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FL 20867.2(1)
1IuM1da HwWEugCKlc I h+hee BCIS Home 1,9g 1, User Fip[Tops 5ubm+i Surcharge Staff&facts Publications Contact Lis 1C15 Site Map Links Search dbprf product Approval USER.Public User aProw:T AOUrr�yal F1cnu r h n A> Il—itiun List r Application Detail FL # FL20867-R2 Application Type Affirmation Code Version 2020 Application Status Approved Comments Archived ❑ Product Manufacturer Trinity Glass International Address/Phone/Email 33615 1st Way S Federal Way, WA 98003 (253)875-7300 a n d re w n 0tri n ityg€ass.co m Authorized Signature Andrew Na andrewn CEO trinityg lass.com Technical Representative Address/Phone/Emall Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Exterior Doors Subcategory Swinging Exterior Door Assemblies Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer ❑ Evaluation Report- Harcicopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Hermes F. Norero, P.E. Evaluation Report Florida License PE-73778 Quality Assurance Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration pate 12/31/2024 Validated By Locke Bowden P.E. ❑ Validation Checklist- Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL20867 RZ CQI COI Trinity rS 2015-❑8-25_pdf Referenced Standard and Year[of Standard] Standard Year AAMA 1304 2002 ASTM E283 2004 ASTM E33O 2002 ASTM E331 2000 TAS 201 1994 TAS 202 1994 TAS 203 1994 lipp.':www.lion JabuiIdinp.ore:jwIrr app Ltll aspn'pararn�GF-L'NOwlllg[b%PgOOTr4e?b\3wJ5lff1.Gm5GBUYC%7pFk-2%fi4[,%2ffO7LA'..d°a',4117;ilt2i12(f 2:45:31 PM) HufJe nu,IJineOde OnYme Equivalence of Product Standards Certified 8' Sccbons from Me Code El 1 offmn that there are no changes In the new Florida Building Code which area my products)and my product(s)are in compliance with the new Florida Building Code. Documentation from approved Evaluation or Validation Entity OYes ONo ON/A Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 10/21/2020 Data Validated 10/21/2020 Date Pending ESE Approval Date Approved 10/27/2G20 Summary of Products FL# Model, Number or Name Description ?0.96Z 1 a. Fiberglass Door 6-8 Glazed"Impact"Fiberglass Door-Outswing Limits of Use Installation Inrtructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FFL2086 RJ 11 FL-2086> 1 SS 2016-OR-26 otll Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Hermes F. Norte FL P.E. #73778 Impact Resistant Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See Installation Instructions, FL-20867.1,and FLJpft52 RJ pF pFR4419 SS 2016-Ofl-06 Mf Evaluation Report, PER4418,for design pressures, sizes, Created by Independent Third Parry: Yes configurations, Installation requirements,and limits of use. 20867.2 b. Fiberglass Door 6-8 Opaque"Impatic Fiberglass Door-Outswing _. _. Approved Limits Use Installation Ins[ructigna Approveve d for use in outside Yes F J086> RJ e F -20R6> Rc P.E. #737 ntlf Approved for use o esid<HVHZ:Yes VenBed By: Hermes F. Norero FL P.E. e>3]>8 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Reports Other: Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation RAF PF OCheR See Report, 19Ff r des,n fires urea,and FL086> y I de PFR4419 cc JOI y: Yes .Mf Evaluation Report, aER443$for design pressures,sizes, Created by Independent Third Party: Yes configurations,Installation requirements,and limits of use. 20867.3 c. Fiberglass D... 6-8 Glazed"Non-Impact"Fiberglass Door-Inswing/Outswing Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL20867 R2 11 FIE-2086>3 SS 2016 10 IS Mf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Hermes F. Norero FL P.E. #73778 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent ThVtl Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See Installation Instructions,FL-20867.3,and EL20867 R2 AE PER4420 SS 2016-08-06.ntlf Evaluation Report, PER4420,for design pressures,sizes, Created by Independent Third Parry: Yes configurations, installation requirements,and limits of use. 20867.4 J. Fiberglass Door 6-8 Opaque"Non-Impact"Fiberglass Door-Inswing/Outeving Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes EL20862 R2 II FIE-2086J 4_SS 2016-10-1A Mf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Hermes F. Norero FL P.E. #73778 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See Installation Instructions, FL-20862.4,and FLJ096> R> AF PFR44>1 SS]Ot6-0A-O6 Mf Evaluation Report, PER4421,for design pressures,sizes, Created by Independent ThIN Parry: Yes configurations, Installation requirements,and limits of use. 20867 5 e. Fiberglass Door 8-0 Glazed"Non-Impact"Fiberglass Door-Inswing/(u Mng Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL2086J R> H F -?DR67 5 SS 2015-10-18 rof n,p::.wry,_quieWnl4inavr'PP_9P mr..yn^pssn�.etSspmopb.eyoorr+anx5ws.rlf l crosr.FUYr.'/pFl:,.wa^ezrtuvu^^le^.