HomeMy WebLinkAboutEngineering CONTRACTOR:,Mmter Craft Aluminum WIND SPEED AND EXPOSURE HAVE BEEN DETERMINED USING THE ADVANCED DESIGN CRITERIA: TECHNOLOGY COUNCIL'S WEBSrrE APPBcebleCod-Re¢ulail¢m.e¢dSla¢deds AND GOOGLE EARTIL '•�• •'2�% L TheSthEditlon(2014)Florida Building Code,specifically Chapter l6 Structural Design, �•• a 6' Chapter 20 Aluminum.and Chapter 23 Wood RECEIVED = � �U r. 2.AA ASM 35and Specifications for Aluminum Structures,Pen l-A ofthe Aluminum Design p * 6 O;Z- Manual prepared by The Aluminum Association,Inc.Washington,D.C.,2010 Edition and D-; the Guide to Aluminum Constriction in high wind arms,2010. - V 6L � O= 3.ASCE 7-10. SEP 22.2017 ���•.� Z 60 •0j Wind Loads - - MI77ING „ �G�` 1.BuildingOccupancy Cam .pp ' OL•,••••• n p y gory,Paragraph 1604,5 end cable l604.5: lUsk Cete¢ory 2. $ C,r4E Unt�FL /// '7,� CEO\ 2,Basic Paragraph I609.71 aaeble 1609C,dTable 1609.31 Equivalente ofF!odds uie Ward Speed: WiadSpeed, •�fgC'OG/9 4�pys /// �C1 Vmr-15o MPH.Vans-116 MPH `9 • 3.Expoeuro Ceteg.i"p. 1W 1tio".3: E:oasurcB �'IJph��CF�F/4}OQ PROFESSIONAL 6EAL 4.Building Category for Aluminum5tructurts,Paagnph 2002.6: Cate rvTYPE2-GI.ASSRGGM•Non-Hablteble,UncomdlNoned �j• 9,9 �/ CO'PQ 9l'i�sa 99''°s Roar a '7pp�C FO FO FO 11.RooafType:EXISTING - �6s90h rOgs o��o4s OTC ul 2.RoofMamriaL EXISTING '98 9AO 1p- u) d Fcondntton D. Wf ED d Esl tt.¢eoncrete.No addlttomal concrctefootine or slabtsn.ulred to wyt theloads FS Imposed by the mromosed eanrtruetioo if the extsN...,.b ts.mnlas 4'Ihlck with.. LL Q1Jet dZi 8"x8"161cke.ed Bleb<dxe and Insauxd eondlttae free from elneNrelenckln¢, +1�-� K aoallln¢, ,.,b deterloretioo. 1 LU � I d a ;,'1�• 2%J W 9 Th.Spe olanom 2 C The[allowing specifications are applicable to this pmjecC I.All workahall he in accordance with the 5th Edition(2014)Florida Building Cade,and any F4 W d 0d a o 1 01 ther applicable local codas and regulations. :ry�h- 2.Alumimum extrusions shall be 6005 TS Alloy.Dun to quality control issue,co "" - moufanturersubstiritiontsacceptable wi0mutthe specific written.signedand seald ,(';`-��' 3%3%0.070 authorization ofSumerast Aluminum Engineering,LLC. 1 EXISRN TRUSS $ 3.Sereea Materiel:Design based on 18114 or2=0 Better View.Any other material most be 8 _ ROOF approved •-N ry} Z 4.Fnstcoera-required to b._-.3lon resistml,metier-SAE Garde 2 orbett.rzi.plated I.ASTM B637,or coated italdeas steel aeries"300",oruncoatd steialeu steel redea 400'. N J 0 S.AG SelfMating Beam Sections meto he stitched with chherg14 screws 6"from ends and 'F� 24"eentercemeror Nl2screws6"from ends and 12'cenm ter tender. 6. m nomloration shall be determined by convector inthe Held cc When concrete specthcatiam are requited.whether in the sormis enclosure scope or not,by I Q W d y 7'-0" 11 oarormere regulatory agency.the followiogapeeifioanons ere eppliaebla sF� ppsi F a C....ete shall conform to ASTM C94 for the fo0owiug components: Z i L Portland Cement Type 1,ASTM C 150 � �gq ,�10 Isg� 3E3E3E il.Aggrtgetas•Large Aggregate 3/4"mu•ASTMC33 ,�,_ B'-11� eN W 7F R .. fiL Aircmtrelning+/-I%-AS7MC260 