HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement JOSEPH E . SMITH, CLERK OF E CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCT7" COU1T2036 PM FILE # 4350493 OR BOOK 4 PAGE 776, Recorded 09/19/'., - . = I - l l I NOTICE OFCOMMENC RER6 1EVTVT To be complered wher consrmwon value exceeds$2,500.00 TAX FOLIO n S"ATC Or RaftloA COUNTY OF MARTIN f -lie undersigned nereby gives notice that improvement mil ne m5de to certain naal prcpery,and in aecorcaree:with Ctapter In,Florida Sialutes,the folle\ving irfcrmatic�is provided in this Noti::v of Coirmrrcen;eni. LEGAL OESCWTION OF PRCRp RTY AND StTLEEf AODIiESS,IF VAILAD ): 1 1 it IAQ GENERAL DESCRIPTIOt OF RdPROVEMENT: OWNER ORMA+'f ION CH LESSWNFORWATICNt If THE LESSEE CONT4ACTED FOR THE IM PROVEMENM Name: �y,���L-i1 4dore'.T: 1Y !G ��•�f L L'._L�1� V ZS_f_ Interest in p-operty Ofrler(s) _ 7amr,•aria address c f fee s•mple title 11019er('I different from C.v❑i•r Ibre:i above): l cf1rvT1tACTOR'SN:t VIE: Olneyn RCstnrn;ire CrO�g ----, Phone No.:fTi 2)222-5019 ,I ' II Address; 4253 51-V High Meednw AV3nCC Palrn City,FL 34990 SURETYCOMPAN'Y Itapialadle,acopyo£•he payment bond isa-;achedt: Name and address: N/A -- shone No: _. Banc amo,int _ENDER'SNAME:N,A. _ otcncNo.:_ .. Mcirees -- — - Persons within the State of Ftorido desig•tated by owne-upon whom notices or cuter docu-rents may be served as provided by 5ectior 711.3.13 (1)(a)7,Floridasurt•utes! Maine: Prone No.: { i lit addltion to himse'f or herseL,owner cesl�nates _ _ of to receive a copy of ih^_Ueaar's Notice as provided in Section 713 13(1)(b),flor:da SIRWes. II Phone n t:m bar cf oe,..on or entity designated by Ow npr: F.hpiration date of Notice of Crmmencement 1I (the expirationdate may not be before the completion of construction and final payment to the contractor,but will be 1 year from the date of tccording un!ess a different date is speciiled): f W/ARMiNGTOOWIJ1 R- NY PAYM`NTS MADE ity ritr OWNER AFTER THE EkP12A-r10N OFTTiE NOT)CEOF COtL10ENCEMENT ARE CONSIDERED IM?ROPERI'AYM�EJTSLINOFR�Fi/v�T�fl713.pARTI,SECTI()N715.i3.-IOR!f)ASTAfU!`SAND:Ar1RESULT'INYOURP !NGTwict'.r. iMPttOVCMFNTS Tr\'O:;R PROPER-IY.A NOTICE OF COMA7ENCEMEM"MUST f3E RECOQOEOAMQ POSTED ON THE lOf3 SfTF BEFO 1ltSDECTlCMI_IFyU})INTEtd4T004THSN FINAtY,NG.CONSl1:I'Y1fTH YChR LEPDEROR AA ATT03NE1'BEFORE COiA.ytENCIN@ I�'C-QR.'NG VO,:N NOTICE OF CQ.P{TAE NCEME NT. Under aenalty of per;ury,I declare that I have read the foragning and that the facts In tt are true to the best of my knowle Sign4h!re-at-Ow er dr Leisee,or Own s or Lessee's AuthorlxedlOfficeer/Olrector/Partner/Manager/Atbomey-in•fact I Own -- Sig ralcr's Title/office The foregoing mstru•renl rras acknowledgedbe'orc me this —day o 2f . � ) O 1? Nvli a me of parson Type of autho•ily,%LtLQiL*lel�hS IArtyonbehal'ofwhcm:nstiu•-entwas4-d'1 l Personallyknm:n_ix 1 in!uced iden;i rcat:on NEI N -V ignature type of idc•i;lficat.or oroducec (PrMt,Type,or 5tamp Commissiorec Name of Notary) I 5ti:.:)•S3ldg Ftmnd Votiv Appl ca!ierc ?txm52�oticc i)f Cotrntencemrnt.Docz Rev.9.:5.'1 1 -aJUH!alje-.I0S0{9.1;u11 C deZ::0 L 4 0e5£ L'd 9Zt�Zu6909a• it �I