^ter c,n.'n,o rasor arvq 1 n.ma,m��m�nu ndrumme Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Hermes F. Norero FL P.E. 023228 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Parry: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See Installation Institutions,FL-20862.5,and F 20862 R2 AE PER4422 cc 2016-08-06 +d( Evaluation Report, PEA4422,for design pressures,sizes, Created by Independent Third Party: Yes configurabons,installation requirements,and limits of use. 20867.6 f. Fiberglass Door 8-0 Opaque"Non-Impart"Fiberglass Door-Inswing/Outswing Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ:Yes EL2085Z R2 II FL-20H62 6 SS 2016-10-18 out Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Heroes F. hereto FL P.E. 023228 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Patty: Yes Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See Installation Instmctions, FL-20867.6,and F 20862 R2 At P R44 a SS 2016-08-06 otlf Evaluation Report, PER4423,for design pressures,sites, Created by Independent Third Party: Yes configurations, Installation requirements,and limits of use. M Imra¢Ls'.'. Tne slrtea Ronex rs x n<atEo ir,rnh H-r ]-]or Fno en,;: e.nonaa mr,,email aaant-t are o n,a wa.a: n va ao no[rant rwrt 1 a an,o.elnsed m eve once w a 10lal,1311 Ingo.na xna eectrone - assew,p.tmuew,mnraa me on.a by pnana o,er<.wa�onai mad.11...nave anv gene the mere contact l an anaass.'Ina-1 m sevune Thannaul <arv«,enran..e oaocer r,xorx,arw:eee arn.ua ewe.[name.ass.es.w n Pov�x ma oaparzwev wpm an aman aaaress umev nova ooa.ma ema�is �,ovraw mar be usw(w o*iwl rpmmun�ranon wpm toe avenue.n arl martsea art Dual[I ym lra ii eon underro aMe1 aS,F S.al e w cllc vgan gee me oepamnent wm an emaa wawa:warm ran ce mace a.anaek m me pnae.To aete.m�ne n vou+2 a aramar anew cnaae,ass,rs..pima cork tetA. Prod.1PP..ra.are ova: 0IFI ®0M Credit Card Safe hep'. wx'w Oaiddhaldhp.wp p'p ap,all spa^pumn CEVXQ DkPgODTP1!bXSw2Z9n.L GB,YCv]ph2,u46.6xrrO]LA%3d°wldll V3101202:4531 Pall BUILDING DROPS 398 E.Dania Beach.Blvd Suite 338 UJ A Perfect Solution in Every Drop Dania Beach,FL 33004 Certificate ur Authorization:29578 954.399.8478 PH 954.744.4738 FX contact@buildingdrops.com August 17,2016 TO: Whom It May Concern FROM: Hermes F. Norero, P.E. Registered Florida Professional Engineer#73778 PRODUCT NAME: Fiberglass Door Applicant: Trinity Glass International 33625 In Way S Federal Way, WA 98003 Dear Sir(Madam), To the best of my knowledge,the above-mentioned product conforms to the Sun Edition (2014) Florida Building Code. Please note that I do not have, nor will I acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing the product(s)for which the reports are being issued. I also do not have, nor will I acquire,any financial interest with the Laboratory that performed the test(s),or with the Engineer witnessing the testis)and sealing the test report(s). Respectfully submitted, F ftr077j7i i *�• •7�.�*�I �OT'•., T P;'24r�� Digitally signed by Hermes F.Norero,P.E. Reason:I am approving Herme4' Sr P%` Date:2016.08.26 14:29.07-"00'ment �+fY7 rftt �R Florida Regis ere Professional Engineer#73778 Page 1 of 1 INBTAE.ATID"NUTEs Trinity Glass International DOES';ON SHOWry INSTALLATION" "'N RE°""E°"rE" ""°"°R OPAQUE FIBERGLASS DOOR — ER ED IS HE T+IEMUMNUMBEROFANCHOR TOREUSEDFORPROUCT IMPACT OUTSWING INSTALLATONOFTHEM�IMNMSIZELISTED PRODUCT 3 w fag s INS ALL HOLSOVAL INSTALLATION ANNULAR WITHIN A raEM"CE I U °FiUp INOSIB WRHOUr TYRSIOERATI°N°Fr°LERALSOH aV1i TOLERANCE ARE NOT CUMULATIVE FROM ONE INSTALLATION NO. p �w-A ANCHOR T°THE NEXT. AND OaW Zr< e^ E PRODUCT SHOWN LORD Is oE310xEO SHIM AS REQUIRED AT EAW INSTALLATION ANCHOR Arm LOAD MAxUApVRW TO 00NPLV WITH THE CURRENT FLORIDA -- O V, OZ 2 DEALING RHINRI,MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SHIM STACK TO RE 114 BUILDING CODE II INCLUDING NVRZ AND HAS BEEN _ TABLE OF CONTENTS d ; HIMWnELE SPACE OF IDS INCH OR CHARTER OCCURS EVNUREO ACEOR°INCTO THE FOLLOWING a mU'A " EuMES)SBALL BE CORSTRUCTEDOF HIGH DANsm Puma RE SHEET# DESCRIPTION = sE<T 1 General notes C a LAS BD?RS 2 Typical elevation.,design pressures 'T.CASUAL o0WOOD SHINSTALLATION FaENT LENGTH FRAMING lEEl 3 Typical elevations,design pressures IRATE MIRLMUMEDCE uMA 11111 4 Typical elevations,design pressures DISTAUDDE OF E„TmIDNTAINEDOD OAD BHi+iLL eELwlmnmsD, e.FOLINSTALIATONINTDcoxLRETE1MAsoNm. OP THE EXISTING STRucruRAL 5 Typical elevations,design pressures c°ARCRETELMABOxeY AND ZX FRAMING AS A MAIN WIND 6 Door panel construction details N ACHIEVE MINIMUM FORCE RESISTUD SYSTEM CAPABLE OF WITHSTANDING AND 7 Sidelite panel Construction details Z sEDMENT Irvin CONTRATEA OURY"EV OANSTOTHEENGI ER OR & Glazin derails 0 uM EMBEDMENT AND EDGE DISTANCE EXCLUDE WALL ARCHITECT OF RECORD FOR THE ryaECT Or wsTALLAT UN g Vertical cross sections N FINISHED INUJUSE,BUT NOT LIMITED TO STUCCO.BOOM BRICK FOUNDATION 16 THE RESPONSIBILITY JEN IN 3 IVAND 2X SULFUR(WHEN USE°I SHALL BE DESIGNED AND 19 Verical Cross sections MODIFIED T PROPERLY TRANSFER ALL LOANS TO THE N 8 INSTALLA ION ANCHORS AND o AND wsTTAALLATIn"IS FOE 11 Horizontal Cross sections > MADE OF CONFUSION RESISTANT +nITERAL OR HAVCgMUSTeE RESPONSIBILITY DESIGNEE EEre ARCH LOOT OF 12 Horizontal cross sections JS CORROSION RESISTANT COATING. RECORD