HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Evaluation Report ` '%MAX
F L 17022.03-R 9
26ga (min ) VMAX over 15/32" Qmj j U`ply�wo o Al
Extreme Metal Fabricators lacocc
2160 SW Poma Dr I Palm City FL 34990
Product Description
5V Crimp style exposed fastener panel with 24" max coverage and nominal
rib height of 3/8".
Product Material
26ga (min) steel RLE Copy
Corrosion resistant per FBC 1507.4.3 where required kr
#9 x 1.0" fastener with sealing washer -
Compliant with FBC 1506.6 where ,required.
Substrate/Deck ;
15/32" (min) plywood or
3/4" (min) thick wood plank (min S.G. of 0.42)
Evaluated by:
David Eng, PE
Timberlake Cove, LLC
3324 W Univ Ave #206 1 Gainesville FL
FL PE 81377 1 FL CA 33344
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Digital) signed
`by David E Eng, No.81377
10:1.5:38+01'00'I_.a -
digitallyThis Rem has been
sealedand by D.E.
copiesdate indicated.Printed of this
document are not considered signed
and sealed and the signaturebe
verified on any electronic copies
5V Crimp ExposedSeam.
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1 FL17022.03- R9
Underlayment: Comply with local building code or FBC 1507.1.1 where required.
Slope: Comply with local building code or FBC 1507.4.2 where required.
Re-Roofing: This panel may be installed over a single layer of existing shingles as permitted
by local building code or FBC 1511, provided the existing roof meets the conditions required by
the applicable code.
Maximum Allowable Loads & Installation Requirements:
Method A: #9 x 1.5" fastener in 12"-12" pattern in the ribs at 12" o.c.: 85 PSF
Method B: #19 x 1.5" fastener in 12"-12" pattern in the flats at 12" o.c.: 114.25 PSF
A factor of safety of 2 has been applied.
Technical Documentation:
This product has been tested to the UL 580 standard by Hurricane Test Lab (Now Intertek
Testing, TST-1527), report 0223-0307-01 and 0223-0517-06. As referenced in FL20378.06-R1.
Compliance Statement:
This pro*du-ct-as described has demonstrated compliance-ith F?oridd Building Code 2GZO,
1504.3.2 (non-HVHZ) as required by FL Rule 61G20-3, method 1D.
This product as described has been tested and demonstrated compliance with:
• UL580 - Test for Uplift Resistance of Roof Assemblies
• UL 1897 - Uplift test for roof covering systems
Design Process:
The load tables in this report provides one prescriptive option for the fastening requirement
for the applicable wind loads for roofs within the parameters described. For roofs outside of
the listed parameters, design wind loads shall be determined as required by FBC 1609, ASCE 7, or
other design code in force, using allowable stress. These load, tables are'based on ASCE 7-16.
Use of these tables assumes that the structure is:
• Enclosed and conforms to wind-borne debris provisions and is a regular shaped buildi.ng
• Is not subject to across-wind loading, vortex shedding, or instability; nor does it have a
site location for which channeling or buffeting warrant consideration
Engineering analysis may be completed by other licensed engineers for project specific
approval by local authorities having jurisdiction.
Certification of Independence:
David Eng, PE and Timberlake Cove, LLC do not have, nor will acquire a financial interest in any company
manufacturing or distributing products under this evaluation. The same entities do not have, nor will
acquire, a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product.
Exclusions and Limitations:
Design of deck and roof structure (to include attachment of plywood or wood plank) shall .be completed by
others. Fire classification and shear diaphragm design are outside the scope of this evaluation. Accelerated
weathering/salt spray Is outside the scope of this evaluation. c
This report is limited to compliance with structural wind load requirements of FBC;1504.3.2, as required by
Rule 61G20-3. Neither Timberlake Cove no.r the manufacturer shall be responsible for any conclusions,
interpretations, or designs made by others based on this evaluation report. This report is limited solely to
documenting compliance with Rule 61G20-3, and makes no express or implied warranty regarding
performance of this product. Installation shall be subject to the local building code and authority having
jurisdiction; this report shall not be construed to supersede local codes in force.
Select the appropriate load table that applies to the a
structure in question.
Determine the design wind speed for the project a-/ 2 2 3
location. 2 1 1 2
Use the attachment method indicated for that 2
windspeed within each roof zone. 2 2 3 a
2 1 2 2 3 a
NOTE: ASCE 7-16 and FBC 2020 adopt a 7-zone concept.
For the load tables below, the worst case was taken 2
for each zone and reported using the standard zones 2 1 1 2
Zone i includes zones 1 and 1' a 31 I3 a
Zone 2 includes zones 2 e,_ 2 r,_ and 2 n a 7- HIP.ROOF_. .GABLE ROOF _ �"a L _
Zone 3 includes zones 3e and 3r
Combiningthese zones creates a clear, simple :10%OF TEASTROIZONTALOWENVON OROAh WHICHEVER ISSMALLER.RUr NOT
scheme, at the expense of some design efficiency. OR AS OETERMNED BY DMM OROTMAPP`CAME`OOF
Contact the manufacturer for further information, ROOF ZONES FOR GENERIC BUILDING
or consult a licensed design professional.
r----12"(NOM) 12"(NOM) 1
r12"(NOM)-� 12"(NOM)—�
Use this load table for structures which meet the following criteria: Use this load table for structures which meet the following criteria:
Are located in Exposure B area Are located in B,C,or D exposure area
Have either a flat roof,or gable/hip roof with max slope of 12:12 Have either a flat roof,or gable/hip roof with max slope of 12:12
Have a mean Roof Height of 30 feet or less Have a mean Roof.Height of 30 feet or less
FL17022.03. 26 a 5V Crimp on 111327plywood FL17022.03: 26 a 5V Crimp on 15132" ood
Wind 105 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 Wind 105 110 120130 440 150 160 170 .180 190 200
Zone 1: AAA A A A A ' A A A A Zone 1: A- . A A A ' A_ A •A FB B
Zone 2: A A A• A A A A AJ B B Zone 2:. A A A A, . B
Zone 3: A A A A A A C B -B B Zone 3: A A A F B B
Use this load table for structures which meet the following criteria: Use this load table for structures which meet the following criteria:
Are located in Exposure B area Are located in B,C,or D exposure area
Have either a flat roof less than 7°,hip roof with Have either a flat roof less than 70,hip roof with
max slope of 12:12,or gable roof with slope between 4.4,12&12:12 max slope of 12.12,or gable roof with slope between 4.4:12&12:12
Have a mean Roof Height of 30 feet or less Have a mean Roof Height of 30 feet or less
FL17022.03: 26 a 5V Crimp on 15/32"plywood FL17022.03: 26 a 5V Crimp on 15132"Plywood
Wind 105 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 Wind 105 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180. 190 200
Zone 1: A A A A A A A A A A A Zone 1: A A A A A A A , B B B
Zone 2: A A A A A A A A A F B B Zone 2: A A A A A [B- B
Zone 3: A A . A- A A• A A.I 1 B B Zone 3: A A' A _[ B B