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Product Approval (2)
I/'I�.f12021 Florida BUildin9 Code Online '1 s ,1 *II$��fldrf d ..•i•.....,;>.x,d.,vc...<-,. x,.< .... k4.,:.:r...a..� ie •.,... !...n� .o. •r3., 4, _ -..,L.�.i? MIS Milk. tug In i U.,acphlrrtum lick Snp,cs " s„bal,l 5'11(ccarge :wlt:,farts 1!ubl-caonu1 ' rorr;u[us : aCls Slta 1•1en Ull'i �,.•.tn� N P Product c kip,, valUSER:llitt - !!!; _t_'AlApplicsol-0.1.11 y FL,: r'LtU355-Rii Application Type Revision Code.Version 2020 ® Application SLUMS Approved -Approved by DEVIL Approvals by OHPIi shall'be reviewed-and-ranfierty the POC and/or the Commission if necessary. -` Comments - (= iN'cnlvEd •r - -- -- ---P"1 -_ _ _ _-__ _ ___. ____ -Product hlanul2cturer_ _- --_ iAn1K0 801u, 9 Products LLC Address/Phone/Email PO Cox 97 --- — - -- - -- --- -- - - ---- -- --- - Galena,KS 66739 (417)624-6644. Ext'2305 kerri_ed enmtamkn.cmn , AULhdriWd Signature Karri Eden kerrI._edLn@(arr*o.com Technical Relimsenrali", Kitul Eden Address/Fhono/Entail PO Box 14044 10Milk,M0 6.1802 o 17)624-6644, Ext 2305 kerri_edencittamko,com C"IO C QuatityAssuranci:Rcpresencillivc: iV p 1: Address/Phone/Ema11 > _ V W mE C) C�8 'V CaleUory Roofing Wcc F— 1 d SubratuJory Aephail ShinUles O Compliance Mathod Evaluation Report from it Product Evaluation Entity [valuation Entity UL LLC Quality Assurance Entity UL.LLC CUtillty A55tlranex Co(Aract Expiration Dal:: 11/10/"2021 Validated by Robert Niemihen,.PE,NEI.10 ETC,LLC Validation Checklist-flarcicopy-Received , Cerlditetc of IndependcAi,e (;L'S'1i;1.��`.+._fi �nl.1!S, lilndard+'nf RitbiSlfyst('ni 1<_'_ILdtRl'1�,�1'�S.pSlr Referenced Standard and Year(of Stanitard) Standard ASTM-D3161 21116 AST61 D3,t62: 301U ASfMD LM58: 2019 EquWalenre of Product Standards Curtifled fly. Sections from the Code hltps:litvvnv.Roridobuilding.orfl/pr/pr_app dlLnsllx?pardm=wGL"•VXQwIDqUvosfl•fazGXQbV09N1PT3Uo(ICAoI<ylAzpH5iv7DkXul<OJ51Q%3d%3d If': Y 1/14/2021 Florida Building Cade Online Product Approval Method Method I Option C Date Submitted 11/20/2020 Date Validated 11/23/2020 Date Pending FBC Approval , Date Approved 11/24/2020 Surnmarv,of Products FIL!C Model,Number or Name DescHpUon 111355.1 TAMKO Asphalt Shingles ASTM 034.62 asphalt shingles and hip and ridge shingles Limits of use Installation Instreatlons Approved for use In HVHZ:No FI 1R3SS R6 it 2020 11 18 TAMKO UL ER2919-Di.Ddr Approved for use outside HVHZ-Yes Verified By:UL LLC Impact Resistant:N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports Other.See evaluation report for limits of use. Fl 1B7c5 R6 AE 2020 11 18 TAMKO UL ER2919-0I aril rare :oral Contact Us::MI alelr Rane Read,7n0atNsrca FL 32799 Phone:850-057-ja24 mte Rate of Rodds is an AA/Eeo employca Car daht 1007.2013 Stnta of Flemn,::Prwm statement::AcrosM"W 5lelemmt::NW4 Statement Under RWdda law,emae Add—are PUNIC rercrdL if you do rxd wart your e•mAll 901015 r8baUd In ferpanre m a pubna-moouds request,do not and eWcUw le cow to thls emlry.Imtaed,corded the arum ry phone ar by tmdetarml—IL If tau have mty IlutdIO e,plow mnUCt 850,487.139S.