FOR THOF FOCI OF INSTALLATION. lL +x 13 Horizontal cross sections p' 9 FOR HOLLOW SLOCK AND GROUT FILLED SLOCIF Do NOT INSTALL 4 HEANSTATUDGION DETAILS CA�GNSXP HEREIN ARE GENERIC 14 Vertical&Horizontal cross sections R OR EWE OF nomen El U FE` 15 Horizontal cross sections IUSTALTATONANCHDRS INTO MORTAR JOINTS EDDE D MAY NOT REFLECT ACTUAL CONDITIONS FORn MEASURED ROM mEE EDGE OFSUOc SUE rTERGOrvOmENTESTA IESTEREINATD JOINT HOT FACE SHELL o<elocrc. ROMTxARRoxwEMENTSHALL ESTATES HEREIN SPE01FIO 16 Buck&Frame anchoring ENGINEERORARC„nECTSHALL PREPARE MEN71NS NHV< o. I„srAMOOR MrvµROMPACTuREAS INSTALLATION INASTRRwONS REAM sFOR USE WUTH TnIS DocuMENrlry wu-HVHz 17 Buck anchoring z nxo"RwCRS SHALL NOTBERswsuUBSTRATES W17H xs. ALEADEN 18 Frame anchoring pT STRNGTHoSNLESSTHANT THE STRENGTH SPECIFIED ev APPROVED R THIS aoouc.PROTEC71VE SYSTEM Is REQUIRED 19 Frame anchoring 20 Frame anchoring `O g s 11 INSTALLATOx ANCHOR CAPACITIES FOR PRODUCTS HEREIN ARE %. COURT S MOULINS MATERIAL PVC OR WOOD 21 Buck anchorin $` NFL $ ENDED ON sues TH THE FOLLOWING RE PARTIES r. CLADDING MATERIAL FIBERGLASS 22 Frame anchoring PRESEVERTeNOTH g W u ez " °FJ� 22 Fume anchorin m C:HOLL00AYSCUS «EON U STRENGTH CONFORMANCE TO ri h AsrMcw.MIF 1—.1Ps_ 24 Buckannchori y•.-R,1. 25 Frame anchoring �' dN �pP�Fp�g 26 Component. a > .. 27 Com Onents g i S m¢ I" 28 Com onents ^0 3 �� "z 29 Bill of materials Dws m. DgNallyflgneG Gy H=+mF,FNorrn.pE. FL-20867.2 Rea:orclam approving mix Eocumenv SHEET RL OF Olt Dat,-. OHSOeM+etll:l9 A000' 1 GJ 4 V 0 �T m i$a H m k pD$p•MAX.FRAME HEIGHT L t�i O .9 0 ED c e 010 994 m N o N m c � �1F DATE', 4ESF /y0 .,, TSTLE��^^RwR.sRwiw� CS m rP wlAm e m REVISIONS o 30 1 NDWL BY S� 4J 1% NG. TTPMAL ELEVATION A D N DESCRIPTIgJ BY DATE IV LS N 7�]& DESIGN PRESSURE CM11KB STpT : ¢ q M a' NFN y :' L<J BUILDING DROPS,INC. F N v L W`� 399E DANIA BE^C41 BLVp,RJJB _ SCALE' �� I2 DANIA BEACH.FL 3AXH N 74 75"MA%,O,A. _ 112W'MA%.O.P. ____ FRAME WIDTH FM EWIDTH 2 12 6 s �Vd 1®V9 �' amwea 2 O 2 O O 2 O dI Xr]JC Fu 1 `o N � Lu CL 3 3 1 9 1 CONTINUOUS HEADER AND SILL CON7N000S HEADER AND SILL $ tt ,0 M b.. p MAX. . DESIGN PRESSURE(PSF) �' '' CONFIGURATION FRAME ,IAMB B MULLION TYPE DIMENSION POSTBVE NEGATIVE WOOD h55.0 -70.0 O)IXO 74.T5'%50.50" $ '., 0" PVC +55.0 55.0 � d �� .,. OXO 773.00'%50.50" W000 h55.0 55.0 ,�'��� • va `�'t¢ PyC h55.0 .55.0 'o m W �i x DW6#: FL-20867.2 NEE7i 3 OF 29 75.50"MAX.O.A. ,t3.50'MAX 0A, aD,,IV... sz.... FRAME WIDTH FRAME WIDTH -r. 37.50"MAX. 37,25'MAX. 37.50'MAX. 37.25'MAX. FRAME WIDTH FRAME WIDTH FRAME WIDTH FRAME WIDTH 75"MULLION ]5'MULLION ° m I a 0 a Ll F O p 7 OLu O 4 O 4 I O ' '2 J) m - & 1 t2 s of 0 3 3 3 3 z MAX. DESIGN PRESSURE(PSF) CONFIGURATION FRAME JAMB B MULLION TYPE DIMENSION _ POSITIVE NEGATIVE ✓ ��`' WOOD +60.0 -70.0 `Y OXD(0 75.50"%80.50" PVC +55.055.0 �'R PROP OXO 113.50"X 80.W' WOOD +55.0 .55.0 mz PVC *55.0 -55.0 0 ; i i 3 z DWG#' FL-20867.2 5"FFT' 4 of 29 150.00' MAX.O.A.FRAME MOTH 74.OV MAX.FRAME WIDTH 74DW MAX.O A. 1S'MUWON FRAME WIDTH 3725"MAX.FRAME WIDTH S m = ® ® ® ® F � lilo p -0 o O � m 1 0x o Z $ 1 N C / Lu Ix 3 3 z 9 o-ti' g MAX. DESIGNPRESSURE(PSFJ DESIGN PRESSURE(PSFJ ALUMINUM CONFIGURATION FRAME ALUMINUM ASTRAGAL PVCASTRAGAL N DIMENSION -POSITIVE I NEGATIVE POSITIVE NEGATIVE "� ` rz\m c_s XX 74.00'X 80.50' F55.0 .55.0 a47.0 dT.0 %�'�M IvaDvps� OXXO 150.00"X 80.50" .55.0 •55.0 +47.0 1 -47.0 _a > z DW& FL-20867.2 s"EET' S of 29 11L STILE FIBERGLASS SKIN INTERIOR 2 W-TISW PVC STILE CAP FOAM CORE Ar tw TOP FAIL 4 1,22- 25' PVC SEE DETAIL 2 J LA LOCK BLOCK 19T EXTERIOR PVC STILE CAP LVL STILE 12 01 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION PANEL WIDTH 4L r 2,M'- r EXTERIOR INTERIOR A'. LM-LOCK BLOCK 5,66- FOAM CORE 16 7S 550' BOTTOM FAIL Lu SEE DETAIL I L PVC DETAIL 1 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION FIBERGLASS YARN 0 REINFORCEMENT a. LOCKSET HARDWARE L I "' . * MANUFACTURER MCDIDL 0 T--'71I8ERGISS SKIN KIKSLT LOCK&DEADBOIT C0.130 SIGNATURE SERIES 991 DETAIL 2 KWXSET LOCK&DEADROLT COMBO FIBERGLASS SKIN:0.079-THICK MIN. FOAM CORE POLYURETHANE FIBERGLASS SKIN DID .EE S.' 7T FOAM CORE INTERIOR 1.57- ,-LVL TOP FAIL 125- LVL STILE 413 EXTERIOR LVLSEE DETAIL 1 STILE -.I �g FIBERGLASS SKIN Xo HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION 3565' FOAM CORE PANEL WIDTH 21-D.L.O. FIBERGLASS YARN REINFORCEMENT '�:FIBERG SS SKIN INTERIM T—' G DETAIL I SEE SHFF8 EXTERIOR 7 V) > o L, Ly 10.5 LVIL BOTTOM FAIL ;p VERTICAL CROSS SECTION IDELITEPANEL @TIRIE ....... 