HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED Roof Info SheetsST. LUCIE Master Permit No. Section A (General lnformation) Process No. contractors Name: Pg"xgl rgonl9 License # CCCA17517 rob addressill$!i$899 E Low Slope tr Asphaltic Shingles ROOF CATEGORY El Mechanically Fastened Tile E Mortar/Adhesive Set Tiles E Metal PanellShingles EWood Shingles/Shakes E Prescriptive BUR-RAS 150 ROOF ROOF WPE- E New roof El Repair E Maintenance E Reroofing E Recovering . ROOF SYSTEM INFORMATION Low Slope RoofArea (SF) - Steep Sloped RoofArea {SF) 4400 Total (sF) 4400 Section B (Roof Plan) Sketch Roof plan: lllustrate all levels and sections, roof drains, scuppers, overflow scuppers and overflow drains. lnclude dimensions of sections and levels, clearly identify dimensions of elevated pressure zones and location of parapets. Plan Diagram \+ 1 Ridge - High Drip Hip Valley Eave Rake Parapet Protrusion Apron Flashing - - StepFlashing --- Pitch Change 1068 6:12 220 6:12 o 46 6:12 530 6:12 193 6:12 P 42 6'.12 T" ir"prrr. r"rdrbility the lengths displayed in this diagram are rounded to the nearest whole number. Lengths under 4 feet are omitted for clarity' 437 6:12 192 6:12 o 38 6:12 347 6:12 170 6:12 27 6:12 330 6:12 77 6"12 25 6:12 288 6:12 53 6:12 15 6:12 257 6:12 48 6:12 6'.12 6:12 44,0 SYoOYo 10o/o 12o/o 15%200/, 46.2 48.4 49.3 50.6 52.844.O - elements such as ridge,The waste factors presented in the table are simple based on ihe total area of the roof' They do not include any other Use your best judgement and past experience to select the waste factor that works best for this particular roof M ST. LUCIE WORKS Section D (Steep Slope Roof System) Roof system Manufacturer: Polyglass MTS Plus Notice of Acceptance Number: FL5259-R33 Minimum Design wind P_ressures, lf Applicable (From RAS 127 or calculations): zon" r,- /d lo"n " ;;,:? 8 - ;.;; inll 1 L ron. zr :1 1 A.zon e t., -1 1 %n" : r: - 1 36 DekType: I plywood tr t Type Underlayment 1 30# felt and self adhering i Fire Banier: Fastener TyPe & Spacing:tin caps, 1 114 ring shank galv.ils Adhesile Type:NA Type Cap Sheet:MTS Plus self adhering Rmf Covaing: Type & Sire DriP EdgB: 3x3 galvanized. NA NA RidgeVentilation? No Mean Roof Height:15'tile lnsulation: ST. LUCIE Section E (Tile Calculations) For Moment based tile systems, choose either Method 1 or 2. compare the values for M, with the values from Mt' lf the Mt values aregreaterthanorequaltotheMrvalues,foreach areaoftheroof,thenthetileattachmentmethodisacceptable' Method 1 'Moment Based Tile Calculations Per RAS 127 (Zone1: -xr-= -J-Mg:-=Md- ProductApproval ML- (7anehe: -xI-= )-Mg:-=M,2"- ProductApproval Mr- (Zone2n:-xI-=-)-Mg:-=M,a,-ProductApprovalMi-- (zonezr: -xI-= )-Mg:-=M,a- ProductApproval Mt- (Zone 3e: -xl-= -J -Mg: -= M,t"-* Product Approval Mr- (Zone3r: -xI-= .- )-Mg:-=M,e- ProductApproval Mi-.- *rvr*t s" *"d in conjunction with a list of moment based tile systems . For Uplift based tile systems use Method 3. compare the values for F' with the values for F, lf the F' values are greater than or equal to the Fr values, for each area of the roof, then the tile attachment method is acceptable' Method 3 "Uplift Based Tile Calculations Per RAS 127 (Zone 1: x L-=x W:=-) -W:- cos r-=Fr1 Product Approval F'- (Zonele: L =x W:=-) -W:- cos r-=Fr2e- Product Approval F'_-- (Zone 2n: L =x W:= ) -W:-cos r-=Fr2n- Product Approval F'- (Zone 2r: L-=x W:=---.) -W:- cos r-=F a- Product Approval F - (Zone3e:L-=xW:=-)-W:-cosr-=F'rProductApprovalF'_- (Zone 3r: x L- x W:=-) -W:- cos r-=F r3'- Product Approval F'- Method 2 "simplified Tile Calculations Per Table Below" Required Moment of Resistance (M,) From trt," ;';; M. required Moment Resistance* Mean Roof Height Roof Slope where to Obtain Information Design Pressure Zones 1, 2e, 2n, 2r, 3e, 3r From applicable table in RAS 127 or by an engineering analysis prepared by PE based on ASCE -l - Mean Roof Height H Job Site Roof Slope e Job Site Aerodynamic MultiPlier )Product Approval Restoring Moment due to GravitY Mc Product Approval Attachment Resistance Mr Product Approval Required Moment Resistance Mc Calculated Minimum Attachment Resistance F,Product Approval Required Uplift Resistance F,Calculated Average Tile Weight Product Approval APPtoo'l Ail calculations must be submitted to the building official at the time of permit application. 2:12 34.4 36.5 38.2 39.7 42.2 3:12 32.2 34.4 36.0 37.4 39.8 4:L2 30.4 32.2 33.8 3s.1 37.3 5"12 28.4 30.1 31.6 32.8 34.9 6"L2 26.4 28.O 29.4 30.5 32.4 7:72 24.4 25.9 27.7 28.2 30.0