HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application i \— _ All'APPLICABLE INFO MUST`BE COMPLETEdTORAPPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED D'ate. . Permit Number:�� fro"LC � 6U,lu�Jed �ufla Y15i'4W MCI, r' Building- Permit Application Plonnrng'and DevelopmentServices a3N3 Building andCode Reg616tion Division Commercial Residential 2300 Virginia,-Avenue,Fort-Pierce'FL,34982' Phone:'(772)462-1553 Fax`. (772)462-1578' PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: PROPOSED IMPRWEMENT:LOCATION: Address: 6701 Little Way,Fort Pierce,FL 34951 Prope"rtyTax ID'#: 1301-607-0352-000-2 Lot No.5 SitePlan Name: BUILDING SHUTTER Block No. 85 Project Name: Mark A Campbell QETAILED D$SCRIPTION:OF WORK Install Hurricane Protection A-CCo .Q 1Y-%J 9 "y:D -1ZX FLIDW 13 r.-jPe to\J'a& S New.Oectrical'Meter Second Electrical Meter (Aff.'idavit required.) 'CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: Additional worl(;td,be performed u'nddrthis p'ermit=chec.k all that apply: _Mechanical: _Gas:Tank _Gas Piping Shutters _Windows/Doors _Pond- _Electric —Plumbing _Sprinklers _Generator _Roof Pitch TotaLSq..Ft bf Construction:'362.8 Sq. Ft. of First Floor: Cost`ofConstruction $,7,454.01 utilities: _Sewer _Septic Building.Height: OW ER/LESSEE: 'CONTRACTOR: Name Mark A Campbell Name:Gregory N Ensling Address: 6701 Little Way Company;Maximum Shutter Systems Inc City: Fort Pierce State:FL Address:210 Old Dixie Hwy -Zip Code: 34951 Fax: City: Vero Beach State FL Phone;N6.732-768-5263 Zi"Code: 32962 Fax: 954-839-0037 E-;Mail'cptcampbel@aol.com -Phone No 954-839-0037 Fill in;fee s mple;.T tle.,,Holder.. .. page(if different E-Mail vero@maximumshutters.com fromthe_Owner Ilsted. above) State or County License CRC1332907 If ,'alue.of construction is 2500;or more,,a RECORDED Notice.of`Commencement Ks equired.. -1f vi lue,of 1 AVC,is`$7,50D or more;a:IiECORD.ED Notice of Commencement is required. Doc ID:fdde08lOfcf2bd7938a642c2la42ab2445a29539 5UPPLEMEN:I�AC CQN5TRU ION;tIENI 1NR RMATION DESIGNER/ENGINEER:' Not A plleabk p MORTGAGEC�MPANYi ``/,/ Not Applicable T ' Name::: Nam"e Ad'd'fe's_si Ad dress: City State: City:. State:, Zip:. Phone Zip; Phone:. FEEVSIMPLETITLE.HOLDER': , Not;Applicable BONDING COMPANY: Not;AppaIcable: Name:: Namei Add ress: Address: 'City:' City: Zip" . _ . . . _ . Phone; . p;OWNER/'CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT Appllcafion Is herebymade,toobtaln a permltao do the work:a,nd installation:as_ Indicated,. -certify that no.work.or instal]atioii.has-commenced prior to the:issuance`of a:perriiit. St..Lune=Count'.makes-no-.representati`onahat is:gra nting a:perrnit;will,authorize-:thedpermit Bolder to b.u.ild the'su bject structu.re:`. which Is in'con Ilct with'any applicable Home Owners;Assoclatlon.rules,:bylaws or an covenants that may restrict.or prohlblt,such :structure.Please;consult,Nith your Home',Owners''Association and''review,yourdeed foran owhich may .`apply.t . In consideraton ofthe granting of this;requested permlt,`I do here by agree thatl wllrnall respects,perform'the work inaccordancewitH.the; pvdp terida`Buil8j'n'g-Cod6!and'-St:.LuciGunty:-Amendments.Fl The following building permit applicatlons''are exempt from undergoing a:full concurrency''.review:>room.addltlons; acces`s6,y'struetures;,-swimming;pools;"fences,walls,sighs;screen rooms`antl:acce§sory.uses.to'another`non=residential`u`se WARNING;TO OWNER Your failureto Recarda Notice of C6mmencement'may result in paying twice for improvements toyour,property A Notice of Commencement niust.b( 'recorded irrthe public records'of'St: Lucie County`andposted on thejobsite.before the':f'irst inspection .If`youu'intendao.obtaln°financing,consult with lender oran:;attorne 'before corn men cin work or-recordin :. our Notice;of-,Commencement.. Signature of Owner/Lessee/Contractor-:as Agent`'for'O nrner STATE OF FLORIDA� COU.6i OF. Indian River /Wirie Sworn:6jbr affi'r'med)and subscribedbefore ii a-of Physical Presence or_ Nota"rization this , 0 yoQ ... Name of"person making statement.- Personally Known OR Produced Identif'cation'_ TYPe'ofl "Protluced:, _� SI na ure UA tar Public State of Florida_) CAROLINE W.HARDENRERGH PERRY { g.• Y cPa`Pis'% zap ;Notary Public-State of Florida Comm.ission'No...HH 109041 15teal) •= Commission # HH 109041 p� My Commission Expires n°iw" March 24, 2025 'REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEATURTLE MANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW` REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW, DATE RECEIVED: ,DATE' COIVI PLETED; ev,. Doc ID:fdde0810fcf2bd7938a642c2la42ab2445a29539