•Pu,=m to SCctt=455.275(t), Wile Mae—eaeddve Weber 1,2012,Detester atumd under chapter 455,F-&toed prwwa the Depenrtunf was en emra address II they have one.the-Malls provided e D act used rnr ofatlal aull ad d[a;w Wn Ne o made.RaRxmreothe publy- o zA pubesIt you lla Lk eo rot wrh fn ntpply•D4+®rel tdarese,plea- provlda ire DepallJrmJd W N ul ams0 4ddresa sanuh Jan De mode eva0ahle to Me Publk.To Jfeterrttlrrc It you are a Ixettsee under QJepter455.F.S.plectra Jzrk DD[i- Product Approval ll spin . Credit Card Safe - hilps://wwwfloridabuUding.org/pr/pr app d0.aspx7pemm=wGEVXQwtDgwostHazGXQW83MPT3uo[KAoKylAzpH5w7DkXuKoJS10%3d°%3d 212 1' r UL Evaluation Report UL ER2919-0.1 Issued:_May_21,.201.3 Revised: November 18,2020 Visit UL,LLC's Product 10' database for the status of this,Rap UL Category.Code: ULEZ -- - — CSI=MasterFormat@-- DIVISION: 07 00 00-THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROT_ECTIO Sub-level 2: 07 30 00-Steep Slope Roofing Sub-level 3: 07 31 00-Shingles and Shakes a Sub-level4: 073113-Asphalt Shingles COMPANY: TAMKO BUILDING PRODUCTS LLC 198 FOUR STATES DRIVE GALENA,KANSAS 66739 (417)624-6644 - www.tamko.com 1.SUBJECT:Asphalt Shingles ELITE GLASS-SEAL,, HERITAGE, HERITAGE IR, HERITAGE PREMIUM, HERITAGE WOODGATE, HERITAGE VINTAGE, AND HERITAGE PROLINE TITAN XT HERITAGE VINTAGE 12 X.1.2 HIP AND RIDGE,12%X 12 HIP AND,RIDGE,AND 12-%X 12 HERITAGE HIP AND RIDGE IR HERITAGE VINTAGE STARTER 2.SCOPE OF EVALUATION ■2018,2015,2012,and 20691ntemational Building.Code®(I8C) ■2018,2015,.,2012,and 2009 International Residential Code®(IRC) ■-2020 Florida Building Code-Building ■2020 Florida Building Code-Residential iii ICC ES Acceptance Criteria for Quality Documentation(AC10) The products were evaluated for the following properties: ■Exterior Fire Exposure(ANSI/UL790,ASTM E108) ■Wind Resistance(ASTM D3161;ASTM D7158 ■Physical Properties(ASTM D3462) ■Impact Resistance(ANSI/UL 2218) 3.REFERENCED DOCUMENTS ■ UL790 (ASTM E108),Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Roof Coverings ■ UL 2218,Standard Test Methods for Impact Resistance of Prepared Roof Covering Materials ■ ASTM D3161,Standard Test Method for Wind-Resistance of Asphalt Shingles(Fan-induced Method) ■ ASTM D7158, Standard Test Method for Wind Resistance of Asphalt Shingles (Uplift Force/Uplift Resistance Method) ■ ASTM D3462,Standard Specification for Asphalt Shingles Made from Glass Felt and Surfaced with Mineral Granules ■ UL Subject 2375 Issue No.2,Outline of Investigation for Hip and Ridge Shingles(UL Fire and Wind Tests) ■ ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria for Quality Documentation(AC10) 4.USES TAMKO asphalt shingles are used as roof coverings for new and existing roofs. 5.PRODUCT DESCRIPTION TAMKO asphalt shingles are roof covering materials complying with the following properties when installed as described in this report. The products are three-tab shingles, laminated shingles and hip & ridge shingles. Fire Classification: TAMKO asphalt shingles covered under this Report have been tested for fire classification Class A in accordance with UL 790(ASTM El08).Shingles tested in accordance with UL790 (ASTM E108) qualify for use under Section 1505.1 of the 2020 Florida Building Code-Building, IBC, Section R902.1 of the IRC and 2020 Florida Building Code-Residential. Wind Resistance: TAMKO asphalt shingles covered under this Report have been tested for wind resistance in accordance with ASTM D3161 or ASTM D7158. Shingles tested in accordance with ASTM D3161 are classified as Class F and qualify for use under the exception to Section 1504.1.1 of the 2018 and 2015 IBC and Section 1507.2.7.1 of the 2012 and 2009 IBC and 2020 Florida Building Code-Building,the exception to Section R905.2.4.1 of the IRC,and Section R905.2.4 of 2020 Florida Building Code-Residential. Shingles tested in accordance with ASTM D7158 are classified as Class H and qualify for use in locations as shown in Table 1507.2.7.1 of the 2012.2009 IBC and 2020 Florida Building Code-Building,Table R905.2.4.1 of the 2012 and 2009 IRC,or Table R905.2.6.1 of the 2020 Florida Building Code-Residential, where the maximum basic wind speed