HomeMy WebLinkAboutSchickler NOA 5/17/2021 Florida Building Code Online Business sProfessional1 i BCIS Home � I-aJ[n User Registration Hot Topics Submit Surcharge Stats&Facts Publications Contact Us MIS Site Map Links Search Product Approval r *USER:Public User Product Aooraval.Meru>Product or A plicatior Search>Applicatian List a Application Detail FL# FL17347-R4 Application Type Revision Code Version 2020 Application Status Approved Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Plastpro Inc./Nanya Plastics Corp. Address/Phone/Email 5200 W CENTURY BLVD. LOS ANGELES,CA 90045 (440)969-9773 Ext16 rickw@rwbidgconsultants.com Authorized Signature Vivian Wright rickw@rwbldgconsultants.com Technical Representative Scott Johnson Address/Phone/Email 5200 W Century Blvd. Los Angeles,CA 90045 (440)969-9773 ExtIS scottjohnson@plastproinc.com Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Exterior Doors Subcategory Swinging Exterior Door Assemblies Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. Evaluation Report Florida License PE-43409 Quality Assurance Entity National Accreditation and Management Institute Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2021 Validated By Ryan J, King, P.E. Validation Checklist- Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL17347 R4 COI_(e)Certificate,of Indepen nce pd Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year 101/I,5.2/NAFS 2002 AAMA/W DMA/CSA101/I.S.2/A440 2008 ASTM E1886 2002 ASTM E1996 2002 ASTM E330 2002 ASTM E331 2000 TAS 201,202, 203 1994 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app ff.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgsRyNwiNWDrY%2b%2fvWjgnzTgOEy%2fdBDFYzlZidC%2fscjTZjw%3d°/a3d 115 5/17/2021 Florida Building Code Online Florida Licensed Professional Engineer or Architect 117347 R4 Equiv of Standards(c)wpdf Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 12/06/2020 Date Validated 12./07/2020 Date Pending FBC Approval 1211 6/2 0 20 Date Approved 02/09/2021 Surnmary of Products r, -E FL# i Model,Number or Name Description 17347.1 a. Fiberglass Door "Non-Impact"Fiberglass Glazed Door-Single with or without Sidelites(X, OX or XO,OXO)Outswing/Inswing Configurations up to Nominal 6'8 in Height Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL17347 R4 II (e) In t 17347.i.p Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 17347.1 for any additional use limitations, FL17347 AE (d) Eval 17347.1.p¢f. installation instructions and product particulars. Created by Independent Thi rd Party: Yes 17347,2 b. Fiberglass Door i"Non-Impact" Fiberglass Glazed Door- Double with or without Sidelites(XX or OXXO)Outswing/Inswing Configurations up to Nominal 6'8 in Height Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL17347 R4 II W) Inst 17347.2.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By; Lyndon F. Schmidt,P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 17347.2 for any additional use limitations, FL12347 R4 AF (M Eval 17347.2. sfff Installation instructions and product particulars. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17347.3 c. Fiberglass Door �-"Nan-Impact"Fiberglass Glazed Door-Single with or without Sidelites(X,OX or XO,OXO)Outswing/Inswing Configurations up to Nominal 8'O in Height Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL17347 R4 II (e)Inst 17347.3.pd€ Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant. No Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 17347.3 for any additional use limitations, FL17347 R4 AE (d)_Evol 17347.3.pdf Installation instructions and product particulars. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17347.4 d, Fiberglass Door `Non-Impact" Fiberglass Glazed poor Double with or without Sidelites(XX or OXXO)Outswing/Inswing Configurations up to Nominal B'0 in Height Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL17347 R4 II (d) Inst 17347.4.p-df Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 17347.4 for any additional use limitations, FL17347 R4 AE (),i=val 17347.4.pdf installation instructions and product particulars. Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 17347.5 e. Fiberglass Door "Impact"Fiberglass Glazed Door-Single with or without elite (X, X or XO, OXO)OutswingJInswing Configurations up to No 6'8 in Height Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL17347 R4 II (j) Inq 17347-5.pf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other.See INST 17347.5 for any additional use limitations, FL17347 R4 AE_(A)Eval 17347.S,p f installation Instructions and product particulars. Created by Independent Third Party:Yes ..... ......_...... 17347.6 f. Fiberglass Door I"Impact"Fiberglass Glazed Door-Double with or without www.floOdabuilding.org/pripr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgsRyNwiNWDrY%2b%2fvWgnzTgOEy%2fdBDFYzlZidC%2fscjTZjw%3d%3d 215 R W R W Building Consultants, Inc, BConsulting and Engineering Services for the Building Indus* C P.O.Box 230 Vslrico,FL 33595 Phone 813.659.9197 Florida Board of Professional Engineers Registry License No.9813 Product1 Report pytI ! P d Product Category Sub Category Manufacturer Product Name Exterior Swinging Plastpro Inc. Glazed Fiberglass Doors Exterior Door 5200 W.Century Blvd. Singles Doors Assemblies Los Angeles,CA w/or wfout Sidelites Rhone 440.969.9773 Inswing I Outswing-"Impact" scope: Product Evaluation report issued by R W Building Consultants, Inc.&Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. (System ID#1998)for Plastpro Inc., based on Rule Chapter No. 61G20-3,Method 1 D of the State of Florida Product Approval,Department of Business&Professional Regulation. RW Building Consultants and Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. do not have norwill acquire financial interest in the company manufacturing or distributing the product or in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product named herein_ ,Limitations: 1. This product has been evaluated and is in compliance with the 7th Edition(2020)Florida Building Code structural requirements excluding the"High Velocity Hurricane Zone". 2. Product anchors shall be as listed and spaced as shown on details.Anchor embedment to base material shall be beyond wall dressing or stucco. 3. When used in areas requiring wind borne debris protection this product complies with FBC Sections 1609.1.2&R301,21.2 and does. not require an impact resistant covering,This product meets missile level'V and includes Wind Zone 4 as defined in ASTM E1996 and FBC Sections 1609.1.2.2&R301. 4. For 2x stud framing construction,anchoring of these units shall be the same as that shown for 2x buck masonry construction. 5. Site conditions that deviate from the details of drawing FL-17347.5 require further engineering analysis by a licensed engineer or registered architect. 6. See drawing FL-17347.5 for size and design pressure limitations. Supporting Documents: 1. Test Report No. Test Standard Testing Laboratory Signedb TEL 01391140 ASTM E330-02, E331-00 Testing Evaluation Lab-,Inc. V. K.Wright TEL 01391141 ASTM E330-02, E331-00 Testing Evaluation Lab.,Inc, V. K.Wright TEL 01391120 TAS 201, 202&203-94 Testing Evaluation Lab.,lnc_ William B.Shelton, P.E_ TEL 013912248 ASTM E330-02, E331-00 Testing Evaluation Lab.,lnc. V, K.Wright 2. Miami-Dade NOA Materials Testing 17-0712.05 Saflex"PVB Interlayer(Eastman Chemical Company) 3. turawina No- Prepared by Signed&Sealed bV No. FL-17347,5 RW Building Consultants, Inc. (#9813) Lyndon F.Schmidt, P.E. 4. Calculations Prepar_ed_by Signed&Sealed by Anchoring RW Bu.ilding Consultants, Inc. (#9813) Lyndon F.Schmidt, P_E, 5. Quality Assurance Certificate of Participation issued by National Accreditation and �3 E�tttV7V 147 Management Institute, certifying that Plastpro Inc. is manufacturing products within a quality assurance program that complies with ISO/IEC 17020 and �°*� °r%°•° ° °°s ��, Guide 53, 42209 w' n r� w m av Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E. Sheet 7 of 1 ���''sbad�a ` 135 ♦4�� FL PE 816/2020 N Jc £LS6 'IN XilsiMl YdGA 5N015E/ Li =�a me roiu�� LB L6"BS9'£LS �"oN auoya S31.ON 7dN3N30 -V 53NRSS38,j A8 KVQ ON tl• LO r s££ I se oo�lon 'o£z xas o'd /I/f N�IS3o 'NO1J1+1�373 lb�IdS[ ttis ai 3�aada sa rL 1 vi E "7N! ''SSIWI-IRSNco ONic-rna A �A-lBW3ssv 80 9 OL mvcwn Ll LZ L Z ���`��`'y,.'�yt��i'^-'�f'�/// 60'►£^t• "oN 3•d 2Jf7OC1 $S'b'1`.?2138L•f �VQ 36.i OZOZ) 'Q3 Nil aawden OZ SO 9 r o z z DNI DLId1$H7:3 - �'!-:.rg a¢+xotd nuourn„Q (Xuc 606£�'aN Qj....FI3]..., .� w LLffilll illl7,� �. Lxj CiLO p 0 zN7 EC L� I? 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