HomeMy WebLinkAboutpower releasePlanning & Development Services Building & IICode Regulation Division 2300 vir°giX Ave Fort Pierce, FL 34982 772-462-2165 Fax 772-462-6443 Request for 30-Day Temporary Power Release Date, Permit Number; _ aloa-��,5 6.dS Pro)ect Address: � 4.3 -CA THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REQUEST RELEASE OF ELECTRICAL POWER TO THE ABOVE DcSCRIBEE7 PROPERTY, FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED THIRTY (30) DAYS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF TcSTING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT IN PREPARATION FOR A FINAL INSPECT70 . IN CONSIDEr?;1TION O;r APrR(j+JAL OP T: iE REQUEST WE HERBY ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE AS !70LLOWS: This temporary- power releasy is requested for the above stated purpose or,iy, and there vi; I be no occupancy of any type, other than that permitted by construction dunnj this time perv?d. As witness by our signature;, rre hereby agree to abide by all terrn; and conditions of thi; agreement, including Building Division Policy, which is incorporated herein b'r reference. All conditions and requirements fisted in the attacfred dc-current entitled "Requirements for 3C, Der Power for Testing" have beTn fulfilled and the pre��ise is ready for compliance inspection. All requests for an extension be-yeind 30 days mast be made in vriting to the Building Official sta.,!n- the reason for the request. Power rr?ay be removed from the site and,c, a Stcyp VVOrk Order ,ssu=-C' it the Final Inspection has not been apuroved arthin 30 days. A fee of 3100 00 will be repo re,� t� I" the Stop 4 ock Order. WE HEREBY RELEASE AND AGREE TO HOLD HARMLESS, ST. LUCIE CQUNFY, AND THEIR EMP_GyEES Fr, - A.LL LIAB]LlTIES AND CLAIMS OF ANY ll TYPE OF NATURE WHICH MAY ARISE NOW OR IN THE `UTJRE GOT OF THIS TRANSACTION, INCLUDING, ANY DAMAGE_ WHICH MAY BE INCURRED DUE TO THE DISCONNECTION OF ELECTRICAL POWER IN THE EVENT OF VIOLATION OF- THIS AGRE&NN ' T —_ (v 'iJEN SISrJATUR� — — � /O 2 nA T!E GE,NE;41 COMPACTOR /o DATE ------..--1a s ().A rE ---�--�. ELECTRICAL CONTRAC-TOk S1�NArURE ---