HomeMy WebLinkAboutProject Information City of Port St. Lucie Building Department 121 SW Port St. Lucie Blvd Supplemental Fasteners - Port St. Lucie, FL 34984 Inspection Affidavit 772-871-5132 • Web Site: http://www.cityofpsl.com P " To Schedule Inspections http://pandapublicweb.cityofpsi.com Supplemental Fasteners Inspection Affidavit PERMIT#XI.61-1700Y'027-2, CONFIRMATION# ❑ G eral Contractor ElBuilding Contractor ❑Residential Contractor I, U`TI/y0 y jlqPAmuQ Licensed as a(n): Roofing Contractor ❑Structural Engineer ❑Architect (print name and check license type) ❑Certified Bldg Inspector under F.S.468 A ❑ Property Owner as per F.S.489.103 License# C C G 3 3 l a G j did'personally inspect the Roof Deck Nailing Only work on of property (date) located at �2 y© t3�'fl�`'Y 19 ���' -�q 9,a,Port St.Lucie,FL (Job Site Address) • All re-roofs regardless of value shall comply with the following: • Re-nailing:All sheathing and decking shall be re-nailed per section 201.1 of the Hurricane Mitigation Retrofit Manual and a secondary water barrier installed. • Existing fasteners that are 8d clipped head,round head or ring shank and spaced 6 in.or less o.c.may be counted.Additional fasteners shall be 8d rink shank nails with round heads spaced at 6 in.o.c.along framing. ***Must schedule DRIN Inspection with Bldg Department*** Based upon this examination,I have determind that the installation was done according to the Hurricane Mitigation Retrofit Manual(based on F.S.553.844) ISigfratur Seal and Date �7zLp Print lfarrte VICTORIA A.OAWW ANNOTARY PUKIC STATE OF FLOPMA ExpW. Conn 9 MUeu-o o C-� Notary Signature Sworn before me on this day of NACU 20 9 ''y Personally known P duc d ID Type of ID cn State of Florida County of. 4? zlF-,F 14 aOT R _ tk c- ;,�" x^.�+ 3a "7 �' 73„rr �. '-� �` � 1 +� �E'' �+�s"� Y�a� t��a : '`A R y` ;. k'#' "`,';, •1ti F Ex .< i "3 Y'1 4s we I5 � ct s �''B�s.� h y;"� ''4 d ,ter s� a4 ,'€?°�,�'i '*:; 'qa 'ohs #Px'. s `s� ' ,ems `t �8 � �'..." 1 xa ';•:: ` F x�f,y } �. y ik 3r �q�v , .fr x' its y#• 1 � a I r Y .f �'sasw� . i i i � c - r.�CJ� ,C .r L q 'x,,. f s �'�."" ,t' `r � w4 S; 4 ET �� � f' &Y x1fs8d3r^ '� . �i L f a a -': 4,`a'^zt �f ��u4 } � E +'A 'l i s i ' � T ,n.x ^^>�f¢7711 P3t�� �3`,k° iz ' 3 gs n tz € z1k ti� MW 2i a y� � i3� JW - ��r. F},,t�. ' - rf s # (s.: t„ 3 t 1 }F d � a (a-� k t J-- ,� H r S ,ea ✓ -i . A �r 'r r �t: �, � x' ` -� ''OVA ':; t v y �' � . a �,+s { `x .� i 3 P 4',� �X56 'F� � 'tJ (" Y f yy S-f a ty �'�"x.D3 ]{ { T .,, s �r i � t,bad .-�t 1 sr �•[.r '1s"1 y1 - ,. z f .; x' i a t� i t,c �� °�a Sfv� 3 3� m s ,:s y' > t.„ , r:I ae U, J' � ,�f: } y zf #f a` aR .,s,YUA�. T -.i !g ' t g 3 r' A x as s4wv by �, w�5� a.�yY* �'s s tx 1 s'�Ry.'rA't 1 4a '. a: t ii z '"t 46 r� .�`s'Ln .9 E pia a 1a y e 'a"" a 4� 3,� •v �, Hills� WIN PEN ,����� ,�R �«y ���"a• �fw �.�""� '}"� !'��� � x;i � q5� J�,� �� +� �i rid k 7h� i'{ � If c i a as r ti Nv_++ y § Wa,. t � f as °sb91 �its to 10 .}} "has �A "#'8 5 a � r �3 at1�k,'S �i c t ��rz .,,i '.q.eR�' a ;, sal a IS; NO dii 'r C`^k• ,�. 4 $ tk qfj y r } Z I t �y B; K IR � I Two:4 s °wall Nis .� t `€ r $ s41 r E �'rimi �i s a �E t tt� s 7 �' 'usA . i as t� tz 1 �d f ,' �aaF �yy� v � A , y t FiE $� s —`{t s To 1 ' fi h- Metal Roof Certification & Listing Program kEYSTON9__ Certification Ror°t Im t ` 11030-002-KCIt:, 1'45 Limekiln Road,Suite 100E tsstJe Dated 10 27/2017 iUew,CumberIan�11d,PA 17070 , Revision Date 10/27/2017 { p, irtion 0WWW.Keystonecertscorn e 27/2022 FL Lf S 9 7 . Construction Specifications Institute(CSI)Category: Division: 07 00 00—Thermal&Moisture Protection Section: 07 4113—Metal Roof Panels { 1. Program Licensee: Properties Evaluated: S T • Wind Uplift Resistance CO%s a ST • Resistance to Foot Traffic METAL SUPPLY 4. Evaluated Roof System Description: 1st Coast Metal Roofing Supply 4.1. Roof Covering: Armour Rib 29 Ga. metal roof 186 SR 207 covering panels are cold roll-formed from minimum 29 East Palatka, FL 32131 gauge(0.0153"/0.389mm coated thickness)steel sheet 386-325-0242 having a minimum yield strength of 99.7ksi. The panels http://www.Istcoastmrs.com/ are aluminum-zinc alloy coated per ASTM A792 (AZ50), and shall be installed in accordance with the 2. Certified Roof Covering: manufacturers instructions and this Certification Report. 