HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED, 7TH EDITION POLYGLASS UL FOR METAL(1)FINda 130di ng C O& {]pline VIV202t Business & Professional Kegutation rr ru6��r-abme Co�sett Vs 9C15 Stt7 FieF - . Cu product Approve' dbpr usaw: wm usn . ;. ;_ � ipP11C#tFpn 6!#ill a FL 4 Applkation TYPe Code ver%aOft Applira on 5mtus c9rrlrrleni5 Archived product Manufacturer AddrmWPhone{Email AUOI9Fimd SiVature Te,hnical ReTyrtseTltativf AGdreWPltoneJEm2it QuAhty Aswran€e R#presentative Address/MoneifinblI Category Sutp-�y Compliance Method FL5259-R31 RemSion 2024 APProvo PDLYGLASS USA 11 I W. f4toypu4 t renter Dnvft Deerfield BE3dh, PL 33442 (954) 233-1330 Ext242 Mal pert@oaiy Vass. corn Maury Alper[ Mal pert(Opdyyla%. €orn TECH REP 1111 West Newport Center Drive Deerfield Beach, PL 33442 (966) 902-8017 us�alY�lass#chn,caG PvIY9 -QOm QA REP 1111 West Newport Cevimr WVe peerfiaFd EeOthr FL 33442 (S") 41D-1375 uspolyglas5tactiniOlGPoIY91as5-Garr► RoCrAnq linderlaYments Evaluation Rep6rt f vm a Florida Registered ArctiiteCt or A Licensed Florida Profe55i(Ml Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcaoy aeceived Florida "IrAer or ArdhdeCt Name who developEd the Robert Hieminen Evaluation Repot Florida 1.1 ense PE-59166 Quality Assurance ErititY VL LLC Quality Assurance Contrast ExOrabOn Date 1012112022 Validmm 6y )Ohn W_ K7memvlch, PE Validation Checkllst - HardcopY Received Certlflcate of lrrdepemlerrc# Fl S?59 A31 Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Stands XAM ASTM 019M 2015 ASTM D226 2009 ASTM 04798 2011 ASTM D6163 2015 ASTM M164 2011 A5TM 06222 ?,pii A5TM R6509 2015 r x? ran�w cTVXQw�4vtSgAmZP-+:rk2%-5%?fcOjp3CPkPSP€kchx@OVjgI%7bg%3d`6 d rz httpa;llwww.RoiidOuil&Fkg.9t81FK pr_W_ddAW Pa I+ 14202 i 1-1dirida Building Code Unline 2011 fM 4474 FRSA}TRi, Sixth Edition 18 2415 UL 1997 Wtjlvalenge Of PFWUCt Star rds Certified By 5enons from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option P Oste Submitted 10/22/2020 Date Validated 1012612020 Date Pending FBC Approval 11/01/2020 Date Approved 12j1512021) Pate Revised 12/2112020 Summary of FrDdutts FL 0 Model, Number or DeSCriptiOrr Name — — 5259. l polyglass Rpof Roofing Underlayments Underlayments Limits of Ute InstaIlation IF%StrUebalti mOE Approved for use 4$ HVHZ: Na Approved for usrt outside HVHZ' YES B31.r0 Venfied By: Robert Hierninerr PE-59166 Impact Reyistarlt, N/A Design Pre.ssurc. +NJN-622.5 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Other: i-) >; ne GE?sign pressure in th's Evaluation Reports eppllcabon relates to one psrticular urr0eriaymerrt system for use in ble rpof L. Created by In pendent Third Party; Yes systems. Refer tD ER 5enan 5.8-3 for enter systems and essaaated maximum 6125lign pre59ure3, 2.) Rere+r to ER Sedi.on 5 For other 1:irnit5 of use, — Ire SUWW of FI6hW 4 hn A fHQ �Var VW do AVE want y,y,ir#meJ i0prda ��,+.,,.- .esoonse too puoL[- ad request do trot send eFe lc U FIor.9a yw, erne i apses an wdlic *ate aF tretlitLanai ,nW. jr kby tie,+a am presDgm. 0�90 OWL= 050.#67 IM. •PW L ea Sacwm 455.275(t}, ffWI tb Ehm andtr- ]ns"Wo. comsat ma Grll[e W the M"em WdM an WWII e6WM d tire'! hW-% 0". rlrr �1M R4nft SgaLp , elrec" 00D4ar 1, 3012. Ike ICWT"d un0u CPM" 455. F.S. mtat pror�tls 9apa i aedr�. pre�s+r pr8rk'!P7 M" ne USW Jbr 07t011 �rnMW`Gabdn with tM INn&M"- F10weM�r W" idpnp3li a r rd. i a L+ S dm vn� �rApW *� 0' 012c WL prwd4 tr+s 1560IM T14M with an _BUtlnP which pn be MMM 4WAI 4 to the P+bUcL Prgddct "OFW ra4 ®Ina■ SCC.Ik���'lr1ElREC� ' ies Aa7P 3Crk2v"fE'2f r 3cPaPSP&chxoaj6Vjgl'%?bg%M%3d 2f2 htipx.liwww.flodidabuilding��+pdPr-aFP��-Px-.o P�°=wGt<VICQu'II]qv� 4 P 0 Eno l etc. CeR+tCpte of AuTAON Vrlon #32455 353 Christian Street, Unit 1413 Oxford, CT 06478 (203) 262-9245 ENGIN ER EVALUATE TEST CONSUL7 REPORTEVALUATION Polyglass USA, Inc. Evaluation Report P12050,02.09-11127 1111 West Newport Center Drive FL5259-R31 Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 Date of Issuance; 02/2412009 (9541 233-1330 Revision 27- 09/1012020 SCOPE', This Evaluation Report is issued under Rule 61G20-3 and the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials in the State of Florida- The documentation submitted has been reviewed by Robert Nierninen, P-E- for use of the product under the Florida Building Code and Florida Building Code, Residential volume, The products described herein have been evaluated for compliance with the 7* Edition (2020) Florida Building Code sections rioted herein. DESCRIMON. Pnlyglass Roof Underlayments LASFUHG: Labeling shall be in accordance with the requirements the Accredited Quality Assurance Agency noted herein and FSC 1507-1.1. CarmNuim Compumm e: This Evaluation Report is valid until such time as the named products} changes, the referenced Quality Assurance or production facility location(s) changes, or Code provisions that relate to the products) change- Aitceptance of our Evaluation Reports by the named client constitutes agreement to notify NEMD ETC, LtC of any charges to the products), the Quality Assorarlceortheproduction facilitylocation(s), HEMOFTC, LLC requiresacompletereview ofitsEvaluationReport reIative to updated Code requirements with each Code Cycle, AovEm'15Em!ENT: The Florida Product Approval Humber (FL#I preceded by the words "NEhA01 etc. Evaluated" may be displayed in advertising literature- if any portion of the Evaluation Report is displayed, #hen it shall be done in its entirety. IN SPEcnow Upon request, a copy of this entire Evaluation Report shall he provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for Inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official, This Evaluation Report consists of pages 1 through 17. ��11A�M1 Prepared by, x*- . rr. all Robert J.M- Hieminen, P.E, lro F�prrd8 Registration No- 59166, F+oRdR Dt 4 AN€! $ s. xx * ` The Eacsienm seal app Wirq was wft,4a4 by RAbnt W>*�, P E. On '~., 09tjWT420. Thit 4% + not urve a5 an q&KVW1CWV 59mW ¢0[ul1YeM- rAprnRrATION OF INDEPENDEN€F= 1- NEMO ETCr LLC does not have, nor does it intend to acquire or will it acquire, a finanual Inteffst in any company manufacturing or distributing products It evaluates. 2. MEMO ETi- LLC is riot owned, operated or control led by any Wm Pang manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. S. Robert Nieminen, P-E- does oat have rtor will acquire, a finarKiai irtterest in any company manufacturing err distributing products for which the evaluation reports are being issued. 4- Robert Nien,inert. RF. doe5 not have, nor will acquire, a financial Interest in any other entity involve¢ in the apprOva1 proem of the produ[t- 5. This is a building rode evaluation. Neither MEMO ETC. LLC nor Robert Nierninen, P.E. arer in any way, the Designer of Record far any project on which tfils Evaluation Report, or previous versions thereof, is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained spe0celly for that purpose, 02019 NEraO ETC, LLC IV EMO I etc. ROOF INi5 COMPONENT EVALUATION' Product Category; Roofing Sub -Category: Undprlaynient Compliance Statement: Roof UnderlayrrientS, 85 pfvdu[ed by PolyglM USA, ITi6., have demonstrated cofnpliance with the fallowing sections of the r Edition (2020) Florida Building Code through testing in accordance with the following 5tdndard5- cornplianr=e is subject to the In5UIlation Riequirements and Limitations f Conditions of Use set forth herein. SeCtio�t andmd year 1544.3.Y Wind resistance FU 4474 2011 Y504-3-1 wind resistance UL 1897 M15 1507.1-11 R945.1.1 1Vlatecial standard A-STM 9225 2009 1507.1,1, 1507.2-4, 1507.19.2 1 material standard ASTM D1970 2015 R905-1.i, R905.2.9.2 1507-3-3 f R905.3.3 Material standard FRSA/TFtI, Sixth €ditiorr ZOiB 1507,11.2 J MS.11.2 Material standard A5TM 06163 2015 1507.12.21 R905-11-2 matefial standard ASTM p6164 2022 2507.11-2 R905.11.2 material standard ASTM D6222 2011 1507.11,21 IMS.11.2 Material stafiddfd ASTM O6509 2015 TA$ 11d Accelerated Weathvl rig ASTM p4798 2011 left Examination Arhimm rm um Lumbeam achom ask elto vv 5wi gyndopllft 11757.OLO1-1 0911312001 ERDPV6001 3(Mphr-ical4 PL* C119M.n17 03/10/2017 ERD (rST60491 wrinduplit 11776-06.02 OvW2003 ERD(I-STG4491 TASi{]3 PLVG-SC12115.0E.17 O&MS/2017 ERD