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FORA R406- 00 FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation - Residential Performance Method Pro)ect Name, SYNERGY BUDNICK 2801 Muter erne: SYNERGY KOME5 sheet: 8401INMANRNEROR111E PerrntOlfiw: FTOIERCE City.State,Zip: FT PIERCE . FL , Permit Number Owner: Jurisdiction: t7esigrr Localron: FL, Fort Plieme County- 9t furls(F1atkia Ctlmare Zane 2) 1. New constiuc#Ion or existing New(Ffom plains) 10. W2II TypeP030 2 W111.) InetrtatkM Ana 2 Side ramHy or muikiple fam4 detached a Concrete e}I Ck-Int ir►sul, EAarior R-6,0 27aa-90 rtt b, Frame-Wood,Adjacent R=13,4 261.33 it' 3 Humber of tknits. J rnuhiple family 1 a,NIA R= ft' 4. Nunntfer of aedroome 4 d, NIA Ro ft= 5. IS thre a worst case? ND a. Gaoling Types �2824.0 sgtk) lydsa�tahon Area $. Roof Deck (Unvented) 840,0 2824.00 R' S. ContdWoned floor airea above grade(IF) 2824 b MIA R= R' Cowitioiri d hoot aree t elaw grade(W) 0 o. NIA Fta R� 7 WirWuwe(487-7 SO.) Desaip0on Area }2. DuCtS R P� �f-Factor Dbl. 2fi3.33R' a. Sup-Attic, Ret:AtUo.AH-Attic 5 142.2 o- SHGC: 3HGCm0-15 b, 11-Factor Dbl.V3 0-31 73.*50 ttt 13, Goofing systems KBtuthr EI1lclency SHGC- 81-1100-0.19 a Central lJnit 45,5 SEER-15 00 c- U-Factor. Dbl.,U-0-30 $7.33 fts 'C: SHGC=0'21 14. Heating systems kB#uAtr EffidenCy Area Wotghted Average Overhang Depth, 9-NO ft- Area Wui ghied Average SHGC: 0.1 gg a. Elearic Strip Heat 31-0 COP 1 CIO 5. Skylights Are: e, U-Fac#ar.(AVG} MIA h' 15 Hot Water systems 3HGC(AVG), MIA a. Natural Gas Tankkms Cap' 1 gallons 9 Floor Types (2824.0 Kft-) Insulation Area Ef-0.590 a-SlatrOr Grade Edge Insulation RmO.0 2824.0t ft� b. Conserrrobon fealtwes In. NIA R= its None c. NSA R= fV IS.Credit► None Glass/Floor Area, 0.173 Total Proposed Modified Loads- 84.62 PASS Total Baseline Lueds; 90.93 1 hereby oeftify that the plans and specifications r:overe0 by Review of the plans and %14£Sr4 this cakUsbon are in pliance with the Florida Enemy+ spedfications covered by this Code. calculation indicMes complianc2 � i with the Florida Energy Cade. PREPARED BY: Before construction is oomplated DATE- this building will be inspected for ° ; IJ 0L I carrlpli8n0e with Sectlon 553-908 I hereby cer'fify that this building, as designed, i9 in Complianoe F%dda Statutes. with the Florida Energy Code- OWNERlAI NT. BUILDING oFFiDIAL: DATE: —7 I DATA_ Compliance requires certification by the air handler unit manufacturer that the air handier enclosuns qualifies as certified factory4 ailed In accordance with 111403,13.1, -Compliance requires an Air Barrier loft Insuirdon IrnpecOon 4rhnkllst in accordance with 1140141.1 and this project requires an envelope leakage Last report with envelope leafage no greater than 7.00 AC H50 (R 02-4-1,2). $lIrMl 11-09 AM EnergyGaugeg USA 7-0.00• FlaRes2020 FBC 7th Edition(2020) Compliam SoRwane Page 1 ref 5 FORM R405-20 O INPUT SUMMARY CHECKLIST REPORT PROJECT Title; SYNERGY BUDNICK 2801 Seoroo"- 4 AddrenType- Streat Address Building Type. User Conditioned Area-. M4 Lot 4 Owner Name- Total Stories: 1 BlocldsubdNrziorr. *of Untw worst Case: No Plat.Bodc Builder Name: SYNERGY HOMES Rotate Angle- $D Street; W1 INC11AN RIVER D Permit Cffrca: FT PIERCE Crass Ventilation- County, St. Lucie Juriadiexion: Whole H--use Fen- City.Sule,Zip- FT. PIERCE.. Family Type. Detached FL . NewPExmting; New(From Plans} Comment CUMAIrE / 0111,94111 T"v Irrt D"49n Temp Heating Deeign Oiyr Temp Y D&SW LUCMIan TUY SIUe 27.5% 2-6% WiffW SUWfner d07M Deye ?&'atUM PA pe FL, Fart Pierce FL—VERO_BEACH MUNI 39 90 70 75 299 62 Low BLOC" Numbee Name Area volume BIOCkl 2824 26263-2 SPACES Numtmr Name Area Volume K chen Occupants 8gdraoms Irtryy ID Finwhed Cooled Boated Moln 2624 26263-2 Yes a 4 1 Yes Yes Yea FLOORS 4 Floor Type Space Perimeter R-Value Area Tile WOW COW 7 Slab-On-Orwe Ed"Inewetio 1§496rL 305 it 0 2024 re 0 0 1 ROOF / Roof Gab19 Roof Rai Solar SA Emitt Emltt Bask Pith V 0 Type meter" Area Area Color Berr Absor 'rested Tested Insul. (deg) I Hip Composition shingles 3059 W 0 ftl Light N d.96 No 0.8 No 20 22.62 ATTIC V Tye Ventilation Vent Ratio(t in) Area RBS I RCC 1 Partial cathedral cei Unwented 0 2824 fl' N Y CEILING Ceiling Type Space R-Value Ina Type Area Framing Frac Truss Type t Qndar Attic(Unve%eM Main 4 Blom 2924 ft' 0.11 W013d 50,W21 11:09 AM ErnorgyGau USA 7A.00-F104W2020 FBC 7th Editor;?2020) Compliant Sohmre Page 2 of 5 FORM R405-20 0 INPUT SUMMARY CHECKLIST REPORT WALLS Adjaasrlt �� Cavity Wk" Height ShoMhIng Framing Solar 9eEyw lJa 4 rt To Waj2Tym R-Val�iw Ft In A in Angie R-VaC%ie FracU AbsaL GnKbM 1 N='-E Eylarior Concrete Qlpgc-lint Insul µtWn 13 59 $ 9 4 556.9 fe 0 0-15 0 2 E=>3 Exterior Concrate Block- Int Insul Main 6 102 9 4 952.0 fF 0 0.15 0 - 3 S->W Exterior Concrete Block- Int Instil Main b 31 9 4 289.3 it' 0 0.15 0 - 4 W-N Extanor C=Tate 6I01A-fiat Inst,l Malin 6 104 9 4 970 7 f1t' 0 0.15 0 5 S=>W Garage Frame-Wood MBIn I 28 9 4 261.31!