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aka�U�OJ ai° RECEIVED aS E1,71MVVED FMN E ® 0 etc. aaiw�ad iv)'2 Certi icate o u orization#32455 �Ut 1J0 OCT u �U�` ' f e t 3'S3 , Istlan reet, Unit#13 Permitting Depas meet® t P--q� r�p�•Q;xford,CT 06478 uf4 4341303Y st. Lucie CourSt� C33 �a L J l�tl (203)262-9245 ENGINEER EVALUATE TEST CONSULT e • e • RESISTO a division of Soprema,Inc. Evaluation Report 1-SOPC-18-002.05.18-R3 EI 1640 rue Haggerty FL27152-R3 Drummondville, QCJ2C 5P8 Canada Date of Issuance:05/25/2018 (819)478-2400 Revision 3: 12/16/2020 SCOPE: This Evaluation Report is issued under Rule 61G20-3 and the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials in the State of Florida. The documentation submitted has been reviewed by Robert Nieminen, P.E. for use of the product under the Florida Building Code. The product described herein has been evaluated for compliance with the 7t' Edition (2020) Florida Building Code, High Velocity Hurricane Zone (HVHZ) sections noted herein. DESCRIPTION: RESISTO Modified Bitumen Roof Systems LABELING: Labeling shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Accredited Quality Assurance Agency noted herein. CONTINUED COMPLIANCE: This Evaluation Report is valid until such time as the named chang es,the referenced product(s) Quality Assurance or production facility location(s) changes, or Code provisions that relate to the product(s) change. Acceptance of our Evaluation Reports by the named client constitutes agreement to notify NEMO ETC, LLC of any changes to the product(s), the Quality Assurance or the production facility location(s). NEMO ETC, LLC requires a complete review of its Evaluation Report relative to updated Code requirements with each Code Cycle. ADVERTISEMENT: The Florida Product Approval Number (FL#) preceded by the words "NEMOIetc. Evaluated" may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the Evaluation Report is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: Upon request, a copy of this entire Evaluation Report shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This Evaluation Report consists of pages 1 through 4, plus a 5-page Appendix. Prepared by: FILE COPY Robert J.M. Nieminen,P.E. The facsimile seal appearing was authorized by Robert Nieminen,P.E. Florida Registration No.59166,Florida DCA ANE1983 � .,�� s••.` on 12/16/2020. This does not serve as an electronically signed 9 document. CERTIFICATION OF INDEPENDENCE: 1. NEMO ETC, LLC does not have, nor does it intend to acquire or will it acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 2. NEMO ETC,LLC is not owned,operated or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 3. Robert Nieminen, P.E. does not have nor will acquire,a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products for which the evaluation reports are being issued. 4. Robert Nieminen, P.E. does not have, nor will acquire,a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product. 5. This is a building code evaluation. Neither NEMO ETC,LLC nor Robert Nieminen,P.E.are,in any way,the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report, or previous versions thereof, is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose. ©2019 NEMO ETC,LLC NMEMO I etc. ROOFING SYSTEMS EVALUATION: Product Category: Roofing Sub-Category: Modified Bitumen Roof Systems Compliance Statement: RESISTO Modified Bitumen Roof Systems,as produced by RESISTO,a division of Soprema, Inc., have demonstrated compliance with the following sections of the 7th Edition (2020) Florida Building Code through testing in accordance with the following Standards. Compliance is subject to the Installation