IiST6049) w rid uplift R1740.01.07 0VOW007 ERD MW49) TA5103 PLiCr5C13035.09.17 10/91/2017 ERD (1V $049) ASTM D1970 P5110.04.97-1 04111/2007 FM (M Lg57) wlnd U04ift 3004091 01112120D0 ERD MT fi04191 wind t)PRtt P92Ei0.03.0e 03J21%2%= IQL,E5 WVL 2396) IBC Comoiance ESA-1697 04101/2019 fRp(TST604% vAnd uplift P34540.i1AWR1 JIM2019 M-11)iCER1592) HVWCoenpYance NOA1740514.22 107/00017 ERD(fSTW491 TensikAdheslan P1103411.091 311XV2009 M71[TST250$) ASTMC47M ,1L20H7A 4410112009 ERD CYST 5049) wrkd uplift P110Wm-09.2 il/3II/2009 NE MO {TV &M91 A$TM 01970 4-PLY64MG4.04-19 03n912011t Epp tm 60A91 ASre+l D4977 P11430.11.09-3 11/3pfi'3t1' J MEMO (TST GM% wh+d UWlft 4L-PLYG-1S-003-01.19 %/11/2019 ERD [TST600) ASTM D1970 P333W.OGAO 06/2W2010 NEW PV 6M4 A5TM D6163 4$ PLfG 19 d02.01.1 A 01/24f2019 ERD (r5T 60491 TAS 10$ P3337110.11 03/0WD11 NEr.1f0 IT$T GM) ASTM D6222 45,-PLY&1&4XU.OS.19-C 0512(12019 ERD ffST&M4 TensileAdhesIan P33370.04-11 04IW2011 MEMO95T 0+19) ASTMD1910 4i.PLTG-19-3SUDL-00-A 09/10/2019 FRO9-ST 604g) AST" 01970 P37300.1<0.11 10119/2011 MEMO CYST fid491 TA$103 45-PL1'&IS-004.103" 10/mO1.9 FlItD M60491 TA5103 P40190.01.22.1 081W2012 NEMO tM 6Mx TAS103 4$-PLVG-1E4)04.1419-I 101mfloi9 EitD CYST 04% TenslleAdhesiw P4039eX12-2 W0712012 NEW UST 604% TA5103 4S-PLYG,19-004.10.S-1- 101DW2019 ERD ffSTG04% TensiktAMeslan G41420.09-12-3 4B/11/2012 MEMOIM 6049) TAS 16.3 4j.PLY0-10-SSUDL-01.A 14/10/2019 ERD{TST W49) Wind uplift PM6K.a13 O3AW2013 HEM M W491 TA5103 4S,PLYG-1s4oa4.12-19•F WiW2014 Epp rM 6001 ASrM o1970 "537904.13 04/2612413 NEMO (TST60491 TAS 103 4J LrG-i9 SUpr-02.A 41AW210210 ERD PV W491 wind U001 P173&flZ-0742 04/2912013 NEfA4 (TST WO) ASTM D1970 S•PLTO,-1R 404,Oi.34 M 07.i1412424 ERD (TST W"4 WR(I uplift 111$7.04,01•i R1 041 011 NEW (r5T 6m9) ASTM D1970 4$-PL1r&18-W -01.201 1)111412020 ERD (M 6049) ASTM 06164 P37M.nl- rAA 05AW2013 MEMO [T5f 600) TA5103 4S,PLYG.1S-0d4.01 20.A ei/16/2000 ERD [TSr60491 ,ASTM D6509 P37590.(3.13-i•R1 ddf2512013 NEMO (fS7E001 AsTm n6164 4S-PL*G-1X4d4.01.20.9 01/16/2'= ERD OV6049) mnd Upl+ft P4IM011.13 0910612013 NEW jTST Gm) ASTih D6222 4gPLYGrJ .1#.34k•p3 01147j2020 ERD M74T 04 AN7M D4GU1 P45%0.09,13 OVXV2013 MEMO MT UNI91 TA5103 PL'FG SCi5855.06-?0.A 05129RD20 ERD(MWA9) wind Uplift P1i751,05A3-fri 111W413 MEMO CMT6049) TA5103 4J-PLY&20-%U0L-0i 0710WO20 Epp CM 600) wind Uplift P117di.11.03•R1 IV202013 NEW OV 604% A5Tm D6222 071W420 ERD CIST 60491 3d/9d physic4ls M270.05.1A OV1212014 NE0640 (T5T W") ASTM D47MD1523 4pL1G•i5�-SSU0L4)i.A 0900/NN FRD OVM491 Tenslk adhesion fi020 .14rS 09/08nom NEW MT GN91 ASTM D1970 4J-PLY&2(1�550UDL-0$-A 4'!/3D(2020 ERID (M W") Tensilf idheslan 6020.04-14-E OWW.2014 MEMO [TST 60101 TA5101 4j.PLY{r76-53uDL-M-C 0913012020 EFLD fM C0491 Tensile adh"*n P46520.10.14 1COOV2014 NgmO (fsT eo491 TA5103 4J-ftvG•Z0-SSUIlX-11 09/30/207o Evaluation Rrport P12660.02.05-RZ1 NEW ETC, LLG CMbfieaorpfwp4pnnVk9#32aS5 7^ iDITHQNJ2o201FSCNON44VHZEVALUATION ReOsian �LS259-R31 27- 09130J2424 Palyglass Ftmf Underlaywrvts Pige 2 a1 17 ONEMO `etc. ERD ITST 604% ASTM D1979?TAM P43290-SO.14 10/1712014 Pp l M7 53781 Tensile Adhesion Pit101111 Eqn (M EA44) TAS 103 PLrG-50550.4.115 03ni'M1S PRI ITST 58781 TAS la3 PU5A-0t9-02-01 071i412�03 ERD JISY fiW91 Tensile adheiion PgpJN441S 61143/2015 Pal [M 59t81 TAS 103 PVSA-035-03-01 OW2912006 {RD MT 60491 TAS 103 P44360.10.14-Rt 0511EVMS YRI MT'$9781 TA5103 PUW-055-02-02 UJ1012047 EIAD (15T60491 Wind UpII$ PLyC SCRXS.D5.1rx1 CSJ17=5 PRI (TST S8781 ASTpd D6222 PUSA4DH-02-02 011W2008 ERE] (M W49) ASTM D1970 FLT&$C10130.06.16-1 D!0_11213M PRI MT,58781 A5TM D6164 PUSH-( 9-02-01 0712912M EFIp (TST 6049) Tensile adhesion PLYCr5C1U130-K.16-2 OU27/2016 Poly n& USA P{L A(r> WviT Mule-F6pe Crass LM 03MV20de ERD U$T 60491 TAS V33 PLYG•5CWT34AG1r-3 0W27/X1fs Fplwjlass U4A matvWbAffidam Polyocc Compound p3}19)21311 k Rp �TST 604% ASTM D14170IG4799 PLY6-Sca '07.16 0711612O15 Uk (CMA9635) GAN*rl COFMCM `+ice Confii(mmkon iFL� 09A3/2018 ERO ITST Rmg) Wn4 Uplift PLYG-SC12025.10-15 10/1}J2016 UL iQUA96Q51 ovality Cenral S.WME C&Awabw frx} li/07/2019 ERD 95T 60d91 TA$ 103 PLYG.SC130A0.1116 1212712.016 UL (QUA%251 Quality COM1119 Florida Ws Current PRODUCT4. ■ r Product Materi07 tandard Plants) Description 4.1 flastoba�se AST D6163 FL Fiberglass-rfinforced, SOS modified bitumen base sheet 4.2 Elastobase P ASTM D6164 FL Polyester -reinforced, So$ modified bitumen base sheet 4.3 Elastoflex 56 6 ASTM D6164 FL, PA Polyester -reinforced, SOS modified bitumen cap sheet FR5Af TRl 09-18 4,4 Elastoflex S6 G f R ASTM D6164 FL Polyester -reinforced, SBS modified bitumen cap sheet FRSAjTRI t)9-18 4,5 Hydr uard Dual Pro ASTM D1970 FL Nominal G0-mil thick dual -I +er rubberized asphalt waterproofing membrane, fiberglass reinforced, with a polyester fabric surface 4.6 HydraGuard Tile Pro ASTM D1970 FL Nominal 60-mil thick dual -layer rubberized asphalt FRSAITR109-18 waterproofing membrane, fiberglass reinforced, with a polyester fabric surface 4.7 Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet ASTM D6222 FL Polyester -reinforced. APP modified bitumen cap sheet FRSAfTRI09-19 4,8 Mule -Hide SA APP Cap Sheet ASTM t}622 FL Polyester -reinforced, APP modified bitumen cap sheet j FR) F RSAITR109-18 4,g gplyflex G ASTM 06222 FL Polyester -reinforced, APP modified bitumen cap sheet for FRSA/Tf l 09 18 use as an alternate to Heat Applied "Cap Sheer in the "Two Ply System" from FRSAITRI Fkrfda H4h Wind 'Oncrete and lkry Roof 7+ie InstujWh rl Wnual, Sixth Edit+on beneath mechanically fastened or adhered file roof systems 4.10 Polyflex G FR ASTM 06222 FL Polyester -reinforced. APR modifled bitumen cap sheet for FRSA%TRI 09-19 use as an alternate to Heat Applied "Cap Sheet" Its the ,TWO Ply System" From FRS f Ml Florida High Wind Concrete and Cloy Roof We installation MGMuai, Sixth Edition beneath rnechanlcally fastened the roof systems 4.11 Polyfiex SA P ASTM D6222 FL, T)( Polyester -reinforced, APP modified bitumen cap sheet F RSAITRI 09-18 4.12 Polyflex SA P fly ASTM M22 Ft. TX Polyester- relnforced, APP modified bitumen cap sheet FRS LITRI 0918 4,13 Polyglass Base ASTM D65M fL Fiberglass -reinforced, APP modified bitumen base sheet 4.14 Polyglass G2 ease Sheet ASTM D4601 AL Fiberglass reinforced, asphaltic base sheet EwalwHan PApcwt F12D60.02-09-R27 NEMU ETC, U.[, FIL5M-R31 CeVflGFiv 6fAWho g0iQn 7'" Edrl7dn 12020] F9C NUN-HVH2! EVALUATION Revf6bn 27= 09}3p/Zp#0 PiD"Iast Roof Underlpyments PAN 31 OF 17 ON Erg 0 I etC. Product Matefial Standard Plant(s) Description 4.15 Polystick IA-Xe ASTM DI97C Fly PA, TX Nominal 64mil thick rubberized asphalt waterproofing membrane, glass fiber reinforced, with an aggregate surface 4,16 Polystick PATS Plus ASTM D1970 Ftµ NV, Nominal Emil thick rubberized asphalt waterproofing .� FRSAjTRI 09-18 PA, TX membrane, glass fiber reinforced, surfaced with polyolefinic film surface 4-17 Polystick MU-X ASTM D19701 F< NV, PA Nominal 54-mil thick dual -layer rubberired asphalt waterproofing membrane, fiberglass reinforced, with a polypropylene film surface 4.18 Polystick TU Max ASTM D1970 Ft PA, TX Nominal Go -mil [hick rubberized asphalt waterproofing FRSAfrRI 09-18 membrane with a 190 gJm# polyester fabric surface 4.19 PolystickTU P FRSAf7R109-19 FL, PA, TX Nominal 130-mil th ick rubberized asphalt waterproalling membrane, glass-fiber/polyester reinforced, with a granular surface 4.20 Pnlystick TU Plus ASTM 01970 FL, PA, TX Nominal 80-mil thick rubberized asphalt waterproofing FRSA/YRI 03-18 membrane, glass fiber reinforced, with a polyester fabric surface 4.21 Polystick XFR ASTM D1970 NV, TX Nominal l mil thick rubberized asphalt waterproofing FRSAITRI 09-18 membrane, glass fiber reinforced, surfaced with a textured film surface 5.1 This is a Building Code Evaluation. Nether NE O ETC, LLC nor Robert Nieminen, P.E. are, in any way, the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report, or previous versions thereof, is/as used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifi cal ly forth at purpose. 5.2 This Evaluation Report is not for use in FBC High Velocity Hurricane Zone jurisdictions (i.e„ Broward and Miami -Dade Counties)- 5.3 This Evaluation Report pertains to above -deck roof components. Roof decks and structural members shall be in accordance with FBC requirements to the satisfaction of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. 