HomeMy WebLinkAboutPedestrian & Waterproofing System Application Instructioni
Commercial Sealants & Waterproofing
9. Purpose
1.1 The purpose of this document is to establish uniform pro
applying the Vulkem@ 350/351 Pedestrian Deck Coating
techniques involved may require modifications to adjust 1
conditions. If you have any questions about your applica
your local Tremco Sales Representative for specific desi
1.2 This document will provide the necessary instructions an
troubleshooting for the application of the Vulkem Pedesti
Coating System to qualify for the manufacturer's warrant
2. Inspection of Jotbsite Conditions
2.1 Investigation of the substrate should be performed to det
of surface preparation that will need to take place to achi
appropriate surface profile required for the coating applic
Depending on the condition of the concrete, one or more
surface preparations may be required. Refer to ICRI's Te
Guideline No. 03732- Selecting and Specifying Concrete
Preparation for Sealers, Coatings and Polymer Overlays
practices on selecting the appropriate method of concrete
Thin film or high -build coatings will require the surface pri
exposed aggregate, honeycombs, deep broom finish, etc.) shall be
:dures for
leveled and made smooth by applying a coat of sand -filled epoxy.
iystem. The
3.9 All drains shall be cleaned and operative. Drains shall be recessed
lower than the deck surface. The surface shall be sloped to drain to
an, contact
provide positive drainage. Drains should be detailed as instructed
• Cut a 1/4" wide x 1/4" deep (6 mm x 12 mm) keyway into the concrete
surface at any point where the coating will have an exposed terminating
Deck edge — that is, any point where the coating will end in an open area
subject to traffic, for example, at the end of a ramp, around drains and
alongside expansion joints.
ine the type 3.10 If the project is a restoration deck, old sealant and backing material
the shall be removed. The joint interface will require a thorough wire
n. brushing, grinding, sandblasting, solvent washing and/or primer.
CSP 2-4.
S. Condlitions for Concrete Surfaces
3.1 Concrete shall be water -cured and attain a 3000 psi minimmum
compressive strength. Moisture content in the concrete mhst be lower
than 4.5% as measured using a Tramex CME 4 Moisture Meter.
Depending on concrete construction and job site location,,additional
concrete testing may be required. Please contact your local Tremco
Sales or Technical Representative.
3.2 Concrete shall be free of any laitance which can usually be achieved by
shothlasting (preferred method) or sandblasting the surface. For proper
methods, refer to ICRI's Technical Guideline No. 03732.
3.3 Concrete surface shall be properly cleaned so that the surface to
receive the coating, sealant or liquid -applied flashing is free of mold,
paint, sealers, coatings, curing agents, loose particles, and other
contamination or foreign matter that may interfere with theli adhesion.
Jobsite conditions may require the use of a Vulkem primer.
3.4 Shrinkage cracks in the concrete surface that are 1/16" (1 16 mm) wide
or greater shall be ground out to a minimum 1/4" wide x 1/2" deep (6
mm x 12 mm) and treated according to the instructions in Section 6,
Detail Work. I
3.5 Structural cracks regardless of width shall be ground out to a minimum
1/4" wide x 1/2" deep (6 mm x 12 mm) and treated according to the
instructions in Section 6, Detail Work.
3.6 Spalled areas shall be cleaned free of loose contaminants prior to
repair. Because jobsite conditions vary, it is recommende that you
contact Tremco Technical Services at 866-209-2404 for the best
method of repair. i
3.7 In the event of exposed reinforcing steel, it is recommended that the
structural engineer of record be contacted for investigation and for best
repair method. 1
3.8 Surfaces shall be made free of defects that may telegraph and show
through the finished coating. Surfaces that are rough (fins,fridges,
4. Special Surfaces
4.1 Vulkem 350 requires TREMpdme® Non -Porous Primer on metal
surfaces. Lap joints must be sealed with Dymonic®100 and coated with
Vulkem 350 in order to cover seams, bolts and rivets prior to applying
the system.
S. Jolssite Materials —
5,1 Recommended materials and their uses are as follows:
Dymonic 100: A one -part, moisture -curing, gun grade polyurethane sealant
for use in precast, masonry, expansion joints, control joints and for use in
forming cants.
