HomeMy WebLinkAbout7TH EDITION EXTREME 5V 24 AND 26 GA.(1)Professional Ka no" rap m WP "OWN. ma me" k&" S.vdw " San i ho3 ft : Carer uw Kn #r an w � MWO i �PYodC b pr �rCt ,�� FL # Ap kudcrw 1YP& Code 1ormw A*PbUftW Status A" Product lgnwd@Mw AMMSLAPhOnejEmaY AU"%ruwrd Sgnaturq T*Chei" Parpresentatrr* ► wP'horwyErnru Qw aft ftk"rwe Represenritwe ►lddOW W Phone/Emad C&bbpm SutwAhq ary Compharlim ltOVI d FL17022•RO PAYMIDn 2020 *pp.O..td EMtrmwwr M&W FebrICA26 . LLC 23W SW Pema OM%M Palen CAV, FL 341990 (772) $72.0034 f1.amditlpw#*a hw .ccwn Rldward Pkx alien PV alidia t MM O waNco . Cora plpward FlCtyhen 2 # W Sw Porna Qnr* Plim Cam, FL 34"0 ("2) 4n-6034 ritlNrrnfah. neS ROCAng mew Evalu lbCM Report from a Honda Rey mbmad An lwaW Or F L enSed Fiprb• Pry Enplrhw ev"A tIon Repot • Kwdcwy RONRW@d Fipr}Si IMOW er or A+CULFCt NM M wha developed the Darwrd tng ev"atma Ana F�4r;da Lb=14 f PE •s13 7 7 Q6WbNtk + S*ww Km EFTIM r KargAww CarWcagwn, ZFK QO&KV Ammunrnoa ConVW Eapirocon art. Oa12]l2474 w*rd�sea�d Ar 3 mmm R WADF. PE V&WM m Chockka - mardoWy Received CirrLMkit! at lndeprryirrm Werwr.cap SUndard and Ym (of SUWard) TAS ! DD TA$ 125 LA- Sd0 E9urwti.+ce or PrWucK Stbnd&r t Cwrto wFd By Yam 1995 IM3 zon Seat Its frarn tart Cads PMdLK11 ApprwM Method Dart 5ubrnrtted Dart Vhtldatud Oatt Pllndrrlq FK ♦tipprpv4I D*te Approved C49M AMW #rrrrrr.te� a1 Rr� fL # "adek Mir or ltp ln22 I 01: 269a VMar 4n P*wpod L.n+ria of Lisp APPfowvd for wse 4n HSj Fr; ' Appeoved fat w A pu[a*A4 jjV"i: liG# Impact RrF.stamtz WA Clts'gn PrillsoirriM +W,fV-M Other: Rohr to awskimw ►&pOrq. Method 1 CW-pn p UVW2p20 l(W1212020 I(V2512020 lVLW2M L2Ii4�620 J47p22 02 032 4lurnrnum VKa on pt,, d umlta of Use APPri5TMed for w" irk F v"z: No ALpprov" For uLt OWyid# lqy kz: YM tMPSO Reir*iant: h,-A L7*lOn FMA urw IPWO/-l68 5 CRAW: lt#frtr to EW*k a MM +#pert I M22 1 D3 2bpa VMbrs on Plywood Limits OI llie Approved }or hise an HVIQ. No Appruwt-4 for u,4 Ca ts*d■ I "ZV 1'es IMPsrt RLMMT49"LL Pl)A OM9A Prerlf -: +FWV-11# 25 CFAMV. Rom to "Akw li n rtpprt. L702,2 A 04' 2%M CorMax an ftwOod Ornrti of use Apororra for uJr in HYN.L y1M APPrnV" for use 4YNtdf M1HZ. W" ImP4b-" Rei4eSant k/A t7e�ryn llkfearurl: 4iKjPJ-161 17w2.5 05: 26" [Odom on EIRuem APRrawad for ijr If : Mg APDroved for VMa •tVM&! ""r. %L, Impact Rend5tarktt %?A 6eargn Prg!sayrl: *MjN,jfij Other . .'xhlubRkon rlOOr4. CHo* rrptron 2149 t min) VM W iV PM M w,tJh 24' ahera& on 15132- (in,) Pttrwwd Or Va' (Min) thwk wpgd l+latlk_ itiaiLDOMWn 3wtltr1 ebam — Vtrdi*d By: D&wv ". Pe at 3 77 Cryatim of IndaQfrKyarrt Mrd Parl7 'yes Wwaivaliurl Reports L.a<.. ...« - AF ihnd plYlrra7d.edr CteatW b, lr.aperx4errt Third Party: V. 1`l0mAAKV Q. 032' aluminum (or IMCk&r) VMfr 5Y pa.5#4 wKh 2" g MqM on IW33' Imkni OhAiwid Ix 3fK' (Mkn) wwCk woup plErik lNeft"allpw 1imobwakw4d Fl ild7# as Vtrfl*d bti --d 1'nq, PE 111377 t4'fJS. htnn At Rurt� CftMd by riiftr1l Kurd pu : ym 26p (fnurj +.+F+am 5V palr4l rrMh 24' €&wgra¢t on 15I1#' imo) phry+tt+d w VC (Min) #1112 w OWk. COfion for #ttbW4n w tilt ?aft " In tTYit r.L1i 3OOLORM Jon ]rl Ftructia" i rrlLad by David Emig, PE a1377 CmaLtd bar Intl �penwn Thtrd Pwty Y" Crwm by kiiatperickid 1Aud party' V" b5¢1 (min) COrM*[ MnUNOed ParW wM YO.'j' mmwap* pn 15132" term] Rlfw9od Or 314' (mlli} U*k wood OUfth. rn.tauavon Irtsbwkip Vemw GY: Dawrp len0. VE a1377 `-•rare•d Lrx 1ndrPErMftrt Third Pariy. Y" EY tlU Mtii" lblenwel Cre&W bw LrhdRPtrrdtrlt TWO Ptjryy' Yes 2690 (min) C,atMar S4riu+patcd panel W Mh 29. S' 46wKiyt on 2b4 (min) battens 3#�i166n t� 1i4tM1Ed � - �+r+d E+tp, PE E t aii G*U114 bi 1nrliMtderlt