HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED, Philip beekman Tile NOA2/412021 Florida Building Code Online Comments Archived wi Product Manufacturer Soral Roofing Address/Phone/Emall 7575 Irvine Center Drive Butte 100 Irvine, CA 92618 (801) 380-6091 RobftvAnderson@botal.com Autivrized Signature Anderson Robin RobinAndersonillitioral.com Technical Representative Robin Anderson Address/Phone/Emall 10701 So. River Front Parkway Suite 300 So. 3ordan, UT 84095 (801) 380-6091 robinanderson@boral.com Quality Assurance Representative Robin Anderson Address/Phone/Emall 7S7S Irvine Center Dr. *100 Irvine; CA 92618 (801) 380-6091 robinanderson@boral.com Category Roofing Subcategory Roofing Tiles Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Product Evaluation Entity Evaluation Entity INPMO Uniform Evaluation Services LLC. Quality Assurance Entity QAI Laboratories Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2025 Validated By Gary W. Walker V Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received BUT 177M714 Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard Y"r ASTM C1492 2009 ASTM E108 2016 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code https:/Avww.f"iftbuffding.org/Pr/pr_App_00."px?pararn=wGEVXQwtDqtO4mGNOAALKGaC)(FLgsFOOP7hRgHBWfAITEffLOSGD*/*2bA%3d6A3d 1/5 2/4/2021 Florida Building Code Online Product Approval Method Method 1 Option C Date Submitted 11/09/2020 Date Validated 11/10/2020 Date PendingFBC Approval Date A44wwed 11/18/2020 Summary of Products Go to Page 0 0 Page 1 / 2 FL # Model, Number or Name Description 7849.1 Barcelona - Impact High Profile - Katy, TX Limits Of use installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FUL" B13 tI ESS tnstaiition o& Approved for use {outside HVHZ: Yes UZA49 A1`0 11 Florida H] b Wind Ift lnlWp§M MapU#j - Impact Restatimb N/A ft EdiTion_sdt Design Pressure: N/A Verified By: Mary W. Walker 40455 Other. Created by independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports 849RI 3 Af LIES F& 4i2.r ` 7849.2 Barcelona 900 High Profile - Lake Wales, Fl. Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No EL7M R13 11 irti; .9 Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes g 7849 R13 ii�'da Hicob Wind Lnsragatlon Manual - I pact Resistant: N/A , i f;dWaa gdf Design Pressure: N/A Verified By: Gary W. Walker 40455 other. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports 7849.3 Barcelona 900 High Profile - Lathrop, CA Limits of Use installation instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No iw -9 R13 11 FBS-irrsrailtgn,rrdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes FL7842 R13 It Florida MichMfind Tile-LASURAUM Manual - Impact Resistaft NIA Sth Editlon.ndl Design Pressure: N/A Verified By: Gary W. Walker 404SS Other. Created by independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports f17849 R13 AE UES FJ -4i2 c 7849A Bermuda Fiat Profile - Okeechobee, Fl. Limits of Use installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No Fl,JM R13 It EBS irostaliation odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Fi 78+ae Rai It Florida Hioh ire installation Manual - 6th don.gdf Verified By: IAPMO Uniform Evaluation Services LLC. Created by independent Third Party: 1FLM9 R13. AE UES ER-g12 Jf Impact Resistant: NIA Design Pressure: N/A Other: 7849.5 Gederiite 600 Flat Profile - Stockton, CA Limits of Use installation instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No 0.M rr r 3 ti Cedtirlite lad ra r tssrrrs r, roclf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes F1,7849 R13 ii E05-In Allgt_ tim-I& Impact Resistant: N/A FL788$9 R1' Ii Florida H.rlh MW THe In011ation Manual - frWAWsla Verified By: Gary W. Walker 404S5 Created by Independent Third Patty: Yes Design Pressure: NIA other: Evaluation Reports fLZM R13 AR LEc r=R-4 r Z rod# 7849.6 Espana / Barcelona High Profile - Rialto, CA Limits of use installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: No Ei $ R13 Ii ESS *gltilrltlo. add Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes fL2M R13 It Florida High MW Ille lastagAft Mandl - impact Resistant: N/A Kal~h €dRion.odf Design Pressure: N/A Verified By: Gary W. Walker 40455 tither: Created by Independent Third Patty: Yes httpsJMrww. ' a, g.tx pr/pr App dd.aspx?patam EvXoMogto4mC,NBAAIXGaCXFLSsFDOP*/hRgHB T OSGD%2bA% 3d 215 2/4/2021 Florida Building Code Online Evaluation Reports 7849.7 Espana / Barcelona Nigh Profile - Henderson, NV Limits of use installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No JjZW R13 11 EBS--1nstal1jhw.gdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes fj2M 1&13 lI Florida He+ Wind Tile igstallitManual Impact Resistant: N/A ¢Oil tion.odf Design Pressure; N/A Verified By: Gary W. Walker 4045s other: Created by independent Third Party: Yes 7849.8 Espana 600 / Barcelona 600 High Profrte - Rialto, CA Limits of use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ. No EL7212 fi13t1 Esc- Itit_"�i n rrdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes B2M fi*,3 11 fWda Ujgh Wind Tile Installation Manual Impact Resistant: N/A AtUdilw1lra - Design Pressure: N/A Nirerlded By: Gary W. Walker 40455 Other. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 7849.9 Estate "S" Low Profile - Okeechobee, FL Limits of Use installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: No fLzm R13 11 Emfiliation odf Approvers for use outside HVHZ: Yes F 7 it 4 tie Wind Tile Installation Manual - Impact Resistant: N/A A5� +r- f Design Pressure: N/A Verified By: ICC Evaluation Service, LLC Other. Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports EUA0 xt r 3 AE UES E11:412.r 7849.10 Galena 5panlsh "S" High proffie - Okeectwbee, FL Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: No Fl" l$13 It EM-laddilli2MR2 Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes R13 U # oib High Wind Tile installation Manual Impact Resistant: N/A i. dE itiongx d Design Pressure: N/A Verified By: IAPMO unform Evaluation Services LLC. Other: Created by Independent Third Party: 7849.11 Madera - 700 & 900 Flat Profile - Stockton, CA Limits of use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No El ZM R1 tI C, l Madera-installad2aj df Approved for use outside HVHZ* Yes E4 Z "° R13 iESSr-rn�'�io^- f Impact Resistant: N/A ELZ It Florida High Wired Tile Installation Manual - Design Pressure: N/A filth Etfitkrn.odf otphen Verified By: Gary W. Walker 40455 Created by independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports Fi t R13 AE UES Ecru 7849.12 1 Mission S / Barcelona Limits of use Approved for use In HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: N/A Other: CreatW-by Independent Third Party: Yes Verified By: Gary W. Walker 04SS 7849.13 Plantation Flat Profile - Okeechobee, FL Limits of Use installation instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: No , y784�3 R13 of EB5 ''srarlatior .ga Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes FL7R13 11 fI*dda isigi}Wind Tie Installation Manual Impact Resistant. N/A 6tsr Edition.rrdf Design Pressure: N/A Verilled By: JAPMO Uniform Evaluation Services LLC. Either., Created by Independent Third Party: 7849.14 Saxony - Country Shake, Country Flat Prof le - Katy, IA Slate, Country Split Shake, English Thatch, Impact, Shake & Slate https:/ abuldiing ofglpr/pr app_dtl aspx7pararn=wrGEVX O74 GNBAAIX aC :LgsF OPThRgHB Ef LOSG i%2bA 3d 3/5 21412021 Florida Building Code Online Linift of Use installation instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: No fLZM 913 11 EBS-ja=lftJonj& Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes EL2849 R13 11 Florida High Win d Tile Ins Hatton Manual - Impact Resistant: N/A fiUL15011111.1w Design Pressure: N/A Verified By: ICC Evaluation Service, LLC Others Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports fLZM R13 AE UES ER!412.gd 7849.1S I Saxony - Shake & Slate Fiat Profile - Phoenix, AZ Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: No FL784o R13 11 ED55—jilstalladon.91 Approved for use outside HVHZ* Yes Impact Resistant. N/A Design Pressure: N/A other. ELMO R13 It Ada Nigh Wind tatton Manual - figLedidmild Verifted By: JAPM0 Uniform Evaluation Services LLC. Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports co R13 AE UES ER-412.0 7849.16 Saxony - Shake, State, Country Slate, Split Old English Thatch & I Impact Flat Profile - Denver, CO Limits of Use installation instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: No ELZM R13 11 ESS "920-a Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes 7 9 1&13 11 Florida Hi nd Tile Installation Manual - Impact Resistant. N/A 6121.0twilia Design Pressure: WA Verified By: Gary W. Walker 40455 Other: Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports B.2M B13 AE U95 E"- 12-off 7849.17 Saxony 600 - State, Shake & Split Fiat Profile - Stockton, CA Shake Uralts of Use installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: No fLZM2 B13 ILESS--ln tionnd Approved for use outside HVHZ*. Yes W" B13 11 Florida Hj9b MarLd Tile InstaillialkM Manual - Impact Resistant- N/A 6ftlow.24 Design Pressure* N/A Verified By: Gary W. Walker 4045E Other. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports R13 DIES F&-4=Qff 1 7849.18 Saxony 600 - State, Shake & Split I Shake Flat Profile - Rialto, CA UmIts of Use installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: No FL71149 R13 11 EBS- ow Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes FL7-80 A13 11 Florida High Wind Tile Installation Manual - Impact Resistant: WA AULEM0.9d Design Pressure: N/A Verified by: Gary W. Walker 40455 Other: Created by Independent Third Party: Yes evaluation Reports R13 AE UES E8=4j2Rjf 7849.19 Saxony 700 - Shake, State & Split Flat Profile - Stockton, CA I I Shake I Approved for use In HVIM No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant. N/A Design Pressure. N/A Other: Gary W. Walker 40455 Independent Third Party: Yes 7849.20 I Saxony Saxony 700 - Shake, State & Split Mt Profile - Rialto,, CA I ke I I Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistants N/A Design Pressure: NIA Othen VM wo I W4111; fil-it-11 1#1-11: ol-; �M Verified By: Gary W. Walker 4045S Created by Indevendentrhird Party: Yes Evaluation Reports Go to Page hdWtwww.ftoridabLdidhV.org/P�rlpr_SM_O.aspx?param--&GE\fXowtDqtO4mGNSAAIXGaC)(FLgsFDOP7hRgHBWWMfILOSGD%2bA%3d%3d 415 2/412021 Florida Building Code Online sack Next Contact Us :: 2601 Nair Stones , Mobassee FL 323" bona: BSD--07--I$24 The State of RorWa is an AAJEEO employer. Cogidght M7-2013 State of Florida, :: E11M :: AccessfAffitv Refund Stawnent Under Florida few, email addresses are public records. V you do not want yw e-mall address released In response to a pubk-necCOCIS request, 40 not send electronic man to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditianal mail. if you have any questions, please contact OM487.139S. 