HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlans 8-30-21FLOOR PL,4N TYPICAL NOTES: 1. Contractor to verif ALL notes and dimensions prior to proceeding with work 2. Contractor to STRICTLY enforce ALL OSHA Requirements. 3. ALL Lumber to be used as Beam, Rafters, etc... to have a min. 1,500 psi fiber bending stress. 4. No dissimilar metals to touch. 5. Drywall at ceilings shall be leveled and attached to bottom chord of trusses with screws per FBC R102.3.5. �. ALL wood in contact with concrete shall be pressure treated. 1. ALL wall dimensions are nominal and not finished wall or stud dimensions. 8. ALL plumbing fixtures to be low flow. mil. Lowest finished floor to be set by others - Surveyor to set in field. 10. Wall and Ceiling shall have a flame -spread classification of not greater than 200 per FBC R302.9.1 11. Wall and ceiling finishes shall have a smoke -developed index of not greater than -450 per FBC R302.9.2 12. All exposed attic insulation materials installed on attic floors shall have a critical radiant flux not less than 0.12 watt per square centimeter. Exposed foam plastic insulation materials exposed on the underside of the roof deck or on the attic walls shall comply with F.B.C. R316 - see permit info box of code edition 13. Gppsum board material shall conform to ASTM C3�, C-19, C-f-15, C514, C�30, C931 C�bO, C1002, C104TCII-11, C1118, C12-18, C1395, or C139� and shall be installed according to the following: (FBC R-102.3.5) See table below for attachment 1-4. ALL ceramic the surfaces installed shall conform to ASTM A108.1 thru A108.6, A108.1, A118.1, A118.3, A136.1 and A13-1.1 2" x 4" top plate Typical baseboard 5/8" drywall ceiling on truss bottom cord 1/2" drywall on 2" x 4' studs at 16" o.c. Finish to match existing " x 4" P.T. bottom plate 4" concrete slab with fibermesh OR 6"x6" 410/10 WWM on 6 mil Visqueen over clean . compacted termite treated fill Interior Non -Bearing Partition Scale: 1/2" = 1'-0" Typical Interior Column Schedule Mark Size and Descrl tion C-I 12" x 12" concrete column with (4) 45 bars vert and #3 ties at 12" o.c. Square Footage Breakdown Addition Total = 5-45 sq. ft. SCALE 1/4" = I'-O" 15. Cement, fiber -cement or glass mat gypsum backers in accordance with ASTM C1288, C1325, OR C11-18 and installed I.A.W. manufacturers recommendations shall be used as backer for the wall the in tub areas and wall panels in shower areas. I�. Insulation including facings such as retarders or vapor permeable members installed within floor -ceiling assemblies, roof -ceiling assemblies, wall, crawl spaces and attics shall have a flame spread index not to exceed 25 with an accompanying smoke developed index not to exceed 450 when tested in accordance with ASTM E 84. insulation shall comply with F.B.C. R31�. Drywall Attachment Table FBC R-102.3.5 Drywall Thickness Location Orientation Framing Member Spacing Mximu Max. spacing of fasteners Nail sizing options for g p installation of drywall into wood framing members 2" x min. thickness Nails Screws Ceiling Perpendicular 24" -11, 12" 13ga 1 3/8" long with 19/64" head /2 0.098" diameter x 1 1/4" long annular -ringed or 5d cooler nail OR Walls Either Direction 16" 81, 16" 0.080" dia. xx 1 5/8" long with 15/64" head OR x iplum board nail 0.086" dia. 5/8" with 9/32" head. Ceiling Perpendicular 24" -11, 12" 13ga 1 5/8" long with 19/64" head $ 0.098" diameter x 1 3/8" long annular -ringed or 6d cooler nail 1 OR Walls Either