HomeMy WebLinkAboutrevision fire departmentSAINT LUCIE COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT PLAN REVIEW FORM 5160 N.W. Milner Drive Port Saint Lucie, FL 34983 Telephone: 772-621-3322 Fax: 772-621-3604 Web Address: www.slcfd.,rom 4802 Ocean halms Drive —------- — - Card'nai Southern Equine: P.O. Bc,> A2328 —I FMOPermit # 16-21-411 — BLDG Permit # tI 908-0215 ------ ` City Ft Pierce City Vero Reach --- -- Zip 132964, — — ---- ----------J Telephone (954) 410-3030 Telephone 1(954)561-4455 Construction type (I!If' Square Feet 32,464 Plumber of Stories 14 l Access Box --_- T-�� FA Permit 'RegUirera General Notes Notes (Required Access Key Switch ...._..—_ __i FFP Permit —- 1. An electronic copy of the construction documents submitted on a CD is required. The file format shall be .pdf only. 2. All revisions, including the electronic copy must be received prior to permitting. 3. The Fire Marshal requires 24 hour notice on ail inspections. 4. A Radio coverage Pre -Survey Signal Strength inspection is required before any final inspection i5 .scheduled. 5. The respective Budding Department shall schedule all final inspections through the Fire Marshal's Office. 6. Failed inspecticns require payment of fee prior to rescheduling of further inspections. 7. Penetrations through rated assemblies shall be of the proper UL design. Design ci Reria shall be Submitted with the construction plans. 8. Fire alarm panels shall he located indoors within air conditioned space. 9. Plans and construction are subject to corrections in the field to maintain cede rcmoliance. 10. Automatic fan shutdown is required for HVAC system/s that exceed 2,000 cfm design capacity. 11. The Installation or Alteration of Fire Sprinklers, Fire A.arros, and Fused Fire Prutaction Syste^,s require a separate review and permit. THE CURRENTLY ADOPTED VERSION OF HE FLORIDA FIRE PREVENTION CODE IS ENFORCED. ' BUILDINGS WITH i.IGH-r-FRAME TRUSS -TYPE CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE MARKED WITH APPROVED FIREFIGHTER SAFETY WARNING SIGNS IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODES 69A-3.012. AND 69A-60.0081 PRIOR TO RECEIVING A CERTIF;,:A"rE.OF OCCUPANCY. See General Notes Abov and Requimd Revisions Below 1. A separate review ant, permit i° iequired for th-c s:: N ;ivn or ar;, ': ticn of the Lire alarm acid fire. --- 2.Automatic fan shutdown Is regt;ired for HVAC systclr,rs ti :<*. exre�e: j 2,300 cfrn design caha-=ity. Provide a remote test and inspect appliance ecluihped ;ith an a'udlble/vi_;Li?i H,IA-- a'uci_ _rrroke deu:�ctar. HVAC duct smoke detector(s) shad be tied into the fire alarm system. 3. Stair detail: Tread rnir, ... I - Rt; ers i7;ax 7 1 ----•I Page j 1 j of 11 I I—� _J Reviewed by l i o n'y' lei gei Date 110-28-2021