Requirements and Limitations/Conditions of Use set forth herein. B ' B Section Property Standard Year TAS 110 Resistance to Foot Traffic TAS 114,Section 8.9 2011 TAS 110 Wind resistance TAS 114,Appendix C,D or J 2011 TAS 110 Susceptibility to Hail Damage TAS 114,Appendix F 2011 TAS 110 Susceptibility to Leakage TAS 114,Appendix G 2011 TAS 110 Material standard ASTM D1970 2015 TAS 110 Material standard ASTM D4601 2012 TAS 110 Material standard ASTM D6163 2015 TAS 110 Material standard ASTM D6222 2011 Entity Examination Reference` Date ERD(TST6049) ASTM D6163 S35860.05.12-1-R2 03/14/2013 ERD(TST6049) ASTM D1970 S44870.04.14-1 and-4 04/10/2014 ERD(TST6049) TAS 114 S47190.06.14-2 06/20/2014 ERD(TST6049) ASTM D1970 SOPC-SC8970.15 07/22/2015 ERD(TST6049) TAS 114 SOPC-SC9315.07.15 07/22/2015 ERD(TST6049) ASTM D1970 SOPC-SC8970.08.15 08/31/2015 ERD(TST6049) ASTM D6163 S43400.08.14-5-R1 05/03/2017 FM Approvals(TST1867) FM 4470 3B1AO.AM 01/08/1998 FM Approvals(TST1867) FM 4470 797-08591-267 08/14/2013 NEMO(TST6049) ASTM D6163 4S-SOPC-18-003.11.18 01/14/2019 NEMO(TST6049) Criticality 4i-SOPC-I9-SSCRT-02.A 10/16/2019 NEMO(TST6049) TAS 114 4a-SOPC-I9-LSWUS-01.A 03/10/2020 NEMO(TST6049) ASTM D4601 4q-SOPC-20-SSMBB-01.A 03/25/2020 NEMO(TST6049) TAS 114 4a-SOPC-20-LSWUS-01.A 09/15/2020 PRI(TST5878) TAS 114 SOP-089-02-01 07/22/2016 PRI-CMT(TST5878) ASTM D6222 PRS-026-02-01 10/28/2016 PRI(TST5878) TAS 114 SOP-104-02-01 10/31/2016 PRI(TST5878) ASTM D4601 SOP-105-02-01 11/28/2016 PRI(TST5878) Criticality(TAS 117) SOP-080-02-02 12/16/2016 PRI(TST5878) TAS 114 SOP-119-02-01 04/14/2017 PRI(TST5878) TAS 114 SOP-128-02-01 08/18/2017 UL LLC (QUA9625) Quality Control Service Confirmation 05/30/2018 UL LLC (QUA9625) Quality Control Florida BCIS Current MEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report 1-SOPC-18-002.05.18-R3 Certificate of Authorization#32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC HVHZ EVALUATION FL27152-R3 RESISTO,a division of Soprema,Inc. Revision 3:12/16/2020 Page 2 of 4 NNEMO I etc. 4.1 This Evaluation Report covers RESISTO Modified Bitumen Roof Systems installed in accordance with RESISTO published installation instructions and the Limitations / Conditions of Use herein. The following RESISTO membranes make up the subject systems. TABLE 1:ROLL-GOODS F.OR•MODIFIED BITUMEN ROOF SYSTEMS Type Product Material Standard Plant(s) Reference Type Grade MODIFIED SOPRA-G ASTM D4601 II N/A OH Base Sheets RESISTOFLEX ASTM D4601 II N/A MS,OH SA Nail Base ASTM D4601 II N/A MS RESISTO LB1236 ASTM D1970 N/A N/A MS,OH,QC Beacon Roofing"TRI-BUILT Sand-R ASTM D1970 N/A N/A MS,OH,QC SA Shingle Underlayment" PrimeSource Building Products ASTM D1970 N/A N/A MS,OH,QC "Grip-Rite Eave&Valley Protector" Base Ply SRS Distribution"TopShield ICE& ASTM D1970 N/A N/A MS,OH,QC WATER DEFENDER" SA Smooth Ply 40 ASTM D1970 N/A N/A QC SA Base ASTM D6163 I S OH,QC BITUTAK MB SMOOTH ASTM D6222 I S MO SA Cap GR ASTM D6163 I G OH Cap Ply SA Cap FR GR ASTM D6163 I G OH BITUTAK MB SMOOTH ASTM D6222 I S MO BITUTAK MB MINERAL ASTM D6222 I G MO 5.1 This is a Building Code Evaluation. Neither NEMO ETC,LLC nor Robert Nieminen, P.E.are,in any way,the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report,or previous versions thereof,is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose. 5.2 This Evaluation Report is not for use in Non-High Velocity Hurricane Zone jurisdictions. 5.3 The evaluation herein pertains to above-deck roof components; deck-attachment details pertain to 'as-tested' conditions under Testing Application Standard TAS 114,Appendix J. Roof decks shall be in accordance with FBC HVHZ requirements to the satisfaction of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. 