HomeMy WebLinkAboutPROPOSAL FOR SPECIALTY BUILDING INSPECTIONBREITENBACH ENCINEERINC, INC johnbaoh442@smair.com 4853 SE PllotWay, Stuart, Florida e4997 Cell: (77218A4.{.743 June24,2A21 Re: Proposatfor Specialty Building lnspections for Threshold Building Prqiect Exterior Concrete Restoration' Regency lsland Dunes Attn: Cassie Pierson regency8640@theregency.com S640 S. Ocean Drive, Jensen Beach, FL 34957 Condo Association: This letter is a proposal for perform the special inspection services for the above project as required by the Florida Building Code. Services generally include the following:' 1- lnitial Letter of lntent to the local building department announcing procurement of special inspector services for the project. 2. Fieid inspections of demolition, shoring, reinforcing bar cleaning or replacement, bar coating, and forming. 3. Coordinatewith the Engineer of Record for field decisions concerning re-bar placement and extent of demolition. 4. The frequency of inspections is determined by the size of the project and the speed and progression of the Contractors work schedule and man'power' 5. Finil pre-pour inspection the day of (or day before) concrete placemenl. 6. Final Letter of Certification that the Contractor has performed the work according to the Florida Building Code and the Engineer's specifications and drawings. T. lnspection reports will be forwarded once every month to correspond with the Contractor or Engineer's nilting cycle. All reports are signed and sealed by the Special lnspector. lZl copies to the Contractorfor submission to the building department i t I copy to the condo association (for your permanent) [ 1 ] coPY to the engineer of record Proposed Terms: (choose line 1 or line 2) i ' 2% of total construction cost' including change orders (+ or -)' AIA Form Line I 2. payable within 25 days of end of month billing cycle for reports, or Contractor's pay requests please acknowledge acceptance of this proposal in writing or e-mail. \/ott will also have to eyecttte a standarcl rorm ar letter to the Buitcling Depaftment regarding the hiring of the Special lnspector. Should you have any questions, please contract me. Respectfully, 9rr.,' A-Wriol,",tla& Accepted: r\i _rl i+ic)"\ date John D. Breitenbach, PE FL PE #59770, FL Sl #2072, Firm Reg' #26001 file= 21 033-2-Regency lsland Dunes 6-24-21 Specialty lnspection Proposal(Regency).doc