'Purniant to Section 4SS.275(i), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees kensed under Owter 455, F-S. must provide the Department with an on" address V they have am. TM emalls provided may be used for official communication with dw licensee. itowever am" addressware public record, It you do not wish be supply a Personal address, pteM provide the Oapartment with an emit address which can be made available to the public. To detennine if you are a ikensee under Chapter 4SS, ES, please click JiM. Product Approvol Accepts: ..Credt'.CWd'o-'0,1 Safe ht"Aff" floWabu&ft.wq/pr/pr_aM-fifl wpx?param--wGM()4ntGNBMXGaCMgsFDOP7hRgHBWfAff Ef fLOSGD-/.2hA%3d%U &S The following guidelines are provided to Insure proper installation of Elevated Batten Systerno, however check local building code for additional or different fastening requirements • Battens are to be fastened through the batten and through the plastic pads. Locations of pads are marked with a target on top of the batten for ease of Installation. Pads are located 12" on center to allow 12" or 24" on center as required per code and roof design. • Battens are to be fastened to the deck with corrosion -resistant fasteners. Batten fasteners are to be 8d nails, #8 - 24nch wood screws at 24-inch on centers, or 24nch long 16 gauge staples with 7/16- inch crown at 12-inch on centers. Batten fasteners are to either penetrate 3/4-inch into the roof deck or framing or through the roof deck whichever is less. • EBS compatible eave risers should be used to insure proper elevation of save tiles. Basic wind speed 100 mph or greater or mean roof height greater than 40 feet. • Roof tiles must be attached in accordance with the -Design Considerations for High Wind Application" in the Tile Roofing Institute (TRQ Concrete and Clay Roof Tile - Installation Manual for Moderate Climate Regions or the Florida Roofing and Sheet Metal ssociation (FRSA)/TRI Concrete and Clay Roof Tile Installation Manual. • Tile fasteners are to either penetrate 3/4-inch into the roof deck or framing or through the roof deck,wl-ichever is less. DEM Cedarlite & Madera • 120 linear feet when courses are 9.25 to 10 Inches (Each bundle equals 0.8 squares). • 130 linear feet when courses are less than 9.25 TILE INSTALLATION inches (Each bundle equals .738 squares). Basic wind speed less than 100 mph and with a mean roof height of 40 feet or less. All other tiles • Fasten tiles to the battens only. Tile fasteners must a 80 linear feet when courses are 13.3 to 14 inches completely penetrate the batten, but not penetrate (Each bundle equals 1.2 squares). the underlayment, deck or framing using the following 0 90 linear feet when courses are 12.1 to 13.3 inches tel _(Fach bundle equals 1.016 squares). Usage may vary depending on the course layout and a*stffmts for roof size. PREFACE The Tile Roofing Industry Alliance (TRI) in partnership with the Florida Roofing and Sheet Metal Contractor.—, manuals that represent proper Installation practices, industry standards and the latest code requirements of roof tiles for the Florida market. It was the consensus of a joint committee that we should re -write this manual in a way that addresses the latest wind codes, eliminates system designations, recognizes the latest products, reduces redundancy, adds drawings and paints a clear picture that provides clarity for contractors and inspectors regarding which prod- ucts and processes are acceptable in the High Wind regions. The committee also adopted the recommen- dations of several prernium upgraded products and enhanced installation practices to improve the long-term performance of tile roofing systems. The culmination of the committee's efforts led to the creation of this 6th Edition Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Tile Installation Manual for High Wind Applications in Florida. which method is best for their particular project. INTRODUCT101ft Vol ro 1010=1_111� 101111WIN t MAX i F11274 The manner in which the roofs are installed in High Wind regions makes them a highly -effective water shed- ding assembly that affords years of service and protection. The effectiveness of a file roof system as a weather resistant assembly depends upon the proper installation of the tile roof components, because installing them property is critical to the performance of the Installed system. It should be noted that several formatting changes have been continued in this revision. First, the table for undedayment and flashings (see page 6) addresses the compatibility of one -ply and two-ply underlayments, .-------attachment-raethods-arW-flashing-types,-as-w,elLas-the-possible-needJor-addiflonal-flashings-and..sealant%-T-b-e------ second table is for hip and ridge attachment methods (see page 14) and denotes the various approved meth- ods for Installing hip and ridge tiles, as well as the compatible weather blocking treatments. The implementa- tion of these tables will help reduce the likelihood of the inadvertent "mixing of systems," which can lead to a reduction in the fife span of a tile roof system. were found to be redundant or unnecessary in prior manuals were eliminated. FRSA-TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Tile Installation Manual - 6th Edition 12/31/20 SPECIFICATIONS GeneralOverview.......„............................................i...........................................................3 Products.........................................i................................................„....................................... 3 Underlayment& Flashings.....................................................................................................6 INSTALLATION Single -Ply System...................................................................................................................7 Two-ply System......„..................................„........................„................................................. MetalFlash ngs........................................................................................................................9 TileInstallation.„................................i..................................................................................1 Hipand Ridge Installation....................................................................................................14 APPENDIX Roof Project Design Flow Chart and Examples............................................................ '17- 1 Upliftand Design Pressure Tables.................................................................................22-31 ASCE 746 Wind Map For Exposure C.................................................................................32 APPENDIX B Drawings ........................................................................................................................... �y 3 48 APPENDIX C Glossary............................................................................................................................49-53 {� q C FRSA TRI 12/31/20 GENERAL OVERVIEW Related Work Specified Elsewhere - Other trades such as Rough Carpentry - Section 0610 00, Roof and Deck Insulation - Section 07 22 00, Flashing and Sheet Metal - Section 07 60 00, and Roof and Wall Specialties and Accessories - Section 07 70 00, are not covered by these recommendations. Quality Assurance - Concrete roof the shall be in compliance with ASTM C1492. Clay roof file shall be in compliance with ASTIVI C1 167. Submittals - When required, submittals shall include the tile profile, color and manufacturer. A typical sub- mittal package Includes product descriptions, recom- mended installation procedures and a conforming Product Approval or current Compliance Report. Product Delivery, Storage and Handling - Distrib- ute stacks of file uniformly, not in concentrated loads. When conditions warrant, install temporary battens to facilitate roof loading. Care shall be taken to protect the underlayment during the the loading and stacking process. Job Conditions - Do not install underlayment over wet surfaces. Ensure other trades are aware and take the necessary precautions when loading materials, roofing and/or stacking of tile is taking place. Any damage that occurs to the underlayment, flashings or battens shall be immediately repaired with like materi- als. and the International Residential Code. Vents shall comply with 1p_C_-ES AC.-132 and be installed as per manufacturer's written instructions. Warranty - Refer to specific manufacturer's limited warranty against defects in roof tile. PRODUCTS DISCLAIMER NOTICE - The FRSA and TRI Alliance rely on the component indushys data to establish mum physical properties standards for their products. The standards fisted in the products section of this man- ual miect tkat or-tilass. 9-c�-each-manutacIL-rers-ProductApproval(s-Yor Complianr-*-Ra-ports-AnratkfithnaI 1100111irtiltsit Asphalt - Shall conform to ASTM D312, Type III or IV Coatings - (Optional) Paint shall be color coordinated (Note slope requirements in the building code). when painting tile, flastfing and/or accessories. Seater may be used on the point -up mortar. Tint Seal is color Asphalt Plastic Roof Cement - Conforming to ASTM coordinated seater for staining tile or accessories. D4586, Type It, non -asbestos, non -running, heavy- Refer to Paint or Seater manufacturer's written appli- --.----.—body-mterial-composed-of.asphaltand-.othermineraL---cationinstuctions.-------------------- ingredients. Eave Closure - Metal, concrete, day, mortar and Asphalt Primer - Conforming to ASTM D41. raised fascia are all approved. FIT. -I I x� as m TI, M-r. 1 #)*4 .1 a Battens - Material to be decay resistant exterior grade. Battens should not be bowed or twisted. Hori- zontal battens shall be a nominal I" x 2" x 4. Elevat- ed or counter batten systems require a FBC Product Approval. tb AU-146 ano contorr" to ^6 1 th D5019. FRSA-TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay rile installation Manual - 6th Edition 12/31/20 Hip and Ridge Plastic Support Structure - Shall be In compliance with the FBC. Hip and Ridge Plastic Support Structure shall meet the test requirements of SSTD 11-99 and verified by third -party independent FBC approved laboratories. Membranes - Organic Asphalt impregnated cot- ton membrane, minimum 4" wide. Inorganic Asphalt Impregnated fiberglass membrane, minimum 4" wide conforming to ASTM D 1668. KrlMineral Surface Roll Roofing - Shall be a minimum of seventy four pounds per roll commonly called 90#, conforming to ASTM D6380. ASTM D6162, D6163 or D6164. Modified Bitumen Roofing Mastic - Shall conform to ASTM D3019, Type Ill. Nailer Boards - Material to be decay resistant exteri- or grade. • Tensile strength conforming to ASTM DI 623. • Water absorption conforming to ASTM D2842. • Moisture vapor transmission conforming to ASTM E96. • Dimensional stabty conforming to ASTM D2126. • Closed cell content conforming to ASTM D2856. E84. - Fire tests of roof coverings conforming to ASTM E108. Rake Fasteners - For trim tile, fasteners shall be of sufficient length to penetrate a minimum of 3/4" into the substrate or rafter. Nails shall be a minimum 10d nail, 11 gauge. Screws shall be a minimum #8 screw. Self Adhered Membrane - Self -adhered products shall meet ASTM D1 970, underlayment thickness, minimum thickness 40 mils. Self -adhered products shall meet the following testing standards: • TAS 103, Item 7, wind uplift • TAS 103, Item 9, tear resistance • TAS 103, Item 10, breaking strength and elongation • TAS 103, Item 16, water vapor transmission • TAS 103, Item 19, slippage resistance • TAS 103, Item 20, cracking cycling • s-T�&nAq7-(t-C�Ar,tk-A-n-Z,gJsatisfied nail seal -ability All fasteners shall be compatible with material used. Contact the fastener manufacturer for additional infor- - AC 48, Section 4.6. cycling and elongation atioboard"hould-not-be-bowed-or-tMsted--------------------.----------.