* 0.11 0.16 0 DOORS Drrrt Dow Type 5paom Storrrrs U-Value wicttki. Height Area Ft Irr Ft Ir, t = f Inaukided Main None .46 5 6 6 401i' 2 S=>W wood Ma:n None .45 3 6 9 20 fF WINDOWS Orielrtsti: n mown is the ante,ed orientation f=>i char eo to AS Suitt irotate0 90 deg revs} / Wan Overtwrg 0 Omt ID Fralrie Panes NFRG U-Faetot SHGC Imi) Urea DepM Separation IrRShade saftnin_q i NEE f Ylnyl Double(Tinted) Yes 0.28 0.15 N 50.7 ft2 1 ft 0 In 0 ft 9 in Napa None 2 E=>S 2 1lirtyl Dot,wu(Tinted) Yes 0.26 0.15 N 21.3 IP 1 R Din 0 ft 9 in Nona None 3 N-E 1 Vinyl Double(rnted) Yes 0.3 0 1 N 33.3 it' 1 R 0 in 0 R Bin None None 4 E-S 2 Vinyl Double (Tinted} Yea 0.31 029 N M,3 V 32 R 0 in CA t in None Nave 5 H->E 1 Vlnyil Double(Hoyt(TkytK Yes 0.26 0.24 N 33.0 ft 12 Ift 0 in 2 ik 0 in None None 6 N->E 1 Virryl trouble(TWed) Yes 0.26 0.15 N 101.3 ft' 12 ft 0 io 5 it 6 in Nwie None 7 N=aE 1 Vinyl Double(Thread) Yes 0.28 0-15 N 40.0 R* 12 ft 0 In 5 ft 6 In None Hang 6 E=>S 2 Vinyl bauble(Tinted) Yes 0.3 0,21 N 12.0 R* 1 ft 0 in 0 ft 9 in None None 9 E-S 2 Vinyl double(T.Inted) Yes 0.3 0,21 N 4.7 FV 1 R 0 In 0 ft 9 ir. None None 10 S=>W 3 vinyl Double(Tinted) Yes 0.31 0A9 N 23.6 R' 1 R 0 in 0 ft 9 ir. None Norge 11 S-W 3 Vinyl Double(Tntk) Yes 0,31 0.14 W 16-6 it° 7 R 0 in 3 R 0 in None None 12 S-W 3 Vinyl Double(Tinted) Yes 0.3 0-21 N 8,0 ft2 21 ft O in 0 R S on Nome None 13 Et}S 2 Vinyl Double(Tinted) Yes 0.26 014 N 16.6 ft' 7 ft 0 irr 0 it 6 in Nome None 14 4V=M 4 Vwyl Double(Tinted) Yes 0.3 0.21 N 4.7 it' 1 ft 0 in Oft 9 In None None 15 VVm;,N 4 Vinyl Qcuble[Tlntad} Yes 0.3 0.21 N 4.7 Ri 1 it 01n Oft 9 In Nana None 16 Wu>N 4 Vinyl Double(Clnted} Yas 0,31 0.19 N 19,6 R* 1 It Gin 0 ft 9 in None Nona 17 WAN 4 Vinyl Daub*(nntw ) Yea 0.31 0.19 N 16.6 it' 1 R 0 in O ft 9 In Ware None T l8 S-W 3 Vinyl Double(Tinted) Yee 0.18 0.01 N 60.7 it* 21 ft 0 In 2 ft 0 in Nona None GARAGE 4 Floor Area Ceiling Area Expered Weil;Perimeter Avg.WaII Height Exposed Wall Insulslkm 1 550 It° 550 ft} fA ft 10 R 1 511r2021 11-09 AM Err TVC-61.090E USA 7.0.00-FIAR@s=FBC 7th Edition(2020) Compliant Sottmm Page 3 of 5 FORM R405- 0 0 INPUT SUMMARY CHECKLIST REPORT INFILTRATION # Scope mettion SLA CFM 50 ELA EgLA ACH ACH 5C 1 Wh leh-3use Proposad ACH(50) .000413 3W 169 1 315.513 .1342 7 HEATING SYSTEM System Type $uhtypg Speed Efttclency Capa cirty Bbcx ducts 1 Electric Strip HeaV !None COP.1 31 kBtlrlhr 1 syaiti COOLING SYSTEM 4 Syatern Type Subtype Sub we Effl w y C.apaclty Air Flow SHR Bkx;k Duels 1 Central Univ None Singl SEER: 16 45.5 kSWihr 1365 d`m 0.75 1 smi HOT WATER SYSTEM 4 Sys m Type SLrbiyps Location EF Cn. Ube Setprd Consanratuon 1 Nature; Gas Tankless Exterior 1 gal 50 gat 120 deg None SOLAR HOT WATER SYSTEM FSEC Caileclor 610rage Gert 4 Corn0any Name System Model 4 C0llee#4r Model#k Area Volu� FEF None None ft= DUNS —Supply-- --- Retum-- Air CFM 25 CFML25 HVAC w 4 Location R-Value Area Location Area Leakage Type Herrdler TOT OUT ON RLF Hest Cool 1 Aft 6 142211 At>jc 45-55 R default Leaka" Attic (Defautt) i:Defaull) 1 1 TEMPERATURES Pr;ryramabte Thermostat- N Ceiling Fans; Capli Ja+l Fib tuler ury r M11Y J Jul Au ]$ Oct Nov Der.Jan Feb Mar Apr May [�Jun �Jul rl Aug J Sep Oct t�D1+ L Venting Jan Feta Mar Apr May [ ]Jun Jut Aug 1 Selo ll��Jl Oct Nov Dec 511 021 111-09 AM E neigyGauge4l)USA 7.0.00-FlaRes2020 FBC 71h Edits (2020) Carnpiiant Software Page 4 of 5 FORM R405- 020 INPUT SUMMARY CHECKLIST REPORT Thwm0SW Schedule: HERS 2006 Reference Houm Schedule Type 1 2 3 d 5 8 7 9 9 10 11 12 cocwwv Me) AM 78 78 79 78 70 76 78 79 78 78 78 78 PM 78 78 70 78 70 78 76 71a 78 78 78 76 Cooling (WOH) AM 78 78 75 76 79 78 78 76 78 78 76 76 PIM 78 79 76 76 78 78 78 76 78 78 78 70 Heating(WE)) AM $6 69 68 68 88 68 69 69 BB 68 69 SE Pm fib 60 66 68 68 68 66 68 9$ 68 68 66 Keakjng( WEH) AM 68 68 68 68 fib 68 .58 68 66 69 68 58 PM B8 68 69 EB aP 68 66 68 68 68 68 68 MECHANICAL VEN11LATM Typo Supply CFM Exhaust CFM Fan Watts HRV H$91m g Syetmm Run Time Cooling System None 6 0 Q 1 -EleWi-.Stirip Heat 0% 1 -Central Unit MASS Mass Type A-ea Thickness FurnkuteFraction Space Deiaun{81bal .it. Oft' Oft 0.3 Main 51tI2021 11.09 AM EnomgyGaugeS USA 7 0.00-FlaRsa=FBC 7th Edition(2020) Compllent Softare Page 5&5 FORM R405- 0 0 ENERGY PERFORMANCE LEVEL (EPL) DISPLAY CARD ESTIMATED ENERGY PERFORMANCE INDEX' The lower the EnergyPerformanoe Jrldex, the more efficient the home. 8401 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE, FT_ PIERCE, FU, I. New construction or existing Now(From Plans} 10. Wall Type end I nsu Iation Inwown Area 2. Singte family pf nruldpta femq Detached s.Concrete Brock-Int Insul, Exterior R-6.0 2768.90 ftr b. Frame-Wood. Adjaoeot R=13 0 261.331t' 3. Number Df units, if multiple farnily 1 C. WA Rt fe i_ Nurnber of BadmQnis 4 d. NIA R= fe 5_ IS Ws n worst case? No 11.Ceilino Type and emulation kml Insjawn Area e. Roof Deck(UnvenW R-20,0 2824.00 ft, 6. CoMitioned flepr 9r9$fft'1 2824 b. WA Re ft, T. Windows" Dowiption Area e. WA R� lt3 a. t�-Faacm- Dbl, Uz0.26 213.33ft' 12. Ducts, location 8 insuldtkjn leuol R fF SHGC- SHi[,GmO 15 a Sup:Allis, Rat:Attic,AH- Atlic 0 142.2 b- U-Factor Obi,V=0,31 73.5+0ftr SHGC: SHGC=0.19 13. Cooling eystems k61ulhr McWcy c_ U-Factor. Dbl, Ua().M 87.33 fw a.Cenlral Unrt 45.5 SEER1$00 SHGC- SHGCt0.2i d. U-iFaVet- Other(sse details) 133.154 ft' SHGG Other(see details) 14.Haawkg systems kOtufhr Ef -lency Aran We hWd Average CN*rha� H. Emdit Strip Heat 31.0 {:CF.1.00 � 9 9 Depth: 9✓ R. AreaWeghtedAverage SHGC O..68 d. SkylightS Description Area 15. Flat water Systems a. U-FactDgAV ]- WA fp a_ Natural Gas Cap- 1 gallons 3HGC(AVG); WA EF:d.W b Conservation Features 9 Floor Types Insulation Area None a. SL&"n-Grade Edge Ina"ation R-0 a 2824.00 ftr Cradrts{Per`omtancu matron} None c. WA Rt ft' 1 certify that this home has COmplied with the F10Nda Energy Ef iency Code for Building e � Construction through the above energy saving features which will be installed (of