is 150 mph(67 m!s)or less with exposure category of B or C(ASCE 7)and a maximum building height of 60 feet(18.3 m). Installation must be in accordance with Section 1507.2.6 of the 2018 IBC,2020 Florida Building Code-Building,and Section 1507.2.7 of the 2015,2012, and 2009 IBC,or Section R905.2 of the IRC and 2020 Florida Building Code-Residential,as applicable. Page 2 of 19 Physical Properties:TAMKO asphalt shingles covered under this Report have been tested for physical properties in accordance with ASTM D3462.Shingles tested in accordance with ASTM D3462 qualify for use under Section 1507.2.4 of the 2018 IBC,Section 1507.2.5 of the 2015,2012,and 2009 IBC,Section 1507.2.5 of the 2020 Florida Building Code-Building,or Section R905.2.4 of the IRC and 2020 Florida Building Code-Residential. When installed on new construction in accordance with this report and the TAMKO Building Products LLC installation instructions,the shingles are a Class A roof covering. When the shingles are installed over existing roof coverings,the Class A fire classification is maintained. 5.1 Three-Tab Shingles-Elite Glass-Seal: Elite Glass-Seal shingles are three-tab shingles manufactured with a single fiberglass mat,coated - - — - on-both-sides-with-asphaft,-and-surfaced.on-the_weather exposed_side_with_mineral granules.The shingles are self-sealing and have beads of thermal-tab sealing adhesive above the shingle butt on the weather side.See Table 2 for product dimensions and manufacturing locations. 5.2 Laminated Shingles-Heritage,Heritage IR,Heritage Premium,Heritage Woodgate,Heritage Vintage,and Heritage Proline Titan XT: -- -- _--- _Heritage,-Heritage OR, Heritage_Premium, Heritage Woodgate, Heritage Vintage, and Heritage Proline Titan XT shingles are laminated shingles manufactured with a double layer of-fiberglass mats coated with asphalt on all sides, and surfaced on the weather-exposed side with mineral granules. See Table 3,Table 4.Table 5,Table 6.Table 7,Table 10,and Table 13 for product - dimensions and manufacturing locations. 5.3 Hip&Ridge Shingles-12?/,X 12 Hip and Ridge,Heritage Vintage 12 X 12 Hip and Ridge, :- 12J/,X 12 Heritage Hip and Ridge IR: Hip and Ridge are prefabricated hip and ridge shingles available as 12'/.X 12 Hip and Ridge and 12-%x 12 Heritage Hip and Ridge IR.Heritage Vintage Hip and Ridge are prefabricated hip and ridge shingles available as 12 X 12 Hip and Ridge.As an alternative,Elite Glass-Seal shingles are cut into three 12-% inch by 12-inch (305 mm by 305 mm) hip and ridge shingles. See Table 8.Table 9,and Table 11 for product dimensions and manufacturing locations. 6.INSTALLATION TAMKO asphL!t shingles must be installed in accordance with the applicable code,this report and the manufacturer's published installation instructions. The shingles must be installed in accordance with Section 1507.2 of the IBC and 2020 Florida Building Code-Building,or Section R905.2 of the IRC and 2020 Florida Building Code-Residential,as.applicable,except as noted in this report. The manufacturer's,published installation instructions must be available at all times on the jobsite during installation. Minimum roof slopes must be 2:12(16.67%slope)for the three-tab shingles described under 5.1 of this Report and for the laminated shingles described"under 5.2 of this Report. Page 3 of 19 6.1 Underlayment and Ice Barriers: For roof slopes 4:12 and greater,the roof deck must be covered with a minimum of one layer of underlayment as described in Sections 7.2 and 7.3 of this Report. Underlayment application must be in accordance with Table 1507.1.1 of the 2018 IBC,2020 Florida Building