Vulkem 350 Base Coat: A one -part polyurethane coating used as the
elastomeric waterproofing membrane of the system available in an R (roller)
grade and SL (self -leveling) for vertical and horizontal applications.
Vulkem 351 Top Coat: A one -part, aliphatic polyurethane top coat providing a
chemical- and UV- resistant, color -stable, weatherproof wearing surface.
Vulkem Primer #171: A one -part, film -forming primer to be used on porous
Vulkem 191 Primer— a low VOC compliant, one -part, porous and
intedaminary primer for use in applying a fresh coat of Vulkem coating or
sealant after preceding coat has been exposed for long periods of time.
TREMprime Multi -Surface Urethane Primer - a low-VOC, quick drying, two-
part primer for use between urethanes and urethanes, wood, concrete, PVC
and steel.
Aggregate — 3040 mesh (0.6 to 0.7 mm diameter) silica sand or alumina
oxide which imparts a textured finish. NOTE: Aggregate may not be required
for vertical applications.
5.2 Refer to the project manager for your specific job requirements
6. Detail Work
Note: Do not apply sealant or coatings to a frosty, damp or wet surface or
when substrate temperature is below 40 "F (4 °C) or the surface temperature
is above 110 °F (43 *Q. Cure times as stated below are based upon
enr w.tromcosealants.crnJ1r.
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standard ambient conditions of 75 °F (25 "C), 60% RH. A decease in
ambient temperature and humidity will significantly lengthen t e cure time.
6.1 Lay a 1/4" (6 mm) diameter backer rod into the corner atthe juncture of
all horizontal and vertical surfaces such as curbs, wallse,ctions,
columns, or penetrations through the deck. Apply a bead of Dymonic
1001" (2.5 cm) wide over the backer rod. Tool the sealant bead to form
a 45° cant. Use sufficient pressure to force out any trapped air and to
assure complete wetting of the surface. Remove excess sealant from
the deck or wall joint. NOTE: Backer rod is only requiredjfor moving
6.2 Install a backer rod,1/8" to 1/4" (3 mm to 6 mm) diametelarger than
the joint width to all prepared control joints. Set depth of backer rod to
control the depth of the sealant (Depth of sealant is measured from the
top of the backer rod to the top of the concrete surface.) roper depth of
sealant is as follows:
6.2a. For joints 1/4 (6.4 mm) to 1 /2 " (12.7 mm) wide, the depth ratio
should be equal. I
6.2b. Joints 1/2" (12.7 mm) wide or greater should have a sealant depth
of 1/2" (12.7 mm). The minimum joint size is 1/4" x 1/4" (6.4 mm x 6.4
mm). jj
6.3 All cracks and joints shall be sealed with Tremco approveld sealant, and
tooled flush with the surface. Note: Expansion joints should not be
coated over. For treatment of expansion joints, contact your local
Tremco Sales Representative.
6.4 Allow sealant to cure overnight.
6.5 Apply a strip of masking tape or duct tape to the vertical
3" above the Dymonic 100 Sealanfs cant to provide a ni
of the vertical detail coat. When job site conditions of a f
occur, terminate the coating at the sealant cant bead on
Please consult your local technical sales representative
6.6 Prior to use, Vulkem 350 should be mixed with a spiral F
paddle at a rate of 500 rpm for a minimum of 5 min.
6.7 Apply 25-mil (.64 mm) thick detail coat of Vulkem 350 Ri
the treated cant, and extend it to the tape on the vertical
(100 mm) onto the horizontal surface. Feather -edge the
edge of the Vulkem 350 Roller Grade detail coat on the
surface so it will not show through the finished coating.
a solvent -resistant, medium -nap (3/8" to 112"/9.5 mm to 12.7 mm) roller
7.3 Allow Vulkem 350 to cure a minimum of 12 hr. Cure rates depend on
temperature and humidity. Refer to cure rate guidelines in chart at the
end of this document.