excee�aed) o� _ '� e in this home before final inspection, Otherwise, a new FPL Display Card will be oernpleted based on installed Code compliant features. Builder Sign attire' Date: -7 1 ? lot f Address of New Name_ � ] D {- City/FL Zip- We '.Note: This is not a Bujidi.ng Energy Rating. If your Index is below 70, your home may qualify for energy efficient mortgage (EEM) incentives if you obtain a Florida Energy Bating_ For informatiort abaut the Fk>dda Building Code, Energy Conservation, contact the Florida Building Carnmisslon's Support staff, "Label required by Section R303-1 3 of the Florida Building Cade, Energy Conservation, if not DEFAULT, 5!1 J2021 11:09 AM EnergyGaugeV USA 7.0.00-Fla Res.2D20 FBC 71th Edition (2020) Compliant Software Pape 1 of i Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation, 7th Edition ( 0 0) Mandatory Requirements for Residential Performance, Prescrip6m and ERI Methods ADDRESS: 5401 INPLOLN RIVER DRIVE Permit Number Fr. FIE K-'E ,FL. MAN DATORY REQUIREMENTS - See individual code sections for full details, ' SECTION R401 GENERAL R401,3 Ertggy Earformarxx Level(EPL)dlaptay cord(Mandatory)- The blending aMOW shall require ttrat an energy perfarmance level{EPL) display crud be comVbted and certified by the builder to be aamu to and corm before final approval of the building far occupancy.Florida kaw {$aclon 553-9M,P1Orid&Stahites)requires the EEL display card to bo lrick dad as an addendum to each aales contract for both prasald and nonpresold residential buildings, The E PL display card contains irlfoim r 4tion indicating the energy perfoFrYorice level and e1TiCisnco n of Components installed in a domlii ng unit.Ytte bu ilding Official shall verify that the EPL dlsptay Card oomalated and signed by dte b&Wf a CCurately Imew;ts MA p:en s ertd speoiftoetions submllted to demonstrate code Compliance for the buliiing.A Copy of the EPL display Cold am lie found in Appendix RD. SECTION R402 BUILDING THERMAL ENVELOPE ❑ R402,4 Air ieakage(Mandakary). The buiWiW Ihermal envalepe ishalI be COn$truCted to Ilion air Ierikage in a=Fdance with the require msrrts of St-oiofis R402 4.1 tfxough R402.4.5, Exception: Dwelling units of R-2 Q=uarL, es and rnulbple.0achad single family dwellings!hall qe pefmitted;o i;Qmp1y With Sectlph C442.5. ROMA Building t3mrmai anyli4opeThe building thermal envelbpa shall oamply with SaotLDns R462.4.1.1 and ft CM4.1.2.Tht sea�ing fnethQds between dissim ilar materials shall air"for fsftrenlial r xparisf*n and c*rivactinn. R4Q2AI J Instalfatlan- The components of the bLu ldmg tllarmral enrvelope as listed in Tattle R402.4 1.1 shad be Installed in a000rdarkw witty the rrianufacturer+a instructions and the Wterla listed rn Table R402 4.1.1,as apprlcable to the method of cansbuctior.Where Mquired by the code cfACial, an approved third party shall inspect al;Oornponenl6 and varly corn pilance r--1 R402*12 Tstlnp. The building or dwelling unit shall be tested and ve ified as having an air leakage rate not axofte ding sewe+t air �] dnanges per herur In Climate Zones t and 2,and three air dhanges per hour in CNrnaieZCnea 3through 9-Testing shall be omdudad 0 accordance wkh ANSVRESNETIICC 380 and reported at a pres!jure of 0 2 inch w.p, (50 pawa!%)-Testing shall be conduclad by edher individuals as defined In Section 553.9945)or(7), Florida Statutes, of individuals Iicansed a5 set forth in Section 404.105(3)(�,(g)or(r)or an approved third party.A writppn(sport of the results of the test shprl tie sggnsd by the party canducdnQ the test and providad to the code official. Tasting shall be performed at any time after veation of air penetrabon5 Of the b4iMing thermal.anve}10W. texcapdan: Testing is not"Lilrea for add Niorts, alterations renovations, or n*airs. V 1h.e tuidding thermal♦±nvekvpa of exiling buildrrlg8 irk whxah time new oon#ruaftr is leas than 85 percent of the building Oermad envelope. Dunne testing: 1.Exterior winds"and doors,fiWIace all stove doors shall tie dosed,but not sealed,beyond the intended weathersinpping of pftrer in"rr tton=ntml rriAasunea. 2. Dampers including exhaust_Intake. rnekeup air, ba draft and flue dempam shpu be rldsed. bud not sealed beyoild inter,detl irrfitt-mWn Control mparluras. 3. Interior tlogra,if installed at the Lime of the test. shell be open 4. Exterior doors for continuous veFI i10t^on systems and heat mKxwary ventilators shaI! be dosed and sealed 5. Heating and Cooldng eyMe ms, rf inataped at the time of the Gust, shall be to reed off. 6. Suppily and return ragr3ters,4 installed at th®tIrrra a the test,shall be(0y open. ❑ R402.4.2 Flneplacas. New wpod-burning fireplac s shall have tight-fitting flue darn pars a r doors.and outdoor combustion air.Whom using tVA-fitting boors oil factory-built fireplacm listed and labeled in accordance with UL 127,the doors shall be fisted and listed for the fimomcra Where using fight-Whig da6r5 an masonry fireplaces, tfle doors atrall be listed and labeled in a=rdance with UL 907 R402A-3 Fenestration eirWkrrge. Windows.skylights anti Adl rig gross doors shall have an air 3nf+Itraton rota Of no more than 0.3 drn per square foot{1.5 Llshnm,and swinging doom no mere flan 0.5 din per square foot(2.6 Llelm2), when t8S#ed scowding to NFRC 4DO Or AAMA'WIDMAlCSA 101f1_S_?1A440 t1y an aom3dMed Independent laboratory and listed and labeled by the menufaduref Exce0on, Sk*4xi1k windows,skylights and doors. 