1" Coast Metal Roofing Supply's Model Armour Rib 29 4.2. Roof Deck:Armour Rib Panel metal roof panels Ga. non-structural through-fastened metal roof panels are certified for use over solid or closely-spaced,nominal installed over plywood sheathing roof deck for use in 15/32"B-C 4 Ply Plywood sheathing complying with 2017 new construction and re-roofing applications. Florida Building Code,Section 2303.1.5, with or without the use of 1x4 #2 SWP purllins at 24" O.C., with a 3. Scope of Certification: minimum slope of 4% (1/2:12). Lap sealant shall be This Certification Report provides technical data o applied for installed slopes less than 25/(3:12). - substantiating that the use of the certified roof covering 4.3. Anchorage: Armour Rib 29 Ga.metal roof panels and the evaluated roof systems are in compliance with shall be through-fastened to the roof deck using#10-15 the following: x 1-1/2 Woodgrip hex-head wood screws with 'bond- * 2017 Florida Building Code-Building,6th Edition, seal washer, as specified in Table 1, applied in the Section 1504.3.2. patterns described in Appendix 1. • Florida Product Approval Rule 61G20-3. Refer to www.keystonecerts.com to ascertain the ongoing status of this Certification Report.Approval of building products and/or materials can only be granted by the building official having jurisdictional legal authority. Keystone Certifications,Inc.does not endorse or make warranties with respect to product performance or suitability of a product for a given use. I P Metal Roof Certification & Listing Program C r-_rrrr r-aG.='rtr�sv s. INC. Certification Report p 11030-002-KCI Page 2 of 4 5. Installation Armour Rib 29 Ga.metal roof panels in new construction applications shall be installed in accordance with the Note: The UL 580-94 standard is equivalent to the UL 2017 Florida Building Code Section 1507.4, the 580-06 standard, and the i L 1897-98 standard is manufacturer's published installation instructions and equivalent to the UL 1897-2012 standard. this Certification Report. I Armour Rib 29 Ga. metal roof panels in re-roofing 6.1. Wind Resistance applications shall be installed in accordance with the The allowable design uplift pressures for Armour Rib 29 2017 Florida Building Code Sections 1507.4 & 1511, the Ga.anchored as described in Appendix 1,when tested in manufacturer's published installation instructions and accordance with the referenced standards with an this Certification Report. applied safety factor of 2.0 are found in Table 1. The manufacturer's installation instructions shall be Table 1 I made available at the time of installation. If there are Max differences between this report and the manufacturer's Anchor P Anchor Design installation instructions, this report shall take Description Man'f& p ' Pattern Uplift precedence. Model Pressure 6. Product Performance Over 15/32 ;, SFS HiLo The performance of the Armour Rib 29 Ga. non- 4 Ply Q Woodgrip 78.5 psf Plywood structural through-fastened metal roof panels described #10-15 x 1- in this Certification Report has been determined in 1/2" accordance with: SFS HiLo Over 15/32" Woodgrip • UL 580-94, Tests for Uplift Resistance of Roof 4 Ply B 108.5 psf Assemblies. Plywood #10-15 x 1- • UL 1897-98,Uplift Tests for Roof Covering Systems. 1/2" * FM 4470,Resistance to Foot Traffic Test. Over 1x4 SFS HiLo As tested & reported by the following independent Purlins Over Q Woodgrip 108.5 psf 15/32"4 Ply #10-15 x 1- accredited laboratory: Plywood i 1/2" Laboratory Report Ref. Over 1x4 SFS HiLo Force Engineering&Testing 384/593-0030T-10A, B Purlins Over Woodgrip 384/593-0030T-10C, D 15/32"4 Ply B #10-15 x 1- 183.5 psf 384/593-003OT-10E Plywood 1/2" Refer to www.keystonecerts.com to ascertain the ongoing status of this Certification Report.Approval of building products and/or materials can only be granted by the building official having jurisdictional legal authority. Keystone Certifications,Inc.does not endorse or make warranties with respect to product performance or suitability of a product