0 079'THICK MIN Il FL-20867.21 FOAM CORE POLYURETHANE 1SHEET 7 OF 29 STRUCTURAL SILICONE STRUCTURAL SILICONE AB (SEE NOTE I) AS (SEE NOTE I) ALUMINUMIBUTYL ALUMINUM SPACER IS 1.118E SELF SPACER SYSTEM p8X 1-118'SEE THREAOINGSCREW 1B'ANNEALED GLASS THREADING SCREW 1B'ANNEALED GLASS 0.090'PVB INTERLAYER 0.090'PVB INTERLAYER DUPONT BUTACITE OR ABP INTERLAYER 'F,( ., DUPONT BUTACITE OR ABP INTERLAYER tTC _ VIE ANNEALED GLASS 1.72" 1I8'ANNEALED GLASS ' AIR SPACE AIR SPACE » Z f 1B'TEMPEREDGLASS V8'TEMPERED GLASS 1 O A.THK GLASS 1"O.A,THK GLASS u —IQ'GLASS BITE — 112'GLASS SITE gtV i STRUCTURAL SILICONE STRUCTURAL SILICONE g p333 my (SEE NOTE 1 ) Gf GLALNG DETAIL (SEE NOTE I) G3 GLALNG GETAN. g'I O °W` k`� -� STRUCTURAL SILICONE STRUCTURAL SILICONE gB (SEE NOTE 1) g!) (SEE NOTE 1) %8X 1-11B'SELF ALUMINUMIBUTYL k8X 1-11B"SELF ALUMINUM SPACER THREADING SCREW SPACER SYSTEM THREADING SCREW 118'ANNEALED GLASS 1B'ANNEALED GLASS O 0.090'PVB INTERLAVER 0.090'PVB INTERIAYER I-1 DUPONT BUTACITE OR ABP INTERLAYER I DUPONT BUTACITE OR ABP INTERUYER 9) C 1 J3' i'+ 1B'ANNEALED GLASS 1JY 118'ANNEALED GLASS AIRSPACE AIRSPACE LE, � a $ 118E TEMPERED GLASS VIE TEMPERED GLASS t O A.THK GLASS 1'OA.THK GLASS STRUCTURAL SILICONE —50'GLASS BITE STRUCTURALSILICONE — -50'GLASS BITE ;SEE NOTE 1) (SEE NOTE 1) GLALNG DETAIL /1 GLALNG DETAIL G3 c•p0 .. N3��• R 0.•............ r G —� 12<' 0 „ N: Z 1 —1.50'— t.mP 11- a 3N m2 XJN x2 NOTE: FLUSNGLALiDFRAME A OANYL/TEFRAME FL#20867.2 1. STRUCTURAL SILICONE OPTIONS:SILICONE BY CAPSTONE OR DOW 995 STRUCTURAL SILICONE A8 ASS OR PCIASA B8 ABS OR PCIASA SHEET 8 OF 29 D K • • • • v ` .I II'MIN. • • • • a I-uf MIN r rs�• • E..U,R! `^q� • a • • EMB IT'PI $ m B v \ • �. 1 ZOO C ¢ C a 11 1 3 9 11 1 J J EXTERIOR L C a m a EXTERIOR R J S INTERIOR INTERIOR �/?�—�VERTICAL CROSS SECTION V m VERTICAL CROSS SECTION ( gROWN W;t%WOOD BUCK Z RNOWN W"XINDD,BUCK Q o W w INTERIOR EXTERIOR J 10 i • P EMB IYPI ���, +. 1 •'O'' Y�po,I /1 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION )W6 x. s FL-20867.2 MEET 9 of 29 D fug lY. T l P K K ° ° EM9(iYPI • v EMB ITI'P. • a • v e . xµwrw.°w o a r °a • rzmen.mnz a o-\ $ (SEE NOTE 1) o a (SEE NOTE I) Is _ C 12 2 u a r5 a 1 3 � 12 EXTERIOR F A EXTERIOR H INTERIOR INTERIOR 2 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION VERTICAL CROSS SECTION V9/ SHOWN W. WOOD BUCK N m V Z EXTERIOR INTERIOR 12 Lli D 10 (SEEN E 1) 3 D go g µ1,3Sky$�,C N� 4 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION NOTE: own. 9 1. SCREWS THRU HEAD JAMS AND SILL.EACH SCREWS LOCATED 113 DISTANCE OF SIDELITE PANEL WIDTH FROM EACH ENDS. FL-20867.2 SHEET 10 OF 29 1-114-MIN 1-114' MIN �EMS (TYP) EMB.(TYP)�— ��ruln.[. luwus C f P 3 1 1 J C O H H 5 8 m 11 INTERIOR INTERIOR 11 $ m z x$ a 'a$ a0x F (SEE NOTE 1)O C a C� E 6 EXTERIOR EXTERIOR w �1l HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION 1 SHOWN WI 4X WOOD BUCK 1 SHOWN W/2%WOOD BUCK 1-114'MIN 1.1/4'MIN N m' EMB.(TYP) EMS,(TYP) O z I C 1 P 3 1 3 3 C71 1n s rt s N •" 11 INTERIOR INTERIOR z 0�0 \n �� • Q dVp`8eF! � �F YYd / r 5 F EXTEFIOR SEE NOTE I)Q F£T l..11 ERIOR A ����y ♦PROf.`S HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION G HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION SHOWN W/1X WOODBUCK V�SHOWN W11X WOODBUCK x DWG# NOTE FL-20867.2 1 SIDELITE SCREWS LOCATED 6"FROM EACH END OF SIDE JAMB AND 3 EQUALLY SPACED SCREWS FROM THE END SCREWS. 11611 11 OF 29 19 1 2 3 INTERIOR 2 3 1 INTERIOR 1 2 3 1 1 3 S ti 0 I `� \ reue 5 5 mC :S o" O �E F 0 © E F C gam a (SEE NOTE I) 5 (SEE NOTE 1) 5 EXTERIOR EXTERIOR lLHORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION (1 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION fit?/ to m Z 0 i f p 3 INTERIOR 19 1 2 3 Do 2021 3 O S 5 a s H 11 2 5 O 11 (SEE NOTE 1) Z R ?O ♦ b33ti�n E I d � w e �Q�s HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION T 5 EXTERIOR HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION 3 �x Sz NOTE: Dpwv m 1.SIDELITE SCREWS LOCATED E FROM EACH ENO OF SIDE JAMB AND 3 EQUALLY SPACED SCREWS FROM THE END SCREWS. 1 L-20867.2 SHEET:12 OF 29 1418 a� INTERIOR 1 1@6 Y INTERIOR 12 +(SEE NOTE 1)O U 11' if (SEE NOTE p $ c E F gig. 8 EXTERIOR T 8 $" EXTERIOR EXTERIOR u �. HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION 4 1 f INTERIOR m 17 18 Z O INTERIOR Q z (SEE NOTE 1) 8 12 �V-11 C v \ O f1 11 \ (BEE NOTE t) L o 6 O 1 4,?�. R .... R E F . 8 EXTERIOR EXTERIOR T 8 O �g�iyee W J2 �HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION (1 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION �i�J '� N •PPO`�`1 o Z ow6#- NOTE: FL-20867.p2 1.SIDELITE SCREWS LOCATED B"FROM EACH END OF SIDE JAMB AND 3 EQUALLY SPACED SCREWS FROM THE END SCREWS. SHEET.13 QF Z p 1-114•MIN C I_1A MIN EMS(TVP) —� C EMB(TYP) '3 SHEET ROCK FURRING / SHEET ROCK D FURRING I D u9z �5 INTERIOR (SEE NOTE 2)0 � a F INTERIOR of m z_r wZ kmN p fm zInn i a a p EXTERIOR K K g 11 EXTERIOR 14 K E 6 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION /2l HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION Direct to maswry EireIR to masonry (5-114"mmJamb) (5-114'min jamb) 1-MIN EDGE 1-MIN EDGE Q z K DISTANCE K DISTANCE N o SHEET ROCK SHEET ROCK HA I. / w P• FURRING - FURRING LLJ� o z E s�g d 1z o �� ¢� H fW D P6€ 11 r5 � 1 (SEE NOTE 1) D W ;Pz w EXTERIOR EXTERIOR 'Y '�., INTERIOR INTERIOR ''�d.N '•JJI' f ♦Ego.s n VERTICAL CROSS SECTION /, VERTICAL CROSS SECTION �l4/ Olrecl to masonry �,91 Direcl to masonry 0-14'min Iamb) (5-114'minjamb) 0 3z�' x z NOTE: 6#. 