HomeMy WebLinkAboutHVAC PlansHVAC SCHEDULES AND NOTES: New HVAC Units shall be Trane or equal split system DX Units, 14.00 SEER min., with Heat Strip as indicated. Units No. 1, 2, 3 shall be split system 5 ton units. Trane 4TTB3060 with matching 060 AHU, with 10 KW Heat Strip, 208/230/1/60. Mount new units on plenum stand with pan with drain and float switch for unit shut down. Provide condensate drain run to sump at building exterior or to landscape area with gooseneck. Install all units to be completely accessible. Refer to Architectural Sections for ceiling height restrictions - all equipment and materials shall fit in the space provided. Make modifications as required to accomplish same. Verify fire ratings - provide fire dampers for all penetrations in fire rated assemblies, Registers/grills/Diffusers shall be Metalaire or equal unless otherwise scheduled - all aluminum construction unless otherwise required to meet fire ratings. SAR's (supply air registers) shall be metal air or equal. SAD's (supply air diffusers) shall be series 5000, M-2, S-4, D-5, of the sizes shown. S-1: one way; S-2: two way, etc" Unless otherwise noted, SAD's shall be 9" x 9" (up to 125 cfm); 12" x 12" (130 to 290 cfm); 24" x 24" for 300 cfm and larger. SAR's shall be as scheduled on the plans. Rag's shall be type RH of the sizes shown on the plans. Provide 1" T/A filters at unit. Exhaust fans shall be Greenheck or equal SP series with cfm indicated at 0.25 " SP. Run exhaust thru wall with wp scupper or to soffit with screened grille or thru roof with gooseneck as noted. Maintain 10' separation from any O/A intake" Do not run to front entry or within 25' from any exit door or to any sidewalk. Paint all HVAC grilles/registers/diffusers white. Provide outside make up air for each unit - Set cfm at Manual "N" requirement. Maintain minimum 10' separation from exhaust openings Provide thermostat for each unit - Honeywell, Trane or equal "on -Auto" fan and "Heat/Cool" settings. Stage together for operation in Sanctuary with alternating operation of Units for unoccupied hours. Ductwork shall have joints and seams sealed with approved tape applied with adhesive to make joints airtight. Ducts shall be reinforced foil faced 1-1/2" fiberglass insulation board (R-6 minimum). Flex duct shall be UL 181 Thermaflex or equal with foil back insulation. Provide spin -in connection with diverter and volume damper for each flex take -off from the main trunk ductwork. The Contractor shall furnish a complete matched component HVAC system in accordance with these drawings, local codes, and the latest editions of NFPA 90A & 90B, ANSI 8-9.1 Mechanical Refrigeration, SMACNA, ASHRAE, and State of Florida Energy Efficiency Code for Building Construction - FlaCom- FBC 2017 (6th Edition). The Contractor shall obtain all required permits and inspections from governing agencies and furnish a written guarantee that all work shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one year from the date of equipment start up and final acceptance, Manufacturer's instructions and guarantees shall be given to the owner. The contractor shall be responsible for balancing the HVAC system to meet the criteria on the plans and shall return to the site to re -balance the HVAC system after occupancy to satisfy specific individual requirements. Provide duct smoke detector per Mechanical and Building Code requirements. CODES: FBCIFMC 2017 (67H EDITION) V try eVS 6,700 `' ►A. T� Ji , Nailor 1 1/2 HR. LABEL • VERT. OR HORIZONTAL cT e FOR USE IN DYNAMIC OR STATIC SYSTEMS GOOUS Industries Inc" MODEL D0120 TYPE B DUAL FICATIONS: • UL 5 ClassiIfed Fire Damper. 