5.4 This Evaluation Report does not include evaluation of fire classification. Refer to FBC 1505 for requirements and limitations regarding roof assembly fire classification. Refer to F%C 2603 for requirements and limitations concerning the use of foam p18stic insulation. 5.5 Polyglass Roof Underlayments may be used with any prepared roof cover where the product is specifically referenced within FBC approval documents- If not listed, a request may be made to the Authority Having Jurisdiction for approval based on this evaluation oombined with supporting data for the prepared roof cove ring- FaWic a WLK tws been found thfvwh rpmppratitie tp5FfiWIo have o lrssff eoef{icierrt of frktlon than ,457M 0$.26 roo firW feet 0 a drV mm0lion. testtd of stondOrd 0015prptorycandiliGns- Agreement betweeP?PWI:haser&Adse*r, as stet forth M $e kxn 4.3, Note 3 of ASTM Dl4TQ25, shouidbe-UabkSh 1as fOrt P M-%tva-e'Evokwlbn 423 MEMO M LLC, rrtrfkri[t of AutAo�+rat�v+'#32455 7'" EDITION [ZO3OI rK MOM-HV"Z EVAU.IATION FLS !1-R31 Polydass Raaf Urtdrtrlapmems RaNWen 27; CW3iOM20 ow4ot17 "NEMO I etc. 5-6 Allowable Roof Covers; TAsu 1: ROOF COVER OPTIONS Clayarid Concrete Tile MIMI Slake or Wood ip.3 Slate - Type UfwmwrTpmt 0" NWhankal Adheli,re- PonalF SMOSMs Shingles Shlntles St1.Yut;iir any m 'v Attach SIR jmw Yes Yes Yes YCh4 Yes Yes Yes Yes Rastabase bLh e.Mja Ida RON SIMmr Lmmw *�e4 (Ajw W tm iWr�9a JMI-44e I�lo.�.0MD226. I�unutr 10 62I4 022ETy" nl sm$;IsI SW543) DZM IM III ff22raTypellI 02,Kry"fl T1vb M*0) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yea Yes ElastoloweP �Alle+ni+#ra 4►l erc`slwti 174w�4rwc 1+hwruet �o vftr to vr.nr.d to OW&MOM 6o em WWrw■t5IUA a221, Mmiii 54v5.J<3I sm 6i.a1 Wx; Tray ar�.sra" o�Nn T,pr01 iypl uF III Yes Yes "yoass Base No Lj%aIww*vL (mffi eSh"L Na No No Nn No sm S.M.]I 5rr 5.63) Yes Yes No No PolygiasSG2Base f1a ivawshml4 L"La Short Ha No No 5"SM31 sr+s.8.31 Elastoflex $G G No Yes Yes No No No No No ElaSt,oflex 55 G FR No Yes Na No No Na No No Yes *ef HydraGuard Dual Pim Yes No No 'des Yes Yes +,aw+ma�,sm.t-Ma bwq wk w 150.1.3 5 j imn-1.131 Ipsm.1.1.13 Yes Yes NydraGuard T11O Pro Yes Yes Yes Yes YLS Yes1See SA4.1] Ipj" 1607.1.1.1 ue&d sm I. M7.1.1.a Mvilie-Hide SA -ARP tid0 Sheet No Yes � Y#s No No Flo NO Set S.fi. SI Mlik-Hide SA -AP? CaR Sheet {FR) Na Yes Y@f, No No ND No No 150t K s] Polyflex G No Yes Yes 6No No Ho No No Polyflex G FR No Yes No No No Ma No N6 FbOx Ye' NO No No No No l f fl SAP No Yes lsee 5.6.11 POI^K SA P FR No Yes Yea Nn No No NO Na iSee 5.6.1 Yes Yes Polystlek I R-Xe Yes Na Nc flo Nn Yes (OWK MNs ISU7.1.1.1 aDkC..kok130T.1i.a f RW& I.,A) f "m L L 3l Yes 7tts PalystiCk WITS Plus *es Yes Np Yes Yes Yes U,imm ra,sm.�.a.a �0945.1.1.aI �i�66.1.1.! Yes Yes PukystiCkMLJ-% No *es Yes Yes {pn11o74156,113 {p�n1.Mp..ism.1.,3 res No ! "n L L 3i Yes Yes Yes yei Y!S No (w m "ftk 1307 1.1.3 ❑rr►a oe*& Polystick TV Mail No Yes 15ie i 6 1] hlo9 I. L35f R9oa3.3 > Yes Yes POlystick TU P No Yes *es Na Na No Ut M g pL M7 1.11 10 M mM,SP-1.13 [S!f S6Y1 f Rig5.1.1 tI 1 i1{r$.1-13L Yes YC5 Yes Yes Yes Yes Polystick TU Plu6 Yes Yes {p„a sv4m isoa.1.1.1 r�pine Ip41i0>.i.i.� {Se,eS-6.11 fR906I.,A IRMA433 Yes Yes Polystick xFR Yes Yes NO Yes Yes Yes Uw&oArfpk 1S07 1.i.) L)5+a 54 IW7.1.1.1 fil0`..i.t31 1 n906.i.I I Eypduatioll Report PiZCW.02-09-RZ7 NEMQ €7C. UJI. Certilro&m0fAwho.+raiRoJO32435 7m Eo17ON;20201 FM 1YOH Remior,17-HVH2 EVALUATION F152i9- Polyglassila01Ued#riaymerlt6 Og�3b�20 Pads 5 of 17 ONEMO I etc. S.&I Adhesive -set the is limited tO use of the following underlayment I tile-adheslye combinations. TAKE ALLOWABLE UNDERtAYMENT fTILE-Ati� 04ATIONS1 — Adhesive Florida Prod act' Underiayme" [)Ap Foam pouch 'rr Seal FL14506 PolyStiek TU Max or PClysti& TU PI us Storm Banc* Roof Tile Ad heSive" HydraG ward rile Pro, PoWflex Sk J>, Polystick TU Maim, Polystick TU P or PolystiCk Oupor t 'Tile Bond' Rc*f Tile F L 22525 TV Plus Adi,eslve' ElaStoflex $6 G, HydraGuard Tile PFo, MVIe-Hide SA-APP f_dp Sheet, MUie-Hlde SA- ICP Adhesives and Sealants FL633 APP Cep Sheet [FR), Polyflex G, Pakoe t SLA Pr Polyflex SA P FR, Polystick TU Max, "Poly yet' AH-26T Polystick TU P or Polystlek TU Plus Clastofiex % G, HydraGuard 711e pro, Mu la -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet, Mule. Hide SA. lCP Adhesives and Sealants F"275 APP Cap Sheet (FR), Poloex G, PolyfieK SA Pr Polyflex 5A P FR, Poiystick TLI Max, "PolysMt' R7A-1" Polystidc TU P or Polystick TU Plus 5.7 AlI w 1 t LJndeFiayrn42nt HydraGuard Dual PFo, Hydr&Guard Tiip Pro, "stlek IR- }ie, PQlystick MTS Plus, Polystkk MU-11, Po"tick TU Max, Polystick TU P, Pa"tkk TU Plu5, Fplystick XFk Mule -Hide $A -APR Cap Sheet, MUIe-Hide SA•APP Cap Sheet (FR). Poly W SA P or Palvflex SA P FA Elastoflex S6 G or Elastoflex 56 Cs FR P01yftm G or Po"PK G F R TABLE 2: SUBSTRATE CWnONS FOR AimERf D UNDERLAYME NTS Substrates {designed to meet wind loads for project} +kPP1i[ati�ax Type P(jMeF mawlal(s) (Oppottalj A57M plyWOC4, 05B, Southern Yellow Piece or Huber €ngin"red pVck } D41 WOCods "ZIP $Wianj" Panels sheathing ASTTN D41 Structural concrete ASTM CIM Type 11 Class 1 p01060cyanurate, ASTM Self- (O ptiona 1) ASTM C12$9 Type V p0lyiSM2nurata•c0rnP0Site, DerlsDeck adhering insulation p41 of W5-3WO Prime or SECUR CK Gypsum•Fiber Roof Board ASTM D226, Type II felt, EIaSLobase, Elastobase P or Mule - ease Sheet NIA Hide Nail Base Deck ASTM D41 structural concrete j0ptiona1)ASTM Insulation hot asphalt 041 Base Sheet N/A Deck ASTM D41 (Optiona1) ASTM torch 1nSµlati0n D41 applied Base Sheet N/A ❑enSDeck prime or SF€U ROCK Gypsum•Flber Roof Board ASTM D226, Type I I felt, Elastohase, EI05t0base P, M ule- Hide Nail Base or PalyglaSS G 2 tease structural conrFete penspeck Prime of SECU ROCK Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board Elastobasa, ElastoWse P, Mule•1-L1d Nail Base, Poly0055 G2 ease 0r Palyglass ease ' Refer to TrJe h?crrulpaurfes orAdhrsive Florida Produet AWOvol far OwerfurniFFp AMOM"t Resurance ergat+ r"OnEvopon P1zd►fi0,42.OSFP 7 NEMD ETC, LLIC FL5259-P31 Cfr b/+�Y1eu�'x�iartXa�,te 7T" EplttpN {20241 FRC rypHaiyFlx EVALUxTLOH Revision 27: 0913012030 PolyAlasa Roof Undeii�"Ms Pao 6 of 17 "NEMOletc. 5-8 AttathmJnttlmitatons: 5.8.1 For use under mechanically attached NON -TILE prepared roof coverings, attachment shall be in accordance with the manufacturer`s installation instructions. but —for mechanieaIly attached undedayments or base sheets - not less than FBC 1507A.1 or R90S.1.I- 5.8.2 For use under the roof systems, attachment shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's instAlation instructions, but — for rnechanicalky attached base sheets - not less than' • FR*SAMI Florida High Wield Conctere and Clay Roof Tffe jnstojjvtron Manual, Sixth Edition, Appendix A, Table i (For Two - Ply Asphalt Applied Hot Mop Underiayment) or • Section 5.8.3 herein (far other underlayrnent systems), 5.8.3 Win liesistan a for Una e rlavrnent Systems in Tile Roof ADM]ications- The following wind uplift limitations apply to urrderlayment systems that are not prescriptive in the FR5AITRI Florida High WzAd Concrete and Clay Roof -rile installation Manuof, Sixth Edition, The Maximum Design Pressure is the result of testing for wind load resistance based on allowable wind loads, and reflects the ultimate passing pressure divided by 2 (the 2 to 1 margin of safety per FBC 1504-9 has already been applied). 5.8.31 Dk2& : ' The maximum design pressure for the selected assembly shall meet or exceed that required under FRSAITRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Roof fife installation MaPval, Sixth Edition, Appendix A, Table IA or the critical (highest) design pressure determined in accordance with FBC I" or FBC Residential Chapter 3. #1 Maximkirn i n Pressure o- 2.5 t}mk: APA rated, 712 F6 CAT. 0 419 In., Exposures 1, oss sheathing to m eet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Joints: Min- 4• inch wide strips of Elastoflex SA-V over all OSS joi nts Base Ply: Polystick MTS Plus, s0f•adthered- underlayment. MUWHicje SA-APPCap Sheet, Mule -Hide $A•APP Cap Sheet (FR). PolyHex SA P, Pglyflex 5A P FR, Polystick TU Max, Polystltk TU P or PioNstickTU PIUS. self -adhered, #2 fN ximum siren Pressure = -90 oaf' Deck: Mtirr. 