Direction I6" 81, 16" 0.092" dia. xx I -1/8" long with 1/4" head OR x ipsum board nail 0.0915" dia. 1/8" with 19/64" head. gypsum wallboard reinforce corner metal top track bi-f old do( Jamb . _�1f'�F1II• .. F141 ood casing .4" Wood Buck Note: all doors to be prehung Door Detail NTS 2"x'I" Wood Buck dote: io track 61 bottom )f door, use f lr. )racket 61 pivot lood Casing )sum wallboard einf orce corners ,bi-fold door 2"x'I" LUood Buck Typical Si —Fold Door Detail NTS _b k )sing )re -hung pocket door Typical Pocket Door Detail NTS WALL SYMBOL LEGEND �= NEW CBS walls - Fill cells solid with concrete and (1) #5 bar vert. at 40" o.c. for walls up to 10'-0"* high. Space 32" o.c. for walls up to 15'-0"* For walls over 10 -O a special inspection is required bu any licensed structural engineer to review and approve the vert. steel installation in the footings, in the wall cavity and into beam. = EXISTING walls = NEW 2" x -4" non -bearing stud walls - see sections. Insulate with R-11 baits at bathrooms t between A/C and Non -A/C spaces �= 2" x 8" opening frame -in stud walls. Insulate with R-22 baits at bathrooms t between A/C and Non -A/C spaces Digitally signed by Daniel R. Braden Date: 2021.08.30 08:23:35-04'00' 17i O U 0 LL u U L LL Q O O W U Z m o O �ZLLJ��u o >' cy c� U U — (L <ao�u �T- � I Z ~ aj U O U rr� - a- tr � m ~u!Q3 (X003-1 IL ULL -t� fo OC d) SHEET NO: 2. OF 6. JOB NUMBER: 21-90 moo ° O��`�� Goo 0 � D�� oD o 0. o ° AR 977770 O N N FOUNDATION PLAN FOUNDATION NOTES: SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" I. Any changes to plans must be submitted to the architect for approval prior to proceeding with construction. 2. Contractor shall be responsible for verification of all notation and dimensions prior to start of construction. 3. ALL Concrete used for slabs shall be 2,500 PSI concrete min., and ALL Concrete used for vertical filled cells, continuous. tie beams etc.. shall be 3,000 P.S.I. concrete and/or 4,000 P.S.I. grout mix min. 4. Soil bearing capacity assumed to be 2500 psf and stable. This shall be confirmed in writing by soil testing report done by others prior to the start of any construction 5. Verify all recess thickness at shower floors, all floor finishes as selected by owner, door sills $ thresholds including pocket SGD frame widths etc... prior to placing any slabs. �. Contractor to provide for Form Board Survey - Form Board Survey to be provided to Truss Company prior to truss construction 1. ALL Reinforcing steel shall be grade 60, meeting ASTM A-1� and A-35 specifications. ALL Anchors to be A-301 steel. 8. Provide a minimum of 3" concrete protection at footings and 1-1/2" concrete protection at beams for ALL reinforcing bars. 9. Contractor to provide the Architect with truss shop drawings including ALL truss cut sheets showing ALL truss reactions prior to START OF FOUNDATION WORK for strap and footing size verification. Dowel 45 bar x 12" long 6" into existing slab and set in Hilti HIT RE500 adhesive (or equal) at 18" o.c. for slab to slab connection and settlement resistance. exist Hilti 0 0 F-00ting ule Ndrk Size and Description T-8 Thicken slab edge to 8" x 8" with (1) US bar Cont. —l� I,o"w and x US 1, "d concrete monolithic footing with (2) transverse bars at 32„o.c. (bottom) US rebar continuous I,o"w x W'd concrete monolithic stepdown footing continuous and US transverse bars at 32 o.c. with (2) #5 rebar (bottom) l=-1,os I,o"w and x 45 12"d concrete