1 112 hr. label. (File 4 9492). • CA�I�I/ULC-S112 Ere Damper Assemblies. �I �- • ,~/ • meits ds at,) the requirements of UL and NFPA 90A for fire pers n dynamic HVAC systems. • Ma44444ts a the requirements for BOCA, SBCCI, UBC, IBC and ! dated local building codes. - M is all the requirements of NBC. OUCi SIZE ` cahomia State Fire Marshal Listing No. 03225-M5:113. I'a (3) J aryiaNewraxmardasranr�misarwAppaa� Cat ra46o-ee-sA. • Mi>EIimum vahactty 2000 fpm ® 4" w.g. \, � The D 120 curtain fire. damper is UL approved for use where local DUCT51j 1q f6j buildin codes require the protection of HVAC ductwork pene(ralions in INTERIP.CNING walls partitions or floors that have a fire resistance rating of up to 2 CmnAmI BI MES-----, hours_ where Dam he D0120 is classified for use in dynamic "laps en' systems --_�_---}--4 the HVAC system remains oporalive in the event of a fire. closure under airflow is assured. s Type for hi lire dampens lace the curtain blade f>e p pack out or the airstream er free area and reduced pressure drop.----Y._ = `� STAR ARD SPECIFICATION: FRAM Ul LISTED 1221 ll 1/4' (106) wide, 22 ga. (0.85) roll -formed Gf.,O: EUSIOLE LINK -1,r galvam-ul steel (RE'PLACFABLD ! .- BLAO S: Curtain type interlocking blades, 22 ga. (0.65) _ ' roll formed G60 galvanized steel. forTMN BIAOC _ �� _ m ENC I Of.KING RAMP SURE: 22 ga (0.85) galvanized steel. PUSIB E LINK: 165r (74`C) standard. UL Listed. 2127E (100"C) available. CLOStFE Stainless steel closure springs and galvanized steel MINIM MAXIMUM to _kmg ramps. GIAINLESS STEEL M SIZE: 6" x 4" 1152 x 102) Ou3siIRE.paled SIZE: Single Section I Vertical or Horizontal mount: 24' x 21" (F,tO x 533). BOLL -m.MEO ... Multiple Section Assembly mnnte Vertical mount: 72' x 21" (1829 x 533) or 36" x 45' (914 x 1143). Sea role 2. Horizontal muunk Contact factory. OP ', INS: MODEL D0720Y-YEH7lCAI_ MOUNT L] NO -standard temperature fusible link. Specify Q PuI wit Tab Release. Pennits simple reset of spring loaded damper____ access door is located on opposite side of locking ramp. __ _ ( dwg. ACC-PTR for itelaIIs) .�� 1 S�- I� F ory Sleeve. AvaiLaMe in 10 (3.5) through 22 ga. (0.85) galvanized steel �.A a��� lengths required for application. Specify: length. NO-ft �n S: X 1. See p sizing chart for relationship of duct size and damper size. vi sorb SC and SC2. ( -- 2. Irl virtu 2 hid dual secllon5 of multiple section assembly not to exceed 10 x ( ..._ _ 24'(4 3. Run 7%610) STAINLESSSTEEL 6UNTAIN9L,UE irfg code and UL Classification require damper Installation III CLOSURE SPRING LOCKfNG RAMP acc rxxe with manufacturers instructions. Refer to docurnerd IOM-FDINST. by members of S.M.W.LA.MODEL Do120H - HORIZONTAL MOUNT LE TYPE: Dimensions are in inches (mm), T: AlMlaoufcturr.J ENGINEER: DATE , 95EPIE5 SIIPf:R5FDE$ DRAWING NO_ CONTRACTOR: _ 10-6-Of f0 2-16`B5 D0100_2 „ DYNAMIC CURTAIN TYPE FIRE DAMPER Nails Indusldn in,. reserves Iha right to change any inlomlalion concerning produ:;t or pricing withoul notice Nailor" DYNAMIC CURTAIN TYPE FIRE DAMPER 1 1/2 HR. LABEL +VERT. OR HORI7_. Industries Inc. FOR USE IN DYNAMIC OR STATIC SYSTEMS C �� us MODEL: D0130 (TYPES CR & CO) 3YPE CO QUALIFICATIONS: FLAr ovAL . DL 655 8 CAN/ULC-S412 CLASSIFIED DYNAMIC FIRE. DAMPER. rice cR 1 1/2'hr. label (File 4 R9492). ROUND ��.. • Mdgta all the requirements of UL and NFPA W, 90A and 101 for fire \ dtlRlpe s in dynamic HVAC systems, as well as IBC and NBC -..