Code- Building,and Section 1507.2.8 of the 2015,2012,and 2009 IBC or Section R905.2.7 of the IRC and Section 905.2.3 of the 2020 Florida Building Code-Residential,as applicable. For roof slopes 2:12 and up to but less than 4:12,two layers of the underlayment described in Section 7.2 or one layer of the self-adhering polymer modified bitumen sheet in described in Section 7.3 of this Report are required. Underlayment application must be in accordance with Section 1507.1.1 of the 2018 IBC,2020 Florida Building Code-Building,and Section 1507.2.8 of the 2015, 2012,and 2009 IBC,Section R905.1.1 of the IRC,and 2020 Florida Building Code-Residential, as applicable. In areas where there has been a history of ice forming along the eaves,causing a backup of water, an ice barrier must be provided in accordance with Section 1507.1.2 of the 2018 IBC and Section 1507.2.8.2 of the 2020 Florida Building Code-Building, 2015,2012, and 2b09 IBC or Section R905.2.7 of the 2018 IRC,2020 Florida Building Code-Residential,and Section R905.16.4.1 2015 IRC,and Section R905.2.7.1 of the 2012,and 2009 IRC,as applicable. 6.2 Starter Shingle: A starter course,as described in Section 7.4-of this Report,must be attached to the eave edge using fasteners described in Section 7.5 of this Report,located 1'/to 3 inches(38.1 to 76.2 mm) from the eave edge and spaced 1 inch(25.4 mm)and 12 inches(305 mm)from each end,for a total of four fasteners per shingle. Starter strips must overhang the eave and rake edges Y.to% inch(6.4 to 19.1 mm)if no drip edge flashing is present. If drip edge flashing is present, install shingles even with the drip edge or overhang the drip edge up to%inch. 6.3 Asphalt Shingles: The first course of field shingles must be installed over the starter course described in Section 7.4 of this Report Shingles must be installed with vertical joints offset a minimum of 4 Inches(102 mm)from adjacent courses. 6.3.1 Three-Tab Shingles—Elite Glass-Seal: For roof slopes 2:12 up to but less than 21:12(16.67%to 175%slope),each shingle must be fastened to the roof deck using a minimum of four fasteners,spaced as shown in Table 2. For roof slopes equal to or greater than 21:12 (175% slope), six fasteners must be used, spaced as shown in Table 2. Fasteners must be in a nail area between 5}/8 inches and 6-7/8 inches from the butt edge of the shingle. Maximum exposure to the weather must be 5%inches(130 mm). In colder climates or wind regions where it is questionable whether the thermal-sealing adhesive will activate to seal the shingles,the shingles can be hand-sealed. A 14n diameter (25.4 mm)spot of asphalt cement complying with ASTM D45B6,Type I, Class I, should be placed under the comer of each tab(two spots per tab). Page 4 of 19 6.3.2 Laminated Shingles—Heritage,Heritage IR,Heritage Premium,Heritage Woodgate, and Heritage Proline XT: For roof slopes 2:12 up to but less than 21:12(16.67%to 175%slope),each shingle must be fastened to the roof deck using a minimum of four fasteners,spaced as shown In Tables 3,4, 5,6,10,and 13. For roof slopes equal to or greater than 21:12 (175% slope), six fasteners must be used, spaced as shown in Tables 3,5,6,10,and Table 13. Maximum exposure to the weather must be 5-%inches(143 mm). In colder climates or wind regions where it is questionable whether the-thermal=sealing adhesive will activate to seal the shingles,the shingles can be hand-sealed. Four evenly spaced 14nch diameter(25.4 mm)spots of cement should be placed under the exposed portion of the shingle,approximately 1 inch(76 mm)above the butt edge. 6.3.3 Laminated Shingles—Heritage Vintage: - - —Fof