HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOCPlanning & Development Services Building & Code Regulations Division 2300 Virginia Ave. Fort Pierce, FL 34982 (772)4624553 Fax 4624578 CHANGE O� CONTII��:"I,(D11� OI Subcontractor or c�anMvliation oV��li 11ut Change of Contractor is to be completed by the property owner, and the new contractor of record for the current permit. A new permit application must also be completed with new contractor information, signature, and transfer fee. A new Notice of Commencement must be filed in the new contractor's name for job values greater than $2,500 ($7,500 if A/C Change -out). A recorded copy must be submitted prior to commencing any work. Subcontractor changes can be completed by the general contractor. Absent extenuating circumstances, a cancellation of permit is to be executed by both the owner and qualifier of record. Date. Site Address: Permit Number: SLC. - p44 Z X44�7m Cain i t `n(1 State License . j S 2S•7 S'>LC License Original General Contractor (or Subcontractor) New General Contractor (or Subcontractor) Reason for Change tccrS�)sGVz. ,S State License SLC License The undersigned does hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless St. Lucie County, its officers, agents, and employees from all costs, fees, or damages arising from any and all claims of action for any reason, which may arise as a result of this change of contractor/subcontractor or cancellation of permit. A permit cannot be cancelled if work has been performed/ I , SIGNATURE OF OWNER (or owner/builder) W0,111H `Ilijilui�l State of Florida, County of St. Lucie County The following instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 120 by who is personally know to me or who has produced as ID. Signature of Notary Date *Only signature required for change of Revised 07/Z1/14 State of Florida, County of St. Lucie County The following instrument was acknowledged before cue this `day of (iG'}_ , 20 21 , by Z who i rsonally know me or who is duced as Sign e o aiy Date subcontrac AMANDA ODATO g, NOTARY PUBLIC o STATE OF FLORIDA Comm# GG346668 iN E I Expires 6/19/2023 E� City of Port St. Lucie Building Department 121 SW Port St. Lucie Blvd Port St, Lucie, FL 34984 772-871-5132 • Web Site PERMIT if 2oos-0742 www.cityofpsl,comlbuildinq Change of Contractor PROPERTY ADDRESS: Mile Marker, 144 Florida's Turnpike, Port St. Lucie, FL 34984 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SECTION BLOCK LOT Parcel ID# OWNER INFORMATION NAME a j� , , PHONE# 5612755671 MAILING ADDRESS ZI I L cvice rs 5 urn lug � �- s �e a [ h(0s8e. 3 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION NEW CONTRACTOR NEELZ LLC QUALIFIER'S NAME RYAN NEHLS MAILING ADDRESS 405 E WHITNEY DR JUPITER FL 33458 PHONE# 5612755671 EMAILADDRESS RYAN@NEELZCO.COM PSLCOMP # STATE LIC. # CGC1525985 PREVIOUS CONTRACTOR EASTERN CUSTOMS QUALIFIER'S NAME SAM LEWAND REASON FOR CHANGE OF CONTRACTOR: O Non-performance of contract O Contract disputes to& Abandonment of contract O Contractor is deceased i <) the owner, acknowledge that the previous contractor was will be removed from the p rmit listed above. I shall assume full responsibility for the work completed by the previous contractor and hold the City of Port St. Lucie, its officers, agents, and employees, including but not limited to Building Official(s), harmless and without any liability for the removal of my previous contractor and any work performed before, during or after such removal. I understand that a Change of Contractor f e will apply for this change if the permit has already been issued, and that any sub -permits which may exist at this time must be pplied for inZ4r to ove forward. Additionally, anew Notice of Commencement will be required per F.S. 713.13.5(a). A New-C r c r Signature Date Owner Signature Date Print Narr}e Print Name NOT U S • to of Florida NOTARY PUBLIC, State of Florida , STATE OF FLORI A, STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF YALM COUNTY OF [NOTARIAL SEAL] [NOTARIAL SEAL] The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by means The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by means of O physical presence or D online notarization this day of of D physical presence or D online notarization this day of 0 Cr 20.11, by \ who is 20_, by who is per erratl�ylcaewa�te o pr duced personally known to me or has produced as�tro� as identification, y AMANDA ODATO dot Q NOTARY PUBLIC -+5 i H i t ur rwrcwH Comm#GG346668 a E 19�� Expires 6119/2023