stem wall footing with (2) transverse bars at 32" o.c. (bottom) 45 rebar continuous F-2.4 2-f"w and x US W'd concrete monolithic footing with (3) transverse bars at 32 o.c. (bottom) US rebar continuous new footing steel into Thicken edge to 8"x8" 1g footing min. 6" and set in with concrete and HIT RE500 epoxy (or equal) one 45 bar continuous 4" concrete slab with fibermesh OR 6"x6" #10/10 WWM on 10 mil Visqueen over 45 bar vert. w/ clean compacted termite treated fill 30" overlap SEE TYPICAL GRADE at each filled cell SECTIONS -AL4" concrete slab with fibermesh OR I" recess for 6"x4" 410/10 WWM on 10 mil Visqueen over waterproofing at slab clean compacted termite treated fill 3„ Grade 8" AH- N E T- 8 FOOTING DETAIL 116"Iw x 16"d concrete monolithic SCALE 1/2" = 1'-0" IIII IIII footing with (2) 45 bars cont. and 45 transverse bars at 32" o.c. 3" 16„ F-16 FOOTING DETAIL SCALE 1/2" = 1'-0" Termite Protection for New Construction as per F.B.C. 181L1 CONTRACTOR TO REFERENCE F.B.C. BUILDING 1816.1 FOR FURTHUR REQUIREMENTS Soil treatment used for subterranean termite prevention inside the foundation perimeter shall be done after all excavation, backf illing and compaction is complete. If soil area is disturbed after initial chemical soil treatment, area shall be re —treated with a chemical soil treatment including spaces boxed or framed. Treatment must be in accordance with the rules and laws established by the Florida Department of Agriculture and consumer services. Protective sleeves around piping penetrating concrete slab on grade floors shall not be of cellulose —containing materials and shall have a min. wall thickness of 0.010" and shall be sealed within the slab using a noncorrosive clamping device to eliminate the annular space between pipe and sleeve. NO TERMICIDES shall be applied inside the sleeve per FBC Plumbing 305.1.2 N 45 bar vert. w/ 30" overlap --,_ SEE TYPICAL SECTIONS_ " 24"w x 24"1 x 12"d concrete pad footing with 45 rebar at 8" o.c. each bottom steel. F-24 FOOTING DETAIL 07-/-1tLJ= I/ L - I -�./ 5 bar vert. w/ 30" overlapSEE TYPICAL at each filled cell M�j�SECTIONS 4" concrete slab with fibermesh OR I" recess for 6"x6" 410/10 WWM on 10 and Visqueen over waterproofing at slab kA clean compacted termite treated fill P m 16"w x 16"d concrete monolithic footinwith (2) 45 bars cont. and 49 transverse bars at 32" o.c. 16" F-ISM FOOTING DETAIL SCALE 1/2" = 1'-0" B2 #5 bar vert. at each filled cell (32" o.c. typical) 16"w x 12"d concrete stem wall footingg with (2) 45 bars cont. and 45 transverse bars at 32" o.c. F-I6S FOOTING DETAIL SCALE 1/2" = 1'-0" Digitally signed by Daniel R. Braden Date. 2021.08.30 08:23:24-04'00' 1 TA O U L LL U N oZ O �z���u o < < �' � N 0 U < —1 (L < ap (n u i Z03 Uj cn ~ u! � x —1 M OC 0 < -bbl- d) SHEET NO: 2). OF 6. JOB NUMBER: 21-90 moo ° R. 8%k'� o ®® AR 977770 O (5� IOd ring shank nails over self adherin � roofing underlayment per Product Approval over 19/32" CDX plywood attached to trusses per sheeting attachment diagram on roof plan. ROOF: PL,4N Scale 1/,4" = 1'-0" TYPICAL ROOF NOTES: — Overhangs shall b� and assumed TO MATCHEXISTING — Roof pitch shall e S.