roof slopes 2:12 up-to but less-than 21:12-(16:67%to-175%-slope),-each shingle-must e= fastened to the roof deck using a minimum of five fasteners,spaced as shown in Table 7. For roof slopes equal to or greater than 21:12(175%slope), nine fasteners must be used, spaced as shown in Table 7. Fasteners must be located 6 and 11-1/2 inches(152 and 292 mm)above the butt edge of the shingles. Maximum exposure to the weather must be 5 inches(127 mm). In colder climates or wind regions where it is questionable whether the thermal-sealing adhesive will activate to seal the shingles,the shingles must be hand-sealed. Four evenly spaced 1-inch diameter(25.4 mm)spots of cement should be placed under the exposed portion -- of the shingle,approximately 1 inch(127 mm)above the butt edge. 6.4 Valley Construction and Other Flashing: Valleys must consist of woven,open valley or closed-cut construction and must be flashed in accordance with Section 1507.2.8.2 of the 2018 IBC,and Section 1507.2.9.2 of the 2020 Florida Building Code-Building,2015,2012,and 2009 IBC or Section R905.2.8.2 of the IRC and 2020 Florida Building Code-Residential. Other flashings must be in accordance with Sections 1503.2 and 1507.2.8 of 2020 Florida Building Code-Building,2018 IBC,Section 1507.2.9 of the 2015, 2012,and 20091BC,or Section R903.2 and Section R905.2.8 of the IRC and 2020 Florida Building Code-Residential,as applicable. Ii Page 5 of 19 6.5 Hip and Ridge Application: Hip and ridge shingles must be placed evenly over hips and ridges,and must be fastened to the roof deck using two fasteners,one located on either side of the shingle,5-1/2 inches(140 mm)or 5 a/inches(143 mm)from the exposed end,and 1 inch(25.4 mm)in from the edge as shown in :Tables 8 and 9. Fasteners must be a minimum'/.inch(6.4 mm)longer than those used in field of the roof,as specified in Section 7.5 of this report. The 12-%X 12 Hip and Ridge and 12'/.x 12 Heritage Hip and Ridge IR prefabricated hip and ridge shingles must-be applied with a maximum exposure of 5-%inches.(130 mm). Heritage Vintage 12 X 12 Hip and Ridge prefabricated hip and ridge shingles must be installed with a maximum exposure of 5 inches(127 mm). Hip and Tidga shingles are installed starting at the bottom of the hip or from the end of the ridge opposite the direction of the prevailing wind. 6.6 Reroofing: The existing asphalt shingle roof covering must be inspected in accordance with the provisions and limitations of Section 1510 of the IBC,Section 1511 of the 2020 Florida Building Code-Building, Section R908.1 of the IRC,or Section 901.1 of the 2020 Florida Building Code-Residential,as applicable. Prior to the reroofing,hip and ridge coverings must be removed. Except as noted in this section,the shingles must be installed in accordance with Section 6.3 and 6.5 of this.Report. Fasteners must be of sufficient.length..to penetrate'/..inch(19.1.mm).info the sheathing, or through the sheathing where the sheathing is less than IX inch•(19.1 mm)thick. Flashing and edging must comply with Section 6.4 and with Section1511.6 of the 2018 and.2015 IBC and 2020 Florida Building Code-Building,Section 1510.6 of the 2012; and 2.00.9 IBC and Section R908.6 of the 2018 and 2015 IRC,2020 Florida Building Coda-Residential,and R907.6 of the 2012,and 2009 IRC,as applicable. 7.INSTALLATION MATERIALS 7.1 Sheathing: The roof deck must be code-complying, minimum %-inch thick (9.5 inm), exterior plywood complying with DOC PS-1;rated sheathing complying with DOC PS-2;or•solid sheathing using minimum nominally 1 by 6 lumber. 