50112021 11:09 AM EnergyGauga4D USA 7.0 00-FraRea2C2D FBC Tth Eidson i2024} Compliant Software page 1 of 5 MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS - (Continued) F]A402_ A ROM%cariftlining fuel-bumJng apJpliancss_ jr Giimate.Zones 3 th rough 8.where open Canb+ SW"air 1LI S Pravkie cambustbon.air to �I QWfI flambWb"fueP bwrnwV ePWlanoea,the apgliancas pnd combustion&Ir opening gihall ee located outside the buitotingendos liwrr ear en++elops or UfTW d R402in a roam, hors the { inside thethemr$I anvvdope. Such soma shall ire seared and insulated in aoCvrdanoawith the enuejape mqukwnerrts 'u Table erted 1.2,whore the walls,floors m7d Ceilings Ghatj meet not less th8n tha basement wall R-value requ iramsrit. The door into the roorn shatl be {ally yaskehod arsd any water lines and ducks m the rape,insulaled in accordance w$h Section R-003. Tttie combus air euC#ahel k+e insulated where it PaMes through oondjWned space to a minimm u of R-6 Exct pf Ons: 1. drrert very,appliances with bath fOlake a.7d exhaust pipes instellrid continuous to the outside, P. Firep:aoes aad staves comet rng with Section R492.4.2 and Section R1O06 of'tte Florida Building ty.ode, ResJdenGal. R402-4.6 Recessed IIghung. Raoess@NJ luminaires installem�+n the budoting thermal envelops shall be Sealed to Ihnit air*aksge belweear Conditioned end unconddioned space#.All recamw Iumineinss shall be r tatad and Jabeled as having an air leakage rate nal more than 2 0 cfm(0-514 L%when tested in 00wrdante with ASTM E203 at a 1.67 Paf(75 Pa}pressure dlftmrFtial.Adi aecasbec� Jurlliftaifrw Shall be welled with a ga et or caulk between the h0u3ing and"Intefior wall or ceiling Covering R403.1 Controls. SECTION R403 SYSTEMS R403,1.1 Thermostat provision (Mandatory). At least one thermcstal shall be provrded for each separate heating and w0iing syslem_ C] R403.1,3146 t Pump 0uPplemen ury #IMandatory). HeatpumD9 havirp supplementary elii- ndarstanca heat shall hove Cantmis L 3 IhSt_excapt during defrost, pre"M supplemental heat operatron Wtren the host pump 0orlipiressor Can meet the heating load. RM3,3.2 Sesllnq(MQrrdatary) All dude.air handlers, fiher boxes and buj'tding cavides that form the primary air containment passageways for air fttriNtion sWerrra shall be Considered ducts or plenum chambers,shah bo consEmoW and sealgp in accarr;anoe vAh S&d:Dn C403 2,9 2 of the Commercial Provisiorrs of this code and chair 4e WXAWn to meet tlud Gghtrkess ci'meria bo4e- Quct tightness shag be vefiW by tasting in a0wi-dance with AHSVRESNETn 3$0 4y either individuals as d9fwAd in Sled ion 553.E93(5)or €7}, Florid2 Statutes, or indhrrdunis iicenaed a!arch forth in Sactian46y,1O5(3)(0. (9)OF(i). Florada Slaitutes, to be'gubatantially leakfrae'in 9I0 rdance with Section R403 3.3 R4O3.3.2.1 Sealed air handkw, Air handlers shall have a manutadvrer's designation fof an Err leakage of np m"than 2 oervenk of the design a irflbw rate when touted in acoordance with ASHRAE 193. I"C A403.3.5 Dint Waiting(Mandatary)_ Ducts shall be pressure finted to de#ermine a r leakage by one of the rollowing nWhods: Rough-In UW: Total leakage ShQI be med$ured with a premurs dffarentlal of 0.1 inch w.g. (25 Pa)across the system, iriduding the milnufactumrs air handmr enclosure H iutetaibd at the time of the test. All ngktsr@ shall be taped or amerwise sea ied during the Gist. 2- POSttanstrUCtian fast: fatal leakage stroll 139 measured with a pressure ditrantial of 0.1 Inch w_g. (25 Pa)aamr.the enbre 5y4tem, including the rnatnufoebirar~s air handler endosure. Register:}shall be taped of otherwise sealed during the rest IExcaK ono; 1. A duct air 18dkiige test shall not be nrquinad where the duds and air handlers are located entirely within thebuiorg thermal erwe-ope. 2. Dto rest ffV is not marhdgtzNy br bu#diFW c,pdrrpbft by Section 405 of hhrs code_ OW+eakegw resting is+s`4rAW sm Section PAQ5 compPanee where Cld{fft fs fakErr for ivokagm, seed a d{wf air laak&ge Qn to the oufsn�r1 of loss than O.M(wbrrre on a duct leakage to the otdside in cfm per 100 squers fast of con trorred Boor arse tested at 25 Pescels)is kxje asted in lf)e compNarroe for the prnposad design Awritten report of the results of d't$teal Shoji be signed by the party aanduciing the tact and prorrilled to t+1e code official LJ R4O3,3_6 Building cavities(Mandatory), Building framing cavities shag not to used So OUCtS or planurra_ I"I R4103.4 Mschanical system piping inauls'gon(Mandatory)_ Mechanical system ptp1ng Wable of carrying IrWids above I D57(4t°C} I,J or below 55'F 03°C)Shall tm insulated to a minimum of R-3 ❑ R403.4.1 Protection of pipimp insulation- PJP'ng irt]ulaticn exPosed to weather shall be Pml:@CW from damage, incktding khal ouusW by trunlight. Moisture,equor entmalnp>nance and wind,and>s<hail provide shield ingfrom solar radlatlon that can cause degradation of Ifre mpteaol. Adhesive tape shall not bee permltte,d, U RAO3-6-1 lie q gr#ter 01r0u4ti4m and temperature ml kftrtan"s]rebarris(Wandatory). If heated water circuWtkm systems are installed,they shag ba in aowrdarKe with Sect on R403.5,1.1. H099 tnx*temperature maintenance syWbwnS Shall be in 0=rdance with Section R4O3.5.1 2,Automatic controks,temperature bensnom and pumps Stimil be acenaslbte. Manuel cerrtrols shall be readily aeaessibb. ❑ R4t13.6,1.1 CifGulaCan syatorns. Healed w:itar Circulation systems shad bg proMad with a circuialion pump. The system retum pipe shall be a dedicated return pips or a cold water supply pipe. Gravity arFd Mermcsiphan circulation 0ystarns shall be prohibitor. CoMmLs for c;rculalirpg trot watbr System Pumps shall Start the pump baged on the identrfitatlon of a demand for hot water within the occupancy.The eGrtrcis oha-l artomatlpiry turn off the pump when the water in the circulation ;aop is at the desired ternperal,vre and when!here is no demand for hot water. ❑ R403_6-i.2 Heat trace systems. E lectric heat traCe 6yster S sha!'r CpMPIy with IEEE 515.1 or UL 515. CO"IS!or such syVetrls Shall autrxnntlealty adjust the energy input to the heat trace ng to maintain the desired water temperature In the piping in aocartlilrice with the times when heated water is need in the oociipatraCy. 