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Project: RENOVATION FOR CONTENDER 0 I- BOATS 5701 ENVIRONMENTAL DRIVE �5Y�5T_EM NOFE�5 ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA 05 t IP hazardous I ocat i on res i n pump motor. Th i s wi l l need to have o f used sa f ety sw i t ch i nst a I I ed. RESIN PUMP 2 RESIN PUMP 1 This pump wi I I be hooked to terminals 1-2-3 in the Interface on control panel A5. �2 "0 This is for Resin Pump 1. Please see drawing PD-1,519-D321-A5. 5 Hp- 2D5/Z3D v / 3 Phase / I T5/151 FLA 5 HP hazardous location resin pump motor- This will need to have a fused safety switch installed_ �g 7 This pump wi I I be hooked to terminals 4-5--I in the Interface on control panel A5. This is for Resin Pump T Please see drawing PD-1519-0321-A5. 13 I2 Q 5 H p. 205/23Dv / 3 Phase / 17-5/15-2 FLA I HP hazardous location agitator motor rank I- This will need to have a fusible safety switch ° i nst o i l ed- Th i s motor wi l l be hooked to t ermi no I s 7-5-9 i n t he Interface on cont ro I pane I A5, I5 104Issues: Th i s motor i s Vo I t three phase. P I ease see dr aw i ng PP-1519-0321-A5. Hp. 2D5/23D Vo I t / 3 Phase / 4.14/3.( FLA m M No.: Date: Description: HP hazardous location agitator motor Tank T This will need to have a fusible safety switch Z a a i nsta I I ed. This motor will be hooked to terminals 10-11-12 in the InterFace on control panel A5. M Q) Q Z -gym -Im This motor is 2D81230 Volt three phase. Please see drawing PD-I59-D3'LI-A5. > z > co Z Hp. ZD5/23D Vo I t / 3 Phase / h.14/3.� FLA 1-1P TEFG tank I water pump. This motor wi I I hook to terminals 3--14 in the InterFace on control panel A5. � � Z This i s a 2D8/23D volt s i ng I e phase motor. Please see drawing PD-1519-021-A5. I Hp. ?D3/23D Volt / Single Phase / 112/8.5 FLA I HP TEFL tank Z water pump_ Th i s motor w i I I hook to termi no I s 15-1( i n the InterFace on cont ro I pane I A5_ ►--� 15 I� N This is a Z08/230 volt s i ng I e phase motor. Please see drawing PD-IS19-o321-A5. M Hp. 7- 8/230 Volt / Single Phase / 11.2/8.8 FLA These are RTD (Resistance Temperature Devices) that wire out of the Interface on control panel A5. HEAT Inter face I terminals A-A, F-F, G-G for resin tank 1. 1D EXCHANGER `~ These sensors will be ran in General Gable/carol l5rand # G6047A wire. These sensors are in a Glass I Division II Group D location as per NEC-70-504-T o C�l .� The RTDs are a simple apperatus_ Please see drawing PD-1519-03,II-A6- These are RTD (Resistance Temperature Devices) that wire out of the Interface on control panel A5. Interface terminals 1�-f, iHl, 1-1 for future resin tank Z. These sensors will be ran in General Gable/Garoi brand # G6047A wire. these sensors are in o GI ass I Division II Group D I ocat ion as per NEC-7D-sD�-2- The RTDs are a simple apparatus. Please see drawing PD-1519-0321-A�. These are RTD (Resistance Temperature Devices) that wire out of the Interface on control panel A5. •r-+ Interface terminals C-(,, P-R L-E for heat exchanger. These sensors wi I I be ran in Genera Gab I e/Caro 1 brand # 66047A w I re. E These are the load ce I t s for the Tank, they wi I I need to be hook-up as f ❑ I lows' These sensors are in a Glass I Division II Group D location as per NE6-70-504-2- Link the + EXCITATION (34) from the interface to the &REEN + EXCITATION from the load cel Is in junction The RTDs are a simple apparatus. Please see drawing PD-IS19-O3`LI-AG. Then I ink the - EXCITATION (3J) from the interface with the 15LACK - EXCITATION from the load cel Is in junction 1�). Q p These are 2D5/Z3D Volt / 3D Amp / Z pole water heaters A and f5 that wire from the Interface on control panel A5_ Now hook the + 51GNAL (33} from the interface to the WhITE + SIGNAL wires from the load cel Is in juct ion Heater A wi I I hook to terminals 19-2D & p wi I I hook to terminals Z1-22. Last hook the -- 50NAL (32} from the interface to the RED - SIGNAL wires from the load cel Is in juct ion 13. These wi I I need a f us i b 1 e disconnect switch_ Please see drawing PD-13I9-051ZI-A5. The