72 Underiayment: Under the!BC or IRC, underlayment mist comply with AST" ^23,.T.pe.; .:Tarn— ),ASTPA D4869,Type I(minimum)or ASTM D6757 as specified;n Secco:, c;ie ZA Florlda Building Code-Building, Section 1507.2.3 of the.BC 6.Sate lc. RSC5.1:: of try;RC;and 202C Florida Building Code-Residential. 7.3 Self-adhering Polymer Modred Bitumen Sheet: The self-adhering polymer modified bitumen sheet must comply with ASTd'';970. 7.4 Starter Shingles: The starter course shingle consists of either TAMKO 10-;nch starter, TAMKO Shinf,!e Starter, TAMKO Perforated Starter,or a self-sealing three-tab shingle. If self-searing Three-tab sh;ngles°are used,remove the exposed tab portion and install with factory-applied sealant adjacent tothe eaves. Heritage Vintage requires a Heritage Vintage Starter shown in Table 12 is td be installed over the starter course at the eave edge. Page 6 of 19 7.5 Fasteners: ` Fasteners must be minimum No. 12 gage[0.105 inch(2.7 mm)],Y.-Inch diameter head(9.5 mm), galvanized, stainless steel, aluminum or copper corrosion-resistance nails. Fasteners must be of sufficient.length to penetrate,inta the sheathing 3/4-inch(19.1 mm),or through the sheathing,where the sheathing is less-then 314-inch.(1.9.1 mm)thick. Fasteners must be compliant with ASTM F1667. 7.6 Asphalt Cement Asphalt cement must comply with ASTM D4586,Type I,Class 1. _ 8.CONDITIONS OF USE The TAMKO Asphalt Shingles described in this Report comply with,or are suitable alternatives to,what is specified in those codes listed in Section 2 of this Report,subject to the following conditions: 8.1 Materials and methods of installation shall comply with this Report and the manufacturer's published installation instructions. In the event of a conflict between the installation instructions and this Report,this Report governs. 8.2 The products are manufactured at the locations listed in Table 1 of this Report under the UL LLC Classification and Follow-Up Service Program,which includes regular audits in accordance with. quality elements of ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria for Quality Documentation,AC10. 8.3 See UL Product iQT°"database for Prepared Roof Covering Materials(TFVU2). S.SUPPORTING EVIDENCE 9.1 Manufacturer's descriptive product literature,including installation instructions. 9:2- See UL Product iQ'm database for the following: 9.2.1 UL test reports and Classification in accordance with ANSI/UL 790, Class A and UL Subject 2375 f6r Roof-Covering Materials 9.2.2 UL test reports and Classification in accordance with ASTM D3462 for Prepared Roof- Covering Materials ITFWZ). 9.2.3 : ULtest reports and Classification-in accordance with ASTM D7158,Class H for Prepared Roof-Covering Materials GAH. 9.2.4 UL test reports and Classification in accordance with ASTM D3161, Class F Prepared Roof-Covering Materials(TFWZ). 9.3 Quality Documentation in accordance with[CC-ES.Acceptance Criteria for Quality Documentation, AC10. 10.IDENTIFICATION TAMKO asphalt shingles.described in this Evaluation Report are identified by a marking on each package bearing the report holder's name(TAMKO Building Products LLC), the plant identification, the product name,the UL Listing/Classification Mark and the evaluation report number UL ER2919-01c The validity of this Evaluation Report is contingent upon this identification appearing on the package. . Page 7 of 19 11.USE OF UL EVALUATION REPORT 11.1 The approval of building products,materials or systems is under the responsibility of the applicable authorities having jurisdiction. 