50=21 11:N AM FnergyGaugeo USA 7.13.00-Fla Res2020 FSC 7,41 Edrtiofl (2020) Campliant Sc am Page 2 of 5 MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS - (Continued) f� R403.6.6 Hem Vaps(Martidatory). Storage water hoatiors not eQuIpped with in"ral hasi traps and havN wit+cal pips risers shall hum tJ ±,eat t:spa installed on both the iniets and owlets. Exte coal heat baps shall ooni iM of either a Comrrtencin avglAallo hit trap or a dovmward and upward bend of at least 3 M inCFreS(e9 mm)in the not whaler dli:Wbutia n line and card vmbK Iing localed as claw as POSslble to the storage lank R403.5.6 Water heaver ettlalenia[as(frlarrrdator)}, R403A.6,1.1 Automatic Controls- Service water-heat,.rrg systems shall be equipped with automaliv tamperalure controls rapable of adjustment from the 7U"St to Me hlgheat ec Oeptoble tampefOWro Settings for the intended use_The rninlm urn tOrnpefatuM setting range!hall be frorn 1007 to 140'5 (38'C to 60° ). R443.5,6.11 Shut down. A separate switch or a clearly marked Careuit breaker shall be provided to perm it the oower supplied to electric Garwice systems to be tumod off. A Separate vahm stiall be provided to permit ttre erobrgy supplied to the mam bvmer'ta)of cambu2tion types of"rviae water-heating Syslams to he tuned Off. R 03.5.6-2 Waler4moting e-quiprnoM Water-heating equilxr7 M 'nS#dllgd in o@"rrUI units shall meet the mirllrrtrtm offer w..ko of Table CA04.2 in Chapter4 of the Florida Building Code, E=nefgy Conservation,Carttmeraal ProVISiWS,for the type Ofepuipn&Ptlrtelallad- Equlpment used to provide heating functions as pelt of a=nnhhortion system Shd gposfy ail stated req ujremerft for the appraprilite water-houting calogorf. Solaf water heaters shall meet bw rxlberla of SvOlan i4403_5.15.2.1. © R403.6,6.2.1 Solar wahm%twadrig systanw- Solar Sy9lemS far dameStiC hot Water production are rated by the annual solar energy factor of the system The solar energy faclor of a wpgam wall be de Frninad from the Florida Solar Energy Center Directory of Certified Solar Systems. solar collectors shall be bmW in accordance v.ith ISO Standard 9W6. Test Wftds for Solar Collectors. and SRGC Standard TM-1.Solar Dome6UG Hoyt Water Sim and Cornpwierd Test Protocoi. Calledors irk Insla Iled solaf vraler-heating Sysl*rrs should meat the fallowing critena: 1 Be insta Ited with a tilt angle hetweem 10 degrees and 40 degrees of the horixontat; and 2 Be installed at an orientation within 45 degreas of true south R443,6 M@0anlcal ventllaton�l4fwdwbM). The building shall he provided with ventilsiion that meets the requiranno-nts of tree FlaAa Building Cade,Residential,or Floride Building Code.Mechanical,ere applicable, Or with olfrer approved means of veniilatior. including; NAtUtPi. Infiltration Or Mechanical rTeeanv Outdoor air Intakes and exhausts shall have automatic or gravity dampers MN chose vA*n albs wt Wation system is not operating. R403-6,1 Whole- ousa mwinanlcal voodlation systarri,fan efft4ff- When installed to furKAkm aS a who4in-house mechanical LJ vandl0on system, lam shall meet tiro effkacy requwem4mbF of Table R403 6.1 Exreptlan; Where an air handier that rs inlegral to tested and Iistga HVAC aaqurpment Is used to provide whole house machenicat vantilation,the air handler shall be powered by W ekcttoniCally Commutated nectar. R413-6.2 Vent[Indon air. Residaoti al Dui Idings designed ion be opefated at a pos iM Indoo r pressu re or for mechan Ical verrtltation LJ groan meet the following criteria t The deel9n air change per hour mirwnzums rat residsnpel bulAnga in ASHRAE 62.2,►Jenblabon for Acceptable Indoor Alr Quality+, shall the the max`mLim rates allowed fat residential appliDo ions. 2, No++entlletian air air-conditioning system mal("p sir shell be prnvi-dad to conditioned space from attics. Crawlspacee, attached endosed ga rages or outdoor spaces adja0snl to Swimm ing pools or spas 3. IfvarrWsWn air is drawn from enctoaed space{s},then the walls of the sprioe(s)from whtia Sir is drawn shall be insulated to a minimum of R-11 and the ceiling shall be ir4uhattid to a minimum of R-19. space perrnitthng. or R-1 otherw*0 R403.7 HiewUng and cooling equipment. R403,7,1 EquLpment sizing(Mandatory). Heating and coal=ng egtopmenl Shull be sited in accordance with ACCA Manual S based on to aquiprnew loads calculated in accordance with ACCA Manual J or al"r Approved heaung and 000ling calcula9rnn methodologies, based an building loads for the direct oval orientation of the budding. The manufacturer and made{nurnber Cif the outdoor and indoor units(if split system)shall b4 suUmMod along wO the Sensible and total 000llnq CJAp ere—& at the design conditlana described m Secttcn R302.1. This Code does not allow designer Safety factors.provisions