.S.to provide the inspection services indicated h i hat the inspections indicated herein were performed in person and conducted in accordance with the applicable codes i ffect an s prescribed by the local authority having jurisdiction. Printed Name—Architect/Engineer/Inspector Signature- rchite ilneer/Inspector PRIVATE PROVIDER INFORMATION I 1 Firm:Tew&Taylor,Inc. Address:359 S.County Rd.,Palm Beach, FL.33414 Phone:561L366-0100 Fax:561-366-0107 E Mail:tewandtaylor.com Qualifier:Steven M.Elias License#:AR0015053 i Insurance:Commercial General Liability—0185FL0023322-04 I 359 South County Road, Suite 201 , --" Palm Beach, Florida 33480 Office: 561.366.0100 Fax: 561.366.0107 Email: info @tewandtaylor.com I I � I Municipal Services Construction Inspection and Plan Review Expert Testimony PRIVATE PROVIDER CERTIFICATE of INSPECTBON COMPLIANCE JURISDICTION: PERMIT#: `�d 6(j�� INSPECTION DATE: 1 2 JOB ADDRESS: l0��� PROJECT/OWNER NAME: GENERAL CONTRACTOR: INSPECTOR: CWIP. PHONE#: e-0 '� d2 t �� INSPECTION PERFORMED INSPECTION CODE . INSPECTION RESULT _ � 20 99 `J INSP CTIO�UMMARV/COMMENTS: LIE-, To the best of my knowledge and belief,as authorized Lder Florida Statute 553.791 Private Provider,the building components and site improvements outlined herein and inspected under my authority have been completed in conformance with the currently adopted codes in effect,and the associated plans and documentation as permitted,'by the governing authority.In event of,.a conflict between the codes in effect and the permitted documents,the more restrictive requirements have been applied.Signature below affirms qualification under s.553.791 F.S.to provide the inspection services indicated herein,that the inspections indicated herein were performed in person and conducted in accordance with the applicabl o e effect and as prescribed by the local authority having Jurisdiction. I, Printed Name—Architect/Engineer/Inspector - —Ar itect/Engineer/Inspector PRIVATE PROVIDER INFORMATION Firm:Tew&Taylor,Inc. Address:359 S.County Rd.,Palm Beach,FL.33414 Phone:561-366-0100 Fax:561-366-0107 E Mail:tewandtaylor.com Qualifier:Steven M.Elias License#:AR0015053 Insurance:Commercial General Liability—0185FL00231322-04 359 South County Road, Suite 201 Palm Beach, Florida 33480 Office: 561.366.0100 Fax: 561.366.0107 Email: info@tewandtaylor.com