5.4 This Evaluation Report does not include evaluation of fire classification. Refer to FBC HVHZ 1516 for requirements and limitations regarding roof assembly fire classification. Refer to FBC 2603 for requirements and limitations concerning the use of foam plastic insulation. 5.5 This Evaluation Report does not include evaluation of roof edge termination. Refer to Roofing Application Standard RAS 111 for requirements and limitations regarding edge securement for low-slope roofs. 5.6 Refer to FBC HVHZ 1521 for requirements and limitations regarding recover installations. 5.6.1 For mechanically attached components over existing roof decks,fasteners shall be tested in the existing deck for withdrawal resistance. A qualified design professional shall review the data for comparison to the minimum requirements for the system. Testing shall be in accordance with Testing Application Standard TAS 105. 5.6.2 For bonded insulation or membrane over existing substrates in a re-roof (tear off) or recover installation, the existing deck or existing roof surface shall be examined for compatibility with the adhesive to be installed. If any surface conditions exist that bring system performance into question,field uplift testing in accordance with Testing Application Standard TAS 124 shall be conducted on mock-ups of the proposed new roof assembly. NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report 1-SOPC-18-002.05.18-R3 Certificate of Authorization#32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC HVHZ EVALUATION FL27152-R3 RESISTO,a division of Soprema,Inc. Revision 3:12/16/2020 Page 3 of 4 NNEMOletc. 5.6.3 For bonded insulation or membrane over existing substrates in a recover installation,the existing roof system shall be capable of resisting project design pressures on its own merit to the satisfaction of the Authority Having Jurisdiction,as documented through field uplift testing in accordance with Testing Application Standard TAS 124. 5.7 Refer to Appendix 1 for system attachment requirements for wind load resistance. 5.7.1 "MDP"=Maximum Design Pressure is the result of testing for wind load resistance based on allowable wind loads, and reflects the ultimate passing pressure divided by 2 (the 2 to 1 margin of safety per Testing Application Standard TAS 114 has already been applied). Refer to FBC HVHZ 1620 and Roofing Application Standard RAS 128 for determination of design wind loads. 5.7.2 For mechanically attached components, the maximum design pressure for the selected assembly shall meet or exceed at least the Zone 1 PRIME design pressure determined in accordance with FBC HVHZ 1620 or Roofing Application Standard RAS 128. Elevated pressure zones shall employ an attachment density designed by a qualified design professional to resist the elevated pressure criteria. Analysis shall be in accordance with Roofing Application Standard RAS 117 or Roofing Application Standard RAS 137. *This extrapolation is not permitted for systems marked with an asterisk*. 5.7.3 For assemblies marked with an asterisk*,the maximum design pressure(MDP) limitation shall be applicable to all roof pressure zones. Rational analysis is not permitted. 