fm future expanSron or ather factors that effed equipment 5r7:rg System erxkrhg tal:klations shall not include loads Created by local intanrhittent mechanical werktilatkan tociN as Standard krtdhen and bathroom extraust systems-Now or repl.acernenttfeatingpall cooling equipmentshag have an of coney ratJng egeJal tO of greater than the minimum required Dy federeI iaw for the geographic I=Wrt W116M ttre SgOoffient is installed. TABLE Fi403.6.1 WHOLE-HOUSE MECHANICAL VEb1T1LATION SYSTEM FAH EFFICACY FAN LOCATION AIRFLOW DATE MINIMUM MINNUM EFFICACY $ AIRFLOW RATE MAXrML« (CFM) (CFWWAn (CFM) HRV err E RV Any 1.2 ckwwatt Any f ngehoods Any 2.8ckrilwatt Any In-title fun Any 2.0 cfrnAvdtt Any Bathroom, utility room 10 1.4 drrtlwatt 90 Bathroom, utility room 90 2.9 dmtwatt Any For Sl; 1 drn a 28.3 Umin_ a. When tested in aaoardame with HVI Standard 916 51112021 11.09 AM EnergyGaug0)USA 7.0.M-HaRes2020 FBC 7th Edition 12020) Compliant Scftvrare f#ege 3 of 5 MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS - (Continued) 1—I RQ13,7.1-1 Cooling equipment capacity. Coaling onty"ulpriwni shall be Selected sv that its taraf capacity is not Ibga �J than calculated tolDI :000 but not more than 1.1 times greater Man the Mal load calculated Rinmrding to the procedure In Section R403.7, ar the olosest evnilabde size provided by the manufacturer's product IInes The corr'espandinU latent capacity of the equipment shall not be less than Ute palWated laterri load. The purWishe0 value for AHRI total Capacity is a nominal. rating-test vaius and shall not be used for equipment sizing. Manufacturer's expanded perfarmanoe data shall be used to Select Coaling-only equlpmettt Thin sviw%on shaN be based en the outdoor design ft-bulb temperatuno for the ioad oaWation(or entering water temparaturrt for water-some equy]m nt),the bbower CFAA provided by the expanded performance data,the design value for 9ntaring wet-bdlb temperature and the design value for entering dry-bulb temperature 006iign values 10;antering wet-bulb and dry-bulb temperatures shall be for the:rdoor dry bulb and relslivs humidor used for the toad calculation an0 shall be a ustaC for return aide gains if the return dume)is inetelted in an unaonbitioemw Space 1 Attaclted sinpla-and mulliple4ornily resfdentlal equ+pment sizing may be seleded so that 0 pooling capadly is iess then the calculated total sensible load but not less than 80 percent of that load- When signed and sealed by a Flords-reg isle red engineer, irk itched single-aild mu"W-farniily units, the capacity of aquipmerrt May be sized in ardance with good Gesrgn practice. R403.7,11.2 Ha ting egWpmard capacity- F7 R493J,11-1 HeA#pumps. Heat purl�p sizing!flak to b28ed on the cooling requirements as ralskrlated according'o Section LJ R403 7.1.1. and the heat pump total cooping capacity shall not he ma rig than 1 '5 tirnwa greater than the design cooing load even H the desig rr heating load is 1.15 times g reatar th an the design coaling lead ❑ R403.711-2 Electric resistanca furnaces- Electric rdsistatioe fumaces shah!00 sited within 4 kW of the design requirements calculated according to V*prooadure SaleCted r Saction R403.7 1. 11 RA031,1.2.3 Fmsll fiN1 h rre eating equiprrrL T're capar.iy of fossil Nei heating squiprnant with natural draft almaspheriC burners tI shall not be less tMn the design Toad calculated in aceordarice with Section R403.7.1. F-1 R403,7.1.3 Extra rapacity roqulmd for special acrasforr#. R sidmm requiring soocess cppitrg or heating equipment Capacity on an L� intermrttent basis,atjO as antfc�pated apgitionai laeds caused by rn"r 6-4oftainment mrits,shall have equipment geed or corwtrolled to prevent cont,nuotss space coding or heating within that space by one or mom of the fokowing opbona: 1. A separate moding pr heating system .s ut+li7ed io provide cooling qr heating to the major 0rter#a:rmert areas. 2 A vanahle capacity system sized kr cptlrnum performarize during base load periods is utilbod A403.5 Systarns■aavlrlg rnutdpla dwelling unite(Mundaicry l- Systems ssrwng MLIfdple dwelling units shall comply With Sections C403 and C*A of the Florida Ruitdrrlg Cade. Energy Cori se rvanon—Zommerdal Prvvislans in lieu of Section R403. R403.9 Snow malt and 10e System contmis(Mandatoryl Snavw and pce-melting systams, supplied through enetpy service W the buIWIng. shall include )utomairc control*capable of shutting affthe system when t1w pavement remperature is above 501F(I(rq, enld no pr*<;p.Wtion is felling an4 on automatic or manual tcntroi that will allow ahutaff when the outdoor temperature is above 40T(4,li` . E j R403-10 Peals and parmar+ent spa armrgy Coesumptiort(Mandatory)- The energy oansumpUon of poo; �rle s and prlt sou I shall be in awordance wish Sections R403,10.1 `.hrcug#r R403.t0,$. R403.10,1 Haslm- The electric po"r to heat$rs sha h be ContruWd by a readily accessible an-cft switch dell 14 an �J lnteg rM pert of the heater mounted an the exterior of the heater, or*»erns!to and within 3 fleet(914 mm)of I he heater.Opmocin Of such switch shall not Change I he satxing of the heater thermostat. Sup1 SikWHM shelf be in addition to a am N bmaker For the Pftw to the heater.Gaa-fired heaters sh2JI rot be equipped with conl4nuously burning igr4on pilots. r-1 R41I 4.102 71 me switches. -Prno awitdhe¢or other con tral me&**that can autometically turn Off and on¢owrding to a prowl sohadu b L� 0111111 bill InstaiNxi for heaters and pump motor$- Heaters and pump motors that haw*bulk.In tkno srrAchc$ah■I I be In cvmpl lance witri ttrls seChOn, ftceps": I- Where puDlrchealth standards require 24-hour purllpoperation. 