1. SCREWS THIRD HEAD JAMD AND SILL.EACH SCREWS LOCATED 113 DISTANCE OF SIDELITE PANEL WIDTH FROM EACH ENDS. I L-20867.2 2 SIDELITE SCREWS LOCATED 6"FROM EACH ENO OF MULLION AND 3 EQUALLY SPACED SCREWS FROM THE END SCREWS. SHEET 14 of 29 1-1/4"MIN ^-* EMS.(TYP)7�-- 1 } 3 C 4OR p C 1-1/4"MIN INTERI EMS(TVP)SHEET ROCKFURRINGINTERIOR EXTERI iF �HORZ0NTAL CROSS SECTION y 1 BHOWN W/2X WOOD BUCK In m Z 0 1-1/4"MIN H p EMB.(TYP) H K P EXTERIOR 3 3 C w h 1 8 K L 6 n HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION Direct o masonry 8 °z (5-1/4-min jamb) INTERIOR e. p 1< ba'3 ra 11 I . b 04 I �O m EXTERIOR T 8 CA n HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION DWG m, .15. SHOWN W 1M WOOD BUCK FL-20867.2 SHEBT 15 of 29 BEE HINGE i \DETAILI 4 \ a F j a j j s I D TYP,HEAD G 2%BUCK e • AND JAMBS H 2XBUCK N 1X BUCK L 1X BDDK $ P DIRECT TO — a MASONRY D DIRECT TO MASONRY W'MAA - ¢o-ltrp/ • iX/2XBUCK) TYP.HEAD 14'uAX o ?5 HINGE DETAIL I &JAMBS o'0"') m <�2%BUCK ` tea DOOR FRAME g„ 111]- AX LIT oc ITw-I ssv F MASONRY MASONRY g OPENING OPENING SEE HIN 3E DETA 2 G 2%BUCK N m N 1XBUCK Z DIRECTT• P MASONRYO D TVP SILL O z E V ° 3 � HINGEDETAIL2 06 BUCKANCHORING HINGE JAMB FRAMEANCHORING STRIKEJAMB Masonry construction o Z CONCRETE ANCHOR NOTES: •y3 r. 1.Concrete anchor locations noted as WAX ON CENTER"and at the comers must be adjusted to maintain min.edge distance to mortar joints. Additional concrete anchors may be required to ensure the"MAX ON CENTER"dimensions are not exceeded. 2.Concrete anchor table: nox vLeepR Mirv- MlN aenanxwA,---T.- 1XBUCK b IN nLEARANLETn 2XBUCK EMBEn.EM mr06ONRYEVOE E ANCHOR DIRECT TON T "•.. w E•vimex AN 114" 1-114" 2" 4" P '•°�r�HRO�p�5 miaimeo 114" 1 1A/4" 1" 4" MASONRY o > wcoN• 3116 1 1-1/4 1 3 17- <o � WOOD SCREW INSTALLATION NOTES: STRIKE PLATE DETAIL bwbk, w 1.Maintain a min.5/8"edge distance,&1"o.c.spacing of wootl screws to prevent FL-20867.2 splitting of wood. sHEET1 OF 29 4'r 4. O VP.HEAD &IAMBS S wa L�ywa 1MXBUCK g m o O 3 G m 15.18"MAX. FOR REF.ONLY 0 C.(TYR) e MABONRY OPENING N m Z N W � SUCKANCHORING 0 z CONCRETE ANCHOR NOTES: ```�F,P ............N 1.Concrete anchor locations noted as"MAX ON CENTER"and at the corners must be adjusted to maintain min,edge distanceto mortarjoints. Additional ntlonceadereteanchors may be required to ensure the"MAX ON CENTER"dimensions are not exceetled. 2 Concrete anchor labia: ANCHOR NLH MIN, MIN.CLEAflANtE MIN LLEMANCETO FGR SG.GXBXX W FZ w'.PZ "... SIZE R EMBEOMENi iO MA50NRV E. ROJVRTMENi ANCHIXi CONFIGURATIONS %�3N pROF�.t IiW BVILGEX vL Ea.r. 114" 1 ,/4" 1' 4" iiwevaosx ^0 3 v TAFcorv• 31i6" 1-1/4" 3" 1-112' — OWG#: WOOD SCREW INSTALLATION NOTES. FL-L0S67.2 1.Maintain a min.5/8"edge distance.&1"e.c.spacing of wood!screws to prevent splitting of wood. sHEET:17 F 29 F �SEE ITINOF - - I 4-- 6•(rvP-J 1 DETAIL, A -\H 2XBUCK g z TX BUCK ' �0IRECTTO i Z MASONRY — a1tu.ax ivP.HEAD STRIKE PLATE DETAIL u o¢LL . o.C (TYPI 1X/2X BUCK &JAMBS 1". on(mr) io 6 DOOR FRAME F of a "s' d - pP_ G 2X BUCK ssa. N BUCK C $ �-^ - _ P DIRECT TO ail MASONRY MASONRY OPENING E SEE HINGE DETAIL _ _ HINGE DETAIL G TYP.SILL P H z 6 N � 3. G 2X BUCK H '" —"— I--I -- N 1X BUCK LU w Bu P DIRECT TO HINGE JAMB STRIKEMULLION MASONRY FRAME ANCHORING E Masonry construction - CONCRETE ANCHOR NOTES: HINGE DETAIL 2 °z 1,Concrete anchor locations noted as"MAX ON CENTER"and at the corners must be J`Pp t b33N'�, adjusted to maintain min.edge distance to mortar joints. Additional concrete anchors 14 16 17 •' may be required to ensure the"MAX ON CENTER dimensions are not exceeded. 02%O 2% ANCHOF g NO MIN.CIEPMNCE N1x 'LE ANCETO �S ivPE 6ZE E BEDMExT iO Mg60NRV EpBE gpJuc MENLgNCNORI 14161) fe W }-Z nwBwmEx TAPco 114 i 1l4" 2 4' rr uL11A aao 1l4" i-114" 1" 4" ✓<PRO 1, T necoiP 3,16" 1-114" 3" 1-112' o 3�rux az WOOD SCREW INSTALL D4X ATION NOTES: WEWA-A VIEW A-A VIEW B-B VIEW B-8 D DW6#', 1.to prtajnamin.518"edgengowoo distance,81"o.c,spacing of wood screws Head lO mullion anachment Head to mullion MU11111) Sill to mullion anacI (Ttomullionaflacnment FL-20867.2 t0 prevent splitting of wood. f5lantlartl or Fat Mullion) (jwalXece Fet MUIGon) (Standard or Fat Mullion) (Two-piece Fat Mupion) sHEET.18 OF 29 4 SEE HINGE p• {—e'ONE,I OETAII 1 �I B I I I I a• N 2X BUCK T L 1X BUCK _ D DIRECT TO X2 MASONRY S llas-NAx, AD 6JAMBS STRIKE PLATE DETAIL oc lnel 1X BUCK H'rMA o e p", DOOR FRAME _ — — _ Fu B E G 2X BUCK ^ 5°' B sw' N IX BUCK K u 1! —� P DIRECTTO �Y MASONRY MASONRY OPENING ISSEE HINGE DETAIL 2 HINGE DETAIL I to u Z D TYP.SILL f B i G 2X BUCK N IXBUCK LLI P DIRECT TO HINGE JAMB FRAMEANCNORING STRIKEJAMB MASONRY E Masonry conelmclbn HINGE DETAIL CONCRETE ANCHOR NOTES: .: tar 7.Concrete arctror locadons rested as"MAX ON CENTER"and at the comers must be "�F,?0 ••"'�33'I%3 adjusted to maintain min,edge distance to mortar pints. Additional wncrete anchors may be O `• �m-,�.d a required to ensure the"MAX ON CENTER"dimensions are M exceeded. 