15/32-inch plywood to meet project requirerrments to F, t faction of Authority Having lwisdictiOn- Prirner; None Base Ply_ (0ptlonal I PolystiCk MTS PIuS, S@kl-adhered. Underlayment= Mule -Hide SA-APP Gap Sheet, Mul�Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet (fR), POI yflex SA P, PoFfftex $l4 P FR, Pprwstitk TU Max, Paky5tic4s TU P or Polystick TU Plus. self -adhered. #3 maximmaximu.m Design Pr r = -97. pew: M in- 15132-inch plywood to meet project req ui rements t4 satisfaction of Authority H avi ng lurisdiCtlpn, Prlmor, PG100orA$TMf?41 Base Ply: (optic mi) Poty5titk MTS Plus, Self -adhered. U nderlayment= Mule -Hide $A•APP Cap Sheet, MulL- Hide SA -AP P Cap Sheet {F R}, Polynex SA P, Pakyflex SA P FR, PONS[irk TU Max. Polystick TU P or Polystick TU Plus, self -adhered and, track=nailed within tits selvedge -edge side laps using 12 ga Y IN' ring shank nails through 32 ga., 1-5/8" diameter tin caps spaced 12-inCh mc, #+4 fufaximum Design Pfess re =-20 psf Deck: Miry. 15/32-irpth plywood to meet project requirements to Wlisf action of Authority Having furisdiction- Prirner= Wa•30W Base Ply: (optional I Poly lick MT5 Plus. self -adhered . underlayment= fulule-Hide $A•APP Ca Sheet, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet (FR), PplyAex S+ P, Potyfl2x SA P FR, Pplystick TU Max, PorYsticic Ttl P OF Polystick TU Plus, self -adhered and track -nailed within the selvedge -edge side laps using 12 ga. x W ring shank nails through 32 gd-, 1.519" diibrneter tiff taps spared 12-ind+ o-C- Evdlua[io0. Resort PiZM.02•09•R27 MEMO ETC, UJI, FLS259-R 3 i C#MjkaWgfALF�B3MS5 7"F61T1{poeass F NON-HVH2EV*LlJ�4T10N Poly6l�ss Roo0 d UaderiaymMtE Revision It?: 09134/2024 Palo 7 of 17 "NEMOletc. l#5 Maximum Design Pressure = -135 ae€f; Deck: min. IW2-inch plywood 14 meet Project requlrernents t0 satisfaction of Authority Hawing Jurisdiction Primer; 10ptiorraIIPG100orA5TIVI041 Base Ply: (OW6Dnal) Polystick MT$ Plus. self -adhered. Joints_ Min. 4-inch wide strips of Elaswfiex SAN over all plywood joints. Underlayment; Mul"ide SA-APP Cap Sheet, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet (Fflj, Polyflex SA P, Polyflex 5A P r-R, Poly5tick TU Max, Polystick TU P or Polystick TU Plus, self -adhered, #6 MaAlrinum r = -315 peck; Structural concrete to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Havinglurisdlttion. Primer: PG100 or ASTN1 D41 Base My: )Optional} PoN5tick WITS Plus, self-adhered- Underlayment; liydraGuard Tile Pro, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet, Mule -Hide SLA-APR Cap Sheet {FR), RuWex SA P, PolyRex SA P FfR Polystick TU Max, Polystick TU P or Paiystick tU PIUS, self -adhered. 47 Maximum Desian Pregure Deck; Structural concrete to meet proiKt requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction, Primer: PG100orASTM D41 Underlayment; Elastoflex 56 G, applied in full mopping of hot asphalt or Pdyflex G, torch-applw- 48 All other direct -deck, adhered underlayment systems beneath the roof systems carry a Maximum Design Pressure of -45 psf. 5,8-3.2 Mechanically -Attached Basg ; The maximum design pressure for the selected assernbh+ shall meet or exceed that required Linder FR&VM Fioridtr High Wind Concrete and Clay Roof Me installation Manual, Sixth Edition, Appendix A, Table IA. or the critical (highest) design pressure determined in accordance with FBG 1509 or FBC Residential Chapter 3. Alternatively, the maximum design pressure for the selected assembly shall meet or exceed at least the Zone 1 design pressure determined in accordance with FBC 1609 or FBC Residential Chapter 3. Elevated pressure zones shall employ an attachment density designed by a qualified design professional to resist the Oevated pressure criteria- Commonly used methods are ANSIf5PRl WDI, FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-29, Roofing Application Standard RAS 117 and Roofing Application Standard RAS 137- Assemblies marked with an asterisk* carry the limitations set fort} in Section of FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-29 (February 2020) for enhancements. 49 Maximum Design PrMure = - * Deck: Min. 15/32-incti O5B to meet pro?ct repu irements to satisfaction of Authority HevI. Jui 5diCNon- Base Sheet: Elastobase or Mule. Hide Nail Base Jpoly-film top surface) Fasteners; 11 aa. x 1.25-inch long x 1-inch head diameter round metal cap nails Spacing; 6-inch o.c. at the 3-inch wldde side laps arcd 5•incti o.t. at twin 12) equally spaced staggered center rows. Base Ply; (Optional) Pplyttkk M115 Pius, self -adhered. U nderlayment; Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Uw*ty Mule -Hide SA -APR Cap Sheet (FR), Polynex SA P, Pplyflex 5A P FR, PoNstick TU Miarr Palyydck TO R or Polystid[ TU Plus, self -adhered. #10 Maximum Design Pressure = - J Deck; Min. 15{32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Hawing Jurisdiction. flare Sheet: Elastobase or mule -Hide Nall Base {poly -film tap surface} Fasteners: 11 ga. x 1-25-imh long x 1-inch head diameter round metal cap nails Specing-. 6-inch p.e. at the 3-inch wide side laps and 6-inch o-c- at two equally spaced Staggered center vows. Base Ply: Optional} Pokystick MTS Plus, self-adhered- Underlayment: Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet, Mule-H Idr SA-APP Cap Sheet {F Ry, PolYflex SA P, PolyAex SA P F R, Polystick TLI Max, "stick TU P or Polystick TU Plus, Self -ad hered- #11 M axi mum DesWn Pressum = - 7.5 sf'- Deck: Min. 1913;!-Inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Haring Jurisdiction - Base Sheet= One (1) or two (2) layers ASTM 02 a6. Type I I feR Fasteners; 11 gd- K 1-25-ir►ch long x i-Inch head) diameter round metal cap nails Spicing: {-inch o-r- at the 34rich wide side laps and 12-inch o-c- at two �2) equal ly spaced staggered center rows. Underiaym.ent: Elastoflex 56 G, applied in full mapping of hot asphalt- u MEMD EtL, LLG Eva lation Report PI?Olin-02.09-R27 FL5259-R31 C*Mfioebt OfA400nZOWA KM55 7"'EDWON12020jF9CNBN4WKZEVALUATION Pplyllpss Roof Underlay rnents Revision t7; 09f30j2020 PaE(� S of 17 ONEMOIetc. 1112 Maxi raum Design P ressure=-4'' Deck Min. 19/32-inch plywood to meet project requirementstosatlsfaction of Authority Havinglurisdictian. Base Sheet; C)n a (11 layer ASTM o226, Type II felt Fasteners: 11 ga. x 2.25-in€h x 3{&inch head diameter annular ring shank roafkng nails at 1 5{9•inch diameter tin caps Spacing; 4-Inch o,c, at the 2-inch wide Side laps and 4-inch o.c, at two Ia) equally spaced staggered center rows. Base Ply: {Optional; for use with se It -ad hering underlayment only] Polystick MTS Plus, selfadhered- Underlayment_ M ule-Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet, Mule�-Hide SA -►+PP Cap Sheet (F R), Palyfiex SA P, Polyflex SA P F R, Polystick TU Mm Patystick TU P or Polystidc TU Plus, self-adhered- #13 Maxim urn pesign Pr = ; Deck; Min- 19{32 •in€h plywood to meet project requirements to Satisfartiorr of Authority Having Ju rlsdictian- Base Sheet; Two (2) layers ASTM D226, Type II felt Fasteners: 11 ga. x 1-25-inch long x 3/8-inch t*ad diameter annular ring shank roofing nails at 1-5f8 in€h diameter tin taps Spacing; 9-inch o.c. at the 2-inch wide side laps and 9-inch O-c- at two (2) eq wally spaced staggered center rOws- ease Ply, (O�dlona I, for use with self -adhering underlayment only) Polystick MTS Plus, self-adhe red. Underlayment- Mu le -Hide SA•APP Cap Sheet Mule -Hide SA-APP Gap Sheet (FR), poWex SA P, Polyflex 5A P Fit, Polystick TU Max, Polystkck TU P or Polystick Ill Plus, self -adhered or ElastCflex 55 Gr applied in full mopping of hot asphalt. 