2. Purtrps that operate solar-and walsterheat-r m+lary poet heatrnq systenxa. 3. Where pumps are powered exdusiv"from on-site renewable generation, 50i202' 11-off AM EnergyGaugBOP USA 7 0 M-RaR$5.2020 P6C 7th Edition (2020) Compliant Sofhvare Page 4 of 5 RI03.10.9 C nmv, OvWoar healed swimming pools and a utclaor permanent spas she-I be equoped with s vapor-rubudeM Gr7M on or at the water surkm or a liquid cow or other means proven to reduce heat loss. Exosoon'. 44here more than 70 penwnt of the energy for treating,comput4d over an operation seasm,is from sRe-rawvered energy,such as from a heal pump or sear energy source.Covers&oltor vapor-relardani means shall not be required. R403.10.4 Gm-and oil-fired pool and spa h&fflwro, Allgas-and oi-fired pool and spa heaters shall have a minimum thermal 0 efficiency of 92 percent for treaters manufactured on or after Apd I k 2013,when tested In act (d3r oe wkh ANSI Z 21,56. Pont healers fired by relureI or LP gas shall riot have contlnuouely burning pllol flUtwts. Fj R403.10.5 Hoe#pump pool heaters. F-b at pump pool heaters st}ap have a minimum COP of 4.0 wry tooted in accordance wit h AHRI 1160.Table 2, Standard Rsting Conditions-Low Air Temperature.A test report tram an in dependent laboratory is requlred to verify procedure compliance.Geothermal swimming pool heal pumps are not mquirid to rneet this standard. ❑ 111403.11 Partahis spas(MandaWryl. The energy consumption of electriopowered poetahia spas shall he controlled by the requirements of APSP-14 R403.13 Delhumldlfiers(trlandatory It installed. a dehumidifier shell conNemi to the fa Hawing requirements: 1- The rnWWmum rpW efficiency of the dehurri idifder stwIl to gresier then 1.7 1 ite rsf kWh if the total dah umidifier capacity for the house is lass than 76 pinWdsy end greater than 2.M riter;tlkWc If the total rrehumidfier caaDaolfy for the house is greater than or equal to 75 pintsfdayr. 2. The dahumldiFler shall be controlled by a sensor"it instalied-n a location where it es exposed to mixed house air a- Any dehumidifier unit located in unconditioned space that treat6 al loam oundikioned space shall be insulated to a minimum of R•2. 4- Condensatedispml shall be in acoordenm with Section M1411.3.1 of the Florida Building Code, Residential- R .13.1 Dw;Wd 00mrnldt6ara- Duaad dehurtlldrfidrs shall, in addldori to oontormirng W Ihg requirements of Section R403-13. Confororltnthef000Wrtg requlrarnents: t. If a ducted dehumidifier is configured with Nk m and snooty ducis both cm netted Into the cuppIV side of the coaling system, a backdrai' dampat shill be installed in the supply air duct Wwe+en the dehufildw or inlet gild outlet duct. 2. If g ducted dehumidifier is configured with only its supply duet canneded i nto the supply side of the centra I heating and Cooling System. a backdraft damper shall ba installed In the deli um idlfier supply duct between the dehumidifier and central supply dud. 3. A ducted de humIcHar shall not be d u cted to or from a asnU*l ducted i=hng ayatam on the realm duct side upatream from the central cooling evaporator wil. 4. Uuc wcwk associated with n dehumidifier located in unconditiorW apace anal-eye Insulated to a minImum of R-6- SECTION R404 ELECTRICAL POWER AND LIGHTING SYSTEMS R iD4.1 Lighting equlpmerA(Mand5rtory). Not lassthan 90 percerdofthe temps in permanently installed luminaires shall have an efficacy of et least 45 lumens-per-wo or small Utilize Iarnpo with an efficacy of not lays than 95 lumens-per-watt. R404.1.1 LIgh0og equipment(Mandatory). Fuel gas lighting systems slhalI not Frays continuously bunging pilot Iightrfi 511+XV t 10D AM f nergyGaugeO USA 7-0.00-FlaRM2020 F BC 7th Edon 0 D20) Compliant SoNare Page 5 Of 5 2020 - Al BARRIER AND INS ULATION INSPECTION COIMAPONENT CRITEPJA TABLE 402.4.1.1 AIR BARRIER AND INSULATION INSPECTION COMPONENT CRITERIA A Project Marne, SYNERGY B DNICK 2601 Guilder dame; SYNERGY HOMES Shoat: 0401 iNDLAN RIVE Ft DRIVE P'erm4t Office' FT OIERGE City Stain,ZIP.. Ft. PIERCE, FL, Permit Number_ 3t owner. J urlsdretron. pu Design Locatlpn, FL. Fort Pierce = COMPONENT AIR BARRIER CRITERIA IN ULATIDN INSTALLATION CRITERIA Ger*4 A continuous air barrier shall be Jnstalled In the bWldl ng*mrelope. Acr-perrneabre i rpsutai+ ni Viail requlrepnerrts Thu eX4eFlor th a rush envelope cootoins a c orrtinuious air bsrr*T.- not be used as a wail"m oteriai. Breaks or Joints in the ai"barrier strati be sealed. Ceilinglattit air barrier in any dmpW Ceiling/son allall be aligned"h The insulation"n any dropped ceilinWscifRt the ins da6w and any gaps in the air barrier shall be sealed, shall be aligned w0p the air barrier. Acom openings,drop down 368im of knee wall doors to uncondi6orped attic spaces shah;be sealed. Walls. The Junction of the f4undaOon and sill plate shall be sealed. Cavities within comers and hsadmm of forme walls The iunctlion of the top 00 and the top of exterior wells shall be shall be rneuWW by corn piately filling rtw cavity seaidd, with a material having a trherrm6 resl'nnoe of R-3 Kme walls shall t}e sealed. per inch rrrinimurn. Exterior themmil envelope insulation for framed walls shall be m5talred in substan4al contact and contlnuaus alp rment with the air barhar. Wirdows, skyiights Tbo