2.Cwaele anchor table:V'N iVpE Slg EYBEpNENT OWXxIRY EMi xp.XlSi Iqn � Z Te$Uarpx 1//' 1-i14' 2' 4' � iPaOY"'*� .as oNe 1/4• 1-1/4• V 4" 'irm�cpo°N�x1 W16- 1-114' 1 3- 1-112" c$ 3 k WOOD SCREW INSTALLATION NOTES: ows#, 1.Maintain a min.5/8"edge distance,&V o.c.spacing of wood screws to prevent spliding of wood. FL-20867.2 rH-T 19 of 29 SEE HINGE • • ��• E'Iiwr IC`. DETAIL 1 \\I\I\\\ ^ Al 1 A T •• H IXBUCK L %BUCK D DIRECT TO - TYP.HEAD MASONRY u-o Y $6 c�liYa.l iX2K BUCK ItJR STRIKE DETAILI JAMBS ASTRAGAL OVN oclrvPl - E i NLY DOORFRAME z F m .` _ 0 2X BUCK H 1X BUCK 3 sl DIRECT TO 4u a MASONRY MASONRY OPENING E E HINGE DETAIL I HINGE DETAIU � u Z D F z TOP.anLgF TOP. B a N K O 2X BUCK LU ' N 1X BUCK W w P DIRECTTO 6 P ° HINGE JAMB FRAMEANCNORING ASTRAGAL E MASONRY Mammy mnsVuctbn CONCRETE ANCHOR NOTES: HINGE DETAIL 2 °z 1.Concrete anchor locations noted as"MAX ON CENTER"and at the corners must be a r. r 3 .a adjusted to maintain min.edge distance to mortarjoints. Additional concrete anchors PO 4. ......... may the required to ensure the"MAX ON CENTER"dimensions are not exceeded. nuiattne E axyugtw EM1B-MFiL/rYl4E•Hi . 21a'ul 1wE-E O. . }Icio iW110Rwa waCaw ➢Liwuoa mMM' WEu 4' na 1/1' TNwM3118' 1-0/4' 3' -1 N T.Y'"Z.Z'`♦`xtli fri's4o- i�d m WOOD SCREW INSTALLATION NOTES- 1. Ie ( Maintain a min.5/8^edge distance,&1•o.c.spacing of woad screws WEW A-A _VIEW B-B Dws A: he prevent splitting of wood. Astragal Strike@ Head Astragal Strike@Sill FL-20867.2 11EI:T.200F 26 a• J- a D TW.MEAD 6 JAUBS $ •, •y 15.13-MAX. F! 0C.ITYPj C SCm� FOR REF.ONLY MASONRY OPENINLU m Z C BUCK ANCHORING 6 z CONCRETE ANCHOR NOTES: I .•� N r I 1.Concrete anchor locations noted as"MAX ON CENTER'and at the corners must or �•`F,po.,,,,. 33Hx FOR OXO yy adusletl to ensure it min.edge CET to mortar joints. re not exceeded. concrete anchors may be CONFIGURATIONS Z -�.6 LF required to ensure the'MAX ON CENTER"dimensions are nat exceetletl. �+ 2.Concrete anchor fade: .WCNON MICIgN Nam. MNEARwaCE MIN ttEPRTNLE LO /j', 1��11�rvas s� MBE Em roc .Foss m�usrxsxrnxuwa ;�b�N- ).a "a, TnEc'W 111 E 1-M17 z• 4• 4• •P °v F L0O 1I4' 1-1I6' P ^� m ul.rancoN• m It?nviu° " 3I16" 1-i14" 3' t-112' OW6#'o z z , WOOD SCREW INSTALLATION NOTES: FL-2O867.2 1.Maintain a min.SIB'edge tllstance.8 1'o.c.sparing of wood screws to prevent splitting of wootl. sMFET 210F29 q - QDkt.1T,,:1 Ma SEE HINGE T—' - • DETAILI • -- 4-- �PPYa.I I .. .. >• A�A B H 2XBUCK 2 L 1%BUCK • DIRECT TO .lu� mIDQg MASONRY Mr of TYP.HEAD STRIKE PLATE DETAIL a $ w 0C.1TYP.) 1XJ2XBUCK BJAMBS DOOR FRAME — — F B Is w Ea$ G mono s.slr C 4C� # —( MASONRY E OPENING SEE HINGE DETAIL 2 _ _ HINGE DETAIL/ • Z O �TYP.SILL F 8 B B I o HINGEMULLION e . - U STRIKE MULLION " FRAME ANCHORING E Ms.,commuclon CONCRETE ANCHOR NOTES: HINGE DETAIL Z. 1.Concrete anchor locations noted as"MAX ON CENTER"and at the corners must be ""O T N33ti adjusted to maintain min.edge distance to moharjoints. Additional concrete anchors 14161 E r""..... may be required to ensure the WAX ON CENTER"dimensions are not exceeded. G O 2X n .-- M1. rN.--R•HCE MIN CIFNux`-O 2% D4X u- eF ENBap.EM TOAN501INY FDaF OnJUaiMENi MILMOa i/iB1 iB mY 9111Epa �" -• )Z m. LFPCP`Ar 1l4' 1-1/d' 1 2' •.�d3 .t.p•'4 u Taicou• 114- 1-1/4' 1' 'TABU x 3116' 1-1/4 3' 1-12' • ' • • 1 • • z iYm WOOD SCREW INSTALLATION NOTES: Gd% VIEWA-A VIEW A-A VIEW B-B VIEW B-B bwew. h 1.Melntaio a min,5/8'edge distance,&P o c.Mpacilg of wood screws Head w rd or Fat tachm1n1 Head o mulion anachment Sill to mullion attachment Sill to mullion attachment FL-20867.2 11 to prevent splitting of wood. ( 1 (Tw"ece Fat Mullion) (Standard or Fat Mullion) (Two-piece Fat Mullion) 5HIIT.220F 29 4 <' ��Tetrvrrv +rss S DETAIL ir EE HINGE <' I—I—FIrvP.I 1 a 1 ° N U SUCK • L 1%SUCK X D DIRECT TO MASONRY — — oc Mac TYP.HEAD la^Ma%. SiRIKE PLATE DETAIL If giLL o C.lttvl 1wz%BUCH aJAMES D.c(rvP.l C DOORFRAME _ _ _ — — F � m << ? S ssv g�7`w £ MASONRY E OPENING SEE HINGE DETAIL _ _ HINGE DETAIL V) m Z A YP.SILL F) a O I r rlLU HINGE JAMB FRAME ANCHORING STRIKEJAMB E Masonry mnsWCLon ° CONCRETE ANCHOR NOTES: HINGE DETAIL R 1.Concrete anchor Inactions noted as"MAX ON CENTER"and at the corners must be • 'U1;' R adjusted to maintain min.edge distance to mortar joints. Additional concrete anchors may De required to ensure the"MAX ON CENTER"dimensions are not exceeded. YICM]P W.CIFARPNCE MIN CLEWNCE iO 16't rYpE gIIE EMBF.pR.NI Tp EIXE gpNISTMENThVCNCq Tmircori ' V4' 1.11C 2' 4' "co va• 1-va• r a• „ UU.CCN° ITW&114e x - _ ' W Txvoor� �i B' 1-1/4' 3• 1-12' o: " z p'n �i �� WOOD SCREW INSTALLATION NOTES' DWew. 1.Maintain a min.SIB"edge distance,&1•o.c.spaang of wood screws FL-20867.2 to prevent splitting of wood. SHEET:230F 29 £ f a• O TYP.HEM 6 JAMBS S m 1X2X BUCK g �g�pp OAw ; m tt Sc a 1o.c3mPi � °C$ E FOR REF.ONLY MASONRY OPENING V) m Z O V) K > e a o SUCKANCHORING CONCRETE ANCHOR NOTES: FOR OXXO ,..$ CONFIGURATKJNS �.JaG #Nrys E 1.Concrete anchor aerations edge noted as WAX ON CENTER"and Additional the comers must beadj ` E.:""""'•. required to maintaensureinm'n.MAXOdlCENT to mime lionjoints. re not concrete anchors may DB required to encore the"MAX ON CENTER"dimensions are not eeceedetl. 