--- Nailer boards shall be a nominal 2- x (sufficient height - UV Exposure, minimum 90 days to satisfy conditions). Stacking of nailer boards will be Sheathing - Material shall conform to APA-rated allowed. Maximum thickness of 2" per additional nailer sheathing. Refer to building code wind toad require - board. When Installing trim tile with foam, stacked ments. Sheathing must be adequate to support the nailer boards must be attached 18" on center with loads involved but not less than nominal V thick lum- approved fasteners. ber or 15132" thick plywood or other decking material Polyurethane Foam Adhesives - Shall conform to recognized In a code evaluation report or by the local the following specifications: building official. y3ffl� - Compressive strength conforming to ASTM DI 621. Soil Stacks - Lead for soil stacks shall be minimum 2-112 pounds per square foot. Lead weight flashing re- quirements, follow Lead Association recommendation. 0 FRSA-TRI 12/31/20 ASTM D3498. Tile Fasteners — Tile fasteners shall be compatible with treated materials. Nails — shall be corrosion resistant meeting a minimum ASTM A641 Class I and/or corrosion resistance equal (according to ASTM B1 17) of sufficient length to penetrate a minimum 3/4" Into or through thickness of the deck. Ring shank nails shall be 10d ring shank corrosion resistant steel nails (3A long, 0.283" flat head diameter, 0.121" shank diameter with 18-22 rings per inch). Smooth or screw shank nails to be 10d corrosion resistant steel (3" long, 0.28" flat head diameter, 0.128" screw or 0.121" smooth shank diameter). uUnjulgiff = 9177=0 MTO I "'An I Aft 0- 2-1/2" in length or penetrate a minimum of 3/4" into deck. ASTM A641 Class I is a nail specifi- cation that can be converted to screw fasteners through performance based testing (ASTM BI 17). Each fastener manufacturer is responsible for supplying this support data. Minimum #8 course thread. Tin Tags — Shall be not less than 1-5/8" or greater than 2" in diameter and a minimum 32 gauge steel sheet metal. Underlayment Fasteners — Nails or Cap Nails shall be of sufficient ' length to properly penetrate V into or through thickness of deck, whichever is less. Minimum 12 gauge. FRSA-TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Tile Installation Manual - 6th Edition 12/31/20 Yes 4:12 and Greater Mechanical Adhesive Two Cold Appted Pre -Formed Either Transitional — Heat Applied Pre -Formed Either Transitional — Hot Mopped Pre -Formed Eld er Transitional — Sals-Adhered Pre -Formed Either Transitional — 4:12 and Greater Mechanical or Adhesive Single SO -Adhered Pre -Formed Without Returns — See note below Standard Without Returns — See note belt TWO Cold Appled Pre -Formed Without Returns — Seated Standard Without Returns — Sealed HeatA.ppfted Pre -Formed Returns — Sealed Standard WithoutReturns — Sealed Hot Mopped Pre -Formed Without Returns — Sealed Standard Without Returns — Sealed Self Adhered Pre -Formed Without Returns — See note below Standard Without Returns — See nose below No 3:12 less than 4:12 Mechanical orAdhesive Single Self -Adhered Pre -Formed Without Returns — Sealed Standard — — Sealed Two Cold Applied Pre -Formed ' Without Return — Sealed Standard — — Sealed Heat Applied Pre -Formed Without Returns — Sealed Standard — — Sealed Hot Mopped Pre -Formed Without Returns — Sealed Standard — — Sealed Self -Adhered Pre -Formed Without Returns — Sealed Standard _ _ Sealed 3:12 Less than 4:12 Adhesive Pre -Formed Without Returns — Seated _ _ Sta'ridtrixT..__ Two Cold Applied Pre -Formed Without Returns — Seated Standard — — Seated beat Applied Pre•Formed Without Reins — Sealed Standard — — Seated Hot Mopped Pre -Formed Without Rebims — Seated Standard — — Seated Self-Adhered Pre-Formed Pre -Formed Without — Seated — — Seated Note: Refer to the undertayrrtent manufacturer's written installation instructions or Product Approval. 12/31/20 SINGLE -PLY SYSTEM PAT :Q11JO C11 L,._ & a, q tA&IpLa rgm, w1ere a self -adhered underlaymerT, A SWON191960 1 0 - 1, WINNOW 74tj;2�� M Eave Metal - Prior to installing the eave metal, the deck to receive the eave metal must be primed with a com- patible primer or a separator sheet must be installed. When using a separator sheet attach it to the decking at the eave with nails and tin tags, round cap nails or other fasteners to hold the separator sheet in place until the eave metal is installed. The separator sheet shall extend past the deck flange of the eave metal by a maximum of 2". Install the eave metal over the primed substrate or the separator sheet. The eave metal shall be fastened 6" on center with approved fasteners. All joints shall be lapped a minimum of 3" and sealed with compatible flashing cement, beads of sealant or solid coating at the lap. The eave metal shall be coated with compatible primer prior to the undedayment being installed. Since raised fascia and starter strips create the same type of water dam situation, they both require an anti- ponding system to allow water to flow off the roof at the eave. See Drawing FHW­14. Underlayment Application -Apply the single -ply undedayment sheet perpendicular to the slope of the roof and backnail it to the deck with nails and tin tags, round cap nails or other approved fasteners spaced 12" on center near the top edge of undedayment. Use a minimum 4" headlap unless limited by product design, and 6" side laps. Extend the underlayment sheet a mini- mum of 4" up vertical surfaces. Overlap hip and ridges a minimum of 6". Seal all laps. Valley Intersection - When using a single -ply under- layment at the valley infe-riiii666-rf.'6i-e—oiiC6f tie_ following installation methods. Be sure that the under- layment does not create a gap due to memory of the material. • Full Weave - Install underlayment to ensure all val- leys are woven past the centerline and through the succeeding course of underlayment on the intersecting deck to prevent a water lap. Ensure that each course of underlayment is overlapped by the succeeding course at the intersecting roof plane. Proceed up the roof to the ridge. See Drawing FHW-04. • Center Cut Valley -Attach a 36" wide self -adhered on both intersecting decks. Proceed up the roof to the ridge. See drawing FHW-04. 2-.- 1 # %- rve_t" 8 r, I A'%' wi, V.Vic 0ji . pmo - lation is complete, install the gable metal. Choose one of the following: on center with approved fasteners. All joints shall be lapped a minimum of 3" and sealed with compatible flashing cement, beads of sealant or solid coating at the lap. Continue from eave up rakelgable in same manner, ensuring water -shedding capabilities of all metal laps. Optional Securement On the gable, the metal and undertayment sheet may be joined with a bed of flashing cement and a 4" strip of asphalt saturated cotton or fiberglass fabric. The fabric shall be fully embedded in the flashing cement. A self -adhered strippirig ply of compatible materiail May EP_-,LSaU instead of flashing cement and membrane. Under the Single -Ply - Prior to installing the gable metal, the deck to receive the gable metal must be primed with a compatible asphaltic primer or a separa- tor sheet must be installed. When using a separator sheet, attach it to the decking at the gable with nails and tin tags, round cap nags or other fasteners to hold the separator sheet in place until the gable metal is in- stalled. The separator sheet shall extend past the deck Wrapped Gable - Choose one of the following: (Not recommended for flush finish. Rake dies must be installed.) • Extend undedayment beyond rake/gable end. Fold down onto fascia or barge board. Secure with nails and tin tags, round cap nails or other fasteners 6" on center. • Trim underlayment at fascia or barge board. Install a peel and stick undedayment, extending underlay- ment beyond rakelgable end. Fold down and seat onto fascia or barge board. FRSA-TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Tile Installation Manual - 6th Edition 12/31/20 Ryi�M_Nl General — Two-ply Systems are those methods of application where a base sheet is mechanically attached or self -adhered to the decking. The cap sheet shall be attached by hot asphalt, cold process, heat applied or self -adhered. Minimum thickness shall be 40 mil SBS, APP or approved equal. Base Sheet — The base sheet shall be self -adhered or mechanically attached to the deck with nails and tin tags, round cap nails or other approved fasteners spaced in accordance with the Undedayment Fas- tening Table I (Page 22 Appendix A). Self -adhered base sheets shall be installed per manufacturer's instructions. Extend the base sheet a minimum of 4" up vertical surfaces. Base sheet side laps shall be a minimum of 6" and headlaps shall be a minimum of 4". Install the base sheet to ensure all valleys are woven past the centerline and through the succeeding course of underlayment on the intersecting deck to prevent a water lap. Ensure that each course of underlayment Is overlapped by the succeeding course at the Inter- secting root plane. Proceed up the roof to the ridge. Overlap hip and ridges a minimum of 6". Drip Edge — The eave and gable drip edge metal be coated with compatible primer prior to the cap sheet being installed. The metal shall be fastened 6" on center with approved fasteners. All joints shall be lapped a minimum of 3" and sealed with compatible flashing cement, beads of sealant or solid coating at the lap. Continue from eave up the rake/gable in the �k r FIFIRM7 Since raised fascia and starter strips create the same type of water dam situation, they both require an an- ti-ponding system to allow water to flow off the roof at the eave. See Drawing FHW-14. overlapped by the succeeding course at the intersect- ing roof plane. Overlap all hip and ridges by 6". On cap sheet, cut any fishmouths and seal with flashing cement and membrane where applicable. When using pre formed metals without edge returns, the cap sheet should terminate I" from the water diverter to ensure adhesion to the primed metal. Cap Sheet Attachment Method — Choose one of the following: • Hot Asphalt — Install the cap sheet with an applica- tion rate of 25 pounds per square * 15% mopping of asphalt. The cap sheet may come in contact with the base sheet allowing felt to touch felt. • Self -Adhered — Over Installed base sheet, apply one layer of self -adhered undedayment in compliance with the self -adhered underlayment manufacturer's recommendation. • Cold Process — Install cap sheet according to un- dertaymentladhesive manufacturer's recommenda- tions. For cold process systems in windy conditions, it may be necessary to spot nail cap sheet laps at a maximum of Xon center. • Heat Applied — Install cap sheet per manufacturer's instructions. Valley Intersection — When Installing the cap sheet at the valley intersection, choose one of the following installation methods. Be sure that the underlayment does not create a gap due to memory of the material. * Full Weave — Install 1,110=11ay,11--4to ensure11.;1U11W all Cap Sheet — The Two-ply underlayment flashing valleys are woven past the centerline and through r nes the Of mh --- _p@p§tLgLet inga—llgb—OD-!LIMLnq-------the-succeeding course- undedayment-on-tha_­ Choose one of the following and proceed accordingly: intersecting deck to prevent a water lap. Ensure • Under the Cap Sheet. See Metal Installation. See that each course of underlayment is overlapped Drawings FHW-01 and FHW-02. by the succeeding course at the intersecting roof • On Top of the Cap Sheet. Proceed to the next sec- plane. Proceed up the roof to the intersecting roof lion. See Drawings FHW-01 and FHW-02. plane. Proceed up the roof to the ridge. See Drawing FHW-04. Cap Sheet Installation — Side laps shall be a mini- mum of 6" and headlaps shall be a minimum of 3" and backnalled 12* on center with approved fasteners. Install cap sheet to ensure all valleys are woven past the centerline and through the succeeding course of cap sheet on the Intersecting deck to prevent a water lap. Ensure that each course of cap sheet Is • Center Cut Valley — Attach a 36- wide sheet of com- patible material in the center of the valley. Install the undedayment to ensure the valley material is termi- nated at the center of the valley on both intersecting decks. Proceed up the roof to the ridge. See Drawing FHW­04. 