-12 an assumed TO MATCH EXISTING— Truss shop drawin provided by manufacturer — Ang changes to this plan Shall be submitted to the architect for approval in writing prior to starting construction. — ALL TRUSS TO TRUSS CONNECTiONS BY TRUSS MANUFACTURER — Architect to review Truss Shop Drawings Prior to construction for layout and uplift verification — Contractor to provide for Form Board Surveg and to provide Form Board Surveg to Truss Compang prior to truss construction — Contractor to verif g all Roof Pitches PRIOR to truss order — Contractor to provide the Architect with truss shop drawings including ALL truss cut sheets showing ALL truss reactions prior to START OF: FOUNDATION WORK for strap g and footing verification. '"STRAPPING SCHEDULE MTS 12 Simpson MTS 12 hurricane anchor at each truss (2-f" o.c.) supporting Max. 1,000 lbs. uplift w/ (1-4) 10d x 1.5" nails STPAPPiNG SCHEDULE HETA 20 HETA 20 SIMPSON HETA 20 hurricane anchor at each truss supporting Max. 1,810 lbs. uplift. Strap shall have (9) IOd x 1 1/2" nails. B EAM S CHEDULE Mark Size and Description BI 8" x 12" concrete tie beam with (4) 45 bars cont. over clear sans, provide 43 ties at 8" o.c. max. spacing B2 One row of beam block filled with concrete and (1) 45 bar continuous in each row. HiP ROOF SHEETiNG ATTACHMENT DETAIL I. Minimum Nall Size = 8d angular ring shank (min. 2 1/2" Ion ) 2. Minimum Screw Size = 48 x 2" 3. Minimum Sheathing Thickness 19/32" CDX Plywood 4. Use nails or screws based on ressure for roof stated in permit info box on these pPans for zone 3 O 4 FT E Q jr A%J` h� 4 FT E © 4 FT ir FA► 1~L O 4 FT 4 FT l Ke Area Ede Field Fastener Pressure Zone I 6" 6" 8d ring shank �f� psf Zone 2E, 2R 6" 8d ring shank �6 psf Zone 3 �{" 8d ring shank 8�f psf ' Additional #5 bars Lintel Bar Clear "A" "B" Length Length Span Bars Bars CLEAR COVER Precast Lintel 2'-10" 2'-8" I'-6" 2,U3 none 3'-6" 3'-4" 2'-2" 2,u3 none 8F8-OB/IT Additional 4'-0" 3'-10" 2'-8" 2,1t3 none #5 bars CLEAR '.� . 4'-6" 4'-4" 3'-2" 2,u3 none COVER One Row of Beam �" 5'-4" 5'-2" 4'-O" 2,U3 none Block Above '' ' �•I none Precast Lintel r : � — j.,' 2,�4 none , Additional �'-6" 7'-O" 6'-2" 2,5 none CLEAR r.- u5 bars COVER ---,' �`----�' 8FIL-IB/IT BPI(,-IB/2T _1'-10" �'-O" 2,u5 none NOTES: ALL reinforcing steel is grade 60. I. MIN. COVERAGE OF STEEL = 1.5" 2. MIN. BEARING: REQUIRED a EA. END = 4" 3. STANDARD FOR REINF. STEEL = ASTM A615 GRADE 6O TYPICAL LINTEL SECTION ( PRECAST CONCRETE ) LiNTEL SCHEDULE Mark Window DoorStressed Uni Width Lintel Size Cast -Crete Specification Pre- Rows of BAboove k " " Bottom Steel Size Top Steel Size Max. Load'tq (PLF) Max. Load (PLF) Max. Lateral (PLF) L20 21_Z " 2'-10" 8F8-OB/IT NO 1 e5 30L9 15L9 I642 — L31 21-LBO V-1" V-9" BPS-OBAT NO 1 85 25L1 13L3 ZL3 — L45 4'-5" 5'-I" BPS-OBAT NO — I a5 1344 IOIL 411 L50 5'-O" 5'-8" BPS-OB/IT NO — 1 85 1105 9O9 339 LLO C-On v-8" 8F8-OB/IT NO — 1 85 loll 121 534 L10 1'-O" T-ON BPS-OBAT NO — 1 #5 1011 121 534 L80 8'-O" 8'-8" BPS-OBAT NO — 1 #5 L99 591 512 L90 9'-O" 9'-8" 8F8-OBAT NO — 1 �5 535 530 401 LI00 10'-O" 10'-8" 8F8-OB/IT NO — 1 e5 582 414 452 LIIO 10'-0" 11'-8" 8FIL-IBAT NO ONE 1 u5 1 e5 1254 410 402 L120 12'-O" 12'-8" 8FIL-IB/IT NO ONE 1 u5 1 a5 1015 LOL 324 L140 14'-O" 14'-8" 8FIL-IB/IT YES ONE 1 u5 1 85 1310 519 284 LILO Its' -ON IL'-8" 8FIL-IB/2T YES ONE 1 u5 2 85 950 500 194 LI80 Its' -ON 18'-8" 8FIL-IB/2T YES ONE 1 #5 2 #5 150 424 148 - ALL LINTELS SHALL BE MADE BY CAST-CRETE. - LINTELS SHALL BE FILLED SOLID WITH 3000 PSI CONCRETE - REFER TO CAST-CRETE CATALOG FOR ALL INFORMATION REGARDING LINTEL CONSTRUCTION, HANDLING INFORMATION, AND SAFE LOAD REQ. REQUIREMENTS - LINTELS OVER 13'-11" LONG ARE TO BE PRESTRESSED. - CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL LINTEL SIZES BASED ON FINAL MASONRY OPENING SIZES AND ADJUST LINTELS ACCORDINGLY PRIOR TO ORDERING ANY/ALL LINTELS Underlayment notes: - Contractor shall strictly follow these guidelines: Underlagment design pressure for 160 mph Ultimate = PER PERMIT INFO. BOX for Category II Buildings in Exposure B with Importance factor of 1.0 for roof with less than 1:12 slope PRODUCT TEST PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS DESCRIPTION Mortar �J• yStem Large Patt placement TO BE USED Pol9set AH-160 FLu 6332.1 of L3 rams er the Tile foam 9 P Barrel Tile — See roof plan, elevations, and tgp section for manufacturer Contractor to adhere each tile per note in box above and I.A.W. product approval from MFG Weephole Barrel Tile Attachment Detail Self adhered underlayment l see notes on roof plan > (Self adhered underlayment ( see notes on roof plan ) Contractor to adhere each the 19/32" CDX plgwood per note in box above and I.A.W. ( see details for nailing ) product approval from MFG � I Truss Tail See details for construction \Anti—Ponding Galv. Drip System Roof Tile Installation Detail nts INSTALL TILES PER SYSTEM SHOWN IN LOAD BOX Contractor to adhere each the per note in box. above_ and I.A.W product a —" 19/32" roof sheeting l see roof plan for attachment > nts Ridge Tile l barrel may be used ) Fasten ridge and hip tiles on specified metal channels Metal channel attached to roof " with (1) 3/4' Galy. screw at b" o.c. underlayment on 19/32 Provided bg East Coast Metals CDX plywood Concrete Tile Ridge Detail nts Digitally signed by Daniel R. Braden Date: 2021.08.30 08:23:14-04'00' ��i LL O U 3Cq UJI # 6 20 ,L � ,L fo SHEET NO: 04, OF 6. JOB NUMBER: 21-90 moo ° R. 0 � o�� ; o oa AR 9770 O OC SHEET NO: 04, OF 6. JOB NUMBER: 21-90 moo ° R. 0 � o�� ; o oa AR 9770 O OC E> Int Verify all stucco banding and trim per elevations stucco return tttach door to block wall with '4" dia. x 3" tap -cons with min. 1/2" penetration at 12" o.c. max nd 6" o.c. max from each corner thru x 8" PT Buck ee door schedule and :,or plan for size and locations stall door per product approval by mfg rywall return ee typical wall sections for interior ywall finish notes erify filled cell count per floor plans at window jambs Exterior Door Jamb Detail NTS Seal ALL concrete block jambs prior to buck per FSC R103.8 using any approved sealant VERIFY ALL SILL MATERIAL WITH OWNER PRIOR TO ORDERING VERIFY ALL ROUGH OPENING SIZES WITH THEIR RESPECTIVE MANUFACTURER PRIOR TO INSTALLING MASONRY Filled Cell Masonry Column with One 1*5 From Footing To Beam. Conc. Fill To Be 3000 PSI See Floor Plan For Location Single Filled Cell Column NTS Contractor shall provide f or temporary shoring under block to remain Contractor shall remove wall as needed for new lintel E> Int Window Jamb Deta11 Drywall retur Sill - verify material and with owner p to ordering Verify all stucco banding and trim per elevations Stucco return Attach window to block wall with 1/4" dia, x 3" tap -cons with min. 1 1/2" penetration at 12" o.c. max and 6" o.c. max from each corner thru I" x -f" PT Buck See window schedule and floor plan for size and locations install window per product approval by mfg Drywall return See typical wall sections for interior drywall finish notes verify filled cell count per floor plans at window jambs NTS Lintel - see plans for size and steel req. E i�f iss�d Attach window to block wall with 1/4' dia. x 3" tap —cons with