2.Concrete anchor table: µCpp MI(:IIN xx. 41N.f1FMWLE MIx CLEPMHGE iO WR':J2ln P' rt sus ENeEOMEm .o xAv�xnr E. =U0.L2 .%Eirwc vc 1/4' 1-1/4' 2' Lr Ernscpre 1/4' 1-1/4' 1 4' �i ZT . N eul x w1B'I 1-114" 3'TA splil #:o o WOOD SCREW INSTALLATION NOTES Dwe : CLO867.G Et��n.nn 1 min.518"edge distance.8 1'p.c.spacing ofwood screws to prewmt fiig of w ootl. sfMEET'-G24 of 29 SEE HINGE 11"P) d" d" `DETAIL 1 N A 2XBUCK AU "e"`iv�wplmm �I a _ L 1X BUCK o D MASONRY ASON TO MASONRY i H tt' O W"MAX. TYP.HERB ta'MAX C i -�m os.tnp l 1Xl2X BUCK &JAMBS ASTRAGAL REFSHOWNONLY o-c'mm' _ — — FOR REF ONLY — — LL� a gwW e DOORFRAME H 8 a s A fi ok p < m x MASONRY — — — OPENING SEE HINGE DETAIL 2 Z — /IJ TYP.SILL 1 I I ILU G F L HINGE JAMB a' B ASTRAGAL FRAME ANCHORING Masonry construction r' 6 CONCRETE ANCHOR NOTES: e L Conned toanchor maintain ins edge noted das istance MAX ON CENTER"and Additional thenal comers must be -- - E o"Q.o bJdti maybe required maintain min.eth a tlistance to mortar joints. Additional concrete anchors ��' "'•.� may be reQuired to ensure the 'MAX ON CENTER'dimensions are not exceeded. VIEWA-A HINGE DETAILI 1 za 6 Astragal Strike Q Head ANCHOR ANCHO0. MIN Mm aEPgnncE Rnn ETC F a N i P .RE EMBECMENT iO MP50Ngv EUGE P Ni revcaNe�' 114" 1-1/4" 2" s*nEd arvcH 6 �� C• yed u�i LOO a 114" 1-114" i' 4" G �� P0. ix.pwroEx a Z m z S caNm 3lifi" 1-1/4" 3' 1-0/2" WOOD SCREW INSTALLATION NOTES: E 3� DW6#' 1.Maintain a min.518"edge distance,&1"ox,spacing of worst screws VIEW B-B HINGE DETAIL 2 STRIKE DETAIL 1 FL-20867.2 to prevent splitting of wood. gsVagal Strike Q Sill SHEET 25aF29 e. SIDE&HEAD JAMBS ® fsva^Pr larye/I a i MATERIAL WOOD 22 N� ® ® Ewa —zaa— A6 HINGE o MATERIAL:STEEL u SIDE 8 MATERIAL NEAD JAMBS PVC p N m 4.56' 5.25" 5pu K 9 L r a OUTSMNG SILL r. SIDE 8 HEAD AM' (, or ,J Y ALUMINUM NTH PVC SUBSTRATE MATERIAL:PVC ZO 4 56' APO k b33 /9�i 1,22" H 2.44'— z . 6.56" 0. PFOF�& �o v !, SIDE 8 HEAD JAMBS SIDE 8 NEAD JAMBS ILL KEY DETAIL owG u, MATERIAL WOOD U MATERIAL:PVC OPTIONAL FL-20867.2 SHEET 26oF 29 f am�ow g m n OUTSW/NG SiDELITE SPACER MATEIR PVC 22 .Q8 ra STANDARD MULLION l••J MATERIAL:PVC n b St3 � 'm � � wu ri 4 s' aG"R� a o � A A � o � O H � H� FATMULLION > IMTERWL PVC W 16 MULLION BASE KIT OPTIONAL URETHANE GLUE 4.W g URETHANE GLUE a.se' TWO-PIECE'FAT'MULLION S 'o VMATERIAL:PVCPVC F W8a1 114'PRH WS(4 NEAR SIDE) STANDARD MULLION k8x1 1/4'PRH WS(4 FAR SIDE) a o o i SECTIONA-A MATERIAL:W000 DWG K: FL-20867.2 sHeer270F 29 LATCH(BLIND HOLE) ooT SCREW LOCATIONS(TVP.) DEAD BOLT)THRU HOLE) 5W' 33Ar SLIDEBOLTROD - STEEL 2.]5' 250 n - { —Ft63' 3l5' 2,50' 3.63' 10.T5' 10.50" 8 Se i .T5' 18.50' TOPBOLTRETAINER 26.]5L±' 26.50' 9-314'ALUMINUM - az BOLT RETAINER SLIDE BOLT ROD 2 65' 4 ALUMINUM ASTRAGAL vs' ALUMINUMASTRAGAL a WEW AJ �6'B Aluminum Asbagal by Entlure Protlupa Aluminum ASVegal Assembty Z 0 Z L�TBO � SCREW LOCATIONSITYP.) K 550' 33.13' W w r� o o FLUSHBOLT BAR - Dlepst Zinc $ 20.25' 1.38'— —r 43.82" 20.26' ••.`�p0.�.b33,�. R —rI O' & FLUSMBOLT DEADBOLT ITHRU HOLE) IATCH(iHRU HOLE) m Di.sl zlnc 0o Q x 2 PVC ASTRAGAL 1 44" 0'0 PVL ASIrapN by T.", DWI#. VIEW B-S FL-20867.t2 M5 PVC AstragalOMNy I SHEET.28OF 2 D BILL OF MATERIAL ITEM# DESCRIPTION MATERIAL a A 1X BUCK SG—O 55 WOOD B 2X BUCK SG`155 WOOD C 11B MAX.SHIM SPACE D V4"X2-314"PFH ELCO OR ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL E #9X 314"PFH WS STEEL g F #9X VPFH WS STEEL ° G #9X2-114"PFH WS STEEL ?#g H #10X 2-112"PFH WS STEEL 1 #8X 2"PFH WS STEEL J #6X 1-1W DRYWALL SCREW STEEL K MASONRY-3,ODD PSI MIN.CONCRETE CONFORMING TO ACI301 CONCRETE OR HOLLOW BLOCK CONFORMING TO ASTM C90 L 1/4"X3-34'PFH ELCO OR ITN CONCRETE SCREW STEEL M 114"X3-114"PFH ELCO OR ITN CONCRETE SCREW STEEL C rcCP° - N 3116"X3-114'PFHELCOORITWCONCRETE SCREW STEEL 0 #BX2-112"PFH WS STEEL k' P 3)16"X2-114'PFH ELCO OR ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL 0 #8X VPER WS STEEL R 3116'X2-314'PFH ELOO OR ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL S #10 X 3"PFH WS STEEL V a 1 JAMB(FINGER-JOINT PINE-SG—OA2) WOOD Z 1A JAMB(FINGERJOINT PINE-SG—O 42) WOOD 2 JAMB PVC If2A JAMB PVC 3 JAMB PVC a 5 WEATHER STRIP OEBD650 O-LON - Lu w 6 3.98'X 4.D'HINGE MIN 0.098'MIN THICK STEEL T STRIKE PLATE STEEL 8 DEADSOLT PLATE STEEL 9 SILLKEY PCIASA 6 10 OUTSWING SILL- ALUMINUM WITH PVC SUBSTRATE ALUM./PVC 11 DOOR PANEL-SEE DOOR PANEL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS SHEET - o` ♦b ` 12 SIDELITE PANEL-SEE SIDELITE PANEL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS SHEET p` P�........U�N'� 13 OUTSWING SIDELITE SPACER PVC O 14 STANDARD MULLION(FINGER JOINT PINE SG—OA2) WOOD 15 MULLION BASE KIT PCIASA 16 STANDARD MULLION PVC fT 'FAT'MULLION PVC 18 TWO-PIECE'FAT'MULLION PVC 19 1X MULLION WOOD m 20 ALUMINUM ASTRAGAL BY ENDURA PRODUCTS ALUMINUM 21 PVC ASTRAGAL BY TRINITY PVC 22 ASTRAGAL STRIKE @HEAD STEEL )w&# 23 ASTRAGAL STRIKE @SILL STEEL FL-20867.2 s"FF`290F 29 398 E Dania Beach Blvd. BUILDING DROPS Suite 338 Dania Beach, FL 330043004 A Perfect Solution in Every Drop 954.399.9478 PH rertifirate of authorization:2957E 954.744.4738 FX contact@bulldingdrop5.com i'i : duct Evaluation Report Of Trinity Glass International •'6.N" Opaque Fiberglass Door Oulstciuf ' (impact) for Florida Product :%pproval Ilrport No. ' ,9 Current Florida Building Code Method: 1 —D (Engineering Evaluation) Category: Exterior Door Sub —Category: Swinging Exterior Door Assemblies Product: Opaque Fiberglass Door Outswing Material: Fiberglass Product Dimensions: see m,tallation instructions. FL-20867.2 Prepared For: I MIN Glass li leraammill 3302�; 1 ac S I ederal NN a). �N X 98003 Prepared by: s� ES F. rtro F'. Florida Protessiunal Engineer h 73778 L ;•'N 74' E Daw 07R5l2016 = * _— AT Contenm : O�••.