shields hook up to terminal ground in Interface to juct ion P. II Chiller control wires from the Interface on control panel A5, terminals Z�-27-Z8-Zg will wire to GGP terminals -2-3-�}- Electricians should be careful when wiring the cells to the junction box P, the 9 foot wires are made up inside the The main power to this unit is from (DAMP breaker in load center 17 to in the GGP. cells and can be twisted off. This is a 205 Volt / GD Amp / Three phase unit. A fusible disconnect switch will be needed for this. Fhe chiller water pump wires from the Interface at Ate, terminals 17-I5 to GGP terminals 5-(0- The cells wire from Interface I panel 1G to junction box 3 This wi I I need to be run in General Gable/carol grand # 62543A. h o o k-Up a r e a s f o I I o w s-- GGP I=MG U'l GGP 2=M6 27; GGP 3=MG 2.5, GGP 4=MG 29; GGP 5=MG 17, GGP 6=M6 15 The cells are intrinsical l y safe with GSA, FM, and GE approved. Please see drawing PD-ISI9-0321-A5 and PD-I519-0321-AT Please see drawing FP-I519-0321-A5. 11- 0 IZ 13 rh i s is a junction box for the load ce I 1 hook-ups- This is the main control panel for the bu 1 k resin storage system- Please see drawings PD-1519-0321-A5 & PD-f819-021-A(_ s, ' :� This is in a Glass Division II Group D location. this will need to be supplied. This is a NEMA Type 12 control panel that will need to be placed inside the building- This is shown inside the building CA adjacent to the tank system The customer may move this according to local codes. a) a `p Also this panel will need to be connected to the buildings fire alarm system. Two normally closed set of contacts to open Q I� These are the load cells for Tank 1, they will need to be hook-up as follows: m when the alarm go off. The contacts need to be rated for 5APM5 12DVAG. the terminals are Al-AI & A2-A2 i n the interface box. Link the + EXG ITAT I ON (�D) from the interface to the GREEN + EXG 1 TAT ION from the load cells in junction 12_ ,4� ct Then I ink the - EXCITATION (27) from the interface with the f5LA6K - EXCITATION from the load cel Is in j u n c t ion 12. E C) Architect: 07 This is the load center that is part of the system, it will need to be feed with 2DD amps of 2D8/23D volt three phase. � ' '� Now hook the + SIGNAL (28} from the interface to the WHITE + SIGNAL wires from the load cel Is in just ion 12. Please see drawing PP-I519-032I-M. � � N Last hook the - 51ONAL (28) from the interface to the RED -- SIGNAL wi res from the load cel Is i n juct i on 12. `t pQI The sh i e 1 ds hook up to termi na 1 ground in Interface to juct ion I2- Electricians should be careful when wiring the cells to the junction box 11, the 9 foot wires are made up inside the U M cells and can be twisted off. •� +' Q] The cel Is wire from Interface I panel 16 to junction box. This wi I I need to be run in General Gable/Gcrol f5rand # G25�}3A. Q Q 6 D O N A D I O The cells are intrinsical l y safe with GSA, FM, and GE approved. w Q & Associates, Architects P.A. 2001 9th Avenue,Suite 308 Please see drawing PD-I8I9--D32I-A5. Vero Beach,FL 32960 Tel.772.794.2929 Fax.772.562.8600 www.donadio-arch.com License No.AA0002238 Consultant: EQUIPMENT DETAILS NOTE : REFER TO PANEL " A " SHEET E5 . 1 FOR CIRCUITRY . Drawing Title: EXISTING CONDITIONS EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS Reference North Drn: Drawing File: Digitally signed by Bradly L ISSUED FOR PERMIT ONLY 06-23-21 MT Bra L Brown P.E. NOT FOR PRICING OR CONSTRUCITON :J Chd: XREF File: AJ D DN: en=Bradly L Brown P.E., KAMM CONSULTING PROJECT#: 2021-0167 Project No.: Plot File: PROJECT MANAGER: JOHN MAYR o=Kamm Consulting Inc., 2020-33 1408 Orange Avenue rown ou-FL# 58232, Fort Pierce,Florida 34950 Sheet No.: 10"MM Phone 954.448.0792 Cert. No.: 12456 email= rna r@kammconsulti jmayf_lti consulting.com y 11su Certification of Authorization#8189 ng.eom, e=U$ PRINCIPAL 08-12-21 Date Signed: Brad: L Brown Florida License#58232 E401 POE * Date: 2021 .08.12 15:17:23 y date -04 00 signed Copyright ©2020,Donadio&Associates,Architects,P.A.,All Rights Reserved