HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBCONTRACTOR PERMITS - 14386 ISLA FLORESPERMIT # ISSUE DATE :� PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT S & W ELECTRIC, INC. have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) tha ELECTRICIAN _ Sub -contractor. for--VVY-NNE-DEVELOL'MEUZCORP.- (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. t CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) SUB -CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) MATTHEW LYLE WYNNE PRINT NAME �::' COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of_ST. LUCIE �y��/��,..,y The foregoing instrument was signed before me this" day of Q Q- 2o��by MATTHEW. LYLE WYNNE who is personally known l or has produced a as identification. icy✓"r I�JGt.O /C� STAMP Signature of Notary c DOROTHY ANN BASKIN Print Name of Notary Public •'""'•q„DOROTHYANN BASION ,i .' MYCOMMISSION#HH045443 EXPIRES: OcWar2, 2024 •: ^:°"' Bonded7hru Notarypaulet ei _ LAWRENCE STUBBS PRINT NAME 401 VA COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER --Stateof Floridai County of ST.LUCIE__ The foregoing instrument was signed before me this=(- day of �CK- - by LAWRENCE STUBBS who is personally known Y or has produced a as dentificadon. �,�mof 1 STAMP wry Pubbcn i6 Print Name of Notary Pubhc ,•,;+w4•.,: LAURAR.CUBBEDGE Commission#HH013089 Expires October 21, 2024 BondedTlw Troy Fain lnsutante9903BS7019 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT AQUA DIMENSIONS have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the PLUMBER Sub -contractor for WYNNE DEVELOPMENT CORP. (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at c or Property Tax ID #) S It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) MATTHEW LYLE WYNNE PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of ST. LUCIE The fdbr g iug.instrument was signed before me thisCA� day p who is Personally known V or has Produced a as Identification, r1 CIJ�Jitsn i Zl l -A �Lw Signature of Notary "u lic DOROTHYANN BASKIN Print Name of Notary Public ,.g::'1''e`•'.t' DOROTHYANNBASKIN MYCOMMISSIONFHH(345W °'r3`,orvi�P 'BnndE PIKES. 2,2024 SUB-C SIGNATURE (Qualifier) ROBERT LUDLUM PRINT NAME I£1--p COUNTYCERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of ST. LUCIE The foregoing instrument was signed before me Hfisaf day of zoo who is personally known\Lpr has produced a a ' enti5cation. STAMP STAMP Signature of Notary Public RHONDALAFFERTY Pant Name of NoffiryPublic o.a a ,: RHONDA LAFFERTY _ MY COMNIISSION # GG058720 ' o; �.,;, .��, EXPIRES January 68, 2021 PERMIT # I ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code. Compliance Division $>(7I%DYNG PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTORAGREEMENT Comfort Control of St. Lucie County, Inc. have agreed to be (Company Namedndividual Name) the HVAC Sub-contractorfor Wynne Development Corp. (Type of Trade) Trilm Contractor) / For the project Ideated at (Project Street Addressor Property Tax ID #) It is understood.that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned . project, the ]Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant. to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (QuaGSer). Matthew Lyle Wynne PRINT NAME 91-91, COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of•�v C-�� The foregging GasRument was signed before me tbisC� day of . 2Z� by t" who is personally knm Zor has produced a ftoatureofNotary-Pu! a aie`mfY AWn® 1614-5eer Print Name ofNotary Public "?e: SASKIN 4..- bfYCOMMISSIONHHH045443 F �~ EXPIRES:Odober2,2024 °"",• BaidedihiuNof&yPublkUp4 v t m Revised I I/16t2016 W. COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER . State of Florida, County of The foregoF� instru-- was signed before me th;s�''' day f who is personally known V e has produced a as iiddeenli6ratrou, n //��J //�j STAMP �U 1�tA Cil YC1G's AL. 3TA111F SSg`nature ofNotvy /� Vo A/ d�f1SKi� Print Name or Notary rabot OOROTtiYANNBASKIN _,. ,- MYCOMMISIONNHH045443 =g•rn EXPIRES: October2,2024 '••`.`or•;°•,• 0mded7iw Notary Pu6lkUMawdfma L66—d ZOOO/ZOOOd tLO—i 999L9L8ZLL daoo suiplpo auuAM -Woad 9L=ZL 9L,-80-ZL PERMIT � ISSkJE t}ATE the Roofing Sub -contractor f or Wynne De.velop. me.nt Co p..: (Type of Trade) (Pnmaly Contractor) Fortite It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St Lucie County will be -advised pursuanYto':tlie, filing of a Ghangenf Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGN&rUKE (Quamer) Matthew Lyle Wynne PRLWNAME . 1] A Y2:gR COIl,13"YCERTISICAIjLv 1pggNUMM State of Florida, County of ` •VUGNQ .� � -'i'kefa�re(g�oiog..•insuomentwas�\siyygo�,ed,,,,tieforeraethiJ. ,day of ON LQ who is personally 1.nowa _. or has produced a: asidentiocation. SSgnatoce off-taryP h r ' DOROTHYANN BASKIN MY COMMISSION # HH 045443 EXPIRES: October 2, 2024 Revised-11116)2015 SUB�C4}�TiIA STGNh (Qaalifier) - .. _ Brian Maloney PRINT NAME Y'=7 44nhSq. COGNTY CERT[EICA' JJQZN MAWER State of Florida; County, of�VC.v� The fore1ggoing iwtrumeutwassigned before -me fbis!�� 42ym /y who is personally i.nonv V or§asprodueeda asideatKeadon. . SVaaNreomGtary�,o Le: DOROTH ANNB�4SKfN MYCOMMISSION# HH 045443 EXPIRES:O*ber2, 2024 1- .. . Kr.J