spree lastween windowMiaor jambs and framing, and and doors 3kylVt3 and framling s"i be sealed. Rim foists Rim Joists shall inpudethe air ti rrier. Rim;oists shall be insulted. F Ioors The air barrier shall be inisteiled at any expai&W edge of F loor fromdng cavity insulation shal I be i nslallad to (including insulation. maintain permanent oDrptact with the underside of abov"arage sob Boor decking, or floor framing cavity InOlAabon ono rantilevered sIh*U ilonrs) be perrnll#ed io be in aorta ol with tfie top side of sheathing, or cy&wus Instillation installed on the u ndmi0e of floor ffami ng and emends.from the boilom to the top of all perimeter Roor framing members. Crawl spa:a walls Exposad earth In ummnted crawl spaGGs shall be oDmied with More provided instead of floor insulation-insulation d Ck'*n I vapor retarder with overlapping Joints taped- shall he permainerrtty attacltiwd to the crawkspae wet Shafts, penetrations Duet shafts, utility penetraWns.and flue shaft openrrig to exterior or LiFxw boned space shall be seared. Oatts in no rraw cavities shall be cut to fit,or narrow Morrow cavities Cavities shall be filled by insulaton that on installation rea0lty corrforrrps to the avalaW cavity spaces Garage separaticr, Apr sealing shall be"kW batwean the garage and aandirioned spac m Recessed rightlng Raccssed IIg hi Fajums Instgl ed In the bu iidtt thermal enwerope Recessed right factures InSUMd In 11i4 building shall be sealed to the lUilshed Surface. thermal ammlope shall be air plait W d tC rated. PlUmbityg and Wing BM Insu Iat n shall be cul neatly to fit around wiring and pluinv pN in exterior walls,Of pnsulatlOn ttl&t nip instabhon readily oWdorms to available space s#ialb Showerltub The air barrier instalie,d at 840iaor waits adjacent to shcurers and Exterior yells adjacent to showers and tubs shell on exWo-ior wall tube shall sapamte them front the showers and kft be insulaw Electrkatrpt)00e box or The air barNer shell be installed behind eked or oommunicatlon exterior Walls boxes or air-#asked box"shpll be Jnsuadled. HVAC raLgister boats HVAC Saippry and naupm register boats[hot penetrate builtllrig thiern-ol anve5ope shop be roared to the sut4ow.wart cowering or COnceatpb When required to be sealed, =nce91e0 fire sprlydcFers shell only be spri klers sealed in a manitier that is me rnmended by the manufacturer. GoulkJng or other adhesive sealants shall not be used to fill voids a In ad " on, inspeGUori o oq we sit n 55 9noe W112021 11:09 AM EnergyC-augvgl USA 7.0.00-RaRW020 FBC 7th Edition(2020) Compliant Software Page 1 of 1 Envelope Leakage Test Report (Blower Door Test) Residential Pres riptive, Performance or ERI Method Compliance 2020 Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation, 7th Edition Fjurisdictlon: Permit# Job Inolbon Builder SYNERGY HOMES Community: Lot NA Address,: 8401 CNDIAN RIVER DRIVE - City. FT. PIERCE State: FL Zip r Leakage Test Results Passim r"vu s must nvet erlfher hha p**vnwx&, pn?ftr4wm, or ER!Method �1 1t�ET}IG�3�111 bulf�rl��dtrx�It�urtt ablM be 111rsItMd airs ri�r*led is rNe rl�r 11,�Igge+s0►eF rto!�7�fr Orr hour at a paroom of a.2 hvh*4.(50 Pare4ltrt)in Ckns1s Zan" t and 2. PERFOAM,+*CE ar E§U JAE HOO-Ttw bukft ordwsflirq unit oo bo n.tfdaw r n ar IwMlt fir► r won"MM of not at R- gtll*8hK ed ACH(501 wa Iue,as sh&m on Form R40&-2020 t?&*n r wme}ar i (ERR).wm on J bow ar Wit.00eoobtpll AoNft A CH(50l Voc~an Form R*05-2020-EneW CsFc(P**Ww=)or Ft MO(Eft 7,000 Method for calcuIaiincl building volume: FM(50) Building Volume A H(50) PASS❑ 0 Retrieved from architectural phans Coda software celWated 0 When ACH(50) is less then3, Mechanical VentftWn installation Field measured arld calculated uu must be verified by building department,. R402.41.2 Teatiirrp.TmOng shall br candwed rn awardarmm wth ANSFRE NETfiCC 380 and reported at a prom re of 0 2 inoh w g. (50 pascals) Teatirrp shell bs conducted by either indNkluais as dr#flndd in Sactim 553.993(+5)ar(7). Fkvfds SlatLw&ar individuals licansed as get forth in Sectenn 489,106(3)(f),(9).of(i)or an approved thInd party.A written report of the results of the teal ahalI be si!gnW by the party Wnduc ing the lest and PMYkW to thacode 011'ietal. Testing ghaF1 be performed at a my lime after creation a all penetroWns of the bwdkft thermal envaroce. during tsstrng- 1- Euwtior vrindaws and doors. fireplace and stove doors shall be c6oaed, but not sealed,heyond the inblwyl d wea Mergripping or attar infilpation . aantrot measures. 2. Oartlpers in hXftexhaust,intake, makeup air. bark draft and flue damp"sha11 he dosed. hat not sealedleey#nd Fntended infiltratWe ronnW rrmasuns, 3. Interior doom, Fr InstaW at the tirris of the test,5neF1 4e open, 4. Exterior doors for continuous ventilation systems and heat macovery ventilators shall M c-osed and sealed I 5. ReatirV■nd pooling systems, if instal IeO at the time of ttre test, shall be#unfit off S.Suppiy and retum registers, rt Installed at the We of the lsal,strell be fupy opens. T""Campow Company Name; Phone: I hereby verity that file above Air Leakage fesults are In accordance vrilh the 2024 7th Edition Flortda Building Code Energy Conservation requirements according to the compliance methoif selected above. Signature of Tester- _ _ � Date of Test; Printed Narne of Tester- LicenselDertrfication #: Issuing Authority: _ 5�1l20p1 11:0g:25 AM EnergyGauget USA 7 0.00-FlaRers=r8C 7th i=dklw(2=)Compliant Software Page 1 Of 1