11.2 -UL Evaluation Reports shall not be used in-any manner.that implies an endorsement of the produpt, material or system by'Ul.. 11.3. The status of this report,as well.as?rr?mplete directory of UL Evaluation Reports may be found at UL.com via the Product iC " qat;4gge. Table 1—Manufacturina Locations LISTEE _� ;v,/— LOCATION FACTORY ID TAMKO BUILDING PRODUCTS LLC . 7910 S CENTRAL EXPY D DALLAS"rX 75216 TAMKO BUILDING PRODUCTS LLC 4500 TAMKO DR F FREDERICK MD 21704 TAMKO BUILDING PRODUCTS LC 601 N HIGH ST J JOPLIN MO 64801 TAMKO BUILDING PRODUCTS I.LC P-1598 HWY 183 P G PHII:_LIPSBURG.KS 67661 —r-KAU1.INDUSTRIAL PARK' — TAMKO BUILDING PRODUCTS LLG, 12300 15TH,ST - T 'rUSCALOOSA AL 35401 Page 8 of 19 Table 2—Elite Glass-Seal Dimensions: 12-Y."x 36' --------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plant Location(s): Frederick,Joplin ------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- For slopes 2:12 up to but less than 21:12 NAILS TL -Fastening-Pattern:-:_N&Uffg- - &718a C Area 1 5.5/8. Butt Edge -------------------- ---------—------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For slopes equal to or greater th an n 21:12 NAILS Fastening Pattern: Naifln 9 Area 5-518 Butt Edge Page 9 of 19 Table 3—Herita e Dimensions: 13:'/"x 39-% •------------------•---;-------- ------ --------- ------------•------•--------•--------------------------------•- Plant Location(s): Dallas,Frederick,Joplin,Phillipsburg ------ ----------------%-------------------- ------ --------------------------------------------------- Forslopes 2;12 up to but less than')1:12 MAIL ZONE. FASTENERS - - COMMON COND astening Pattern: = = p 6-1/8" EXPOSURE 5-W _ _"L 12-1/2" 'T 12-3/8" — I ---•-------------- For slopes equal to or greater than 21:12 NAIL ZONE FASTENERS COMMON SONL Fastening Pattern: EXPOSURE 5-5/8" i� �-T-1/2"-+fFT-1h"-►f�7-318'•�t-T-Y/2"-sh-7-1/2^-►{ �—Y" Page 10 0l 19 Table 4—Heritaae Dimensions: 13-1/4'x 39-3/8' -----------------------%---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Plant Location(s): Tuscaloosa ------------------------- ---------------------owif6��i- up ii�a-Iwi� ---------------------- i 12-1/2"—+—i 2—V8'--+-- 12-1/2' PAINT LINE PREFERRED FASTENER LOCATIONS 4 -1zNAILZ NE -ilffi PF R Fastening Pattern: 6-1/8" ON BOoND EXPOSURE A ABLE 5-5/8.. CCI CC FASTENER LOCATION R 0 N 081% Lo�PG COMMON BOND PREFERRED RED RMER FASTENER N ------------------------ --------------------- - -------- - iior slopes equal to or greater than 21:12 NAIL ZONE FASTENERS COMMON BOND Fastening Pattern: EXPOSURE&518* Page 11 of 19 Table 6 .Heritage Premium Dimensions: 13-W x 393W ------------------------------- Plant Locatlon(s): Phillipsburg,Frederick �• •------------------ -- .- --.. .--•-•-••--••- For el�pe��:17 up to but lass than 21 t1 L _ NAIL?QN• �.�._�Y�.-• S NE=R-3 �t4"A,'A7N 9)VH Fastenin Pattern: ;� �v L ] FxP O URii 0" . 1:=� �' 'Lz-�rz",!�'� :.12-:lrz" --►}•- 1z-1r2^�{. �.�•' • ------------------------------------ ---- ------------ ------ T:9r slgpr,)Pqual to or greater than 21:12 NAIL LONE S T'ENI CG7L G Fastening Pattern< 'EXPO5URH 5-Sf3" 9=►I fF7-112"b�r7-112'►�e 73/8"-+1t-7-112^► 7-1'!2 ►i �e i" Table 6-Herita a Wood ate Dimensions: t 13-'/,"x 39 31E" Plant Location(s): T Dallas,Frederick ------------- -4------- - ---------------------------------------------=--------- For slopes 2:12 up to but less than 21:12 NAIL ZONE/ FASTENERS -i----� COMMON BOND Fastening Pattern: T EXPOSURE 5-5w. •�11r.-12-1/2-4--12 3/8"�►�-12-1/2"-+-1° -- -- ------- -- For slopes equal to or greater than 21:12 NAIL ZONE/ ASTENERS�-��" COMMON BOND Fastening Pattern: T fr118" EXPOSURE 5 93" 1 - 1 -Al S:w[ �tP=1/'�".