914 Maximum Design Pressure= -45 Deck: Min- 15{32-Inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfactiofw of Authority Hawing Jurisdiction - Deck: Sheet_ Elastohase {sanded top surface far hot -asphalt or torch -applied cap or poly-f-ilrn Surface for torch -a pplied cap] Fasteners! Simplex WAux Cap Fasteners Spacing: 9-inch o-c- at the 2-inch wide side laps and 18-inch p-c- at twc, (21 egi1ally spaced staggered center rows- Underlayment= ElasuMex 55 G. applied in full mopping of hat asphalt or Polyflex G. torch -applied. #15 Maximum Design Pirmure= Deck; APA rated, 7{16 CAT, 0.418 in-, Exposure 1, OSS sheath ing to meet pro)KI requirements to satisfaction of +luthprity Having Jurlsdkilon- Rase Sheet; Elastobase or Mule -Hide Nail Base (poly -film top surface j Fasterle rS: 12 ga. annular ring shank nails with 1-518" diameter tin ca Ps Spacing; 6-Inch a. c, at the 3-Inch wide side laps and Crinch o.c, at four (4) equally spaced staggered center rows - Base Ply_ {Optional] Polystick UTS Plus, self -adhered. llnderlayment= MLike-Hide SA-APP Cap Sheetr Mule. Hide S"pp Cap Sheet (FRy Palyflex SA P, Polyflex $A P FR, "stick TU Max, Polystick TU P or PoNstick TU Plus, self -adhered, #16 Maximurn Desian Deck; Pirmure= A f= APA rated, 7/ 16 GAT, 0.418 in-, Exposure 1, OSB sileath ing to meet project requ irements to Satisfaction of Authariiy tlavl n3 Jurlsdirtion. Ease Sheet: Elast i base (sand tap surface] Fasteners; 12 ga. annular ring shank nails with 1-5/13" diameter tin ca ps Spacing: 6-inch o. c. at the 3-incb wide side laps a nd 6• inc h o,c. at four (4l equally spaced staggered Center rows, Underlayment= Ekastoflex S6 G, applied in full mopping of hot asphalt. #17 Maximgm Deck: n Pressure = APA rated, 7/16 GAT, 0-41A in., Exposure 1, OSB sheathing to meet project requirements t4 satisfaction of Authority Having lurisdlction, Base Sheet: EIastobaseorPolyglass3ase Fasteners_ 12 ga. annular ring shank nails with 1-5/9" diameter tiro caps Spacing: 6-inch o.c. at the 3-inch wide side laps and 6-inch o-C. at four (4) equally spaced staggered center rows- Underlayment; Polyflex Gr torch-aPWl ed- #18 Maxi rni n Pr r = -52.S Deck; Min, 15/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdirtkan. Base Sheet; Elastobase I sanded top surface for hot asphalt or torch -applied cap or poly -film su rface for torch -a pplled cap l Fasteners: SimplexMAx3CCapFasteners rows - Spacing: 9-i nch o-c- at the 2-inch wide side laps and 12-i n ch o-c- at two (2) equally spaced staggered Center Underlayment= Elastaflex S5 G, applied in full mapping of hot asphalt or Polyflex G, torch -applied. Evaluitlan Report P12060-02,09-R22 NErrrQ FM us- CN4f��d/auepoMraf+a�Nss 7' MATION120201FB€NON-kVKZEVALU*71ON FLS2S9R33 +r3 Pp lygiaii FLa Df und4dayments Re vis is n 27: �j9 f 3012020 Page 9 of 17 "NEMOletc. #19 Maxi irn Design Pressure = - Dock-. Min- 15f32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to 5a0sfe4:tiar1 of Authority Having JuFi5dlction. Base Sheet: Elastobase or MUIL-Hlde Nail Base (poly -film top surface) Fasteners, Si rnplex Original Cap Nails Spacing; 6-inch a.c. at the 3-inch wide side laps and 6-inch o-c, at four j4j rtquatly spaced staggered Center rows. Base Ply'. (00lonal) Palystl& MTS Plus, self-adhered- UriderlaymeMt= Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet, PAule-Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet IFRj, Polyflex SA P. POlyfleK 5A P FR, PoNstick TU max, Pokystick TU P oe Polystick 7l1 PIu s, se If -ad hared. #20 Maxim u rn Design Pres, u re = - : Min- 15132-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority hlas+ing Jurisdltticm. peck: Base Sheet: Elastobase (sanded top surface far hot -asphalt or torch -applied cap or poly -film surface for torch -applied cap) Fastenefs= Spacing-. SI rnplex Original Cap Nails 64nch o.c. at the 3.-inch wide side laps and 6-inch o-C- at four j4j equally spaced staggered center rows, Underlayment; Elamflex 56 G, applied in fuil rnopping of hot a6phatt or P0lyflex Gr torch -applied. 021 Maximw Design Deck: Pr r o Min. 19/32-inch plywood to meet Pro)eCt requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdlctian, Base Sheet- Elastobase (sanded top surface for hot -asphalt or torch-applled cap pr poly-F Im sur#xe for torch -applied cap) Fasteners; I ga, x 1.2"nth long K 31&inch head diameter annular ring shank roofing nails at 1-5f8-inch diameter tin caps Spacing: &-inch C-c- at the 4-Inch wide side laps and 8-inch o.c. at three � 3] equa Ily spaced staggered center rows- Underlaymerrt: Elastoflex Sb G, aPPIired iri full mapping of hot asphalt or Palyl•1ex G, torch -applied. #22 Maximum fleck; r uCC = Min- 19{32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to $0 sfa�tion of Authority Having Ju rlsdiction- Base Sheet; Elas#phase sanded tap surface for hot -asphalt or torch -applied cep or poly-flim surface foF tore), -applied cap) Fasteners; OMeG R12 Standard Roafgrip with DMG Flat Bottom Metal Plates Spacing: 12-inch o.c. at the d-ineb wide side laps and 12-inch O.C. at two Ol equally spaced staggered Center rows, U nderlayment: El astoflex S6 Gr a ppl ied in full mopping of hot asphe It or Palyflex G, torch-apflioi--d• #23 M aximum De So gn Pressure APA raga. 7/16 CAT, 0.418 in. r Exposure 1, 05$ sheathing to m eet pralect requirements to setlsfactian of Autlyprity Hawing Deck: Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: €lastobase or MtuIL-H Ide Nail Base (poly -film top su rface) Fasteners: Spacing: Simplex MAXX Cap Fast"Pfs l-inch a.c. at the 3-inch wide side laps and &inch o.c, at three (3) equally spaced staggered center rows - Primer; PG100 or ASTIV D41 primer applied to Stress plates - Base Ply: {Optional( Potystick MTS Plus, self -adhered, Underlaymerrt: Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet, Mule - Hide SA -A" Cap Sheet (FR), Polyflex 54 P, PolyflexSA P FIR, PalystiCkTU Mtax, Polysbck TO P or Polystlek TU Plus, self-adheFed- #24 Maximum Deck; ?re5sure = APA rated, 7f 16 CAT, 0.418 in., Exposure 1, GSB sheathing to meet pfaject requirements to satlsferdon of Apthority H e�+i n g Jurisdiction - Base 5heet Elastobase (sand top surface) Fasteners; Spacing: Sim plex MAXX Ca p Fastener9 S-inch p-c- at the 3-inch wide side laps and 8-i nch o.c. at three j 31 equally spaced Staggered Center rows. llnderlayment_ ElastcMex 56 G, applied In full mapping of hot asphalt- #25 Maximum Design Deck: Pressure =0.0= APA raked, 7f 16 CAT, 0.419 in., Exposure 1, CSS sheathing to meet project req u irernants to satisfaction of AuthoFibl h0VI rtig Ju f13diCtiOn- Base Sheet; Elastobase air POlyglass Base Fasteners: Spacing: Sim plexMAXX Capp Fmteners 8-inch a-c- at the 3-inch wide side laps and 8-i rich o.c- at three j 3 j equal ly spaced staggered center rows, Underlay"rit: Palyfiex G. torch -applied. Eyol"Wn Report P12050.O2-09-H27 NEAAd ETC, tLf:- 0,,hfircKeofAwbati�A N32455 7'" EDI7Y¢PL 12020j fK WON-HVH3 EVALUATION FL4259-R31 Polygla ss Roe UnderlaxrWts Revision 17: 0913000n Pao# 10 of 17 U(14 N EMO I etc. #26 Maximum i n Pressure -67.5 Psf: Deck; Min. 15f32-inch plywood to meet proie€t requirements to satisfaction of Authorlty Having Jurisdictlnn- Base Sheen Polyglass G2 Base or Polyglass Base trequirV use of tumh-OANjEd UncdL-JpymenO FastenerS: 12 ga. x 1-25-inch long x 318-inch head dia meter aii riular -ring shah k roofi r g nails at 1-5/&inch diameter tin saps Spacing: 8-inch a.e. at the 4-i nch wide side la ps and 8-inch 0.t- at four 141 equal ly spaced Staggered eeMter rows. Unclerlayment: Eiastnflex 56 G, applied in full mopping of hot asphalt or torch -applied or POlyflex G, torch -applied. #27 Maximum Design Deck: PreUure = 7. APA rated, 19/32 CAT. 0,578 in.r Exposure 11 05g Sheathing to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdlction. Base Sheet; Elastobase or Mule -Hide Nail Base (poly -film top surface) Fasteners; TRU FAST Versa -Fast Fasteners 9 Plates with two ( 2) screws per plate installed 180' into the holes of the plate, pare Ilel to the width direction of the sheet - Spacing: 12-inch o-c- at the 4-inch wide side laps a nd 12-Inch o.c. at two i 2) equally spaced staggered center rows. Primer; (Optional j PG 100 or pSTM D41 primer applied to stress plates - ease Ply_ Underlayment- (4pt6anal) Polystiek MTS Plus, self -adhered, MuWH Idc SA-APP Cap Sheet, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet (FR), Polyflex SA P, Poiyflex SA P FIR, POlystick TU Max, polystick TU P or PolystIck 7U Plus, self -adhered. 