HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetter; Minor Adjustment to the Planned Unit DevelopmentC o' iJ49. v. 7'7� PLANNING AND, DEVELOPMENT SERVTCE$ DEPARTMENT Planning Division, Memorandum TO: Leslie Olson, AICP, Director THROUGH: Benjamin Balcer, AICP, Assistant Director Kori Benton, AICP, Assistant Planning Manager FROM: Bethany Grubbs, Planner DATE: August 30, 2021 SUBJECT: Avalon Beach PUD Minor Adjustment to the Planned Unit.Development (PUD) Site Plan (SPMn-6202126059) The applicant is requesting a Minor Adjustment to the Avalon Beach Planned Unit Development (PUD) Site Plan to combine Lot 18 and Lot 19 to create one 68-ft by 160-ft (11,326 sq. ft.) lot. This amendment is specific to Lots 18 and Lot 19, to allow the lot combination, with no change to the approved Site Plan layout or recorded final plat; inclusive of building Height, setbacks, open space, finished grade* elevations, preserve area, or design guidelines. GENERAL -INFORMATION: Applicant: Jeffrey Gelman Ocean Estates Drive, LLC 9508 Windy Ridge Road Windemere, FL 34786 Agent: Scott Raimist 13623 Bare Island Drive Chantilly, VA 20151 Location: 159 & 155 Ocean Estates Drive, Fort Pierce, FL 34049 North Hutchinson Island, approximately one-half of a mile south of the Indian River County line Parcel Number(s): Lot 18: 1403-500-0.034-000-2 Lot 19: 1403-500-0035-000-0 Project Size(s): 15.83-acres (Overall PUD Site) 0.26-acres (Combined); 0.13-acres (Lot 18); 0.13-acres (Lot 19); Zoning: PUD (Planned Unit Development —Avalon Beac/z) Future Land Use: RU (Residential, Urban) Existing Use: Residential Subdivision - Vacant Lots ST: LUCRE: \, Project Name: Avalon Beach -'minor Adjustment to PUD Site Plan File No.: SPMn-6202126659 Urban Service Boundary (USB): Inside Utilities: St. Lucie County Utilities, Water and. Wastewater Fire/EMS Protection: Station #9 (N. Hutchinson Island, is located at 3595 N. Hwy AIA, approximately 4-miles to the south Concurrency Doc: N/A Background The Avalon Beach PUD encompasses 15.83-acres on North Hutchinson Island, Fort Pierce, located approximately one-half of a mile south. of the Indian River County line. Avalon Beach PUD is a thirty-five (35) single-family lot subdivision with thirty-one (31) dots west of SR A-1-A and four (4) lots west of SR A-1-A. Approval History Resolution 05-356 On November 8, 2005, the Board of County Commissioners granted rezoning approval fi-om HIRD to PUD and Final PUD Site Plan approval for a project to be known -as Avalon Beach, consisting of 38 single-family residences. Approval Letter On June 2, 2006, the St. Lucie County Growth Management Director approved a Minor Adjustment for a temporary sales trailer. Approval Letter On June 28, 2006, the St. Lucie County Growth Management Director approved a Minor Adjustment to allow for the elimination of Lot 3 and Tract "A" (beach access) on the east side of SR A I A and create a recreational tract in its place. Approval Letter On July 3, 2012, the Planning and Development Services Director granted a Minor Adjustment to allow for the addition of a 409 square foot fishing pier for the project. Resolution 13-103 On June 4, 2013, the Board of County Commissioners granted a Major Adjustment approval to modify a recreation tract, add one single-family lot, and add two dune c►ossovers on the oceanfront -portion of the project. Project Name: Avalon Beach - "i or Adjustment to PUD Site Plan File No.: SPMn-6202126059 Approval Letter On July 31, 2014, the Planning and Development Services Directed granted a Minor Adjustment to modify the pier approach was changed from 3' X 153' feet to 4' X 84.5' feet and the platform from 5' X 8' to 8' X 20'. This modification results in a one -foot decrease in square footage. Approval Letter On August 21, 2014, the Planning and Development Services Director granted a Minor Adjustment to reduce the number and dimensions of oceanfront parcels, relocate the dune crossovers and modify the fishing pier dimensions. Resolution 15-51 On April 7, 2015, the Board of County Commissioners granted Major Adjustment approval to modify the maximum building lot coverage for riverside lots and require 25% minimum pervious open space for each lot in the project. Resolution 19-159 On October 1, 2019, the Board of County Commissioners granted Major Adjustment approval to amend the existing Conceptual Architectural Models (Jeffrey Ray Models) to a set of Architectural Standards and Design Guidelines, specific to the western, undeveloped 32 riverside lots. PDS Order 2021-033 On January 19, 2021, the Planning and Development Services Director granted a Minor Adjustment to combined Lot 16 and Lot 17 to create one 11,715 sq. ft. river view lot. MINOR SITE PLAN STANDARDS OF REVIEW AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 11.02.07 OF THE ST. LUCIE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE Pursuant to Section 11.02.05 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code (LDC), the Development Review Committee (DRC) has reviewed the subject application and has determined that the project meets the Standards for Review in Section 11.02.07 and all other requirements of the Code for this Site Plan Adjustment application. This staff report supports the Development Review Committee's recommendation for approval. A. Consistency with Local Ordinances and Comprehensive Plan The requested Minor Adjustment to the Planned Unit Development (PUD) Site Plan to allow for the combination of Lots 18 and 19, does not conflict with any applicable portions of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code (LDC) or Comprehensive Plan. Furthermore, the proposed modification is in substantial conformity with the previously approved Site Plan. The subject property is zoned PUD (Planned Unit Development), which is consistent with the RU (Residential, Urban) Future Land Use designation and complies with the residential density