ZAB'-11x iv.Watet reducing agent-ASTM C 494 v.Clean Potable water n vL Ottrer admixtures not permitted A-2 A-2 i b.Metal ecceuories'lien conform to: L Refaforcfmg Bas-ASTMA615,grade60 a iL Welded wire fabric-ASTM A185 c.Concrete slump at discharge chute net lea than 3"or mom than 5".Water added 3 s7 2 3 i after hachingtsmtpermittcd d 's� "r ■ d Pupae eon place com<rcte per American Concrete Inn Me Manual of Stendud ALL ELECTRICAL 70 BE �I 'o A 2 FryS V1 Practice,Parts 1.2.ad 3 including hat weetherraommedatiam. - - - - I - cis e Moiacure or polyethylene cudugpermitted - INSTALLED PER 5TN h N 3 2 3 L Prior to placing caurcte,treat the entire subsurface am&for temu '::� iesincompliance EDITION(2014�FLORIDA withth.FBC. BUILDING COD ti a.1;P.•:":y ,'`5^' x'..'ck.`;%•�"`:T;"`."'�"'I�. OC g.Concrete'.hatl be plead over a polyethylcma vaporbanicc x r• y;r j' "•'"}'� Rn'4• 4 a,;,.W b.Ali aluminum components embedded within coucrete shag be coated with COMPGNENTS dr CLADDING - a 3 V bituminous paints epoxy. DESIGN PRESSURES FOR WINDOWS/DOORS: 24'STUCCO r a.All lumber and plywood shag have grade marks and treatment idcntificatioa and Shell �•+ confmm to the following +25.9 PSF/-34.7 PSF (T-) _ - D! us a Fanning lumber shall be minimum em.2 southemyellowpine and have a maximum Cj a A-2 O g g,Y, -- -'^'moistute'contcatoflS%:-` - --- - --- -- - -- _ ____ _`_ a Is.Pica sae treatments shall be osmosalts,carouse k-33•wommudts or celcure,as -- - - --- ------ _- --- _--- ----- '0=.-2,j ---- recommeded for the use condition.Pressure treated lumber shall be impregnated with a con sell treatment in accordance with Ea.tt•w-571 and beat the America DRAWN BY Wood Preaervetivu Institute quality mak 1p-2. 4'-5�e 6'-11a. GD e.Wall She-thing:APA rated Sheathing,thicknea as indicated,Exposure 1. d Aluminum members that are uncoated shall be separated from PT lumber by 304 Celt DATE DRAWN paper,10 and polyethylem sheet ar equivelem matcdnl. ,gyp 08/22/17 9.Conhantorshell provide Florida Product Approval information as to the exact window being utilized for this project.i-oiling menufactumn specifications,and Installation methods for p " TIFTSInv REVISION anchodag the submittedwfedows to Aluminum members and specific sizes is indicated oa ST.LUC3F CgPNTY LZL... Cr A.I. j7EVIF:11'LDFOR C() LIAN E 10. Coatraet-li.11provlda any additional bazkimg and archon as required by the window. RYVIENNID BY File CC a amufaturces.,.-ded procedures. II. All glass panels within 24'ofa door opening shag be oftempend glass per DATE FBC-1 308.4 PLA. RIND PEw Y MUST BE UPTON JOB SNEEr NO: 12. Ali flashing andwea0urymofingshollbeprovidedbythecontractor. OI;�.OI\SP£CTIOV•WILLBEMADE•- - - - _ - 13. Um of these prim ankaowledgas and amepts a lim t of liabgity mt to exceed design sad A engineering Cee. - -1-- ALUMINUM MEMBERS DIMENSIONS HOLLOW SECTIONS _ \% x3:2'x3"x0.050" \\ . 2 ,V/�J//;• 2x4:2"x4:x0.050" •C ••�•• Z�i 2x5:2'x5"x0.050" _ ' Cl.LL Z. _ OPEN)JACK SECTIONS h �( �6 Q O•: �'L' Ix2:1"x2"x0.040" =a;U.1) 11-- 10:I"x 3"x 0.045" I I SNAP SECTIONS I I i(f 1d,' N`: 2X2 Snap:2"k2"x0.045" CHAIR RAH,MEMBER I I _ //,`OL'•,'•. .......