HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING PERMIT APP - 5310 Deleon Ave All APPUCABLIE INFO MUST K COM PtETEU FOR APPLICATI CNN TO BE ACCEPT-ED Date: 16 121f/Z 7 1 Perm i l. Nuinher: `I - r 4 -UV W- -y Building Permit Application � ���� errt rvi�es ,•• evifdinq and EndL-ReguWtlarrl 4prr Commercial Rt�51dun#EaI ✓ 23M Yiryinra Ave me,Fthrr Pk-rre ft 34922 Phow- (7 72)4 ,1553 Fax- 2?462-1578 CB DG Funding P E R MIT APP LICATION FOR PROPOSED IMPROVEM ENT LOCATION: PropL-rty Tax ID ilf: LIC Al - 11 3 Lot No. Sift' PI•an Ni3 rm2- _ Block No- , 4 project f�a rr�e STAPLED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: -- --- �,•�'_ .LAY �.� New Flectfrical Meter Second Electrical Meter (Affidavit required) CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: Add itii aI work Cep bel perforam2d under this permit -check all that apply: 4 Mi�charkica I _ Gas Tank — Gas Piping _ 5hutte rs 'W irndoxvs/Doors _pand + le roe Plum Bing __$prinkler.5 _(a a nerator 'Roof )Pitch TotalSei_ Fat of E:aps ruution_ _ _ :9. Ft.of 1 rrst Floor; Cast of Constructon:S ,� 06. OC9 Utikities; _Sewer eptie 13 u ild ling m6ght: D 1?NER LES TE: µ CONTRACTOR., -- w m-e + _ Name: TLiZk A�f A�_A Address"3 � NA Corn ply. City: ,L'0 9T Ph!Iced Stare: Ad4dre ss; zlp Codm IL4 Faic cirY= flip_f P14 A Sta# ; PhorLe No, 77 2^S I Zf- j/3 E� 7ip-Code= . Fax: _. Mai L.jh;S� T 08a CS A i:j Y z.1-C JC,�.jArL Cc Phone No 77.2:_�5-rd?-g? 11e-) pI II in f"slmple Title Hakler on eel page frf dH91'arent E-Nla ik Y�,l� ,.� �,� �r�� L t TY1_L-C IL { �: from the Owner listed above) Stag or Co u iity Licens-e C. i:�,: s El If value of construction is ZSOQ ar more, a RECORDED Niatice of-Commencement Is requ Ired_ If valve Qf HAVC is$7,500 or more a RECORDED Notire of Commencement is required, SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATION, DESIG N ERf€NG I N€€ _N of App I ica b Ise MORTGAC E COMPANY: _ Not Ap plicab I e p Na mez Ad dress= .Jb- Uj A �"IEI_ kxf, � - Ad d ress: City; CL.A 91 a-k r-AoLa T State' Fzy City: �StalR: Zip. a ALL . Phorne _ Ua s—n q zip, , Pill i)ne.= F E E SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER. _Nut Ap plicab le BONDING COMPANY. Not Applicable N erne: Name: Ad dress: MclfeSs: C Ity' City: Zi p; Ph ern e= ZIP- Rltione: OWNER/CONTRAC fDR AFFIDVFT: Application Is hereby made to ob Loirr a permit tv do tM work and Gmtallatlon a5 Indiut-io d, I certify that no work or knstallatlon#has oommcnced prior to the issuance of a permit. .St. LoCi-e C4ujity jyoke-,no rLWrL-,entativn that is antiR a penm.twill authorizp.the P�-Y"t holdu r Lo build th-P subject srructure �whach contlicts with anjY app irable Homaoum�rs q•�i i(3ri fwIB,Wawa or and covenban�that may restrict or prohll)i! swell structu re- Please consult with yrp+ur F{omwwners Association and review your deed for anyr rp.strlOL-ons which maw apQlyr. In conside-ration of the gtaotirlu�of this requested permit, I do Mrehyr agree that I will, In all nespLcts,perform the work in accordance with the approved pkansr the hharida Building{des Bind St. Lucie Cou my Amendments. 1 he following building permiR aF)0h Wtivn5 a re exempt from undergoing a fu II conuurfencyr rewlew' room 06di;Lioris, actezar-V structures,swirnmieg pools, fences,walls,signs,scre.p.n iooms and aoteswry uses Lo another non-residential u�,- WARNING TO 13WN€It=Your failure to Record a N otIce of RiQi'r'Imenrernent may result in pwortg twice for improve menu to you r property. A Notice of Com rm encement mu st be -recorded i n t he publ i e records of St. Lucile Co-Lnty am d poste4 1)rf the jobsite before the fi rst i nspection. If you i nte0d to i)btain fin a ncin& consult with Iendpr or uL=orriey before ecim rye n6ng voork i)r reourd i n$ you r N otice of Co m me ncern-ant. _ Sig n �fC_ontrActi)r,)sAKurlL f43r Owner 5 V E OF FLORIDA DA COUNTY OF _ST Ll Sworn to jor arffifined)and subscribed before me of Physical Pm.wrice of UPI ini=h ota rization this 2Q9, day:of r{ TR . � .;. by 5--VAe AVAILrx I flame of person making statsuient. — -- I Ptx sunally Known QR Produced identification rype cf Identification Pro�duce6 irSr i Si atura of hiotary R C--State of Florida} Corrtmissian Na. (1w) `_ opm;M IM� 4��►R- REVIEWS FRQWr ZONINri SLJPERVISO $ PIL NS VEGETATION SEA TURTLE MAMrPRQVE C.00INTE R KVILW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW RFVIFW REVIEW DATE RECEIVED DATE I T ..._ ... COO PLFTFD