min. a1/2' penetration at 12' o.c. max nd I. o.c. max from each corner thru I" x 4" PT Buck stucco return See window schedule and floor plan for size and locations Stucco finish over sill slope for drainage Pour concrete sill over tin cap Section Window Head Sill Filled Cell Masonry Column with One 1*5 From Footing To Beam Each. Conc. Fill To Be 3000 PSI See Floor Plan For Location Double Filled Cell Column NTS Provide Cast -Crete b 8U8-OB/OT precast Remove Existing lintel set in mortar lock as needed Min. -f" Bearing and set new lintel over new opening New Lintel shall have min. 4" bearing II .: on each side of new opening Provide New PT Dowel (1) U5 bar EXI G Bucks attached per w/ 25„ min lap S WALL jamb details into . existing filled c II. and 6" embed c s WALL °.:. See plan for size Pour sill blocks r' ''' '`' '' �' �' ` Remove block as needed solid for window n each side of window for new attachment " ; :I i., vert. steel — fill solid with grout Existing slab to remains—c EpAEB > Mix DETAIL AT NEW WINDOW OPENINGS Scale: 1/2" = 1'-0" Contractor shall remove wall as needed for new lintel NTS Extend filled cell up into beam Ti& 48 bar vert. at filled cell Down X d Dowel (1) #5 bar w/ 25" min lap -it ir1�iiiw �• 63 ete Footing W&,A Typical Masonry Wall )air. nts 1:11 ❑❑ ❑ 0❑ ❑❑ 6" Control Joint Extend joint reinforcing at 30'-0" max. into concrete column PLAN VIEW PLAN VIEW AT ALUANY CONTROL JOINTS ❑ ❑ Typical Masonry Wall (V D � m m El El El El 0 32„ 32" Provide Prefabricated Provide Prefabricated "L" Joint Reinforcing "T" Joint Reinforcing at ALL Corners ❑ at ALL T-intersections PLAN VIEW PLAN VIEW AT ALL 'T' INTERSECTIONS AT ALL CORNERS TYPICAL CONCRETE BLOCK WALL REINFORCING TO BE OUR-O-WAL DA3200 LADUR JOINT REINFORCEMENT IN STANDARD WEIGHT (9GA) WITH A HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED FINISH. REINFORCING SHALL BE PLACED IN ALL CONCRETE BLOCK WALLS AT 16" O.C. VERTICAL OR EVERY OTHER COURSE OF BLOCK TYFIC,4L M,4,50N RY W,4LL REINFORCING DET,4ILS ll: New Lintel shall have min. -f" bearing CBS WALL ,IF` �I on each side of new opening Provide New PT Bucks attached per VERT.5 bar jamb details into existing filled cell. CBS WALL : °1See plan.:.::: for size Pour sill blocks '' '-''` `�'' `''` '•` solid for window Provide new filled cell attachment on each side of opening :l :. See foundation plan DETAIL AT WINDOW OPENINGS Scale: 1/2" = 1'-0" NTS Tip. 1�Iasorrq Filled Cell [Detail NTS Dowel new beam steel into existing beam and set in epoxy New Beam - see section at block u Dowel 1 48 bar x I 6" into existing fille cell & set in epoxy illed Cells (Typical) 1/2"x 4 1/2" isonry Inspection Clean Out Hole 0° bend f rom f ooting 8 bar dia. lap in wall id f ooting asting beam to remain ontractor to fill last cell lid with concrete and (1) bar vert. for new wall tachment. Kisting wall to remain Dowel new footing steel 6" into existing and set in Epoxy dock Wall Connection Detail Scale: NTS Contractor to provide proper foundation chairs for proper steel installation E 0 cil 30" m1n. Corner Steel Lap nts ulg1ta11y signea by Daniel R. Braden Date: 2021.08.30 08:23:04-04'00' a cf) 0 a —1 ? LL QC >_ R U93 [� U cy a [- .V R� � z U� � o � W U QL W � Q o 0 D U W U z o � � LL m O N +� Q3 cy � 1JJ o O W =3 O > "" 3 U — <ao�u 0 < I Z ~ O Cr aj U U I- -0 LU cn ~LL U L! -Q03 to LL + LL 41 OL r 03 ila < .= d) fo SHEET NO: OF (o. JOB NUMBER: 21—q0 V. oI�°° moo ° oho-L R. 0%�� oD o ®® o AR 977770 oOzz