requirements outlined in LDC 7.01.03 — Standards and Requirements for Planned Unit Developments, with an approved density of 2.15 dwelling units per acre. The development continues to support the following Comprehensive Plan Goals, Objectives, and Policies: Goal 1.1: Ensure the highest quality living environment possible, through a ►nixt2ire of land uses reflecting the needs and desires of the local residents and how they want their community to Project Name: Avalon Beach -Minor Adjustment to PUD Site Plan File No.: SPMn-6202126059 develop. The goal shall be implemented by strictly enforced building, zoning and development codes based on objectives and policies that will enhance St. Lucie County's natural and manmade resources while minimizing any damage or threat of degradation to the health, safety and welfare of the county's citizens, native wildlife and environment, through incompatible land uses. Objective. 1.1.1: Land Use. Maintain the Future Land Use Map land with the following use designations to portray the future development patterns of St. Lucie County. Policy of the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan establishes maximum residential densities for the Future Land Use Classification of RU (Residential Urban) at 5 dwelling units per gross acre. The land use allows for a permitted density of 79 dwelling units. This petition proposes a reduction in dwelling units, from thirty-five (35) to thirty-four (34), remaining within the allowable density calculations. B. Effect on Nearby Pronerties The proposed Minor Adjustment is not anticipated to have an undue adverse effect upon nearby properties, the character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, parking, utility facilities, and other matters affecting the public health, safety, and general welfare. The proposed modifications will not alter the overall character of the development with respect to the original findings of approval. The proposed two -lot combination will not change the nature or the intensity of the property. The combination results in a net decrease of one buildable lot, decreasing the intensity of the property to thirty (30) riverside homes/lots at final build -out. Adjacent property zoning and land use(s): Location Zoning District Future Land Use Existing Land Use North CPUB (Conservation HIRD (Hutchinson Island Avalon State Park Public) Residential District) South CPUB (Conservation HIRD (Hutchinson Island State Park Adjacent Public) Residential District)Avalon Parcels East N/A N/A Atlantic Ocean West PUD (Planned Unit RU (Residential, Urban) Indian River Lagoon Development) 1 C. Adequacy of Public Facilities A Certificate of Capacity was signed by the Community Development Director and issued on November 9, 2005, certifying adequate public facility capacity for the thirty-eight (38) lot project. This proposed adjustment will reduce the lot quantity by one (1), resulting in a thirty-four (34) lot project. The subject development is located within the Urban Services Boundary (USB) and all public facilities operate within the adopted Level of Service Standards as set forth by the St. Lucie County Land Development Code and Comprehensive Plan. Water/Wastewater St. Lucie County Utilities serves the residential subdivision for water and wastewater service. 4 i Project Name: Avalon Beach -m nor Adjustment to PUD Site Plan File No.: SPMn-6202126059 Traffic The lot combination will result in a reduction of residential units and will not cause additional traffic impacts. ROW Adequacy No additional right-of-way is required with this modification. D. Adeauacv of Fire Protection The proposed Site Plan Adjustment will not impose additional impacts on the St Lucie County Fire District. The closest Fire Station (Station #9 — N. Hutchinson Island), is located at 3595 N. Hwy Al A, approximately 4 miles to the south. The St. Lucie County Fire District, Fire Prevention Bureau will review building permits for the proposed structures in accordance with the provisions of the State Fire Code. E. Adeauacv of School Facilities The proposed development will not have a negative impact on the existing schools. At the time of development of the individual residential lots, the applicant will be required to pay a school impact fee .for the proposed residential unit, which will adequately address the impact to schools. Environmental Impact Background The Environmental Resources Department (ERD) is in receipt of Planning and Development Services June 1, 2021, date -stamped submittal. The applicant is seeking approval to combine the previously approved Lots 18 and 19 of the Avalon Beach PUD. The project is located on North Hutchinson Island, west of Highway AlA at 159 Ocean Estates Drive within the previously approved Avalon Beach Planned Unit Development Subdivision. Findings The proposed lot line combination is not anticipated to result in any adverse environmental impacts, as no other changes to the original approval are proposed. When site development activities are proposed, ERD will conduct further review through the Building Permit review process. Recommendation ERD has no objection to the approval of the above Minor Adjustment application. RECOMMENDATION: Staff has determined that the proposed Minor Adjustment to the Final Planned Unit Development (PUD) Site Plan meets the Standards of Review outlined in Section 11.02.07 of the Land Development Code and is consistent with the Goals, Objectives, and Policies of the Comprehensive Plan, subject to the following condition of approval: 1. Within twenty-four (24) months or prior to the issuance of a Building Permit for the single-family residence, whichever comes first, the property owner(s), the developer, their successors, or assigns shall finalize the parcel combination or Unity of Title, or similar instrument, for Lot 18 and Lot 19. Attachments: PDS Order No. 2021-046 Site Plan ERD Final Report