HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor AgreementPERMIT # ISSUE DATE COUNTY F L 0 R I A A IL A PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT have agreed to be (CompanyName/Individual Name) the _ ROOF tr1G Sub -contractor for � � � (���) r�' T t ►U)71 Er ,. �-� �-- (Type of Trade) `l (Primary Contractor) / For the ro'ect located at ] P Sri� (Project Street Address or Property Tax 1D #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation. Division of St. Lucie County will be d pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) �/,I✓> SUB CO RACT t5! A URE (QuatitFer) Avt' &Atzt,a PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NU R t State of Florida, County of ZW("� The foregoing Instrument was signed -before ettdsZdayof who Is personally -known V or tins produced a as ide cation. St nature of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public 163° Sa COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of 01A'IL ` The foregoing instrumentwus signed before me this _,.,, day of T"wj 202by .5kt0L- �ron�lGrc— who is personally known -1-or has produced a as ide Mention. STAMP Signs a of Notary Public (';flt�C_�A �IZAT17�t1`R�i1�t Print Name of Notary Public Notary Public State of Fkxide �" Patripia K G411i0 248572 Revised li7ib2016 � pas aeisa�aaza H'W � Notary Public State of Florida Carmela Frantantoni' h �w My Commission HH DOS= 0� Expires 06104/2024 STAMP PERMIT # ISSUE DATE COUNTY F L O R i D A L. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT "SERVICES Building.&.Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT (Primary Contractor) (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status. regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing -of a- Change of Sub -contractor notice. `-r CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) SUB -CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) /4 kt ' 6,42.v .r 'PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of� Th foregoing instrument was signed before me this � day of 2Qtp),h! r, who Is personally known produced a PRINT NAME COUUNN r CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of "k? 1~ rQ The foregoing instrument was signed before me thls.0 V .day of z, by (10 who is personally known )0or has produced a as identification. STAMP Signature f N ' ary Public I'it�tc of Notary Public RO% Notary Public Stets of Florida Patricia K CollinsMy Commission GG 248672 Expires 08/24/2022 Revised 11/16/2016 =Abiqaq�HELefebure State of Florida ebureion HH 120187112025 STAMP w PERMIT # For the project located at PLANNING & I Building & (Project Street Address It is understood that, if there is any change of project, the Building and Code Regulation filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. 3/il1 v .J vl� PRINT NAME. COUNTY CERTIFICATION NU DER State ofFlorido, County of e w The cegoing instrument was signed before we this day of T"n 20'�, by �! t who is personalty known or has produced a tt` � S 7atureNotary Public Notary Public State 01 Patricia K Collins • My �ommisaron GG 6xpitetii o812_ 4� i 2022 Revised 111W2016 ISSUE DATE :,OPMENT SERVICES Compliance Division PERMIT R AGREEMENT rr// (� have e agreed to be for �(� t� �1 ,7 ��1Ht%) ll6 . LL- (Primary Contractor) our participation with the above mentioned St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the i INC 241nrri &iv PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATIONNUMBER State of Florida, County of The foregoing instrument was signed before me thisrday of L , 20>C( by WAYW�im who is personally known A or has produced a US identmeation,z) _ of Notary a llotary Public State o1 Florida Kimla J. SimoneMy commission GG 957803 Expires 05/1812024 STAMP r. I PERMIT t/ ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building S Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERNIlT SUB-CON'1'RAC_1'OR AGItrE IP,N•C have agreed w be ((.'onthanY Name: fndi\ itlual Name) Sub- conU-act(lr tilt- 1l'ype ul"1'r:ulc) I I I'rimar" Contractor) 15 C ry �s--► ".Uv— — Fur the pro cc[ klratccf at �_� -- --14-4C6- -_.-__-_-_-- -- {Prt,icct Street Addrwsjlx properlyTax I1)'=1 It is undc.rslood that, if there is an}I change (11'statluS rc�1.ardinl1 0111 partieihatittn with the ahoy c mentiunrd I IWO ect; the 131.1ilding and Code Rea llation Divisk)n ol' St. Lurie County Will he advised Inlrsuant Itt the filing, ot'a Change of Sub -contractor notice. C oN1'R.\C'1•t1R SIGNATURE (Qnalilier) i tr l 4 PRINT NA\IF. I CO NTN' CERTIFIC A'l ION NlAIII :It \ .lhuc of Florida. Count\' nl' t n V "1 I'll 1'orcgoing instrument Has si,-ncd beroye file this 9-�day of —=— '-It. by 1 — 1 s perstmull�• knoe n or has produced a. as We lit cation. t^ attrc of Nolar� Public pl 100 Prim Nntoc of Notary public Notary Public State d Florida =o`er �O`Q. Patricia K Collins Ally Commissidn GG 248672 `po Explras 08/2412022 �' or a R. i,cd I I I6.2016 SI r 1'QTtt\C 1 Ia\,\'I l9iF; 1Qualilicrl COI I NA Y C'EI?TI1:1CAT 10x NCNIRER titalc ql" Florida. Connl� of ���C�."L Thc.i'urcgoing inctrtlmcnt was signed bclbre file this lbda.\ of tsho is per+onallY known ur has produced :1 :1\ IlIIIICa llllll. tii{,1':1� ul' Nul:u•� iiblic ' cQ A col Print N:unc of Nota •t Public Notary Public State of FWda Tracey R Mascofa My commis l GG 938134 �j« Expifes 04f28/Z024