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Property App �cuer -
Re uest for Real Property Combination Tax Year
ist-parcel numbers you 'sh o combine.
Detailed Instructions Combine empty lot with lot with home so I can put a fence up around
both lots.
Please confcm and.initial the following yas:accepted and completed.
I am the owner of record, legal agent or have power of attorney for the owner of record. Written proofis
required for agents and those with power of attorney.
0 Real Estate taxes are current.
0 Parcels are contiguous and in the same jurisdiction.
0 Title (ownership) is the same for each parcel.
0 Verified with the St. Lucie County Planning and Development Services or other Jurisdictional Agency as to
what adverse effects, if any, this combination may have on the property.
0 All mortgage lenders (if applicable) have been notified of this change. Combining mortgaged property
with un-mortgaged property may create an escrow shortage resulting in a higher mortgage
payment and could create significant Issues in the case of a foreclosure.
❑ I understand combining parcels may increase taxes by affecting existing capped values and/or exemptions.
❑ I decline Contiguous Homestead,which was explained and presented as an alternative to a combination.
Owner signature: �� Date: 9/14/2021
Printed Name: Lois A. Edwards Phone: 772-708-3740
Deputy Signature: Date: O`(/
Printed Name: I oT v
phone: 772-462-1000 1 website:Nvww.paslc.org
2300 Virginia.Avenue, Room 107, Fart Pierce, FL 34982