7.4 If the Vulkem 350 has been applied for 24 hr or longer during the ideal
temperature application range (see chart on last page of document), it
should be cleaned with a damp cloth of Xylene (do not saturate it).
Prime coat it with Vulkem 191 Primer. We highly recommend that you
contact your local Tremco Sales Representative with any questions on
the appropriateness of priming.
7.5 Mix the Vulkem 351 Top Coat using an appropriate mixing blade and an
electric drill to assure there is no settlement in the bottom of the pail and
the color of the material is consistent with no streaks or striations, For
recommendations on mixer options, contact Tremco Technical
Services. Boxing of pails is recommended for color consistency
between different lots.
7.6 TOPCOAT There are two acceptable methods for installing the topcoat.
They are listed as follows:
Method A
7.7a. Apply the mixed Vulkem 351 with a medium -nap, solvent -resistant roller
sleeve at a rate of 105 ftZ/gal (2.6 MZ/L) to yield approximately 15 wet
mils. Remove excess material from the roller by using a screen in the
pail to avoid puddles or ponding.
7.7b. Apply the Vulkem 351 in sections that can be easily reached for
,tions, 2" or
backrolling. Immediately after applying the Vulkem 351, broadcast a 30
to 40 mesh (0.4 to 0.5 mm diameter) silica sand or aluminum oxide into
hed fagade
the wet Vulkem 351 and backroll to evenly distribute the aggregate. For
a moderately textured finish, use 15 to 18 lb of sand/gal of Vulkem 351
sere are any
(1.8 to 2.2 kg/Q. Backrolling is necessary regardless of how the sand is
broadcast (i.e. hand, seed spreader, etc.) to ensure that all of the sand
t mixing
is completely encapsulated into the liquid.
7.7c. The textured properties of the finished deck coating system aid in the
r Grade over
system's wear and slip resistance. Tremco recommends a test patch be
face and 4"
completed by the applicator and customer acceptance obtained prior to
,,;, +;
the application.
6.8 Apply a 25-mil (.64 mm) thick detail coat of Vulkem 350 Roller Grade 6"
(150 mm) wide centered over all untreated cracks, all routed and sealed
cracks and over all cold joints. Feather -edge terminating edge of detail
coat to keep these edges from showing through the finished coating.
6.9 Allow all detail coats to cure for a minimum of 4 to 6 hr deoendino on
temperature and humidity.
NOTE: Recommended coverage rates are approximate. Sand loading
methods and concrete surface profiles may increase the amount of material
required to obtain uniform coverage.
7. Coating Application
7.1 Please refer to mixing instructions in Section 6.6.
7.2 BASE COAT: Apply Vulkem 350 at 40-64 ft'/gal or 25-40 et
mm) thick to the entire area to be coated, including overall de
but excluding expansion joints. The recommended methoc of
application is with a notched squeegee. Cross -rolling may foll
event the coating needs to be leveled. Vulkem 350 can be lap
7.7d, Do not open to foot traffic for a minimum of 24 hr following full cure of
Vulkem 351.
Method 8
7.8a. Apply the mixed Vulkem 351 with a medium nap solvent resistant roller
sleeve at a rate of 200 square feet per gallon (5 m2/L) to yield 8 wet
mils. Take care to apply an even coat without puddles or thick roller
edge lines.
73b. Broadcast to refusal the aggregate onto the wet surface of the Vulkem
351 coat. Cover the entire surface leaving no wet spots.
7.8c. Allow the Vulkem 351 to cure overnight.
7.8d. Sweep and vacuum off all loose, unbound aggregate.
7.8e. Mix Vulkem 351 top coat as specified in 7.5.
mils (0.6-1 7.8f. Apply Vulkem 351 with a medium nap solvent resistant roller sleeve at a
tail coats, rate of 200 ftz/ gallon (5M2/L) to yield 8 wet mils. Take care to evenly
ow, in the
plied with
vAremcos;ealants.com Page 2 of 5
apply the coating with no puddling. Remove excess material from the
roller by using a screen in the pail to avoid puddles or ponding
7.8g. Allow the Vulkem 351 to cure for 24 hr prior to pedestriarj traffic or
placement of deck furniture. I
7.8h. The textured properties of the finished deck coating system contribute
to the system's wear resistance. Tremco recommends installing a test
patch and gaining customer acceptance prior to installation.