Third Pony ails efahwam 1§ Cmdib4 by Inaep w%durrt Third P1argl: Yes M = r w Tlr Sbdo mr fkr da won AArFF4 apomww L iJ+dMr hors 4=. ~ aM art NOW PUPPN It MW do+w MWO pW W � W M+es cm� n r++pq~ M a pLdC&c - ,1 -.u.ssti 9c ma WW a4saoK FAMM SMwM . OMwwM &ww I V" bw wF "wo MW D Mw *I& ! $ Mw Fay m no Dbpmwkbm NO w ww a dwy NNW am ftw a.r4 p+aMM Mw % Op W Oup owMM.Mr •fir d4 K' wwr MM"7 wM w SOM MS = PWDK '*wd K pft do fam mom I* OMY I Mnww a ww c MO M. pram Od 6i/tLtr/[ mnF m Syr poppm whKJ4 w y myk nMMk b Ow Fmm lb Momm e / pm 04 a KMYi MWr PqMOM 'I". ►#„ O"M Ma am& AMM AFF+awN "whew M M M IRM S.1fC �: FL17022,01-R8 P EXTEEMETL FABRICATORS SKILLED C77AF7f17$ OP M TAJ. RO(�FJAIG SYSTEMS 2 ga min VMAX over 15 2*' (min) plywood Extreme Metal Fabricators 2120 SW Pomp Dr I palm City FL 34990 Product Description 5V Crimp style exposed fastener panel with 24" max coverage and nornincil rib height of 318". Product Material 2_6go (min) steel Corrosion r0SFStOnT per F9C 2507.4.3 where required Fastener #9 or #10 x 1.5" fastener with sealing wosher Compliant with FBC 1506.6 where required. Substrate/Deck 15f32" (min) plywood or 3/4" (min) thipk wood plank (min - . of C.42) Evaluated by: David Eng, PE Timberlake Cove, LLC 3324 W Univ Ave #l206 l GoinesviIle FL FL PE 61377 l FL CA 33344 www.Ti m be rLa keCove_com 1y1111111I!!II * + XI ' E }FNS� (i � i = No.81377 STATE OF (/} MAX FL17 ,01-RS -i ^del layf eat: L.,rnply with local building Code or FBC 1507.1_1 where required. Slope: Comply with local building Code 0r FSC 1507.4.2 where required_ Re - Roofing - This panel may be insilo Iled over a single layer of existing shingles as permitted by local building code or PSC 1511, provided the existing roof meets the conditions required by the applicoble Code. Maximum Allowable Load$ & Instcllation Requirements - Method A' "_ b PSF Method B.._ ,5 PSF Method C- - 10I.P$r Mo t h efastener-in P F A factor of safety of 2 has been applied_ Technical Documentation: This product has been tasted to the UL 580 stondord by Architectural Testing (now Intertek Testing, TST-1527). report D05893,01-#50-18, F3366.01=450-18, and D05893_02-450-28- As referenced in FL 17022.01-R7 Compliance Statement: This }product as described has demonstrated compliance with Florida Building Code 2020, 150493,2 (non-HVHZ) OS required by FL Rule 61G20-3, method 1D. This product as described hos been tested and demonstroted compliance with, • UL580 - Test for Uplift Resistance of Roof Assemblies • UL 1897 - Uplift test for roof covering systems Design ProCess: The load tables in this report provides One prescriptive Option for the fastening requirement for the applicoble wind ioods for roofs within the parameters described. For roofs outsicle of the listed parameters, design wind loads shall be determined os required by FBC 1609, ASCE T, or other design code in forCe, u9ing allowable stress, These load tables are based on ASCE 7-16. Use of these tables assumes that the structure is: ■ Enclosed and conforms to wind-borne debris provisions and is o regular shaped building • Is not subject to across -wind !wading, vortex shedding, or Instability; nor does it have C site location for which channeling or buffeting warrant consideration Engineering analysis may be completed by other licensed engineers for project specific approval by local authorities having jurisdiction. Certification of Independence: David Eng. PE and Tirngerlak• Cove, 4LC do not have, nor will acquire a financ-ial Interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products ufld*r this evaluotion. The same entities do not have, nor