HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval; Sliding Exterior Door Assemblies FL30505-R1BCIS Hom@ }'Log: In •i User Registration I Hat Tdpirs I Submit Surcharge i : Stats'& Facts ( Publications •( Contact Us } BCIS Site Map. } Links. } Search }
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FL # FL30505-R1
Application Type :.... . .. " RevisionREVI
Code Version 2020 welo
Application Status Approved .
*ApprovedY PP Y a e:reviewe an rat. le y
the POC and/or the.Coirl.r i rbif� a COUN Y
Comments 1�®CC
Archived j
Product. Manufacturer Shwinco:Architectural ProdUCtS,'LLC ..
Address/Phone/Email 171.Jet; Services Way
Dothan; AL 36303.
engineering @shwineo.coni
Authorized Signature .. _ . .. _ Keith Schneider
engineering@shwir co.com : sa
Technical:Representative :.. : Josh LowB .
Address/Phone/Email 171 Jet Services Way
Dothan; Al_ 36303 .
(334) 556-1000
Quality:Assuranee Representative_... Josh.Lowe.
Address/Phone/Email, ;'171 Jet Services Way: .
Dothan, AL 36303
(334) 556-1000
Category Exterior Doors
Subcategory Sliding Exterior DD:or;Asse'mblies
Compliance Method Certification Mark or Listing
Certification Agency;:: National Accreditation &:Management Institute:: .. .
Validated: By ' Natidnal Actreditation &Management Institute
Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard':. p Year
..... . .. . AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440
AAMA/WDMA/CSA: 101/I;S.2/A440 2017
ASTM E1886-2013a 13a
ASTM.Ef996-2014a ..14a
TAS 1994.
TAS 202 .. 1994
TAS 203 q 1994
Equivalence of Product Standards
.Certified: By:
.::Florida Licensed Professional Engineer or Architect
FL30505 R1 Enyiiv EE11*2612 Revl 9700 'SGD ss.Qf
Product Approval Method
Method 1 Option A:..
Date Submitted
Date Validated
' 09/29/2020 A.
'Date Pending FBC Approval
Date Approved
sumima , . of Products
FL;# .
Series 9700 Vinyl Sliding
Series 9700 Vinyl:Sliding Glass Door (44rack, OXXX-A-XXXO), DP = 50 psf:.
Glass Door
Limits of Use
Certification Agency Certificate:
Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes
FL30505 RI C CAC NI014461 OXXX-A-XXXO,pdf
Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes'
Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date
Impact Resistant: Yes
05/31/2023: : •:
Design Pressure:.+50/-50 .
Installation Instructions
Other: Envelopes.OXX-A-XXO (3 Track), OX-.
A=XO (2 Track), OX-AmO (2: Track), O-A-XO (2-:.
FL30505 RI II SHW0003 :RevA Series 9700 SGD:OXXkAXXXO HVHZ ss.pdf
; Verified: By: Robert 1. Amoroso,: P.E. FL P.E. No. 49.751
Created by In.dependent'Third Party: Yes.
Evaluation Kbobirts
FL30505 R1 AE'PERNo2612 Revl 9700 SGD Ss.p�
Created by Independent' Third Party: Yes
30505.2 .
Series 9700 Vinyl:Sliding '
-Series 9700 Vinyl 5iiding'Glass'Door (4-Track, OXXX;'XXXO)', DP = 50 psf
Glass Door
Limps -of Use ::
Certification Agency Certificate.
'Approved for use In. HVHZ: Yes
FL30505 Rl C CAC 1\11014461:01 OXXXX-PVB.p Id
Approved for use outside:HVHZ: Yes
`Quailty Assurance Contract Expiration Date
'Impact Resistantd Yes
05/31/2023 ,
Deslgn:Pressure• +50/-50 "
Installation instructions q.
XX Other: Envelopes OX& XXXO. (4-Track);
Fr 905n5 .RS. II SHW0004 RevA Series 9700SGD OXXX HVHZ ss.g2
Verified- By: Robert 1. Amoruso,: P.E. FL P.E. No. 49752.
OXX & XXO (3-Track) and.OX & XO (2 Track)..'
Laminated glass using 0.090.Saflex PVB By
Created by Independent Third .Party: Yes
Eastman Chemical;:::
Evaluation Reports .... .... "
FL30505 Ri AE PEkNo2612 Revl 9700 SGO ss.pdf
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
........ . ..... . .. . ........ .
Series 9700 Vinyl Sliding' .
Series 9700 Vinyl Sliding Glass Door (4-Track, OXXX,:XXXO), DP = 65 psf woos 00
Limits: of Use
Certification Agency Certificate '
Approved for:use in HVHZ: Yes:
FL30505 Ri C CA( NI014461.02 OXXX-Van,pjf
Approved for use outside HVHZ:'Yeis
Quality AsiWrance Contract Expiration Date
Impact Res stantYes
. 05/31/.2023
Design Pressure:: +65/=05
InsWiation Instructions
Other: Envelopes OXXX & XXXO (4-Track);
FL30505 R1 H SHW0004 RevA Series 9700 SGD OXXX HVHZ $,s.Rdf '
Verified By::Robert 1: Amoruso, P.E. F.L:P.E. No. 49752
OX&:XXO:(3 Track) and OX & XO. (2-Track).
Laminated glass using 0.075 Vanceva By.
Created by: Independent Third Party: Yes .
Eastman Chemical: ' . :
Evaluation Reports
FL30505 RI AE PERN62612 Revl 9700 SGD ss:pdf:
Created by, Independeft Third Party: Yes.
.. : Contact Us a 2601 Blair Stone Road.. Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone: 850-487-1824 . . .
'The State of Florida Is an AA/EEO'emptoyer. CQpvriaht 2007-2013 State'of FldrWa.:: Privacy Statement i:' AccesObillty Statement :.,Refund' Statement
under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you: danoi want your e-mail address released in response to a public -records request,.do not send electronic '
mail to this entity. Instead,_ contact the office by phone or 6y;tradltlonal mall. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395. •Pursuant to Section 455.27s(t, ,; . .
Florida Statutes,: effective October 1, 2012, licensees ilcensed under Chapter 455, F.S, must provide the Department with. an email address If they have one..The emalls
provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. However.emall addresses are public record. If you do. not wlsh to supply a personal address, please
provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the -public. To deterrnlne If you are a' ilcensee.Under Chapter 455, F.S., pleasexilck here .
.. .. .. ..
Product Ap
proval Accepts:,
Credit Card