for a given use. _y Metal Roof Certification & Listing ro P. rare g CCRTIFICA-rm>NC INC. Certification ortIm 11030-002-KCI Page 3 of 4 a 6.2. Resistance to Foot Traffic The Armour Rib 29 Ga. non-structural through-fastened Each licensed facility is subject to periodic inspection by metal roof panels were tested per the referenced Keystone Certifications to verify conformance with standard installed using Anchor Pattern A over 1x4 SWP Keystone Roof Covering Certification & Listing Program purlins over 15/32" 4 ply plywood. The resultant requirements. deflection under load and permanent deflection were 10. Identification within the allowable limits defined by the standard. Armour Rib 29 Ga. non-structural through-fastened 7. Conditions of Use metal roof panels represented by this report shall be Armour Rib 29 Ga. non-structural through-fastened identified with Keystone Roof Covering Certification & metal roof panels must be insulated against other Listing Program certification labeling illustrated below, materials or metals including concrete, lead, copper and to be applied to individual panels,packaging,invoicing or treated lumber that contains corrosive materials. bills of lading: 8. Limitations of Use Armour Rib 29 Ga. non-structural through-fastened keystonecerts.com metal roof panels are not qualified for use in the High �■ Velocity Hurricane Zone(HVHZ). Fire classification, shear diaphragm design, roof deck CERTIFIED �� design & attachment to supporting members are not 11030-002-KCI within the scope of this Certification Report. cn=Aaron Schultz, Roof support framing shall comply with 2017 Florida `: o=Keystone Certifications, Building Code Chapter 22 for steel, Chapter 23 for wood 1 ��h ou=Validation Dept, and Chapter 16 for structural loading. i j email=aschultz@keyst onecerts com,c=u5 2017.10.2715:29:35 � '' -04'00' 9. Licensed Manufacturing Facilities 1s""`11` This Certification Report is applicable only to Armour Rib Aaron Shultz 29 Ga. non-structural through-fastened metal roof Validations Manager panels manufactured at the following locations: 1st Coast Metal Roofing Supply 186 State Rd 207 East Palatka, Florida 32131 Refer to www.keystonecerts.com to ascertain the ongoing status of this Certification Report.Approval of building products and/or materials can only be granted by the building official having jurisdictional legal authority. Keystone Certifications,Inc.does not endorse or make warranties with respect to product performance or suitability of a product for a given use. . Metal Roof Certification & Listing Program Cr --tCA rccar�s. 1rvc. Certification extort 11030-002-KCI Page 4 of 4 Appendix 1 Note: In all cases(new construction and re-roofing),the anchors shall fully penetrate the purlins or the plywood roof deck(as applicable)i Anchor Pattern A /14-15 a i t j�•H�.G WO6DGfitP �QQ�AST NCR PATTERN A 24" 0& jf 10-18 i 1 1/�'NtlO tib^040f;WP PANEL END PATTERN Anchor Pattern B 6. 3• e. 3' 6. 3. 6. 3. \010-15 x t 1/Z'Ht.0 WDOOMP ANhER EAMER PATTERN d 2r OA AND PANELS ENDS Refer to www.keystonecerts.com to ascertain the ongoing status of this Certification Report.Approval of building products and/o,materials can only be granted by the building official having jurisdictional legal authority. Keystone Certifications,Inc.does not endorse or make warranties with respect to product performance or suitability of a product for a given use. Y- t Meta! Roof Certification & Listing Program j��-�(STONki7 Certification ReportF Ccearr�ic.mrtc�ri�-, teat:.: te„ 11030-002-KCI ' 1<t5 Limek n Rawl,Swte 1008 « �� issue Dated 10/27/2017 ,New Cumberland,FA 17070 ' Revison Date 0/27/2017 wiird:keystoriecerts com==' k Iration.Date, 10/27 2022 _ ',EkO /w. . ... ( Certificate Revisions Rev# Date Description- 0 10/27/2017 Initial issuance. Refer to www.keystonecerts.com to ascertain the ongoing status of this Certification Report.Approval of building products and/or materials can only be granted by the building official having jurisdictional legal authority. Keystone Certifications,Inc.does not endorse or make warranties with respect to product performance or suitability of a product for a given use.