0 FRSA-TRI 12/31/20 fit Metal Flashings Installation —All metal surfaces that the underlayment adheres to must be primed with a compatible primer. If the metal is to be installed under a single -ply under- layment then, prior to installing the metal, a separa- tor sheet must be installed. When using a separator sheet attach it to the deck with nails and On tags, round cap nails or other fasteners to hold the separa- tor sheet In place until the metal is Installed. Install the metal over the separator sheet. Valleys — Start at the lower portion of the roof and work up to ensure water -shedding capabilities. Where -----special-conditions-exist;7!t-may -beiiecessary-tt�-kl--- crease the width of the valley flashing. The entire width of the valley flashing shall overlap the drip edge. The center of valley flashing shall extend a minimum of 2" beyond drip edge. When battens are used, install transitional (lashings or flexible flashing at all valley, ridge and wall transitions. Turn up a minimum of I" to create o vArth+A:Ir r4itigirtAbr, ana"Arun water -shedding capabilities onto the valley. See Drawing FHW-07. III ;1;111 pjji �!IJII��1111 OUQU&I'll, I I ; 11 1 1 1 1 1 'i I I I 21WITAM11411 - Pre -Formed Metals with Edge Returns — Select Open or Closed Valley. • Open — Valley metal shall be a minimum of 16" (24" stretch -out) with a minimum I" high center diverter and minimum 1" metal edge returns. See Drawing FHW-06. • Closed — Valley metal shall be a minimum width of 16" (24" stretch -out) with a minimum 2-1/2" high center diverter and a minimum 1" metal edge returns. See Drawing FHW-06. When using valley metal with edge returns, secure with dips fabricated from similar or compatible ma- terial. Clip the In metal edge returns to the deck a maximum of 16" on center or at each file course with approved fasteners. Trim metal at all valleyfridge junctions, ensuring water -shedding capabilities onto the valley. Open or Closed Valley. (24" stretch -out) with a minimum I" high twin cen- ter diverter. See Drawing FHW-06. - Closed — Valley metal shall be a rninimum width of 16n (24" stretch -out) with a minimum 2-1/2" high center diverter See Drawing FHW-06. Pre -Formed Metals with Ribbed Water Diverters without Edge Returns — Select Open or Closed Valley. • Open — Valley shall be a minimum 1-1/2" high twin center diverter spaced 6" apart from each FRSA-TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Tile Installation Manual - 6th Edition 12/31/20 other and two ribbed water diverters designed with a minimum 318" ribs spaced 3" from the adjacent diverter and 3" apart from each rib with a 3-1/4" outside flange for terminating the metal to the underlayment. See Drawing FHW­05. • Closed - Valley metal shall be a minimum 1-1/2" high center diverter and four ribbed water divert- ers designed with minimum 3/8" ribs spaced at least T from the center diverter and at least 3" apart from each rib with a minimum 2-112" outside flange for terminating the metal to the undeday- ment. See Drawing FHW-05. Valley metal nailing flange shall be primed with compatible primer up to the outside diverter. The metal flange and the cap sheet shall be joined with hot asphalt or a bed of flashing cement and a 4" strip of asphalt saturated cotton or fiber- glass fabric. The fabric shall be fully embedded in the flashing cement When the valley metal is installed on top of the cap sheK a sag -adhered stripping ply of compatible material may be used instead of flashing cement and membrane. When a wall flashing terminates at the eave, the wall metal should extend past the eave a minimum of I" and be cut to divert water away from the wall. See Drawings FHW-09 and FHW-12. The water diverter (sometimes referred to as a "kicker") Is cut into the pan of the wall metal and tucked under the pan to create the water diverter. All water diverters shall be set in a bed of compatible flashing cement, beads of sealant or solid coating. Where special conditions exist, it may be necessary to increase the width and/or the height of the wall metal. In all cases, flashing shall be designed to adequately direct water flow. Choose one of the following: • Pre -Formed Metal with Edge Returns - The wall metal flashing shall be a minimum of 5" x 6" "V flash- ing with a minimum I" metal edge return (12* streft- out). When using wall flashing with edge returns, , secure with dips fabricated from similar or compati- ble metal. Clip the I" metal edge returns to the deck a maximum of 16" on center. • Pre -Formed Metals with Two Water DIverter Ribs without Edge Returns - The wall metal shall be • Standard Rolled Valley Metal - Rolled valley shall be a minimum 16"wide. When the valley metal is to be installed under the cap sheet, the valley metal shall be primed with compatible primer and the cap sheet shall be joined with hot asphalt When the valley metal is installed on top of the cap sheet, the metal and cap sheet shall be joined with a bed of flashing cement and a 4" strip of asphalt saturated cotton or fiberglass fabric. The fabric shall be fully embedded in the flashing cement. When the valley metal is installed on top of the cap sheet, a self -adhered stripping ply of compatible material may be used instead of -flashing--cement--and-membrane.-See-Dray.ings—. FHW-05 and FHW­08. 11140 14"A ply of compatible material may be used instead of the flashing cement and membrane for the ternfination of the vertical flange to the wall substrate. 0 FRSA-TRI 12/31/20 on top of the cap sheet, a self -adhered stripping ply of compatible material may be used instead of flash- ing cement and membrane. See Drawings FHW-09 and FHW-10. Optional Counter Flashings at Wall Abutments — When installing optional counter flashing, lap top flange of wall flashing a minimum of 2-1/2". Lap joints a minimum of 6" and apply flashing cement, beads of sealant, solid coaling or separator sheet between the laps. Mechanically fasten counter flashing near the outside edge a minimum of 6" on center or set counter flashing into reglets and seat thoroughly. The metal and vertical flange support shall be joined with a bed of flashing cement and a 4" strip of asphalt saturated cotton or fiberglass fabric. The fabric shall be fully embedded in the flashing cement. If flashing cement is not used, a self -adhered stripping ply of compatible material may be used instead of the flashing cement and membrane; metal surfaces to be primed with compatible primer. On framed walls, a vapor barrier may be installed by others over the vertical flange. Standard Curb Mounted Skylights, Chimneys, Etc. — Install in compliance with regular flashing in- stallation procedures. For self -curbing or prefabricated skylights, refer to skylight manufacturer's installation instructions. Soil Pipes, Vents, Etc. — When applying directly to the deck, apply flashing cement around base of the protrusion and on the bottom side of metal flanges, sealing unit base flashing to deck. Nail and secure all sides of base flashing near the edge. Make certain base is flush to deck. If pipes, vents and/or turbines are installed after finished cap sheet, then the cap sheet and metal flange shall be joined with a bed of flashing cement and a 4" strip of asphalt saturated cotton or fiberglass fabric. The fabric shall be fully embedded in the flashing cement. If flashing cement is not used, a self -adhered stripping ply of compatible material may be used instead of the flashing cement and membrane; metal surfaces to be primed with compatible primer. Profile specific ventilators should be installed per manufacturer's installation instruc- tions. See Drawings FHW-20 and FHW-21. Attic Ventilators — Shall be installed per manufactur- er's installation instructions. FRSA-TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Tile Installation Manual - 6th Edition 12/31/20 1101 Ilion *1ZRK;11*Kfit- Y11 RUS191 Layout Vertical — Choose one of the following: - Staggered/Cross Bond Tile Installation. Gable Roofs — When using rake tile, chalk vertical lines one full tile and one half file width plus 1" to 2" from starting gable to accommodate the rake tile. When using a flush finish {point up), chalk vertical lines one full tile and one half Ole width plus 1/4" from starting gable to accommo- date flush finish. Chalk additional lines if neces- sary to maintain alignment. Hip Roofs — Chalk vertical line 90 degrees from eave line. Chalk second line parallel to W to accommodate staggered/cross bonded tile. Chalk additional lines if necessary to maintain alignment. • Straight Bond Tile Installation —blot recommended for flat/low profile tile. Gable Roofs — When using rake tile, chalk ver- tical lines one full tile width plus I" to 2" from starting gable to accommodate the rake Ole. When using a flush finish (point up), chalk vertical lines one full tile width plus 1/4" from starting gable to accommodate flush finish. Chalk additional fines if necessary to maintain alignment, thickness of the sheathing. If utilizing staples, then the battens shall be attached at 12" on center with staples 7/16" crown, No.1 6 gauge corrosion resistant allowing for 3/4" penetration into roof deck or through the sheathing whichever is less. Staples cannot be used with adhesive set systems. Leave 112" space between batten ends and between batten and metal edge returns. Fasteners shall be compatible with batten material. Note: Elevated or counter batten systems require FBC Product Approval. Contact the roof Ole manufacturer for Product Approval and installation instructions. Tile Installation — Stack tile to facilitate installation and minimize the movement. See Drawing FHW-27. Choose one of the following eave closures: • Metal Eave Closure — Install closure strip along eave. Fasten minimum 18" on center. If metal closure is inclusive of the drip edge, fasten 6" on center. See Drawing FHW-14. • Prefabricated Rubber Eave Closure — Install closure strip along eave. Fasten with minimum three fasteners per 36" strip. See Drawing FHW-14. Ing FHW-14. • Prefabricated Concrete or Clay Eave Closure — Apply per manufacturer's instructions. • Mortar — Install mortar to elevate eave the on granular surfaced undedayments only. Apply mor- tar along the eave edge, applying enough mortar ---------,-Hip-Roof s-z---Chalkverfical-lin"O-degrees-fmm---- fiielevatethe eive end line eave line. Chalk second line parallel to first to with the remaining roof tile. Point and smooth fin - accommodate straight bond tile. Chalk additional fish flush to eave line. A minimum 318" weep hole lines If necessary to maintain alignment. flush with the roof undedayment shall be formed Batten Installation — Horizontal battens shall be a at the spacing of not less than one weep hole per be tile. maximum 04 in length. The ie batten , , icate, to, may say longer In length provided there are 1/2" weep holes every 4'. Battens are optional for 4:12 pitch and above Install top edge of horizontal batten to horizontal line. Horizontal battens to be a minimum nominal I" x 2". Batten shall be fastened and secured a maximum 24" on center with fasteners of sufficient length to pen- etrate the sheathing a minimum 3/4" or through the lations For roof slopes 2:12 up to and Including 6:12, fasteners are not required in addition to the adhe- sives. 