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PERMIT# L2107-0115 ISSUE DATE allull',NNllll titlflt i!Il1PaI191AiIINIh PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division ldl�' �t 1� 4r It r ' � ITF:iretsr BUILDING PERMIT IIII8111111 11 illil!li I;!I!IIIIIIIIfIR�s SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Lrl C-- have agreed to be (Cp6mPaq Name/Individual Name) the I 'LG.\, Sub -contractor for Paul Jauin &Sons, Inc (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 5701 Environment Dr, Ft Pierce, FL 34981 (Project Street Address or Property Tax 1D #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. VV() CONTRACTOR ,9 G URE (Qualifier) Michael Jacqum l%40 3 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of Si� �QQ The foregoing instrument was signed before me this "day of psi .204, by who is personally knownor has produced a 1as/iid/e�/ntiification /� ry� �� V IM A . (_I IY/l-A—AD STAMP Signature or Notary Public �4aud-le 1 )ayIS Print Name of Notary Public Rig Stale dvbioa HM 062026 Revised 11/16/2016 FeZIMA�r �7.��.z• . . • . g,lr i E7L 130© � 1� 9 :1' COUNTY CERTIFICATIO NUMBE State or Florida, County of u- 170 The foregoing instrument was signed before me this _A& day a( ,20JJ,by C who is personally known or has produced a as ideal atim,. STAMP Slgnamreo Notary Pnblic �51.I.. It BARBARA0 MOLINE IAS"k - Commission#GG166267 Print Name of Notary Public "'al F,< EzpiresApd17,2022 Far asae 9ordM7lruaWyMWW1'senkw