• Evaluation Re7wn Pages I —4 •........•• G� tally .Norero, Reason:I am signed approving this FdocumentE Herms I MIA� 0,P.E. Date:2016.08.2614:51:10.04'00' Florida No.73778 BUILDING DROPS A Perfect Solution in Every Drop Date: 0 //n\\ Certificate of Authorization:295]a Report No:o: 4419 4419 Manufacturer: Trinity Glass International Product Category: Exterior Door Product Sub-Category: Swinging Exterior Door Assemblies Compliance Method: State Product Approval Method (1)(d) Product Name: Opaque Fiberglass Door Outswing (Impact) Scope: This is a Product Evaluation Report issued by Hermes F. Norero,P.E.(FL N 73778)for Trinity Glass International based on Method ld of the State of Florida Product Approval, Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation-Florida Building Commission. Hermes F. Norero,P.E.does not have nor will acquire financial interest in the company manufacturing or distributing the product or in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product named herein. This product has been evaluated for use in locations adhering to the current Florida Building Code. See Installation Instructions FL-20867.2,signed and sealed by Hermes F. Norero,P.E. (FL If 73778)for specific use parameters. Limits of Use: 1. This product has been evaluated and is in compliance with the current Florida Building Code, including the"High Velocity Hurricane Zone'(HVHZ). 2. Product anchors shall be as listed and spaced as shown on details. Anchor embedment into substrate material shall be beyond wall dressing or stucco. 3. When used in areas requiring wind borne debris protection this product complies with Chapter 16 of the current Florida Building Code and does not require an impact resistant covering. 4. She conditions that deviate from the details of drawing FL-20867.2 require further engineering analysis by a licensed engineer or registered architect. 5. See Installation Instructions FL-20867.2 for size and design pressure limitations. Hermes F.Norero,P.E. Florida No. 73778 Page 2 of 4 BUILDING DROPS A Perfect Solution in Every Drop Dale: 07/25/2016Report No: 4419 Certificate of Authorization:29578 Quality Assurance: The manufacturer has demonstrated compliance in Accordance with the Florida Building Code and Florida Product Approval system for manufacturing under a quality assurance program audited by an approved quality assurance entity through National Accreditation Management Institute. (FBC Organization If QUA1789) Performance Standards: The product described herein has been tested per: • TAS 201-94 • TAS 202-94 • TAS 203-94 • ASTM 283-04 • ASTM E330-02 • ASTM E331-00 • AAMA 1304-02 Referenced Data: 1. Product Testing performed by Architectural Testing,Inc. (FBC Organization#TST1910) Report#: F5877.01-109-18, Report Date:04/12/2016 Report#: F7081.01-109-18, Report Date:05/12/2016 Report#: F8603.01-109-18, Report Date:05/27/2016 Report#:85950.01-106-18, Report Date:08/29/2012 Report#:C3995.01-106-18, Report Date: 12/10/2012 Report#:D8467.01-106-18, Report Date:01/23/2015 Report#:D8467.02-106-18, Report Date:01/23/2015 2. Product Testing performed by Testing Evaluation Laboratories,Inc. (FBC Organization#TST4317) Report#:TEL 06-0918-2, Report Date: 10/10/2006 Report#:TEL 01370079, Report Date:12/05/2008 Report#:TEL 01370210, Report Date:12/21/2009 Report#:TEL 01470437, Report Date:11/30/2011 Report#:TEL 04251336, Report Date:05/05/2015 Report#:TEL 02010411, Report Date: 10/11/2011 Report#:TEL 02010412, Report Date: 1011112011 Report#:TEL 08-01370020, Report Date:06/10/2008 3. Product Testing performed by ETC Laboratories (FBC Organization#TST2411) Report#: ETC-05-781-16179.0, Report Date: 12/21/2005 Report#: ETC-05-781-16208.0, Report Date: 12/21/2005 Report#: ETC-OS-781-17122.0, Report Date: 10/19/2005 Report#: ETC-05-756-10828.0, Report Date: 12/31/2001 Hermes F. Norero, P.E. Florida No. 73778 Page 3 of 4 BUILDING DROPS A Perfect Solution in Every Drop Date: 07/25/2016 Certificate of Authorization:29518 Report No: 4419 Installation: Refer to Installation Instructions(FL-20867.2)for anchor spacing and more details of the installation requirements. Design Pressure: Refer to Installation Instructions(FL-20967.2)for design pressures based on size, configuration,and glass types. Hermes F. Norero, P.E. Florida No.73778 Page 4 of 4