5.8 All components in the roof assembly shall have quality assurance audit in accordance with F.A.C. Rule 611320-3. Refer to the Product Approval of the component manufacturer for components listed in Appendix 1 that are produced by a Product Manufacturer other than the report holder on Page 1 of this Evaluation Report. • RESISTO Modified Bitumen Roof Systems shall be installed in accordance with RESISTO published installation instructions,subject to the Limitations/Conditions of Use noted herein. a s As required by the Building Official or Authority Having Jurisdiction to properly evaluate the installation of this product. Contact the named QA entity for manufacturing facilities covered by F.A.C.Rule 611320-3 QA requirements. Refer to Section 4 herein for products and production locations having met codified material standards. QUALITY9. ASSURAN ULLLC—QUA9625; 414 248-6409, karen.buchmann@ul.com -THE FIVE(5)PAGES THAT FOLLOW FORM PART OF THIS EVALUATION REPORT- MEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report 1-SOPC-18-002.05.18-R3 Certificate of Authorization#32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC HVHZ EVALUATION F1.27152-133 RESISTO,a division of Soprema,Inc. Revision 3:12/16/2020 Page 4 of 4 tVEnn®I etc. APPENDix 1:ATTACHMENT REQPIREMENTS FOR WIND UPLIFT RESISTANCE TABLE DECK APPLICATION TYPE DESCRIPTION PAGE 1A Wood New or Reroof(Tear-Off) A-2 Mech.Attached Anchor Sheet,Bonded Insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 2 1B Wood New,Reroof(Tear-Off)or Recover C-1 Mechanically Attached Insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 3 1C Wood New,Reroof(Tear-Off)or Recover D-2 Insulated,Mech.Attached Base Sheet,Bonded Roof Cover 3 1D Wood New or Reroof(Tear-Off) E-2 Non-Insulated,Mech.Attached Base Sheet(nails),Bonded Roof Cover 4-5 1E Wood New,Reroof(Tear-Off)or Recover E-2 Non-Insulated,Mech.Attached Base Sheet(screws&plates),Bonded Roof Cover 5 The following notes apply to the systems outlined herein: 1 The roof system evaluation herein pertains to above-deck roof components. Roof decks and structural members shall be in accordance with FBC HVHZ requirements to the satisfaction of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. Deck-attachment details pertain to'as-tested'conditions under Testing Application Standard TAS 114,Appendix J. 2 Fasteners shall be of sufficient length for the following engagements: ➢ Wood Deck: Min.0.75-inch plywood penetration or minimum 1-inch wood plank embedment. 3 Unless otherwise noted,insulation may be any one layer or combination of FBC Approved(Local or Statewide)board(s)that meet FBC HVHZ 1516 and,for foam plastic,FBC Chapter 26,when installed with the roof cover. 4 If mechanical attachment to the structural deck through lightweight insulating concrete is proposed,field withdrawal resistance testing shall be performed to confirm equivalent or determine enhanced fastening patterns and density. All testing and fastening design shall be in compliance with Testing Application Standard TAS 105 and Roofing Application Standard RAS 117 and/or RAS 137. Calculations shall be prepared, signed and sealed by a qualified design professional. 5 Preliminary insulation attachment for System Type D:Minimum four fasteners per 4 x 8 ft board or minimum two fasteners per 4 x 4 ft board. 6 Unless otherwise noted,insulation adhesive application rates are as follows. Ribbon or bead width is at the time of application;the ribbons/beads shall expand as noted in the manufacturer's published instructions. ➢ RESISTOBOND: Continuous 0.5 to 0.75-inch wide ribbons,max.12-inch o.c. ➢ DuPont INSTA STIK Quik Set Insulation Adhesive(INSTA STIK): Continuous 0.75 to 1-inch wide ribbons,max.12-inch o.c. ➢ OMG OlyBond 500: Continuous 0.75 to 1-inch wide ribbons,max.12-inch o.c. ➢ Note:When multiple layers(s)of insulation and/or coverboard are installed in ribbon-applied adhesive,board joints shall be staggered. ➢ Note: The maximum edge distance from the adhesive ribbon to the edge of the insulation board shall be not less than one-half the specified ribbons spacing. 