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Dimensions∴Su血e 睦rs Ga=ons GOOD B帥ER BEST
時) (鶴・ま) U S
llら,〇〇〇 8丁U/h
80.000 B丁U/ト
13l′000 8丁U/ト
87000 B丁U/h
The pface-11ent o。he poo用eate~・ ~S 、′ery inl)⊃○軸in !〈eePmg insta闇on
COStS to a mininlu旧「 W帥e p'・OVidlng †or ma細Uj「「 e鮎o’1Cy Of opera畑, aS
We順s a他wing adequate access for service and mainte11anCe,
The T手鞠viEAU poo用ea巾mp IS 。es-gneCl for ouid。O了insta臨on∴and
Sh。しJid not be -nStailed ln a刷y e。CIosed area, SuCh as a shed, garage. etC.
Recjrcu輸I Of coid discharged a汗bac一く両he evaporator coil刷greatly
reduce un剛eatir-g CaPaCity and effjclenCy.
The unit s剛d be located as c-ose as pl・act圃to蛤e existing poo恒mp al「d
紬fe了tO m面mize vvater pjping.
Moun出e踊。n a S如dy base, P了e†e一・ably a cor'Crete sleb ol′a sel Of blocIくS,
The si之e Q冊e base s剛cj not be lessthan 36r }く36,一(91 cm x 91 cm).
P○○し柵∈A▼ pUMP
s油cted air discha「ge. The unit mlJSt nOt be insta闇unde「 a porch・ Any side
of the unit should be located a=east 12 inches from a wa11 or from any o油er
obstruction for unrestncted a面ntake and service access・ The back s-de of the
し暗証Or O一「e O=he two sides (left or righ・[) could be insta=ed at 6 inches from
any obst「uctlOn aS long as the two otheγ Sides are at a min血m o† 12 inches
dis・はnce of any obstruction.
F「on( 「吉 子「ont
ln compliance with †he Fto舶a Building Code 3Ol.13′ POOl hea† pumps
mus† be ancho「ed †o a stru⊂‡ure for hurricane resisfan⊂e.
Ancho「 are requi「ed on each ins†alla†fon.
In§†dlq備On :
1. Place †he THERMEAJ①Heclt Pump
a† its permanen† Ioca†IOn
On †he equjpmen† pad
Insla=er †o provIde anchors boi†s
and †he sul†able conc「e†e anchor
†o attach †he ongle s†eel b「OCke†
†o †he equipmen† pad.
2. Place †he angle s†eeI bracket Q† the
bo什om of †he THERMEAU㊤Hed† Pump
OS indlCa†ed岬g. u
3, Boi† on the angle s†eel bracke†
†0 †he base as lndica†ed岬g.礼
4. Mark †he position o=he hoie
in eoch angie s†eel b「acke†
on †he backing ma†eriai・
5. D刷a hoIe a† each mark
in†o †he equipmen† pod.
6. lnserf a boIt anchor ln each hole
7. Llne UP anCho「 †he angie s†eel bracke†
holes and boIt anchors岬g. 2)・
8. Pu† an ancho「bo旧n eoch angle
s†eel b「acke†.
Figure l. Anchor Po!満ons
A††ach anchor bracke†s †o base of hea† pump
Where indica†ed by †he arrows.
Figure 2. AngIe §leel B「acke†