�'�c-7-in•,��-T-3fd" -i/2'�+7.9/2�0� �o--•�' . Page 12 of 19 Table 7—Heritage Vintage Dimensions: '- 17-1/Z x 40' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plant Location(s): Phillipsburg ---------------------•-•>----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For slopes 2:12 up to but less than 21:12 ao. 3 iemo i Up.— Notch Fast— _ Nall Fastening Pattern: is' : rspo9ua r 91i1• _ _ ____¢Ifs'—w .9�1/�•_— _ 4If�'��. �--�IdY1'��I I�—IPYa•� t---•------------------------------------•------------------------------------------------ For slopes equal to or greater than 21:12 40• Afignownt T 6 Fasteners Nag Zane Fastening Pattern: / ... - I6I• _ Exposure . Apply under each tab l'diarneterasphalt adhesive cement. Page 13 of 19 Table 8—Heritage Vintage 12 X Ip and Ridge Dimensions: 12°x 12' Plant.Location(s): i Phillipsburg Nails Fastening Pattern s s 1rz^ Exposure i Page 14 of 19 Table 9—1V/4 X 12 Hip and Ridge Dimensions: 12-Y4"x 12' ------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plant Location(s): Frederick,Joplin ------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nails Fastening Pattern: In. 5 1/8" Exposure —12' Page 15 of 19 Table 10—Heritaue IR Dimensions: 13-YZ x 39-%" ------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plant Location(s): Joplin,Philipsburg ------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For slopes 2:12 up to but less than 21:12 NAIL:ZONE FASTENERS 1 COMMON GOND Fastening Pattern: Expoii 12-3/8" 12-1/2--►� ------------------------- --------------------- ------------N---- --------------------- ..................... r opesequa o or greater than21:12 NAIL ZONE FASTENERS COMMON BOND ��. Fastening Pattern:, [EXPOSURE 5-5/8' Page 16 of 19 Table 11 Heritage Hip and Ridge IR Dimensions: 12-y-"x 12" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plant Location(s): Joplin --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Nails Fastening Pattern: 12-Y.- I—In. I In. 5 5/8" Exposure Table 12 Heritage Vintage Starter 7, 36.omn.s IIW Page 17 of 19 Table 13—Heritage Proline Titan XT Dimensions: 13'/"x 39-310" Plant Location(s): Philipsburg.and Frederick -----------------------*-------------------- ------ -- ------ --------------=---------------- -------- Fors lopes 2:12 up to'but less than 21:12 • �-i1�---]a]�r --t2-ate• 1<-irz•—I1�— I>referred Fnslener Lo<;alkms i i .we�� PdinkLhrps Ezpa Fastening Pattern: I Aaeprabiciastenar Location i -�`pmurmtl rastnrrrr I.nation , Forslopes.equai to or greater than 21:12 I y Required Fnsrener Locations xr•' t:R Line Fastening Pattem: 39-s;T- ;a } • Page 18 of 19 . ©2020 UL LLC This UL Evaluation Report is not an endorsement or recommendation for use of the subject and/or product described herein. This report is not the UL Listing or UL Classification Report that covers the subject product.The subject products UL Listing or UL Classification is covered under separate.UL Report UL disclaims.all representations and warranties whether express orimplied,with respect to this report and the - - - - subject or product described-herein:Contents of this report may be-based on data that-has been generated- - by laboratories other than UL.that are accredited as complying with IS017EC Standard17025 by the International Accreditation Service (IAS) or by any other accreditation body that is a signatory to the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation(ILAC)Mutual Recognition Arrangement.(MRA). The scope of the laboratory's accreditation shall include the specific type of testing covered in the test report. As the accuracy of any non-UL data is the responsibility of the accredited laboratory, UL does not accept '= responsibility for the accuracy of this data. �+L Page 10 of 19. .