428 Koirnum Deogn beck; Pre55 &7-,S APA rated, 19/32 CAT, 0.578 in-, Exposure 1, OSB sheathing to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority liawi ng Jurisdi etion. Use Sheet; Elastobase ( sand top surface installed 190' into the holes of the plate, Parallel #O Fasteners; TRUFAST Versa -Fast Fasteners & Plates with two 121 screws per plate the width direction of the sheet. Spacing: 12-:tith 0-c- at the 4-inch wide side laps and 12-inch a. C. at two (2) eq u ON spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment= Elastof)ex 56 G, applied in full mopping. Of hat asphalt. #29 Maximum Design Deck- Pressure = 7 APA ra#edr 19f 92 CAT, 0.578 in.. Exposure 1, OSS sheathing to meet project requirements to satisfoCtlon of Authority Having Jurisdiction, Base Sheet- Fasteners; Elastobase or Polyglass Base TRUFAST Versa -Fast Fasteners & Plan with two (2) Screws per plate Installed 180' into the holes of the plater pLafa Ilel to the width direction of the Sheet - Spacing: 12-inch o.c. at the flinch wk k- side laps and 12-inch 0.c. at two ( 2 ) equally spared Staggered Cerlte r rows. Vnderlayrnent: Polyflex G, torch -applied. #30 KWIMUM Design Preswire = -7 f: be& MIn- 15/32-inch plywood to meet projerequirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdit#IoM1. ct Base Sheet: Pulyglass G2 Base or Polyglass Rase (requires use of torch-vpp+red unde6ay+rtent) Fasteners; Dekfast #14 with Dekfast Hex planes, OMG #14 HU with OMG 3" Caahralurne Steel Plates, 0MG Roofgrip #14 with OMG Flat Bottom Plates (AcpuTracj, Trufast HD with Trufast 3-leech I nsulation Plates or Sim Alex MA31X Cap Fasteners Spacing: IW"h 0-c- at the 4-inch wide side laps and 10-lnch o,r. at three (3J equally spaced staggered center FOWS. Underiayment= Elastoflex 56 G, applied in full mopping of hot aSph81t or torch -applied or Palydiex G, towh-applied, t131 M axi mu m Desi gn Pressure Deck: Min. 15/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Hawing Jurisdiction - Base Sheet_ Elastabase (sanded tap surface for hot-aspftia it or torch -applied cap or poly-flm surface fOr torch -applied tap) Fasteners, Venplex MAXX Cap Fasteners Spacing &inch o.rr at the 2-inch wide Side laps and 6-inch o-c- at two (2) equally spaced staggered Center rows, Undeflayment: EIastoflex S6 G, applied In full mopping Of hat asphalt or Polyflex G, tQFCh-2pplied- 932 Ma imum Design Pressure = -W rx5f: Deck: Min- 15132-inch plywood to meet project requ irem4nts to satisfaCtion of Authority HaYi ng }uriShc[tiork, Base Sheet: Elastobase (sanded top surface for hot -asphalt or torch -applied rap or Poly -film surface for tor(h-applied cap) fasteners; OMG #12 Standard Roofgrip or OMG i114 Heavy Duty wlth OMG 3" Round Metal Plates or CMG Flat Bottom Metal Plates 5pating: (cinch o.c. at the 4-inch wide side laps and 6-inch o.c. at three (3) equally Spaced staggered center rows- Underlayment; ElasWfiex $6 G, applied in full mopping of hot asphalt or Polyflex G, torah-applled- NErr10 pT[, Lt[, Eva I ua l .O n R Pp,,)rt P 12060.0+rA3L-lt27 FLi#59-R3Y CerVjArpfvaf,4rih twbr?O MS F EUITI0N12020)FBLHON-RVH7FVALUAT40N PVlyglass Roof Underiayments Revision 27! 09/1I12fl20 Page 11 of 17 VETO I etc. 433 Mmornum Design Pressure = -W OSf: Deck: Min. 1.5/3Z4nch Plywood to meet project requirements to wtisfartion of Authority Having Jurisdiction, Base Sheet; Elestolsase (sanded top surfacel Fasteners; Trufast to 12 DP or Trufast 1:14 Yip with Trufast 3" Meta I Insulation Piate9 Spacing: &.in& o.c. at the d-in€h wide side laps and 6-inch o. €- at three t3j equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment; Elastoflex S5 G, applied In full mopping of hat asoait_ 434 Maximum DeSogn Pressure = -90 Deck: Min, 15/32-Inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority HavIng. J urisdiction. Be se $heat; Poiyglas5 G 2 Base Or Polyglass Base (regUireS use of torch-OPPUed UFPderloyment) Fasteners: Dekfa st k14 with Pekfast Hex plates, OMG 914 HO with OMG 3" Galwalurne Steel Plates, 0 MG Roofgrip 114 with omG Flat Bottom Plates jAccuTra€1, Trufast KID with Trufast 3-Inch Insulation Plates or Simplex MAXX Cap Fasteners Spacing_ 9-i nch o_c_ at the 4-inch wide side laps and 9-Inch o.c. at four (4 j equally spaced staggered center rows. Undedayment: Elastoflex 56 G, applied in full mopping of hot asphaFt or tDreh,applied or Pohrflex G, torch -applied_ #35 MaximVrn Design Pressure = -9D.0 psf; Deck; APA rated, 7/16 CAT, 0.418 in„ Exposure JL, OSB sheathing to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having )Urisdictiorl. Base Sheet: Elastobase or PAula-H ide Nail Base (poly -film top surface) Fasteners: TRUFAST Versa -Fast Fasteners & Plates with two (21 screws per plate installed 18V Into the holes of the plate, pars Ilel to the width -direction of the sheet Sparing: 9-inch a.r. at the 2-inch wide side laps and 12-inch o-c_ at two W equal ly spaced staggered center rows. Prlmer; PG1.00 cK ASTM D41 primer applied to stress Plates, Base Ply: tOptionaII Polystltk MTS Plus, self -adhered. Underlayment; Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet. Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet (FR), Polyflex SA Pr Polyfiex 5A P FR, Palystiek TU Max, P(fystick TO P or Polystidk TU Plus, self -aid hered_ #36 M axim U m Design Pressu r ' Deck: APA Fated, 7116 CAT. 0,418 in_, Exposure 1, 05B Sheathing to meet project requirements to 5.atisfaction of Authority Having )U654ICtiQn. Base Sheet: Elastobm*Isandlop surface} Fasteners' TRUFAST VeFsa^Fast Fasters & Plates with two (2 � screws per plate i nstalled 1W into the hales of the plate, parallel to Fasteners the width -direction of the sheet sparing- 9-inch o,c. at the 2-inch wide Side laps and 12-inch o-c- at two (2) equally spaced Staggered center rows. Undrxrlayment; Elaskoflex $6 G, applied in full mopping of hot as0alt. ##37 MaAmum Design Pre$5urez -W-9_p f: Deck; APA rated, 7/26 C-AT. 0.418 in„ Exposure 1, OSB sheath ing to meet project require rnents to satisfaction of Authority moving Jurisdiction- Ba ye Sheet: Elastobase or Polyglass Base in5W lied 180' into the hales of the ply, parallel tO Kastene rs; TRU FAST Versa -Fast Fasteners & Plates with two 121 screws per plate the width -direction of the sheet Spacing' 9-i nch n_c_ at the 2-inCh wide side I ags and 12-inch o. r. at two {2) equally spaced staggered center row5- Undedayment_ Polylfex G, torch -applied. f#38 Maximum Design Pre55ufe = ..-97,SD : Deck; Min. 19132-inch p lywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction #f Authority Having J urisdiction- 8aw Sheet= Elastobase or MuLe-Hide trail flase ipoly-film top surface} Fasteners: 11 ga. x 1-25-inch x 3 f 8-i nch head diameter an nulae ring shank roofing nai Is at 1-5J8-inch diameter tin caps Spacing; 4-inch me. at the 4-inch wide side laps and 4-inch o.€- at four (4) equally spaced staggered center rows - Base Ply- (Optional) Polystick M1TS Plus, self -adhered_ Underlayment; Mule-Hlde SA -AP? Cap Sheet, Mole-H ide 5A-APP Cap Sheet j FR)r Polyflex 5A P, Po lyRex SA P F R. Po lystick TU Max, Pofystltk TU P Or Pofystick TU Plus, self -adhered. MEMO ETC, UJI! E val uatio n Report Pi 200.132.09-a27 CfrtrftWJ*gjfAW6& M-WM3N55 7T EDITtOM (20201 F9C N13N4 Hi EVALUATION FL5259JUI P4fygrrm Roe: Underlaym Fft Revision 27: 09/10)2020 Page 12 vt 17 ONEmo I etc. H39 Mdxirnum Design Pressure = -47.5j F: Deck APA rated, 19/32 CAT, 0-578 in., €xposure 1. OSS sheathing to meet project requirements to satisfaOon of Authority Having Jurisdiction - Base Sheet' Elastobase or Mu le -Hide Nail Base (poly -film top $urfacel Fasteners; SiknplexMAXXCap Nsteners Spacing: 6-inch o.r. at the 4-inch wile Side laps and 6-inch 4-c. at four J41 equally spaced staggered tenter rows - Primer; PC11]0 or ASTM D41 primer applied tv stress plates. Base Ply: (Optional Polystitk MTS Plus, self -adhered, Undeflayment: Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet (FR), Polb&x 5A Pr Polyflex SA P FRr Polystick TU Max, Polystiek TV P or Polystick TU Plus, self-adhered- "0 MaximWrq Design Pressure= - 7.5 osf: Deck: APA rated. 