8. Clean Up
8.1 Clean all adjacent areas to remove any stains or spills with Toluene or
8.2 Clean tools or equipment with Toluene, or Xylene before materials cure.
8.3 Clean hands by soaking in hot, soapy water, then brushing with a stiff -
bristle brush.
9. Usage
The following is a guide to estimate material usage:
Dymonic 100: For a 1" (25 mm) cant bead over a 114" (6 mm) ba cker rod,1
case of sealant for every 48 If (14.6 M) is required.
Vulkem 350 Base Coat: Application at a rate of 40-64 ft2/gal (1. i 1-1.57 M1Q
will yield a mil thickness of 25-40 mils.
Vulkem 351 Top Coat: Application at a rate of 105 ft2/gal (2.6 MI /L.) will yield a
mil thickness of 15 mils wet.
Aggregate: Approximately 15 to 18 lb of approved aggregate will be used with
each gallon of Vulkem 351 NF as prescribed in Section 7.
10. Troubleshooting
This section describes common industry application issues when certain
environmental conditions exist and their remedies. If any of these should
occur, it is always recommended that you contact your local Tremco Sales
Representative or Tremco Technical Services.
10.1 Tremco requires that any possible recoating job be reviewed and
approved by your Sales and/or Technical Representative prior to
10.2 When a deck contains too much moisture, the moisture may change
into a vapor, which then condenses at the concrete -membrane interface
before the coating has cured and may cause blisters or bubbles,
ultimately interfering with proper adhesion. If this should occur, the
blisters can be cut out, allowing moisture to escape. After moisture has
escaped and the surface is dry, the area can be repaired.
10.3 If the coating application has been installed at a thickness that is greater
than our installation instructions, pinholes, blisters or bubbles may
develop in the coating. To avoid this occurrence, the material should be
applied in accordance to the installation instructions. fI
10.4 If the coating is applied in very hot ambient temperatures, the air in the
small spaces between the concrete particles increases in volume and
forms blisters. Contact Technical Services should this occilr.
10.5 If the previous coating application has not fully cured, solvent may
become trapped between the coats and lead to large blisters. When cut
out, they may still be tacky on the underside. Blisters may be cut out
and repaired after the surface has been allowed to fully dry,.
11. Weather ➢mpactt on Coating Application
This section discusses the impact of applying these coatings outside the ideal
temperature application range of 65 to 85 °F (18.3 to 29.4 °C) at 50% RH.
11.1 At temperatures lower than the ideal range, the material will become
viscous and it will cure at a slower rate. Refer to the chart below for
approximate cure rates at varying temperatures.
11.2 Deck temperatures may affect cure rates even when ambient
temperatures are high.
11.3 Enclosed areas may slow the cure rate of the coating because humidity
levels tend to be low in these conditions due to the low exchange of air
over the membrane.
11.4 In extremely dry conditions with RH less than 50%, even when
temperatures are high, cure rates can still be extended.
tremeosea➢ants.com Page 3 of 5
Wet Mils
Cure Time*
Square Feet Per
Base Coat
Vulkem 350
25 to 40
12 hr
40 to 64
Top Coat for
Method A
Vulkem 351
6 to 8 hr
Top Coat for
Meihod B
Vulkem 351
6 to 8 hr
*Cure times are based on ideal ambient temperature at 50% RH. See chart below for ideal temperature range.
Approximate Cure Times in Hours at 50% RH
Temperature at 50% RH
Vulkem 350
Vulkem 351
40 to 55 *F
` 48 to 72
55 to 65 *F
24 to 48
12 to 24
12.8 to 18.3 *C
29.4 °C
Variations in temperature and humidity can affect the cure rate of the coating. The above chart should be used as a guide only to
determine the approximate rate of cure. Other factor's can also influence the cure rate such as substrate temperature and enclosed
environments. For more information about proper application procedures please refer to the Installation Instructions or contact Technical
Services. I
Please refer to our website a
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