7 Unless otherwise noted,all insulations are flat-stock or taper board of the minimum thickness noted. 8 Bonded polyisocyanurate insulation boards shall be maximum 4 x 4 ft. 9 For mechanically attached components,the maximum design pressure for the selected assembly shall meet or exceed at least the Zone 1 PRIME design pressure determined in accordance with FBC HVHZ 1620 or Roofing Application Standard RAS 128. Elevated pressure zones shall employ an attachment density designed by a qualified design professional to resist the elevated pressure criteria in accordance with Roofing Application Standard RAS 117 or Roofing Application Standard RAS 137. *This extrapolation is not permitted for systems marked with an asterisk* 10 For assemblies marked with an asterisk*,the maximum design pressure for the selected assembly shall meet or exceed critical design pressure determined in accordance with FBC Chapter 16. No rational analysis is permitted for these systems. 11 For mechanically attached components over existing decks,fasteners shall be tested in the existing deck for withdrawal resistance in accordance with Testing Application Standard TAS 105. A qualified design professional shall review the data for comparison to the minimum requirements for the system. Should the fastener resistance be less than that required,a revised fastener spacing—prepared,signed and sealed by a qualified design professional in accordance with Roofing Application Standard RAS 117 or Roofing Application Standard RAS 137—may be submitted to the Building Official for review and acceptance. NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report 1-SOPC-18-002.05.18-R3 for FL27152-113 Certificate of Authorization#32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 3:12/16/2020 02019,NEMO ETC,LLC RESISTO,a division of Soprema,Inc.;(819)478-2400 Appendix 1,Page 1 of 5 ONEMOletc. - 12 Refer to FBC HVHZ 1521 for requirements and limitations regarding recover installations. For bonded insulation or membrane over existing substrates in a re-roof(tear off)or recover installation,the existing deck or existing roof surface shall be examined for compatibility with the adhesive to be installed. If any surface conditions exist that bring system performance into question,field uplift testing in accordance shall be conducted on mock-ups of the proposed new roof assembly. For bonded insulation or membrane over existing substrates in a recover installation,the existing roof system shall be capable of resisting project design pressures on its own merit to the satisfaction of the Authority Having Jurisdiction,as documented through field uplift testing in accordance with Testing Application Standard TAS 124. 13 For Structural Concrete Deck or Recover Applications using System Type C-1,C-2,D-1 or D-2,the insulation is optional. Alternatively,an FBC HVHZ Approved insulation board or coverboard may be used as a separation layer. Board products shall be preliminarily attached prior to roof cover installation(Note 5 herein). The separator component shall be documented as meeting FBC HVHZ 1516 and,far foam plastic, FBC Chapter 26,when installed with the roof cover in Recover applications. 