0 FRSA-TRI 12/31/20 For roof slopes greater than 6:12, and up to and including 7:12, fasten every tile in the first course and every third tile every fifth course in addition to the adhesive, preferably in through the nail hole closest to overlock of the being fastened. ij idditioi-c to tke aclke mWrablA ft 71P.1 to im NZWONIZPI a text.17,1ZI I Lilt finritsm . - I - * When utilizing battens and tiles with protruding anchor lugs, fastening is not required in addition to the adhesive. Flat/Low, Medium and High Profile Tile - file shall be attached to resist the aerodynamic moment as determined when using the design pressures for the building and the attachment calculations set forth in the local building code. Starting at the eave, make certain the file overhangs the drip edge uniformly along the first course. The tile shall overhang the eave One by at least 3/4" but not more than 2". Secure tiles with nails, screws, foarn/ adhesive or mortar. See Allowable Uplift Resistance Values per Tables I & 2 in Appendix A. method. Lay succeeding courses of field file in same manner. Cut/break field file to form straight edge at center of hip/ridge. Valleys - It is not recommended to install trim file in the valleys. It may be necessary to remove the lugs from the field file at walls and valley flashings for proper positioning of cut field tiles. Choose one of the following: • Valley Metal without Water Diverters. • Closed Valley - Miter the to meet at center of valley. See Drawing FHW-06. •a- Valley - Chalk a line minimum 2" on both undedayments only. Miter tile to form straight border and point mortar to finish. See Drawing FHW-06. • Valley Metal with Water Diverters. • Closed Valley - Miter file to form straight border on either side of water diverters. See Drawing FHW-06. Cut/break file for proper staggering of file courses - Open Valley - Miter tile to form straight border on when using staggered/cross bond method of Installa- either side of the two water diverters. See Draw- tion. Set tile in stepped course fashion or in a horizon- ing FHW-06. tal and/or vertical fashion when utilizing straight bond FRSA-TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Tile Installation Manual - 6th Edition 12/31/20 General - The following recommendations are only for products approved by the FBC and tested according to SSTD 11-99 via third -party independent FBC approved laboratories. They will determine the wind uplift limita- tions of the various hip and ridge attachment methods or by installation methods currently recognized in the High Velocity Hurricane Zone (HVHZ) section of the FBC. There are three basic attachment methods of hip and ridge Wes: mechanical attachment adhesive -set and mortar -set attachment systems. The minimum head - lap when installing hip and ridge tiles is 2" unless restricted by product design. Any exposed fasteners should be covered with a W resistant sealant. IField Tile Cuts at Hip or Ridge -All cut field tiles adjacent to a hip or ridge shall be attached to the cap sheet I and/or the adjacent tile with an approved adhesive, mortar or mechanical fasteners and adhesive. The following table outlines the different parameters for the hip and ridge attachment options. See Drawings FHW-15, FHW-16 and FHW-17. I Hip and Ridge Attachment - Choose one of the following: - Metal Member - Set member in plastic cement or compatible sealant. Fasten 6" on center on each side of the metal flange with minimum 1-1 /4" ring shank roofing nails. If mechanical attachment of the mem- ----ber-is-not-used,-lnstafl-the-member-wit,h-foam-per-the- manufacturer's instructions. • Plastic Member - Install the member with foam per the manufacturer's instructions. • Wood Member - Fasten 18" on center with four #8 screws per metal strap or H-bracket Each at- tachment point shall have two fasteners on each side of the wood member. The fasteners shall be spaced evenly on the metal strap or H-bracket with the attachment holes parallel to the hip or ridge. The straps and H-brackets shall be a minimum of 26 gauge. All materials must be compatible with each other. If mechanical attachment of the wood member Is not used, install the member with foam per the manufacturer's instructions. - Mortar - When using foam or mortar field the attach- ment, mortar can be used as a structural attachment. Place a full bed of pre -bagged mortar under the -entire -ble;-Eachfile -must-be-fully-em bedded-itnto-the- mortar. The field Ole secured to the underlayment along with the mortar on each trim tile creates the structural bond. The entire cavity under the trim tile should be filled with approved mortar. See Drawing FHW-18. Starter Tiles -All starter files must be secured at both ends of the tile either with mechanical fasteners, mortar and/or adhesive. When the field the is installed with foam or mortar, the starter file may be installed with an approved mortar. 0 FRSA-TRI 12/31/20 • Metal Member — Place foam under starter file per manufacturer's recommendations or secure the head of the Ole with one #8 screw and apply adhesive in the gap between the structural support and the file. The member may need to be cantilevered to provide a base for the adhesive. The starter tile must make contact with the adhesive. See manufacturer's rec- ommendations. • Plastic Member — Place foam under starter the per manufacturer's recommendations. Wood Member — Place foam under starter tile per manufacturees recommendations or drift a hole in the lower third of the starter tile and secure with a mechanical fastener into the wood member a murn of 1". Seal the head of the fastener with a UV - resistant sealant. Adhesive may be used in lieu of a fastener as long as the wood member has been canfilevered to provide a base for the adhesive. The gap between the structural support and the tile must make contact with the adhesive. See manufacturees recimmendations. ridge tiles are installed and the adhesive has cured. Install mortar to seal all voids between the field file and the hip/ridge tile. Care should be taken to ensure enough mortar is used. The mortar should create a wedge to keep the mortar from dislodging from under the hip/ridge and the field file junction. Ensure areas are sealed to prevent water entry. After the mortar is packed Into place, then apply point up mortar to the desired finish. Foam — Is used to weather block the entire cavity of the adjoining planes of field file to the sides of the structural support. This system uses foam as the weather blocking. There Is no mortar placed along the longitudinal edges of the hip and ridge tile. Foam is placed where the field tile abuts the structural support. A bead of foam is placed parallel to the hip and/or ridge and the structural support to tile junction to act as a weather block and is applied prior to the attachment of the hip and ridge tile. Install foam to seat all voids between the field tile and the structural support. Care should be taken to ensure all areas are sealed with adhesive to prevent water entry. Ap- ply a polyurethane compatible coating to protect the foam from UV exposure. 114tq* I ti pjofi L;Jcvm;PINM s # zlm"4 =wrznrl", xm wvather blocking. Choose one of the following. See Drawing FHW-16 for more details. take tile towards the eave. Fasten ra UIR with a minimum two 10d nalls of sufficient length to penetrate the frarriing a minimum of 3/4". Abut each succeeding rake tie to the nose of the field tile above and maintain a constant headlap. See Draw- ing FHW-19. of 11 -11 row ^ F [A I 1 -11 Pi Wall Abutments — It may be necessary to remove FRSA-TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Tile Installation Manual - 6th Edition 12/31/20 Drawing FHW-12. Plumbing Stacks/Soil Stacks — Choose one of the following: • Pre -Formed Soil Flashing (with returns) — A lead skirt flashing or flexible flashing with minimum 18" x 18" base shall be used. This flashing shall be woven in with the tile coursing. See Drawing FHW-21. I W stack, fill void with mortar an7dp6tint to finish. See Drawing FH". 1241131096 0 6. - . W199109190 1417 11160111601--imi LOIRM"s LOW11 - - 41 0. ION a 11,14#1-1 sft�_Ili III Wt, Tile Replacement/Damaged Tile — Break out and re- place damaged roof tile. Do not disturb underlayment. Repair underlayment if necessary. The lugs of the tile may need to be removed to position file. Apply adhe- sive per adhesive manufacturer's recommendations. Immediately set replacement tile in position assuring proper contact. Small Valley and Hip Cuts — Elevate nose end of We In course above small cut tile. Apply adhesive per ad- hesive manufacturer's recommendations. Immediately set file in course above In a position which assures proper contact. For roof slopes greater than 7:12 on hip cuts only, mechanical fastening may be required. Clean Up — Remove all broken tile, debris and excess tile from roof. Miscellaneous Recommendations — Instructions traffic of any kind on finished roof. Damage to roof files and/or sub -roof may result. C)FRSA-TRI 12/31/20 * k 0. I Underlayment Design I Identify Exposure Category: Identify Mean Roof Height: Identity Bask Windspeed for Project Location: Use information from above to identify Required Design Pressure for Underlayment System (Table 1A Hip or Gable depending on roof design. If 2-Ply Hot Mop, use Table 1 to identi- If Direct Deck or other underlayment system, fy required anchor sheet nalling ii►aa#tern Identify Allowable Design Pressure from FBC (Value in Table 1 must be equal to or Product Approval (Allowable Design Pressure greater than Required Design Pressure must be equal to or greater than Required Identified above): Design Pressure identified above): ,,¢ Tile [design Gable or Nip? Exposure? Proper Table 2 Table 2 GIN BICID Example: Hip Roof In Exposure B would be Table 2 HS Table 2 -- Identify Roof Slope: Identify Mean Roof Height: Identify Ultimate Wind Speed for project: M Select method of Tile Attachment from Table S or Foam Adhesives t Manufacturer's Published Values (Allowable Uplift Moment must be equal to or greater than Required Uplift Moment from above): FRSA TRI Florida Nigh Wind Concrete and Clay Tile Installation Manual - 6th Edition 110 12/31/20 IQ :I "a Ian I TF = b*L*La(ft,3) where: Or use the the factor ratio that provides the ratio of the actual tile to the 1.407 (W) that some manufacturers have in their formal Product Approvals. Conversion to Nominal Design Wind Speed Vasd from Ultimate Design Wind Speed Vujt shall be converted as V.,,d = Vutt * or from the following table; tables were calculated using V,,d ForSI: I mile perhour=0.44 m/s A linear interpolation is permitted. From the Florida Building Code, Building 7th Edon Table 1609.3. 1. 85 93 101 108 116 124 132 139 147 C) FRSA-TRI 12/31/20 ,.�. , _ MTV t t w�. i i i E •. i� i i E «i i M i` i .. i ! i^ f! f i' ^' i Z*' ! E i ` i ii I f i i °•• i t+ i i R t ' i B ' i ! rye,' i ® l 41t }y 43 L. q r r r r r r r mom� • . REQUIRED �gk�D�, q5MIple Ga• !! i CaGp forC#ct ZOCiS r ! romaf�%'tar `° $0 =i.i le 3, a proper fastening option will be selected that will meet the 41A ft4bf itV#itci,Area �Qft� .,� r rr r � i a r ^4r 4 M'+ t i y t Florida tConcrete andClay Tile Installationa Edition 12/31/20 EXAMPLE2 The building in Example 2 is the same design requirements as found being calculated for a different We dimension. For this example, a Ole tile length of 17" is being designed for installation. In Example 1 we determined: M, = qh CL b L La (1.0-GC) = 49.0 psf (0.2) (0.97) (1.4 • For this new Ole dimension we W11 calculate the new M. CL = Lift coeffident CL= 0.2 b = Exposed wkfth (ft) b = 1.0 ft L = Roof tile length (R) L = 1.42ft La = Moment arm from ft axis of rotation La = 1.08 L (ft) to the point- of uprdt on ft roof Me (ft) Ma = qh CL b L La (1.0-Gq = 49.0 pef (0-2) (1AI (1-4,T) (1-081 (1 - illilill-r=���ll���", I'll 1111 yijpii��i 11111 t- .' 