� (0teda) Building Code requirements. • C4f New York Board of Standards and Appeal,, Cal. No. 4b0-58-SA, 0 0 pp+'a .. . Cagfomrn State Fire Marshal. Free Damper Lfs}jng No. 322,4-0935:0113. _ W\ . M"fir um velocity: 4000 fpm @ 4" w�g. (20 pairs _@ T kPa). Model DO13AT curtain fire damper is UL approved for use where local v4'/4•I.,) ` bulld!fag, codes require the protection of HVAC ductwork penetrations in ULusTEB I!it[nL.ocKING walls, partitions or floors that have a fire resistance rating of up to 2 hours. rUSIBLE LINK cuRrpiN BUOES The 00 0 is d-ifed fc. use :n dynar Uc'lans on" systemaor:�. the IREPLACEAREl --- VAF, y tem remains operative m the event of a tire. Damper closure - - - der �aaa{{r1low is assured. Type.CR round and CO oval fire dampers use r t n§IW I collars to place the curtain blade pack and damper frame out of the aligt earn, providing 100 % free area. STAN ARd'. CONSTRUCTION: - -- 1 Frame 4 114" (108) wide 22 ga. (0,85) roll -formed G60 get. steel. 1 Cli9TAP1 Blades: Cunam type interlocking blades, 22 ga. (0.85) RUDE I W I roll -formed G60 galvanized steel. LOOKING _ - Enclosdre: 22 ga. (0.85) gal,.,,.d sleet RAMP �'T'I/--- o Fuel ISILlnk: 165'F 7a^G) Sta dad. UL Listed 2127E 400'C available I ! !'a ( ( ) 3' 761 - ) (021 Blade Oiosure: Stainless scal closure spnn, G and , alv .feel lock n .SIVNLESS q„ q g ramps. STEEL JJI I MIN a Sizes (D ct W x H): SIDSURE SPRING Mo4el ebn ref s nyM Secl�ari M It PI Se ion _ Mlnlmurn NI -inn - In I Nadzonial Ven WI 1'Inriz. ewn! 22 f002)d,a. 4'1102)d,a. 3V(787)dia_ 2W(508)dia. <34'(864)dia. OR 33,44 4'(1 OF ilia. - 717 (508)dia. - - 5 x i' S' x 4- 34' x 31' 22' x 2T R 72 20 0.1 22 (127 x102) (12, x102) (86,1 x787) (559 x508) (1829 081 - cc 33 d4 ..- 5 4 - 22 x 20'-- 1127 102j (559x508) FRAME LJfI I -1-A �. ..-411.111091--,..I -�f MOUNTING VERTICAL MOUNT DOLLAR CO IndlVldi I a Lions of mulllpl section assembly o1 to exceed 24 (610) in Vi dtn up to -� O V - 48' (12t9) Wido Assemblies larper than 48(121 ) In width will ba made up of indviduai sections Trot` to exceed 18- (45/) wide U Non- tandard temperture fusible link Specify _ 1 ❑ Facta Sleeve Available m 10 (3.5) through 22 ga. (0,85) galy steel and in Inn s required for application Specify: _ length. ,-, ga. -- -- O Lin U sealed. Suitable for low pressure systems. ❑ HP 5 elect. Suitable fOr-diurnmigh pressure Systems. Externally STAINLESSSTEEL CUPIAIN BLADE Caulk d. (Up t06 W.q. (1.5 kPaj). GLOSUPESPRING LOCKINGRAMP DYNAM C VELOCITY/PRESSURE RATING: HORIZONTAL MOUNT C] 24 2 00 fpm @ 4• w.g. (Standard) NOTES: U 34 3 0 fpm @ 4" w.g. 1. See sizing chart for relationship of duct size and (Optional) dem er size. Refer to drawin 00100-MSSC. d4 4 00 fpm @ 4" w,g, P 9 SCHEDULE TYPE: For instahation instructions, see IOM-FDINST, non Icr SI!NSHINr INN nAMPFRC Dimensions are in inches (rrm), '4 Na par Ind1w rea Inc. reeerves One right to change any No I"l gn c-'eni I 0 wodur oI p ing without ut,cr, 0/A CAL Cs PER FMC 2017 (6rE� Edition) TABLE 403.3.1.1 SANTUARY.. 143 PERSONS @ 5 CFM/PERSON .... 715 CFM , 350 CFM x 2 = 700 CFM 0/A PROVIDED (SEE NOTE BELOW) ENTRYAREA .. 270 SF x 10/1000 .. 2.7 PERSONS x 5 .... 13.5 CFM OFFICE AREAS.. 720 SF x 5/1000 .. 3.6 x 5 .... 18 CFM TOTALS: SANTUARY= 71S/2 UNITS = 357.5 CFM EACH UNIT OFFICE + ENTRY = 18 + 13.5 CFM = 31.5 CFM.. 300 CFM PROVIDED NOTE: 300 - 31.5 = 268.5 CFM OVERFLOW FOR EXTRA SANTUARYCFM � I � NOTE: 0"125"x 1 " WIDE CLIP ANGLE WITH (2) - #12-24, SKIS TO UNIT AND WITH (1) - %"x 1-3/4"EMBED 'TAPCON TO CONCRETE PAD - (TYPICAL EACH CORNER) Q c A jc tJNIT CASING PROOFHURRICANE INSTALLATION -1 0// 35C HVAC PLAN AA- 11) m 'C SCALD ! II . I I,OII 9 --� (P L AL WELCH INC. MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL CIVIL ENGINEERING 1984 S.W. BILTMORE ST. SUITE #114 PORT ST. LUCIE, FL 34984 PHONE (772) 785-9888 E-MAIL PWELCHINC(a,AOL.COM WELCH, P.E. FLA REG NO. 29945 I l i MAY 2 0 2020 L(3;1, county, Pe.f_i itting 9h • • • i SHEET NUMBER m