14 Lightweight insulating concrete(LWIC)shall be cast in accordance with FBC Section 1917 to the satisfaction of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. For systems where specific LWIC is referenced,refer to current LWIC FBC HVHZ Product Approval for specific deck construction and limitations. Unless otherwise noted,for systems where specific LWIC is not referenced,the minimum design mix shall be 300 psi. In all cases, the minimum top-coat thickness is 2-inches. For LWIC over structural concrete,reference is made to FBC Section 1917.4.1,Point 1. For"pre-existent"LWIC references,listings were established through testing over lightweight concrete cast using only foaming agent(ASTM C896),water and Portland cement(ASTM C150),with no proprietary additives,in accordance with procedures adopted by Miami-Dade BCCO(FBC CER1592). Use of these listings in new construction or re-roof(tear-off)applications is at the discretion of the Designer or Record and Authority Having Jurisdiction. 15 For bonded membrane applications,refer to the tables herein. The following are acceptable alternates to the listed membranes. .,,ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATES� RESISTO Product Alternate Beacon Roofing"TRI-BUILT Sand-RSA Shingle Underlayment" RESISTO LB1236 PrimeSource Building Products"Grip-Rite Eave&Valley Protector" SRS Distribution"TopShield ICE&WATER DEFENDER" 16 A slip-sheet of Modified Sopra-G or other approved ASTM D4601,Type II fiberglass base sheet may be loose laid atop the wood deck prior to the installation of overlying mechanically fastened components with no adverse effect on system performance. 17 "MDP"=Maximum Design Pressure is the result of testing for wind load resistance based on allowable wind loads.Refer to FBC(HVHZ)1620 and Roofing Application Standard RAS 128 for determination of design wind loads. TA ' ••B • • ' '•• • 2,`MEMH*fW-ALLY n •' :• o • :• D 's• • System Deck Anchor Sheet Base Insulation Layer(s) Top Insulation Layer Roof Cover(Note 15) MDP No. Note 1 Type Fasteners Attach Type Attach Attach Primer Base PI Ca (psf) ( ) yp (Note 11) yp (Notes 6,7,8) Type (Notes 6,7,8) y Ply p Ply Min.19/32"APA rated plywood 6-inch o.c.at 4- (new);min. 32 ga.,1-5/8- inch wide side Min.1.5-inch (Optional) (Optional) BITUTAK MB 15/32"APA rated inch diameter (Optional) RESISTO laps and 6-inch ACFoam II, Additional BITUTAK MB SMOOTH or plywood(reroof tin caps with INSTA STIK,6" INSTA STIK,6" RESISTO LB1236, W-1. RESISTOFLEX O.C.at four(4) SOPRA-ISO s, layers(s) SMOOTH, BITUTAK MB 75.0 or recover)or 12 ga.nominal 1"T&G annular ring equally spaced H-Shield or base. O.C. EXTERIOR self- PRIMER adhering torch- MINERAL, wood plank;2 ft shank nails rows in the center SOPRA-ISO r insulation applied torch-applied span;#10 wood of the sheet screws,6"O.C. NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report 1-SOPC-18-002.05.18-R3 for FL27152-R3 Certificate of Authorization#32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 3:12/16/2020 ©2019,NEMO ETC,LLC RESISTO,a division of Soprema,Inc.;(819)478-2400 Appendix 1,Page 2 of 5 .(NNEMO j etc. TABLE 1B: ••e e • • ••• • OR RECOVER, SYSTEM TYPE.C4.: MECHANICALLY ATTACHEU INSULATION,-BON DEDROOFCOVER System Deck Base Insulation Top Insulation,Layer Roof.Cover(Note 15)'. MOP No. (Note 1). (Note 13) T e Fasteners, Note 11 Primer YP ( ) ```Attach Base Ply Ply Cap Ply (psf) Min.19/32"APA rated plywood (Optional)One Soprema#12 DP (Optional) (new);min.15/32"APA rated Min.1.5-inch ACFoam or more layers, Fasteners with 1 per RESISTO SA Cap GR or SA W-2. plywood(reroof or recover);2 II SOPRA-ISO s H- , , z SA Smooth Ply 40 None any combination, Soprema 3"Metal 1.6 ft EXTERIOR Cap FR GR -67.5 ft span;2-3/8"ring shank nails, loose laid Shield,SOPRA-ISO r Insulation Plates PRIMER 6"o.c. Min.19/32"APA rated plywood BITUTAK MB (Optional)One Soprema#12 DP (Optional) (Optional) (new);min.15/32"APA rated any combination, Min.1.5-inch ACFoam Soprema 3"Metal 1.6 ft EXTERIOR self-adhering SMOOTH,torch- SMOOTH or or more layers, Fasteners with 1 per RESISTO RESISTO L61236, BITUTAK MB W-3. plywood(reroof or recover);2 II,SOPRA-ISO