19132 CAT, 0.579 ift., Exposure 1, OSS 5heatfiing to meet project requirements to satisfaction of ALFthority Hawing Jurisdiction. Base Sheet; Elastobase (sand top surfaoej Fasteners: Simplex MAXx Cap Fasteners Spacing: 6-inch o.c. at the 4-inch wide side laps and (�-irirh o.c. at four (4) equally spaced staggered venter rows. Underlayment; Elastoflex S6 G. applied in full mopping of hot asphalt- 441 Maximum Design Pressure =.: = Deck: APA rated, 19132 CATr 0-578 in-, Exposure 1, OSB sheathing to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Au#horky Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet Vastobase or Potyglass 6dse Fasteners: Si mplex MAXX Cap Fasteners Spacing; {-inch o.c. at the 4-inch wide sloe laps and 6-inch o-c- at four f4) equally spaced staggered center rows- Underlayment' Polyflex Gr torch -applied, #42 Maximum i n Pirmure = -105 Deck: Min- 15J32-in€h plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Hawing Ju6sdi€tiun. sale Sheet: Eiastobase (sanded top surface for hot -asphalt or torch -applied Cap or poly -film surface for torch -applied rap) Fasteners: Sirnplex IMiAXX Cap Fasteners SpaCirtg: 6-inch o.c. at titre 1-inch wide side laps and 6-inch 0.c. at three N equally spaced staggered venter rows. Underlayment: Ela$t.0flex 56 G, applied in full mapping of hot asphalt or Polyfiex Gr torch -applied. 443 Maximum Design Pressure = -105.0 osf; Deck; APA rated, 7f 16CAT, 0.418 in-, Exposure 1, OSB sheathing to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Ha++ing Junsdictiark- Base Sheet; Elastobase or Mule -Hide Nail Base (poly -film top surface) Fasteners: TRUFAST Versa -Fast Fasteners & Plates with two (2) screws per plate installed 180' into the doles of the plate, parallel to the width -direction of the sheet Spacing; flinch D.C. at the 4-inch wide side laps and {-inch in-c. at three (3) equally spaced Staggered center rows, Primer: PG100 or ASTM D41 primer applied to stress plates, Base Ply: {OptionaII Polystick PATS Plus. self -adhered. U nderlaymeat; M ule-Hide SA,APP Cap Sheet, Mule- Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet (FIR), Polyl a SA P, Polyflex $A P F R, Polystick TU Max, Polysti€k TU P or Polysti6 TU Pl us, self-adhered- #414 Maximurn Oesign PLIssure = AMO Deck, APA rated, 7/16 CAT, 0.418 in-, Exposure 1. OSB sheathing to meek project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having luri$tlittion. Base Sheet: Elastobase (sa rid top surface) Fastener$: TRUFAST Versa -East Fasteners Sk Plates with two (2) screws per plate i nstalled IW Into th a holes of the plate, pare Ilel to the wwitikh-dlrmtion of the sheet Spacing 6-inch o.c. at the 4-inch wide side laps and 6-inch o-c. at three (3) equally spaced staggered center raw&. Underlayment: Elastoflex 56 G. applied irk full mapping of hot asphalt. NEW ETC, LK. Ewpluation Report 1512060.02.D9427 4:eJ4kz"zfAuahWm pmJV3N55 7— EDI TK3N W201 FBC NON-HVHI EVALUATION F►5259.O1i Polyglass Roof Vrkderlayments liewisiari Z7= 091X/20M Ppse13of17 ONE O I etC. #45 Maximum Desilm Pressure = -105.0 IYsf: Deck; APA rated, 7/16 GAT, 0.418 in., Exposure 1, 05B sheathing to meet project requirements to Satisfaction all' Authority Having Jurisdlctron. Base sheet= Elastobase of Palyglass Base Fasteners; TRUFAST Versa -Fast Fasteners & Plates with two 121 screws per plate in5talied 100' into the holes of the plate, parallel to the width -direction of the sheet Spacing-. finch o.C. at the flinch wide side laps and fi-inch mc. at three (3) equally spaced staggered Center rows- Unperkayment- POlyflexG, torch -applied. #46 maximum Dgs90 Pres�zkl . = -112.5 DSf; Deck; Min. 19f 32-in€h plywood to meet project requirernerits to satisfaction of Authority Having Ju risdiction. Vase Sheet- Elastobase or Mu1.-Hide Nall Base Ipoly-Fllm top surface) Fasteners; 11 ga. x 1. Z5-inch x 318-inch head diameter annuiar ring Sha nk roofing nails at 1-5/8--inch diameter tin cap$ Spacing; 6-i nc h o. c. at the 4--inch wide side laps a nd Crinch o.c. at four (4) eq ua lly spared staggered renter rows - Prime(; PG100 or ASTM D41 primer at all tin -caps Base Ply: Polystick MTS P lus, self-adhefeii U nderlaymerit. Mule -Hide $A-APP Cap Sheet, Mule` H Ide SA-APP Ca p sheet I F R), PO"CX 5A Pr Po Iydkex $A P F R. Po lystick TLI Max, Polystick TU P or Polystick TU Plus, self -adhered. 447 Maximum Design Pressure = -320gsf; Deck: Min- 1s13�-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Hawing JuriSOCtipn. Base Sheet: Elastobase (sanded top surface for hot -asphalt Or torch -applied tap or poky-FlIm surface for torch -applied cap) Fasteners- OMG a12 Standard RWfgrip or i3MG oil Heavy Duty with OM 3" Round Metal Plates or OMG Flat Bottom Moto Plates Spacing: 6-Inch C-c- at the 4-Inch wide side laps and 6-Inch o.c. at five (5) equally spaced staggered center rows- Underlayment: Elastoflex 56 G, applied in full mopping of hot asphaft or Pokyflex G, torch-applied- #48 Maximum Design Pressure = -120 asf: Deck: Min. 15f32-inch plywoodta meet project requirements to Satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheev Elastobase (sanded top surf") Fasteners: Trufast ir12 DP or Trufast U14 HD with Trufast 3" Metal Insulation Platen spacing- fsknch p-r- at the 4-1 rich wide side laps and 6-inch o. c- at five (5) equally spaced staggered center rpw5- Underlaymern; ElastofleK 56 G, applied in full mopping of hot asphalt. #49 Maximum De5i W Pressure = -127.5 IOSf: Deck; APA rated, 19132 CAT, 0-579 in., Exposure 1, OSB sheathing to meet project requirement t0 sdtksfactlon of Authority Hdwlrg Jurisdiction - Base Sheet; Elastabase or Mule -Hide Nail. Base (poly -film top surfacel Pa$teners- 7RUl=AST Versa -East Fasteners & Plates with one (2) strew per plane, in the center hole. spacing- -inch c-c. a# the 4-inch wide Side laps and 9-inch p-c- at four (4) equally spaced staggered center rows - Primer: PG 100 or ASTM D41 primer applied to stress planes. sa$e Ply- (Optional) Polystick MTs Plvs, Wf,adhere0- Underlayment: Mule-H Ide SA-APP Ca p Sheet, M ule-Hide SA,APP Cap Sheet ( FR 1, PolyHex SA P, Polyflex SA P FA, Polystkk TU Max, Polystick TU P or Ptlystick TU Plus, Self -adhered. 050 Maximum Design Pressure = -127,5 Deck: APA rand. 1$f32 CAT, 0.578 In.. Exposure 1. 058 sheathing to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authorty Having Jurisdiction. Base sheet: Elastobase {sand tap su rfacej Fasteners; TRU FAST Versa -Fast Fasteners & Plates with one (1) serew per plate, in the Center We. Spacing; 9. inch mc. at the 4-inch wide side laps and 9-inch o.c. at #our (4) equally spaced $taggered center rows. Vnderlayrnent: E lastoflex 56 G, applied In full mopping of hot asphalt. #51 Maximum Design Pressure = -227.5 osf: Deck.. APA rated, 19132 CAT, 0.579 In., Exposure 1, OSS sheathing to meet project requirements t0 sadtlsfaction of Authority Hawing Jurindlctiarr. Base Sheet: Elastobase or "glass Ruse Fasteners; TR UFAST Versa -Fast Fasteners & Plates with one (1 j screw per plate, in the center hole- Spacing- 9-irich o-c- at the 4-Inch wide side Laps and 9-1rich o.c- at four 34� equally spaced staggered center rows. Underkayment; Polytlex G, tord}applied. MEMO M LLC- Evaluation Report P1206Q.02.09-M27 ce+r;I;Mffl OfA[NwAmeian 03M S 7' EDrTION I2020) FBC MOr4-HVk4Z EVALUATION FL5155-R31 Pr,1yRlass Roof Unded4wrrwnts Rewi}Ice i 7: 09110f 2020 page 14of17 NNE MO I etc. 5.9 ExoosiIre f_imitIkM TABLE 3= EXPOSURE LmAITATIONS 'Prepared Roof Cower maximum U^ 1� I nsta I latAon Type Exposure(daysi ELastobdse, Elastabase Pr Polyglass G 2 5M of POWLaSS 3a5P Mechanically attached 30 PpIystickIR•%earPOlystickMU-X MecNoIcdllyanached 90 Ho reGuard Dual Pro, HydraG ward Tile PrO, Polystick MTS Plus, Palystick TU Max, Polystick Any type (per Table 11 ISO TU P, PD"ick TU Plus or Palystitk XFR Elbstoflex S6 G, Elastoflex 56 G FR, Mule -Hide WAPP Cap Sheet, Mule, Hide SA -A PP Cap Adhesive —set the roof system 18U Sheet (FR), Palyflex G, Polytlex G F Rr Paly#lex SAP or Polyflex SA P FR Methan ically attached UNUM ITFp 5.10 Til e S11 o page Limgations; When loading roof tiles on the underlayment in direct -deck the roof assemblies, the maximum roof slope shall be as follows, These slope limitations can only be exceeded by using battens during loading of the roof Vies - TABLE 4: 1ILE SUPPAGE UL41TATIOH5 F4R DIRECT -DE" TILE INSTALLATIONS Underlaymmt Tile Profile Staging Method Maximum Staging Slope Elasmflex 56 G