3EXEMMEMEGM 0 FRSA-TRl 12/31/20 Figure ID Big Hoof Zone Designations a it 2r a Ce V- I a I PLAN TT 0 = High pressure zones = 3 Other = Low pressure zones = 1. 2e & 2r I am .:� M = High pressure zones = 3e & 3r Other = Low pressure zones = 1, 2e, 2r & 2n fh, MRH h, r MRH L B I- B I- Width------ r-Width a 10% of the width or 40% of the height, whichever is smaller, but not less than 3 ft. The width (or dimension B), shall not include the overhang. B Horizontal dimension of a In feet. Val I, ho ill Wat A E) Angie of as plane from horizontal In degrees (slope or pitch). FRSA-TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Tile Installation Manual - 6th Edition 12/31/20 J0, TABLE I Notes: 1. Two rows staggered in the field, one row at the lap and one row at the top edge of the cap sheet. 2. Three rows staggered in the field, one row at the lap and one row at the top edge of the cap sheet. 3. Four rows staggered in the field, one row at the tap and one row at the top edge of the cap sheet. 4. Deformed shank is inclusive of either ring or screw shank nail. * For other systems, refer to undertayment manufacturer's published data. 12/31/20 3 "iESIGN PRESSURES FOR UNDERLAYMENT AND RIDGE ATTACHMENT REQUIRED FOIA CATEGORY 11 BUILDINGS HAVING A 312 AND GREATER PITCH PER ASCE 7-16 (psf) TABLE I A Gable Roof — ASCE 7-16 (3:112 andCategory 11 Buildings Pressures for Underlayment and Ridge Attachment (psf) NO 0=3= EMS= SM0=0= EM N=N=E=0=0=z=MM1= =1K=1ME0=N= �1CME=NMEM Notes: 1. The pressures (psQ in the above table are indicative of the design forces the undedayment must meet 2. The above table was prepared to help identify the uplift resistance for 30/90 underlayment system fastening options found In Table 1. The uplift resistance would be the same values for any underlayment system. 3. For actual uplift resistance values for Foam Adhesives or Mortar Installations, please see the undertayment and adhe- sive manufacturer's formal Product Approvals for additional information. FRSA-TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Tile installation Manual - 6th Edition 12/31/20 I -T 11zW4r' MONZ��-ff - I CATEGORY If BUILDINGS HAVING A 3:12 AND GREATER PITCH PER ASCE 7-16 (psf) TABLE 1A Hip Roof — ASCE 7-16 (3:12 and Over), Category It Buildings Pressures for Underlayment and Ridge Attachment (psf) MM Notes: 1. The pressures (psf) in the above table are indicative of the design forces the undedayment must meet 2. The above table was prepared to help identify the uplift resistance for 30/90 undedayment system fastening options found in Table 1. The uplift resistance would be the same values for any undedayment system. 3. For actual uplift resistance values for Foam Adhesives or Mortar Installations, please see the undedayment and adhe- sive manufacturers formal Product Approvals for additional information. Q FRSA-TRI 12/31/20 TABLE 2 i # O ♦ # R mean 115 120 13 140 1' 160 170 1 1 90 Roof�j ®��n me 11f a me Ma I ma Ma 9 1>:1P #Y11R Slopes Heists Zones tf } (ft4bQ (ft4bf) (4bf) {#t-1bf) (ft4bf) fit bl) (ft4bf) (-" LPZ 12.2 13.3 15.6 18.1 20.8 23.7 26.8 30.0 33.4 0-30 22.6 25.7 29.1 32.6 36. LPZ 13.3 14.5 17.0 19.7 40 Less than 4.5:12 LPZ 14.2 15.4 18.1 21.0 24.1 27.E 31.0 34.7 38.7 50 28.8 32.5 36.4 . LPZ 14.9 16.2 19.0 22.0 26.3 60 19.8 22.3 25.0 27.9 LPZ 10.2 11.1 13.0 15.1 17.4 0-30 18.8 21 A 24.2 27.1 30.2 LPZ 11.1 12.1 14.2 16A 4{3 4.5:12 to less than 6:12 LPZ 11.8 12.9 15.1 17.5 20.1 22.9 25.8 28.9 32.2 50 27.1 30A 33.8 I.Pz 12A 13.5 15.8 18A 21.1 24.0 60 LPZ 12.9 14.1 16.5 19.2 22.0 25.0 28.2 31.7 35.3 � {i-38 ---- -t '---14-0----15:3-- _--24 8-• -23.9 -27.2 40 _ 6:12 to 12:12 LPZ 15.0 16.3 19.1 22.2 25A 29.0 32.7 36.6 40.8 so LPZ 16.7 17.1 20.1 23.3 26.7 30A :3:4.3=38.542.8 60 I-PZ - Low Pressure Zones 1. 2e & 2r for Hip Roof$. HPZ - High Pressure Zones 3 for Hip R h/B 5 0.80 Values used where applicable (nit conservative). Wind Speeds are V ft Refer to the file manufacturer for additional inforrnation. See Figure 1.0 can pg. 23 for additional details on roof zone designations. FRSA-TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Tile Installation Manual - 6th Edition 12/31/20 TABLE C i Roof - ASCE« se�^ - • sw s Ir Mean 115 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 Roof Roof Roof Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma me 51c�es Heights ZonesMc1 (ft ftsf) (it-lbi) (ft M (fk- M (ft-lbf) (fi bf) (ft4bf) (ft-lbf) (ft4bf) () LPZ 14.9 16.1 19.0 22.0 25.3 28.8 32.5 36.4 40.6 0-15 , LPZ 15.7 17.1 20.1 23.3 26.8 30.5 34.4 36.6 43.0 20 IM in LPZ 17.1 18.7 21.9 25.4 29.2 33.2 37.6 42.0 46.8 Less 30 than 4.5:12 LPZ 18.2 19.8 23.2 27.0 31.0 35.2E 44.6 49.7 40 28.3 32.4 36.9 46.7 62.0 LPZ 19.1 2t1.8 24.4 OM 19.8 21.5 25.3 29.3 33.6 38.3 . 46.4 64.0 60 A ; LPZ 12.4 13.5 15.8 18.4 2.1 24.O 27.1 30.4 33.8 0-15 LPZ 13.1 14.3 16.8 19.4 22.3 25.4 28.7 1 32.1 35.8 20 LPZ 14.3 15.6 W3 21.2 24.3 27.7 31.2 35.0 39.0 4.5:12 to 30 less that LPZ 15.2 16.5 19.4 22.5 25.8 29.3 33.1 37.1 41.4 6:12 40 LPZ 15.9 17.3 20.3 23.5 27.0 30.8 34.7 38.9 43.4 50 LPZ 16.5 1 17.9 21.0 24.4 28.0 31.9 36.0 40.4 45.0 60 LPZ 16.7 17.1 20.1 23.3 26.7 30A 34.3 38.5 +42.8 0-15 LPZ 16.6 18.1 211.2 24.6 28.3 32.2 36.3 40.7 45.4 20 LPZ 18.1 19.7 23.1 26.8 30.8 35.0 39.5 44.3 30 ;49A46:12 to4012:12 LPZ 19.2 20.9 24.6 28.6 32.7 37.2 42.0 47.0 LPZ 20.1 1 219 25.7 29.8 34.2 390 44.0 49.3 64.9 5ti LPZ 20.9 22.7" 26.7 30.9 35.6 40A 45.6 51.1 67.0 60 Emil 2e & 2r for Hip Rods. HPZ - High Pressure Zones 3 for Hip Roofs. LPZ - Low Pressure Zones 1, 5 0.80 values used where applicable (most conservative). Wind speeds are V,, Refer to the the manufacturer for additional information. See Figure 1.0 pg. 23 for additional details on roof zone designations. 0 FRSATRI 12/31/20 TABLE 2 AD Hip Roof - ASCE 7-16 S= - 20 22 .1 Less 310 . than 4.5:12 LPZ 2=23.2 1.3 2 40 ME LPZ 22.2 24.2 50 ME LPZ 22.9 25.0 60 LPZ 15.0 16.3 0-15 LPZ 15.7 17.1 20 LPZ 16.9 18.4 4.5:12 to 30 ME less that LPZ 17.8 19.4 6:12 40 LPZ 18.5 20.2 so LPZ 19.1 20.8 60 LPZ 19.0 1 2 1AM IM LPZ 19.9 21.7 20 LPZ 21.4 23.3 30 6:12 to 12:12 LPZ 22.6 24.5 40 LPZ 23.4 26.5 so LPZ 24.2 26.3 EM U • 100 MIN �M�Em LPL -Low pressure zones i, ze c, zr Tor rvp ruium. nt-& - nivii rifac)0- 1-1-v a h/B:s 0.80 values used where applicable (most conservative). Wind speeds are V,& Refer to the Ole manufacturer for additional 'information. See Figure 1.0 pg. 23 for additional details on roof zone designations. FRSA-TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Tile Installation Manual - 6th Edition 64.4 mwz 12/31/20 j TABLE 2 GB Gable Roof - A►SCE 7-16 Exposure B -Tile Factor -1A07 ft$ 'rs 'ss Heights st e t t e e t t t t t t t M t t ., r .. �..ra�S' t ® .P tat::•- ��.n '.`' t F'� ■! r m t u t t m MMMMM t t o t m " m •. ° :. ...n .t �..-_.w. '�.v dy° "i. n9a:tt i ca.� ,.+ KMMI & MMa LPZ Low Pressure Zones 1, 2e, 2n, & 2r for Gable Roofs. HPZ High Pressure Zonesfor r - Roofs. Wind speeds are VWL Refer to the We manufacturer foradditional infortnation. See Figure i• for f F • details on i4zone designations. R r TABLE 2 GC Gable Roof - ASCE 7-16 Exposure C - Tile Factor = 1.407 ft' �mmmm, i- mmmmmm OMNI=fi MIME= MEMO OEMaE =0=11m EmEm Im Em NAME MONE-9111mm OEM Em NMI �F�111 sm Isms 1�m sm NMI WHIN mmom MR FSNW. mm7p0mr, LPZ = Low Pressure Zones 1, 2e, 2n, & 2r for Gable Roofs. HPZ = High Pressure Zones 3e & 3r for Gable Roofs. Wind speeds are V,& Refer to the file manufacturer for additional Information. See Figure 2.0 pg. 23 for additional details on roof zone designations. FRSA-TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Tile Installation Manual - 6th Editior 31.6 Em�== =wm-m- mmummm mmmmm 31.9 Em 12/31/20 0' - TABLED Gable`ra o ay.. ,. •: a ;ems$ �p � .A � •. , �� , « # mom # # 4 # # « s LPZ Low Pressure Zones- for .r - `sa HPZ High s for . rl `o Wind speeds are VwL Refer to the tile manufacturer foradditional a r FigureSee 1 sr 23 foradditional details on a•f zone designations. a TABLE 3 Mechanical Fastening for Concrete and Clay Tiles Mechanical Fastening Resistance Values on Plywood (ft-lbf) 15/32" SS = Smooth Shank Nail C = CUP RS = King Shank (see page 5 for descriptions and requirements of specific fasteners). For mean root heights (MRH) above 60 ft, engineering calculations must be submitted for perrnitting. For attachment systems not listed in the table for 19/32" sheathing, use the allowable aerodynamic uplift resistance from the table for 15132" sheathing. The allowable aerodynamic uplift moments include a generic restoring gravity moment of 6.5 NY for a direct deck and a restoring gravity moment of 5.5 ft-lbs for a batten Installation. The fastener hole nearest the overlock shall be used when a single nail or screw is required. The fastener hole nearest the undedock and the fastener hole nearest the overlock shall be used when two nails or screws are used. Fasteners shall be located a minimum of 1.5" from the head of the file. FRSA-TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Tile Installation Manual - 6th Edition 12/31/20 ';N 130 ASCE 7-16 WIND MAP Ultimate Design Wind Speeds, Vu,-T, For Risk Category 11 Buildings and Other Structures 120 115 4 4 130 Notes: Values are ultimate design 3-sec4n4 gust mdnd speeds In miles per hour at 33 feet (10m) above ground for Exposure C category. Linear interploation between contours is permitted. Islands and coastal areas outside the last contour shall use the last wind speed contour of the coastal area. and special wind reqfons shall be examined for unusual vAnd condons. Wind speeds correspond to approximately a 7% probability of exceedance in 50 years (Annual Exceedance Probability 0.00143, MRI = 700 years). 12/31/20 J;fr 4 4�dkail Cag ply Compatible Primer to Metal W "g-VI'm 'IT",• KIM. ul ' 0 - Note: Laps In cap sheet can offset from laps in anchorsheet I Secure Metal Drip Edge 6O.C. NOTE — Drawings are for illustrative purposes and do not reflect all methods of installation. Please refer to written text. FRSA-TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Tile Installation Manual - 6th Edition 12/31/20 UMROM 27.2.