s,H- Z BITUTAK MB -67.5 ft span;2-3/8"ring shank nails, loose laid Shield,SOPRA-ISO r Insulation Plates PRIMER applied MINERAL,torch- 6"o.c. applied ••e e • • •• • e• Y VE e e MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE SHEET,,BONDED ROOF COVER,' Base Sheet Roof Cover(Note 15) System Insulation Layers) MOP No. Deck(Note 1) Fasteners (Note 13) Type Attach Base Ply Ply Cap Ply (Psf) (Note 11) Min.19/32"APA rated plywood One or more layers, (Optional) (new);min.15/32"APA rated min.1-inch,any SA Nail RESISTO L61236, BITUTAK MB Trufast#12 DP with 8-inch o.c.at the 4-inch laps BITUTAK MB SMOOTH combination,loose- Base self-adhering SMOOTH,torch- W-4. plywood(reroof or recover)or Trufast 3"Metal and 8-inch o.c.at three(3), or BITUTAK MB -82.5 nominal 1"T&G wood plank;2 ft laid Insulation Plates equally spaced center rows applied MINERAL,torch-applied span;#10 wood screws,6"o.c. Min.19/32"APA rated plywood One or more layers, (Optional) (Optional) (new);min.15/32"APA rated min.1-inch,any MODIFIED Trufast#12 DP with 8-inch o.c.at the 4-inch laps BITUTAK MB BITUTAK MB BITUTAK MB SMOOTH W-5. plywood(reroof or recover)or SMOOTH combination,loose- SOPRA-G ,torch- SMOOTH,torch- Trufast 3"Metal and 8-inch o.c.at three(3), or BITUTAK MB -120.0 nominal 1"T&G woad plank;2ft Insulation Plates equally spaced center rows MINERAL,torch-applied span;#10 wood screws,6"o.c. laid applied applied NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report 1-SOPC-18-002.05.18-R3 for FL27152-113 Certificate of Authorization#32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 3:12/16/2020 02019,NEMO ETC,LLC RESISTO,a division of Soprema,Inc.;(819)478-2400 Appendix 1,Page 3 of 5 *NEMO 9 etc. TABLE ► •e► ►ECKS—NEW C0110TRUCTION OR ••• • SYSTEM TYPE E-2',NION-INSULATED.MECHANICALLYATTAC-HIE0 BASE SHEET(�NAILS) BOND D R FCOVER System Base Sheet Roof Cover(Note 15) Deck(Note 1) Primer MDP(psf) 'NO. Base Fasteners(Note 11) Attach Base Ply Primer Ply Cap Ply Min.19/32"APA rated plywood(new);min. 32 ga.,1-5/8-inch laps and 8c.at the-inch o.c4.inch laps a 8 .at 15/32"APA rated SA Nail diameter tin caps with (Optional)SA SA Cap GR or SA Cap FR W-6. three(3),equally None None None -45.0 plywood(reroof);2 ft Base 11 ga.annular ring spaced,staggered Smooth Ply 40 GR span;2-3/8"ring shank shank nails nails,6"o.c. center rows Min.19/32"APA rated plywood(new);min. 32 ga.,1-5/8-inch laps a d 8c.at the c.inch 15/32"APA rated SA Nail diameter tin caps with laps and 8-inch o.c.at RESISTO (Optional)BITUTAK BITUTAK MB SMOOTH W-7. three(3),equally None LB1236,self- None MB SMOOTH,torch- or BITUTAK MB -45.0 plywood(reroof);2 ft Base 11 ga.annular ring spaced,staggered adhering applied MINERAL,torch-applied span;2-3/8"ring shank shank nails center rows nails,6"o.c. Min.19/32"APA rated plywood(new);min. 32 ga.,1-5/8-inch 6-inch o.c.at the 4-inch RESISTO RESISTO 15/32"APA rated diameter tin caps with laps and 6-inch o.c.at SA Cap GR or SA Cap FR W-8. Sopra-G EXTERIOR SA Base EXTERIOR None -45.0 plywood(reroof);2 ft 11 ga.annular ring four(4),equally spaced, PRIMER PRIMER GR span;8d ring shank shank nails staggered center rows nails,6"o.c. Min.19/32"APA rated 32 ga.,1-5/8-inch 8-inch o.c.at the 4-inch W-9. plywood;2 ft span;2- SA Nail diameter tin caps with laps and 8-inch o.c.at None (Optional)SA None None SA Cap GR or SA Cap FR -60.0 3/8"ring shank nails,6" Base 11 ga.annular ring three(3),equally Smooth Ply 40 GR O.C. shank nails spaced center rows Min.19/32"APA rated 32 ga.,1-5/8-inch 8-inch o.c.at the 4-inch plywood;2 ft span;2- SA Nail diameter tin caps with laps and 8-inch o.c.at LB123RESISTO (Optional)BITUTAK BITUTAK 6,self- None MB SMOOTH,torch- or