or S6 G FR Flat CIF Lagged 6-tile stack f4 over 2) Prohibited without battens Hyd"vard Tile Pro Flat or Lugged 6-tile stack (4 ower 2) 7:12 Polyllex G or G FR Fiat or Lugged 6•tiie stack (4 over 21 4:12 Polyflex SA P ar SA P FR Flat or Lugged 6-tile stack �4 oviar z) 4:12 Flat 6-tile stack (d Over 2) 5:12 PONS16 k MTS Plus Lugged Mile Stack (4 over 2) 4-12 Flat 6-tile stack (4 over 2) or 14tile stack 7.12 Polystiick TU Mak Lugged 6-file stack (4 over 2) 7z12 Lugged 10-tike stack 6:12 Palys6ck TU P Flat or Lugged (-tile stack (4 over 2) 7:12 Flat OF Lined Mile stack (4 over 2) 7:12 Pot tick TU Plus � Flat or Lugged 10-tile stack 6:12 Polystick XFR Flat or LuS29d Prohibited without battens Prohibited withoakt battens NEMU ETC, LLC. Evilurtioh "irt P120%01.04-R27 Ceft%M eALk"imhr mJ32455 7" FG1TICI N (2020) FK NON-HYH2 EVALUAT14N FL5259-All P01VAlaSi Roai Un derlaY merdU Revklan 27: 09130 f 2am P*Be 25 of 17 NMEMO I etc. 61 Polyglass Roof Underlayments shall be installed in accordance with Polyglass published installation instructions subject to the Limitations set fortis in Section 5 herein and the specifics noted below- 6.2 Re -fasten any loose decking panels, and check for protruding nail heads- Sweep the substrate thoroughly to remove any dust and debris prior to application. and prime the substrate {if applicable}. 6.3 Elastobase, Eliastabase P or Mule -Hide Nail Sass- G.11 Non•T11eADWicatlons: Shall be installed in compliance with requirements for an auproved mechanically attached underlayment JASTM D226, Type 11) in FRC Table 1S07.1.1.1 or FBC Residential Table R945.1. LI for the type of prepared roof covering to be installed, and the manufacturer's installation instructions. FBC requirements take precedence over the manufacturer's installation instructions, Elastobase, Elastobase P or Mule -Hide Nail Base may be covered with a layer of Polystick IR-Xe, Pokystick MTS Plus, Pokysti€k MU-X, Polystick TU Max, Polystick TU P, Polystick TU Plus, Polystick XFR, Polyflex SAP, Polyflex SA P FR, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet or -APP Cap Sheet (FR), self -adhered, Elastoflex 56 G or ElastofIex S6 G FR in hot asphalt or Polyflex G or Polyflex G FR, torch applied- Roof cover limitations are those are those associated with the tap -layer underlayment, as set forth in Table I. 6.3.2 TiileAnoiications: Elastobase {poly-f l-rn top1, Elastobase P (poly -film top) and Mule -Hide Nail Base are limited to use as a mechanically attached base shut i n th e "T &-PLY SYSTEM* from FRSA f TR1 Florida Hl gh Wind Concrete and Gay Roof Tile installation Manual, Sixth Edition, followed by Pclystick MT5 Plus, Polystick TU Max, Polystick TU P, Polystick TU Plus, PolystGck XFR, Polyflex SAP, Polyflex $A P FR, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet or SA-APP Cap Sheet {FR}, self -adhered or Polyflex G or Polyflex G FR, torch -applied. Tile roof installation method is limited by the selected Cap Sheet, as set forth in Table 1- Refer to Section 5.8-3.2 herein fcar attachment requirements. 6-3-2-2 El astabase (san d ed-top) a nd Elastobase P (sanded-top)e a re limited to use as a mechan ica I ly attached base sheet i n the "TWO- PtY SYSTEM" from FRSAfTRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Roof Tile lro"fation Manua;, Sixth EdItionr followed by Elastoflex S6 G, Elastoflex $6 G FR or an FBC Approved Mineral Surfaced Cap Sheet (ASTM a63801, asphalt -applied or Polyflex G or Polyflex G FR, torch -applied- Tile roof installation method is limited by the selected Cap Sheet, as set forth in Table 1, 41 When Elastobase I;sanded -top ) or EIastobase P (sanded -top) is followed by asphalt -applied Elastoflex S6 G, Ela5toflex S6 G FR or F9C Approved Mineral Surfaced Cap Sheet {ASTM D6380), refer to FFGAfTRl, Sixth Edition, Appendix A, Table i or Section 5-8-3-2 herein for attachment requirements - When Elastabase (sanded -tops or Elastobase P (sanded-topI is followed by torch-ap: ed Polyflex G or Polyflex G FR, refer to Section 5-8-3-2 herein for attachment requirements- 6.4 HydraGuard Dual Pro, HydraGuard Tile Pro, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet, Mule -Hide SA-APIP Cap Sheet (FR), PolyfIex SA Pr] Polyflex SA P FR, Pplystick IR -XP, Polystick MT5 Plus, Polysti[k MU-X, Polysthck >! U MaXr Pplystick TU P, Palystick TU Plus Gr II Polystick XFR: 6-4-1 n r l- All seal -lap seams (selvage laps) must be firmly rolled with a In accordance with Polyglass requicernents to ensure full contact and adhesion- For HydraGuard Dual Pro and HydraGuard Tile Pro, align the edge of the top sheet to the end of the glue pattern (the sheet will overlap the fabric). VWw of Ovehar Seam i i I bI}:i1e:»ard 6uil l}r0 and HydraGuard Tilt Prq MEMO ETC, LLr. Eva Iuation Report P1?W_02,O5-R27 Cert'ficatr o�Aad�rtlroariarr A92+A55 71" FDimN l742U1 FBC NON-HhAi2 EVALUAMON FL52W11.31 Palwglass Roof Undreiaympnts rtevision 77:04{3pf34ZP Page 1$ of 17 04NEAA0 I etc. 6-4-2 Non -Tile ADD Iicatlons: Shall be installed in compliance with requirements for an approved self -adhering underlayment JASTM D1970) in FRC 1507.1.1.1 or 1507,1.1.3 ar FBC Residential R90S.1.1.1 or R905.1.1.3 for the type of prepared roof covering to be installed, and the manufacturer's installation instructions. When installed over a meChanicaIly attached base sheet of FBC Approved ASTM D226, Type 11 felt, EIastobase, Elastobase P of Mule -Hide Nail Base, the base sheet shall be fastened in accordance with FBC 1507.1.1 or R905.1.1. 6-4-3 Tile Applications fexcludes boe raGruard Dual Pro. Polystick lR-Xe and PaWtitk MU —Xi: Shall be installed in compliance with the requirements for Self -Adhered Membrane set faith in FRSAjTRI Fforidu Nigh Wind Concrete and Cloy hoof Fife Installation Manual, Sixth Edition and the manufacturer's installation instructions. Refer to Section 5.8.3 herein for attachment limitations. Refer to Table 4 herein for the staging Iimitations. 6-4.4 Multi_Ply UnderlavmentSystems. Polystick MTS Plus or Polystick X F R followed by HydraGuard Tile Pro, Polyflex SA P. Polystick NM Plus, Polystick MU-Xr Polysti[k TU Max, Polystick TU P, Polystick TU Plus or Polystlrk X F R Is allowable for use under mechanicaily attached prepared roof systems. Limits of use are those associated with the top -layer material. This is not a requirement, but is allowable if a 2-ply underlayment system is desired. Polystick FATS Plus followed by HydraGuard Tile Pro, Polyflex SA P, Polystick TU Max, Polystick TU P or Polystick TU Plus is al lc wa ble for use unde r ad hesive- set the systems. Limits of use are those associated wi th the top -layer material. This is not a requirement, but is allowable if a 2-ply undedayment systern is desired. 6.5 Elastoflex 56 G or VastofIex S6 G FR; 6.5.1 Shalf be installed in cor-a aance with requirements as an alternate to the "Hot Asphalt Applied Cap Sheet" In the "Two Ply System" in the fRWRI Florida Nigh Wind Concrete and Clay Roof Tile Instalictim Manual, Sixth Edition, and the rn.3 n ufactu rers installation instructions, Refer to Section 5-8,2 and 5.8-3 herein for attachment limitations - Refer to Table 4 herein for the staging Iimitations- 6.6 P Iyflex C or PalyfIex C FR: 6,61 Shall be installed in compliance with requirements as an alternate to the "Heat Applied Cap Sheet" in the "Two Ply System' in the FRSAJTRI Florida Nigh Wind Concrete and [lay Roof Tile Installation Manaof, Sfxth Edition, and the manufacturers installation instructions - Refer to Section 5-8-3 herein for attachment limitations - Refer to Table 4 herein for the staging Iilmitations- As required by the Building Official or Authority Haring Jurisdiction to properly evaluate the installation of this produtt. Contact the named QA entity for manufacturing facilities covered by F.A.C. Rule 61G20-3 C]A requirements. Refer to Section 4 herein for products and production locations having met codified material standards- UL LLC — QUA9E 2S..4.141 248 6409; Karen-bychmann0ul.com - END OF EVALUATION REPORT - NEMQ IFrC, LLC- Evaluation Rrpnrt P17O60,02-09-R27 cerejimPWfFA k3ri WJrJZ455 7r" ENTION [20201F9tNON41VHZ EVALLAT10H Et-5759-R31 PaIvRlass Roof Undetlayments 1le6lylpn 27' 1)9/nj4210 Page 17 of 17