= rM. Backnail Cap Sheet 12"O.C. MI, Ootional 36"Sweat Sheet Roof Deck Optional 36"Sweat Sheet Center (Closed) Cut Valley Underlayment Woven or Woven Valley Extended Through Valley Une a Min. 12" NOTE — Drawings are for illustrative purposes and do not reflect all methods of installation. Please refer to written text. @ FRSA-TRI 12/31/20 Pre -Formed Valley Metal with Returns I@ Pre -Formed Valley Metal without Returns Bead of Sealant or Separator Sheet Required at the 6' Overlap T Pre -Formed Valley Metal without Returns open Mitered Pre -Formed Metal Closed Mitered Rolled Metal NOTE - Drawings are for illustrative purposes and do not reflect all methods of installation. Please refer to written text. FRSA-TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Tile Installation Manual - 6th Edition 12/31/20 Trzz*M�,� Flexible Saddle or Soaker Flashing Flexible Skirt Flashing LEY-MML - TWO-PLY SYSTEM FM�r NOTE — Drawings are for illustrative purposes and do not reflect all methods of installation. Please refer to written text. 0 FRSA-TRI 12/31/20 Uverter Kicker Primed Deck, Separator Sheet or Underlayment AT WALL raMm Stucco Finish Wall Weather Barrier Stucco Stop or"J" Bead Compatible Roofing Cement with Membrane Material Compatible Primer at all Metal Secure Metal Flashing Edge at Wall 6' O.C. Eave Drip Metal Flashing Wood Blocking Min. 12" in Height Apply Compatible primer Strip in with 6" Cap Sheet Over Plastic Cement and/or Membrane NOTE 'Drawings are for illustrative purposes and do not reflect all methods of installation. Please refer to written text. FRSA-TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Tile Installation Manual - 6th Edition 12/31/20 VaporBarrier Pan Flashing with Returns Underlayment wim Standard "if Flashing Ribbed Tile Flashing With Returns Bead of Sealant or Separator Sheet Required at the 6" Overlap — Stucco Wall or Siding Min. 1.5" Clearance to Horizontal Deck -Flange -of -Flashing----- ( Pan Flashing, 45* Return ma 6- ROWN-iffln Flexible Flashing or Batten (Optional) Over Plastic Cement and/or Membrane I FT111071"'1101 Ease -Closure Options: Mortar, Metal or Pre -Fabricated from Rubber orClay Batten (Optional) axw� Field Tile I — v11,4 7- Batten (Optional) 8"Wood Fiber -Board or Similar Material for Support of Anti-Ponding Area NOTE — Drawings are for illustrative purposes and do not reflect all methods of installation. Please refer to written text. FRSA-TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Tile Installation Manual - 6th Edition 12/31/20 ILI 114WROTS" Mechanically Attached Wood Hip and Ridge Boards Using Metal Brackets. Use Mortar or Foam Adhesive as Weather Blocking. Mechanically Attached Wood Hip and Ridge Boards Using Metal Brackets. Cover with Self -Adhered Weather Blocking. NOTE — Drawings are for illustrative purposes and do not reflect all methods of installation. Please refer to written text. Q FRSA-TRI 12/31/20 Frame Installed as per the Manufacturer's Product Approval Plastic Ridge Support Used in Conjunction with Code Approved Roof Tile Adhesive Seat All Nall Penetrations with CompatiWe Roof Cement Unless the Underlayment Meets ASTM D-1970 Sec. 7.9. Note. Stacking of Nailer Boards may be Used. Maximum Thickness of 2" per Additional Nailer Board. 709M.TFIR Install Hip and Ridge Tile in a Continuous Bed of Code Approved Pre -Bagged Mortar. Mortar Shall Completely Fill the Entire Cavity and Provide a Bond with the Hip and Ridge Tile. t4 4- NOTE - Drawings are for illustrative purposes and do not reflect all methods of installation. Please refer to written text. FRSA-TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Tile Installation Manual - 6th Edition 12/3V20 Fasten Rake Tile with a Minimum of TWc Nails and/or of Sufficient Length to Pent the Frame a Min. of 3/4° # I - Apply Flashing . Protrusion ­­ -A C� 4— a a - Base Sheet and/or Sheet # 2 - Apply Flashing r Protrusion and Seat a Compatible ling Cement , # 3 - Fully Adhered Cap A Over Flashing. Fill I at Base of Flashing with esive. =105 Abut Each Succeeding Rake Tile to Nose of the Field rite Above and Maintain a Constant Headlap. Single -Ply Underlayment Two -Ply Underlayment NOTE - Drawings are for illustrative purposes and do not reflect all methods of installation. Please refer to written text. Q FRSA-TRI 12/31/20 ETC. Flexible Tile Flashing Plumbing Stack, Formed to Shape of Tile ]MUM" L113"WiR nwal"RRORT 113 I I z R 2 U I 14 W-1 I L61 Z WA 7 11*4 1 a I q z I I z P-1 ZA M I I• Qbo�;7 Off RidgeTileVent Vented Tile to Match Individual Manufacturer Profile ­*— Off Midge Tile Vent Note: • All metal surfaces that the underlayment adheres to must be primed with a compatible primer. • If a metal is to be installed under a single -ply under- layment, then prior to installing the metal, a separator sheet must be installed. • All metal flashings without returns shall be fastened 6" O.C. with a min. 12-Gauge corrosion resistant roofing nails or other approved fasteners of compatible metals near the outside edge of the metal. NOTE - Drawings are for illustrative purposes and do not reflect all methods of installation. Please refer to written text. FRSA-TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay- ile Installation Manual - 6th Edition 12/31/20 41��� WTV511TUT121rom NEMI ASTI k I -* I a 1,10 1 1,0153 11 WA i k4l; 2114 SUSY-1 F uncertayment Fasten Battens Approximately 2" from Either End and at Center. When I ffifi7ing Stanles Refer to Batten Installation Min. Gaps V2" Every 4 Feet I" X 2" Battens IMY§T., Right Rake NOTE — Drawings are for illustrative purposes and do not reflect all methods of installation. Please refer to written text. 0 FRSA-TRI 12/31/20 Z% Example above is based on roof the that has an exposed vvidth of 11-1/2" individually or 34-1/2"for three tiles. Vertical alignment on Interlocking tiles is, for the most part, controlled by the natural seat of the interlocking channels of the adjacent tiles. It is important however to establish a true vertical alignment prior to application of field tiles to assure a symmetrical Installation. Proper roof layout greatly enhances the appearance and performance of the installed roof and it serves to simplify and speed the application of the tile. A few minutes devoted to layout at the beginning of the job can result in significant savings of time and effort as the job progresses. On a gable roof installation, the first vertical guideline is established by installing the first three tiles of the eave course and measuring the distance from the leading edge of the third the back to the rake edge. The increment is then marked at the ridge course and a chalk line is snapped to delineate the vertical guide. The exposed width dimension of the tile is then determined and measured from the vertical guide as frequently as needed to maintain proper alignment Most often this measurement Is marked in three -tile increments. Vertical lines shall be perpendicular to the eave. Mark a point at the save line as close to the center of the hip section as possible. Measure a point away from either side of the center point (5-IV if possible), making sure that both marks are the same distance from the center line. Using a tape measure or lines of exactly the same length, swing an arc away from each mark to intersect as high on the hip as possible. The intersection point of the arcs represents the high point of the vertical line above the mark made near the center of the eave line. A chalk line may be snapped to provide vertical reference. Incremental measurements may then be taken in either direction from this center line to provide guidelines for vertical alignment. On the small hip sections, careful attention to horizontal alignment and proper the placement is usually adequate to maintain vertical alignment. On larger roof sections, it is helpful to establish solid vertical alignment to ensure uniform appearance and ease of"application. 3 Alternate Method Layout NOTE - Drawings are for illustrative purposes and do not reflect all methods of installation. Please refer to written text. FRS,-TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Tile Installation Manual - 6th Edition 12131/20 TiVi4m 934W-*7A UTILIZING SPECIALLY -MARKED MEASURING TAPE I To achieve optimum beauty, the area between the eave and ridge should be divided into equal the courses when possible. Minimum3" overlap must be maintained for all tiles unless design of tile precludes. Course Overhang Notes: 1. using a full tile, determine desired overhang at eave and snap horizontal chalk line across roof at head end of tile or top of batten. Use of rain gutters and eave closures should be considered in determing the overhang. 2. Snap a horizontal chalk line at the top of the roof 1-1/2" from the center of the ridge (adjust for direct deck). 3. With measuring tape, marked for maxiinum lexposed length" of the being installed, measure vertically from the course nearest the ridge at either end of the roof OR, W for a 17'Iength tile). 4. If a mark on your tape does not fall exactly upon top line, move the tape to the left or the right until the next mark intersects the line. S. Mark the deck at every mark on the tape. 6. Repeat this process at other end of roof. 7. Snap lines between marks on the deck. All courses will be equal with minimum recommended headiap maintained. 8. Repeat above steps on all roof planes. 9. Nail top of battens or tiles at each horizontal tine. 14orIzontal Lay9A 1. Using a full tile, determine desired overhang at eave and snap horizontal chalk tine across roof at head end of tile. Use of rain gutters and eave closures should be considered in determing the overhang. 2. At the top of the roof deck, mark a reference point by measuring 1-1/2" from the center of the ridge, plus the distance of one full course (Le, 15" for a IS' length tile). 3. Measure up the roof slope to the reference point and divide by the manufacturer's maximum exposure in an effort to determine if the roof section will terminate with a full tile. Mark roof deck for each course of file and snap chalk lines over entire section, 4. If roof section does not terminate with a full file at the ridge, decrease the course exposure in small Increments (typically 1/4) in attempt to finish with a full the at the ridge (see note below). 5. If the last course does not terminate with a full tile, cut to dimension, as required, and fasten with mechanical fastener or other approved fastening method. Vertical La=t 1. To ensure proper vertical alignment, determine the manufacturer's stated maximum on -center spacing requirements and snap chalk lines as a reference point, typically the inside of the file. 2. For gable end roof sections, determine the proper distance from left and right rakes and mark the eave and ridge section to align the edge of the tiles. I Measure between the two marks and divide by the manufacturer's stated maximum on -center spacing. If required, decrease the on -center spacing slightly In an effort to terminate with a full file at the gable end(s). Ensure that the installed tiles are within the manu- facturer's minimum/maximum on -center spacing requirements. Note: Tiles are allowed, by ASTM C1167/C1492, for a plus -or -minus five percent variance from the manufacturer's stated .nominal dimensions" It is the installer's responsibility to verify the'deliverecr roof the dimensions petor to commencing with roof layout and to ensure that the tile is installed within the manufacturer's rnininturn headlap and on -center spacing requirements. Most diagonal -cut tiles will allow slight course exposure adjustments, typically 1/4" per tile. Drawing FHW-26 depicts the application of off the profiles Unless otherwise noted, it would apply to eidier concrete or day tiles. NOTE — Drawings are for illustrative purposes and do not reflect all methods of installation. Please refer to written text. 0 FRSA-TRI 12/31/20 ROOF LAYOUT - QUICK REFERENCE FHW-26A COURSE SPACING TABLE FOR TILES 16-1/2"T417"IN LENGTH To achieve optimum beauty, the area between the eave and ridge should be divided Into equal tile courses when possible. Minimum 3' overlap must be maintained for all files unless design of tile precludes. COURSE SPACING "D" (REFER TO DRAWING FHW-26) Ir - only 16-V2'- Not to Exceed 13-V2" 1-114- 2- I-11r Z 1-3/4- Z 2- 2' 2-1/4- 2- 2-112 X 2,V4- 2-T 3 Z 3-IX' X 3-11r 7 3-3W 4' 2' 42-112" 4' 3- 4'3-IJr 4' 4" 4! 4-Irr w V, 4� 6-1w 12-7 ta 6- 4'6-1r2" 4' r 4' 7-11T VT` V 3-3/4' V 4412" V 6-114* V V` V "4* V 7-1/3" V 8-114* V r 6'973/4- 6'10AX V ii-itr ra- wr w 51 V r r r V r V r V i1v 81 11* W W Vi* W 2* WT` 9k4" IW V` 10* 6-1/4" 1V 7-112' 101 "4" 10'14r 10 II-1W II'1r2" II'1-314" 11' 3" 11' 4-114" II'5-IX 11'6-314" 1 17 6" 12' 7-112" Ir 9" 17 10-112" 13,0* IT 1-14r 13,3r 1314-1jr IT 6" I3'7417 IT IT 10-irr W 0- ON Wr' 14! 