BITUTAK SMOOTH W-10. None 8123 MB -60.0 3/8"ring shank nails,6" Base 11 ga.annular ring three(3),equally adhering applied MINERAL,torch-applied O.C. shank nails spaced center rows Min.19/32"APA rated plywood(new);min. GAP 6-inch o.c.at the 3-inch (Optional) (Optional)BITUTAK BITUTAK MB SMOOTH 15/32"APA rated Organic Simplex MAXX Cap laps and 6-inch o.c.at BITUTAK MB W-il. None None MB SMOOTH,torch- or BITUTAK MB -60.0 plywood(reroof);2 ft Base Sheet Fastener three(3),equally SMOOTH, applied MINERAL,torch-applied span;#10 wood screws, (#43) spaced center rows torch-applied 6"o.c. Min.19/32"APA rated 32 ga.,1-5/8-inch 6-inch o.c.at the 4-inch plywood;2 ft span; SA Nail diameter tin caps with laps and 6-inch o.c.at None (Optional)SA None None SA Cap GR or SA Cap FR 90.0 W 12. #8x2"wood screws,6" Base 0.120"x 1.25"ring three(3),equally Smooth Ply 40 GR O.C. shank roofing nails spaced center rows Min.19/32"APA rated 32 ga.,1-5/8-inch 6-inch o.c.at the 4-inch plywood;2 ft span; SA Nail diameter tin caps with laps and 6-inch o.c.at LB123RESISTO (Optional)BITUTAK BITUTAK SMOOTH W-13. None 81236,self- None MB SMOOTH,torch- or BITUTAKK MB -90.0 #8x2"wood screws,6" Base 0.120"x 1.25"ring three(3),equally adhering applied MINERAL,torch-applied O.C. shank roofing nails spaced center rows NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report 1-SOPC-18-002.05.18-R3 for FL27152-113 Certificate of Authorization#32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 3:12/16/2020 ©2019,NEMO ETC,LLC RESISTO,a division of Soprema,Inc.;(819)478-2400 Appendix 1,Page 4 of 5 NN EMO0 etc. TABLE 1D:. ... DECKS SYSTEM TYPE E-2: NON-INSULATEby,MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE:SHIEET(NAILS1,E�QNDEDRQOFCOVER System Base Sheet Roof Cover(Note_15) Deck(Note 1) Primer MDP(psf) 'No. Base Fasteners(Note 11)' Attach Base Ply, Primer Ply Cap,Ply Min.19/32"APA rated 32 ga.,1-5/8-inch 4-inch o.c.at the 4-inch plywood;2 ft span; SA Nail diameter tin caps with laps and 4-inch o.c.at (Optional)SA SA Cap GR or SA Cap FR W 14. #8x2"wood screws,6" Base 0.120"x 1.25"ring four(4),equally spaced None Smooth Ply 40 None None GR 105.0 O.C. shank roofing nails center rows Min.19/32"APA rated 32 ga.,1-5/8-inch 4-inch o.c.at the 4-inch plywood;2 ft span; SA Nail diameter tin caps with laps and 4-inch o.c.at LB123RESISTO (Optional)BITUTAK BITUTAK SMOOTH W-15. None 61236,self- None MB SMOOTH,torch- or BITUTAK MB 105.0 #8x2"wood screws,6" Base 0.120"x 1.25"ring four(3),equally spaced adhering applied MINERAL,torch-applied O.C. shank roofing nails center rows •®� . . . • .. e •• System Base Sheet 'Roof Cover(Note 15) No. Deck(Note 1) Primer MDP(psf) Base Fasteners(Note 11) Attach Base Ply Primer Ply Cap Ply Min.19/32"APA rated Trufast#12 DP with 8-inch o.c.at the 4-inch plywood;2 ft span; SA Nail Trufast 3"Metal Insulation Plates laps and 8-inch o.c.at None (Optional)SA None None SA Cap GR or SA Cap FR 127.5 W-16. #8x2"wood screws,6" Base three(3),equally Smooth Ply 40 GR o c spaced center rows Min.19/32"APA rated 8-inch o.c.at the 4-inch Trufast#12 DP with RESISTO (Optional)BITUTAK BITUTAK MB SMOOTH W 17 plywood;2 ft span; SA Nail Trufast 3"Metal laps and 8-inch o.c.at None LB1236,self- None MB SMOOTH,torch- or BITUTAK MB -127.5 #8x2"wood screws,6" Base Insulation Plates three(3),equally adhering applied MINERAL,torch-applied O.C. spaced center rows NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report 1-SOPC-18-002.05.18-R3 for FL27152-R3 Certificate of Authorization#32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 3:12/16/2020 ©2019,NEMO ETC,LLC RESISTO,a division of Soprema,Inc.;(819)478-2400 Appendix 1,Page 5 of 5