HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCMICHELLE R. MILLER, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4916483 OR BOOK 4675 PAGE 2446, Recorded 08/30/2021 11:19:23 AM Pe•mll No: ___ Tax Folio No: NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT 6TATE OF _ CWNW OF iha undesslgnetl M1eseby gives tulle lint mpMvement will Ea merle to n met property antl in accartloncd w1tM1 Cnapies )'], Fbdda SMlva¢, mp 101iowi69 Inlormelian is OsoviUed in this Race of Commencement: t. Oasuipllon at Properly Lot]3 The Snms-Riverpolnl Public Decade of St. Lode County, rem a. Let]]. RIVERPOINIE AT THE SANDS -PHASE It. According to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat (FPAa 43, Pa0e(s) 16. 16A, and 16a, cl tiro Public Records at St. Lmdri County, Florida aMa 1916 1 Or, Hutchtnscn Island, FI349e9 2. General Oescrioion of lmpogements: COm m ffon of singlefamily POVdenoa togelhee wun any and all improvemome a. Owner Information: d. Noma and address: Donald J. Zama Katharine taros 401 Coolidge Street Hollywood, FL 31020 to. mount in PrcpoV.. Fad Sli c. Name and address of lee simple title holes Of other Nan Comer): d. LenVactorenn Adamis: Pon St Wcle Pro areas Inc 201 St.Pon SI LuciA Blvtl Pod St. Lucie. FL 34904 Phone: ]]224g-0088 5 SuretyNA 5. Lender end Atldrear. Regions Bank dba Pegions Mongega 2050 Perxwey Olgce Lirdo (RCNS) Nooves; AL ]529q nnone. 205-766-5I18 ). Persona within the Slate of Flwide dessnor ed by Owner upon whom mocas OF other OWUM its may be served as provided AV in Section )1].13(U(a))., Florida Slalutes: B, di lend I,Ownel desfgnetaa Ne lollowin9peraonsbn<elveacapy al the Llenofe Nollce ea provided in Section ]tarts] (t71n7 �F ortde Swwu¢: Explralion date of Notice olCommencemenl (Ina expiMgon deto lsl xr from date of recorcFng uNeasadln¢rent dale M spacllied: ]O my. tram lssuanva of Certl9cale of Occupancy WARNING TO OWNER: ANY PAYMENTS MADE BYTHE OWNER AFTER THE EXPIRATION OF THE NOTICE OF COIAMENCEMENT ARE CONSIDERED IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNDER CHAPTER T1I, PART 1. SECTION 713.I3, RIOA STATUTES, AND CAN RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NCTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST DE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BE ECOMMENN✓OIN//p�/WORK 'OOn� RECORDING YOUR NOTI FG[i ENCEMENT. Oanab J. Zeros —V� Kamer A, Zone icy TATEOFFLOPID JJ ._t�,Lu w �-pd"A The laregdng Insllrv77� pd0e0 belAre me bym physic Ipres Nina /J ola4talion,lNzlday sDac V U 20�bU.r Ac_i)ceorlT—�i.2 IET-/rvC who 11 Personally known to meorwan nee%C— p wars v72 a'a.• - ®nupon�s '. ��J sMMARY. ry a 6f '( u' �a_.L-[-r.^�N., as Mni C. Sweat FIMMN�MOTAv PUe ly tary P b9D Stale of Florida a0 RDatpA Sandra C. Sweat My CvmmaalonFoaplaaa: My Commission GG 173964 Expires 0223f2G22 Vnf ai ra M<t Pleasant to Sechist 92.5250 Florida $IAIIeA. Under penpltieaof PeOury, I declare that l have mad the foregoing r a 511yeyfS d Ole Out to the best Of my knowledge and hallal — --I Poo St Lucie ProPeni06— Pemtit No: STATE OF _ COUNTY OF Tax Folio No: NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT i>~ecorded Electronically ID County Date Time First International Title 772467-7835 Thece Stalms, herebygivesnoticefools provided will be me of to certainreal properly antl in accordance wish Chapter ]13, Flodtla 3mluea, Me followin9lnlamelion N prgvitletl in this Notice vl Commencement: i. peacripllon of Property. Lut33 The SaMs County, Fl Public Records of SI. Lurie County, Florida. Lot 33, RIVERPOINTE AT THE SANDS -PHASE II, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 43, Pagelsl 16, 16A, and 169, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida aNs 181E Lynx Or., Hutchinson island, FI 34949 2. General Descdplion of Improvements: Construction of a single family residence together With any and all Improvements 3. Gwner Information: a. Name antl address: Donald J. Zams Katherina A. Zaros 1401 Coolidge Street Hollywood, FL 33020 to. Interest in Property. Fe¢Slmpls c. Name and address of foe simple Bile holder lit other Nan O.vi 4. Conkactorantl Atltlreas: Pon St Wcla PropeNes lrc 201 St. PenLucie Blvd Pon St Lucia,, FL 34884 Phone: ))2-248-0066 b Surely. NA 6. Lendea and Atltlraee: Regicna Bank dbe Regions Mortgage 2060 Parkway Office Circle (RCNe) Hapver; AL 35244 Phone: 205-76&5716 ]. Persons Within Me Slate of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices oraNer documents may be senetl as provided by In Section )13.13(1)(e)].. Florida Blemtea: 6. In etltlillon to M1lmsell, Owner tlesigneles the fallowing parsons to receive a copy of the Llenola N011ce es provitletl in Section ]13.13 (Vtb), Flodde Stelutec: 9. Expiration tlale of Nallca of Commencemanl Rhe expiregon daleMlyear from tlate of recordtg unlessatllXerent data Is apecMetl: 30 tlay6 from Issuance of CeRigcoto of Occupancy WARNINGTOOWNER: ANY PAYMENTS MADE BYTHE OWNER AFTER THE EXPIRATION OF THE NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT ARE CONSIDERED IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNDER CHAPTER 713, PART 1, SECTION 713.13, FLORIDA STATUTES, AND CAN RESULT IN YOUR PAYING MICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY, A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSVLT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BE ECOM, WORK OR RECORDING YOUR NOT I ENCEMENT, Donald J. Zams ±06d Kom A. Zar STAT[ourm fLOP1 x'o Sal nolanxPlien, Who is pars[ Ii /�'nrN�N4 A.2A�rs ,eta"�pandra C. Sweat Print Name �yoyy Notary PGDIC State of. Florida xprAPy pueucsTATe or rloPloA i Sandra C. Sweet My Commission expires' • My Commission GG 173964 •oi' Expires 02123/2022 slas. Under penalties of pefjury. I declare that l have mad the foregoing ey Knowledge and belief. Pon St Lucie PropeNlee Inc