•'•O!�`� 2 x3 Snap;2'x "x0.0 W 2x4Snep:2"x 4"%0.045 0.070• 45" 3°x POST I I , — — II*II''P AAA SELFA7ATING(SMB) I — I I PROF 41 LSEAL 2 z4 SMB:2"X4"x0. _z0.100" I I — 2x5SMB:2"x5"X0.050"x0.100" I I I I 2"x T x 1)a'ANGLEVJ CHS)CEI 2%6SNM:2"z6"x0.050"x0.120". I - (4)Y,2x ia°EANGLE%V 2 x 7 SMB:2"z 7"z 0.057"x 0.120" I I 2°X Y x 3"x 1I8"ALUMANGLE El 2 x 8 SMB:2"x8"x 0.072"x0.124" 1°z 3•RCWf 1/P CONCRETE I I EACH 910E OF UPRIGHT UPRIGHT' 9CREWIGHT&A&•FROM I I W3WOLAx3"CONCRETE L 2z93MB;2"k9"X0.072"x0.124" UPRIGHT&AT24'O.C. I ANCHORS ON EACH SIDE I I O LLi d 4 2XIOSMB:2"x10"x0.092"x0.398" 6i 3(MIN.23/4'EMBEDJ (d)M14x 314"6M9 SCREWS I I � d� NMMMMMOMW FASTENER BUGH DISTANCE:12° I I LL 91 -a Q MQJAIUM FASTENER SPACBJO:3/4° � — CONCRETE SCREW ANCHOR: A: :a.• 1 Z Z SIMP SONTIIENHD OREQUIVALENT y' SSff 4 STET&FETAL SCREw9(SMSI: lIW/BUILDEXOREQUIVALENT O Q w m ?Ed r� a ]3"x 3"POST TO DECK CONNECTION DETAILS C. CHAIR RAIL TO UPRIGHT DETAIL A-2 SCALE NTS A-2 SCALE:NTS J Z gµ_ W ,Z a Lu C{ $z i �� CONC.HEADER: lA W ^ VC x 4"CONCRETE SCREW ANCHOR®24°O.C. WOOD HEADER: LL WOOD HEADER: (1)3W'x3"LAG SCREW INTO HEADER a EXISTING woad. Wlro.c.00 SCREWS HEADER - CONCRETE HEADER /I Y10x3^WOOD SCREWS,6" ®1Y O.C. ANCHORINT HEADERETESCREW LL FROM GIRT&®1Y O.C. ANCHOR INTO HEADER CONC: ' il4'x23/4'CONCRETE SCREWANCHORS,G' — — —� --FROM GIRT&@ 24.O.C. I - _ 2"x 2.OR Y X 3'HOLLOW 1 EXISTING - SECTIONGU2T _ I HEADER •I 2'x3•HOLLOW - Q 3 W SECTION _ Yx YX11IrWLONOANGLE V40Oo; 2°x3"HOLLOW ¢ W - ---- _---,NV(3)YI4X314°EACH Y10x4"WOOD BCREr— SECTION MAXEACY10X3' MS-e" FLANGE— MAX EACH 910E OF P09T O d —®JY_O.C._ AND 2M O.C.MAX Q g J ce 114"CIAX 4"CONCRETE -- 2'XYx0.126'ALUMANGIEWf 2°X3 SCREWANCHOR®24°O.C. (4)014 x 31r SMS INTO UPRIGHT DRAWN BY 2"X 3"HOLLOW SECTION 2°x UPRIGHT GD ExISTINGHOST DATE DRAWN 08/22/17 File-Copy C-� 2X3 TO HOST STRUCTURE DETAIL B-� 1X2 TO HEADER DETAIL A-2 SCALE:NT9 A-2 SCALE,Nr3 B-2 POST TO HEADER DETAIL A-2 ecALE Nrs ' SHEE7NO: A-2 Q. m 10 NQ.� Z °o .,y.[ *pEz,. • P�E I SAL�� O O ui c „) d d U. Lu z -g99 � z o a LLu d zF d r. LLI . _ (3)Y12x3f4°SMS u Z IRE 3 1/B°x 2'x 2"EXTRUDED I I INTO DJ z Vr py L., ANGLE 5032 H-32ALLOY I 1°x3'RECENNO D W:7 � V.3'/1'x 3°RC- • • CHANNEL I • E FASTEN PLYWOOD SHEATHING it WI012x 1..MSR S•O.C.AT PERIMETERAND MTERIOR YUI SUPPORTS SLAB IFOOTING ,wcxaxe ec`nwurt _ SEEPLAN C' SIDE VIEW 4 ,� 1lP COX OVER TY-VEXAND (1)3W OIA.CONCRETE Q 3 V 71S"STUCCO FINISH OVER SCREWANCHORS F PAPER BAC10=0 WIRE LATH (2114°GONG.EMBED) I U fq W WITH LATH SCREWS I I UPRIGHT lL S RL�pp PRE-HUNG K e+l PE-MSTINOM GRADE - —DOORJAMB_ _--_ ONO -n= = =DRAWN BY G CONCRETE GD 1'x3°RCWI(31N14x3I4"SMS a DATE DRAWN EACH SIDE 1'x W RECEIVING CHANNEL J ANCHORED TO CONC W/1/<° G8/22I'I7 CONCRETE SCREWANCHOR ° (MIN.1 v4"EMBED) ° •'A ->•,�;• REVISION S"MAX EACH SIDE OF POST ;• AND 24.O.C.MAX - '�C-'2 2"x 3"OR LARGER UPRIGHTTO DECK DETAILS FRONT VIEW ° File c® - SCALE:NTS SHEETNO: A-3 DJ-'l UPRIGHT TO CONCRETE 0 PRE-HUNG A� DOOR LOCATION DETAIL A 3 SCALE:NTS