8-314" 14'10-11r IV 19* IV 2" IV 3-W4* 15'5-1/2" I5'7-I14" IV 9" IS 10-314" 16 112* 16'2-1/4" 16'4* 1 E 0 IVV` IV 'lit" IT 0" IT 2' M IT 4* IT 6" IT s" IT 1o* IV a" 16'2" IV 4' IV V` irr k. if Sr if 11-114" IV 1-117 IV 3-314' 176' IV 8-114* if I0-I12" 28' 3K, 2W T, W S-114- 2cy 7-1/2" W 9-3i4- 21-0- k= g�z 10 W 10* 21' Irr 21' 3' 21' 6-Itr 21'8* 21'10-11Y" 72' 1" 22'3-1/2" 22" 6" 2218-I12" 22'II- 23'I-Ii2' 23'4- MWOM-1-17TA ggg - 2Z 11" 23' I-314" 23'4-1/2" 23' 7-I14" 23' 10" 24' 3W 24'3-Ire 24' 6-114" 24'9" 24' II-31V 25' 2-1/2* 2T 1 2 25'0* 26 T' 25'6* 25' 9' wo" 26' 3' WV` 26? 9' 2r 0" 27'3' 27'6" 27'9* 28' 0* 27, 1" 2r 4-114* 2r 7-11T ir 2w 2, 2w s-im 2v 8-irr II- 2V 3, 2V 6IW 29, 9-Irr 314" W 4- 2W02" 29' siw29'9' w re Wr 'W 7-ir2" 11* 31' 2-112r 31-6- 31-9 -Irr - 32' 1* 37 4-112* 1 37 W Notes: t 1, Using a full tile - determine desired overhang a eave and snap horizontal chalk One across roof at head end of tile on direct deck or top of batten on batten Installations Use of rain gutters and eave ckmires should be considered in determing tile overhang. 2. Snap a horizontal chalk One at the top of the roof 1-1/2" from the center of the ridge (adjust for direct deck). 3. In spacing guide, find column containing nearest figure to the measurement between the eave and ridge course. 4. Mark both ends of roof at course spacing shown in column. S. Snap chalk Ones across roof at course markings. 6. Nall top of battens to chalk line. FRSA-TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Tile Installation Manual - 6th Edition 12131/20 0 LOADING GUIDE EXAMPLE FHW-27 The method of roof loading shown on this page represents the method of tile placement for efficient application, but is not intended to suggest that this is the only method that will work. Each applicator will have personal preferences for the stack location and spacing. The important aspect of the tile loading Is to spread the load evenly across the roof while using the proper increments that assure that the proper amount of tile is loaded on roof. M nS nS RIDGE M n 24 13 12 '10 9 UZ41\X1, !IC\k1--- 7 v 1. Course lines should be measured and chalked according to the roof layout recommendations before loading the tile. 2. Determine the approximate number of tiles needed for each section of roof. 3. Spacing of the the stacks is determined by the width of the exposed tile times the number of tiles being fed per course, for example in the attached schematic, each stack of tiles will feed two courses, three tiles wide. If each the is exposed 11". then the stack will be placed 33' O.C. If the stack feeds three courses, two tiles wide, then the stack would be 22" O.C. 4. Starting with the third course from the eave, and continuing with alternate courses, distribute tiles (usually 6 per stack) over the roof leaving approximately 20" from gable ends and between stacks. S. When total number of courses is an even number, stack 12 tiles on ridge stacks. When total number of courses is an odd number, stack 9 tiles on ridge stack. 6. On right side of the hips and valleys, stack 12 files. Maintain at least 24" between the stacks and left side of valley. Reverse for tiles laid left to right. 7. Distribute trim tiles when loading field tiles. Trim tiles are in stacks of 5 at 704 O.C. Load ridge the on side of roof to be applied last. 8. To achieve a pleasant, random blend of color for your job, care should be taken upon loading to mix the tiles. DrawlrW shown depicts the application of all tile profiles. Unless otherwise noted It would apply to either concrete or clay tiles. NOTE — Drawings are for illustrative purposes and do not reflect all methods of installation. Please refer to written text. Q FRSA-TRI 12/31120 Fdjl nature for basic securement. BOND — The adhesive and cohesive forces holding two roofing components in intimate contact. CAP SHEET — Top or final ply of an undedayment system. CLOSED VALLEY — see VALLEY. COATINGS — A layer of substance spread over a sur- face for protection or decoration. CODE APPROVED —Any product that has FBC Prod- uct Approval for that specific application. W17Vff IMT WY ib 6--1 nate layers of cold-apPlied mastic. ITRIMRTTWTT�� r" 0a a "elPRO1 t-- - i.- t -0-- Lj flashing and its associated fasteners. Qoi'_119 UNMEWL IM scomi UK171JW* 111104.1"I"All — so that the side laps of the tiles are staggered to the preceding course. DECK — The surface Installed over the structural or other approved material. DRIP EDGE — A non -corrosive material (usually Of galvanized steel sheet metal, stainless steel, copper or aluminum) used along the roof perimeter to allow water run-off to drip clear of the underlying construc- tion. SAVE CLOSURE — A prefabricated EPDM rubber, metal, concrete or clay material or mortar to elevate the first course of tiles and to enclose the cavity formed by the tiles at the eave. EAVE METAL — A metal flashing used to terminate the eave edge of a pitched roof. EXPOSURE C — Exposure C shall apply for all cases where Exposures B or D as not apply. FABRIC — A woven cloth of organic or inorganic fila- ment, threads or yams. The prevailing tya- ! a or fiberglass (also often referred to as 'mem- brane). FASCIA — An ornamental board used to cover the rafter or truss end at the eave. FELT — A flexible or sem"exible sheet marmfactured for use as an undedayment. F FINISHED SHEET — A completed layer of underlay- ment previously installed and completed. u ng Ing formed by a cut edge. 12/3V20 FLANGE - The projecting edge of a rigid or sem"gid component, such as a metal flashing flange, skylight flange, flashing boot flange, etc. FLASHING - A rigid or flexible material used to pre- 0--a i--i k-#5 T0-14 - 5 10A W 0 water from walls, chimneys, valleys, etc. FLASHING CEMENT -A premium grade of asphalt roofing cement - see ASPHALT ROOFING CEMENT, FLAPLOW PROFILEDefined as those tiles with less than a 1/2" rise. FOAM PADDY - A prepared polyurethane foam adhe- zfhon "', 'Iftle-t* the M1042y- ment. Florida Residential Code. FRSA - Florida Roofing and Sheet Metal Contractors Association, Inc. GABLE ROOF - A roof design which has sloping sides and vertical ends. GALVANIZED - A zinc coating to prevent the rusting of steel or iron. HEAD WALL - Vertical wall intersecting roof plane at upper slope. HEADLAP - The measurement of the overlap be- Yj above. HIGH PROFILE TILE - Tiles having a rise to width ons). HIP AND/OR RIDGE MEMBER - Wood, metal or plastic frame installed on a hip or ridge to provide a surface for Installation of hip and ridge tiles. HIP ROOF - The exterior sloping ridge formed by the intersection of two inclined roof surfaces. HOT MOP SYSTEM - Refers to a multi -ply sub -roof system where one or more plies are adhered to an anchor sheet in hot asphalt. VURRICANE CLIPS - See STORM CLIP. HVHZ - High Velocity Hurricane Zone of the FBC. IBC - International Building Codes. IRC - International Residential Codes. FRSA-TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Tile Installation Manual - 6th Edition 12/31/20 NINETY -POUND ROLL ROOFING (90#) - See MIN- ERAL SURFACED ROLL ROOFING. NON -INTERLOCKING TILE - Those tiles without re- strictive ribs, grooves or channels at the side laps. OPEN VALLEY - See VALLEY. 2 beyorid e th eave. PAN FLASHING - Similar in profile shape flashing, but with a return designed/fabricated to the outside horizontal edge. This type of flashing is used to contain water flow. PHASED APPLICATION - The installation of a roof system or waterproofing system during two or more set time intervals. PITCH - The degree of roof incline expressed as a ratio of the rise, in feet, to the span, in feet (Example 9QJ'-=r PLY - The number of layers of roofing (e.g., One -ply, Two-ply). POINT-UPapplication of mortar to fill voids to A&de&annd anVkLda llerooff- which are - sI__ non-structural in nature. wall plate. REGLET - A groove in a wall or other surface adjoin- ing a roof surface for the use of installing a counter flashing. RIDGE - The uppermost horizontal external angle n0em 1.107-11:4 Q a r T_ r- I La I I RING SHANK FASTENERS -A slim, pointed piece of metal with ring -formed body to increase gripping strength used to mechanically fasten materials. ROOF TILE ADHESIVE - A roof file adhesive product A 4 1 Mffi_ SADDLE -A small structure that helps channel water to a point or around an obstruction. SEE CRICKET. SANDWICHED - To place or insert an object between two other objects of differing character or quality. SATURATED FELT - Roofing felt that had been par- tially saturated with asphalt. overlapping or seaming. ment inserted on roof deck. SEw. aaa �P#2102-usef 22 2 roof deck material. SIDE LAP - The width of the section of a tile contain- ing the under lap. SKIRT FLASHING - A rigid or flexible flashing used to redirect water from a pre -formed flashing onto the tile surface. SLIP SHEET -A separator sheet of undedayment Inserted on the roof deck. SLIPPAGE - Relative lateral movement of roll roofing installed on sloped roof often occurring due to not backnailing the roll roofing. SLOPE - The degree of roof incline expressed as a ratio of the rise in inches to the run in inches. (Exam- ple - 2:12) cally fasten materials. SOAKER FLASHING - A rigid or flexible flashing used at intersecting planes. MM 7 plane of the roof. 0 FRSA-TRI 12/31/20 SQUARE — A unit of roof measure equivalent to I square feet. STORM CLIPS — A device attached near or on th nose end of a tile to inhibit the uplift forces of wind] to the preceding course. MUTM1037.7-4a at before breaking/tiending. or other code approved product used as a means to transfer the loads of an attached hip and ridge tile to the substrate. SURFACE ROUGHNESS B — Urban and suburban 2reas, wooded areas or other terrain with numerous closely spaced obstructions, having the size of gle-family dwellings or larger. SURFACE ROUGHNESS C — Open terrain with scattered obstructions having heights generally less grasslands and all water surfaces in hurricane prone regions. SURFACE ROUGHNESS D — Flat, unobstructed areas and water surfaces. This category includes smooth mud flats, salt flats and unbroken ice. SWEAT SHEET — The first ply of underlayment in- stalled the length of a flashing prior to the application of subsequent horizontal plies. TAPERED CANT STRIP —A beveled strip used for the angle at the eave. T&E+IE of the nose end of a tile covers the head end of tile in the row of tiles Immediately under TIN TAG — A small sheet metal disc through which a fastener is driven Into the substrate to secure under- layment. TRANSITIONAL FLASHING — Sheets consisting Of metal and/or flexible material used to, divert water property to adjacent roof tile. Tile Roofing Institute and the (RTI) Roof Tile Institute. UNDERLAYMENT — One or more water -shedding layers of roofing applied to a sloped roof prior to the installation of roof files. 11 WNW.R.-RM, ceding course. ��,ntersec­ &-4Tjit —im4koe tion of two sloping roof planes- • CLOSED VALLEY — A method of installing or files where tiles are cut mitered and installed to a close tight fit. • OPEN VALLEY — A method of installing roof tiles where files are cut mitered and Installed so that a gap or trough is created to assist in the ftowl drainage of water run-off. VENT — Any outlet for air that protrudes through the roof deck. WATER DIVERTER — A flashing that directionally changes water flow. WEEP HOLE — Openings in the eave closure andlor age and air ventilation. FRSA-TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Tile installation Manual - 6th Edition 12/3V20