will acquire, a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval procass of the product. Exclusions and Limitations: Design of deck and roof structure (to include attoahment of plywoop ar wood plank) shall be completed by others_ Fire Classification and shear diaphragm design are outside the scope of this *valuation_ Accel*roted weathering/so It spfoy is outside the scope of this ova Iuation. This report is limited to compliance with structural wind load r*quirementa of FBC 1504.3.2, as required Icy Rule 6IG20-3, Neither 7irnber1ake Cove nor the manufacturer shall be responsible for orgy Conclusions, interpr*tations, or designs made by others based on this evaluation report_ This report is lirnited sole!y to documenting cornplipnce with Rule i;IG20-3, and mai€es no *Xpre56 or implied worranty regarding performance of this product, Instpll0tion Shint be subject to the local building code and authority haying jurisdiction; this report shall not b# construed to supers*de local codes in force. A FL170 . 1-fit Instructions; Select the appropriate rood table that applies to the structure in question. Determine the design wind speeo for the project iocation. Use the pttochrnent method indicated for that windspeed within each roof zone_ NOTE: ASCE 7-16 and PeC 2020 adopt n 7-zone concept. For the load tables t7elow, the worst Case was taken for each zone and reported using the standard zones 1-2-3: Zone I includes zones I and V Zone 2 includes zones 2e, 2r, and 2n Zone 3 includes lanes 3e and 3r COmbining these zones creates a clear, simple scheme, at the expense of sore design efficiency. Contact the monufpcturer for further information, ar consult d Jicensed design professional. a am nm..nwa ah r mmopw k 6=�P rf *.ti oe+. oFler"� gym¢ ar4+haeAPPE"Y • C*ft ROOF ZONES FOR GENERIC BUILDING METHOD A: METHOD B: METHOD O: METHOD D: 9 AT 16* OrC. 910 AT 16' O.C. #10 AT B* O.C. #1OAT 6* O.C_ ��-12";NOMj 12- (NOM)-- —1 NR' NOT RATED. CONSULT DESIGN PROFESSIONAL AS NEEDED Use this IQad table for structures which rneet the following criteria: Are located in Exposure B area Have either aflat roof, or gablelhip roof vi to max slope of 12 -12 ✓-lave a mean Rn of Height of 30 feet or less Wind 105 110 120 130 14.0 150 160 170 180 190 200 Zone 1: A A A A A A A A A A A ?one 2: A A A A A A A A Zone 3: A A A A A A B Use this bead tabs for struictures which m mt the fokwing criteria: Are located in Exposure B area Have either a flat roof less than 7°, hip rout with am *lope of 12:12, or gable roof with slope between 4 4:12 & 12:12 Have a mean Roof Heighl of 30 feet or less FL17022.01- 26ga 51I_Crimp on I9Q2" plywood Wind iD5 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 Zone 1: A A A A A A A A A A A Zane 2: A A A A A A A A A B Zone 3; A A A A A A A B Use this load 1a41e for structures which meet the (drawing crtle•iz; Are located in B, C, or D exposure area Have edher a flat roof, or gabielhip roof with max slope of 12,12 Have a mean Roof Height of 30 feet or less 1711117022,03, 26aa 5V C rim on 15132" v I ywood Wind 105 1 f D 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 2001 Zone 1: A A A A A A Y.0 D, Zorm 2= A A A D D D D Zone 3: A A A A LD JM Use this load table for structures which meet the following criloria: Are lar,�ted in B, C, or 0 exposure area Hare edher a Rat roof tea* ttfan 7-, hip roof with max slops of 12 A 2, or gable roof with slope betvieen 4*12 & 12:12 Have a mean Roof Height of 30 feet or less Wind 105 110 120 130 14C 150 160 170 180 190 201 Zane 1; A A A A A A A B C Iwo Zane 2: A A A A A 8 D D D D Zone 3- A A A B� 0 D 0 0 0