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Residential Stern Sizing Calculation Summary Project Title: 8401 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE SYNERGY BUDNICK 2801 FT. PIERCE. FL 6f1W 1 lLombort for weather data. Fort Pierre. FL - Defaults: Latitude(27.48) Altitude(25 ft.) Temp Range(L) Hurniidkdata: Inter& RH 50 Outdoor wet bulb 78F Hu m iid ity difference 62 r. Winker design bemperature(TMY3 99%) 40 F Summer design ternperatur TMY3 99%) 91 F Winter setpoint 70 F Summer setpoint 75 F Winter tem erature difference 30 F Summer tem erature difference 16 F Total heaUnq load calculation 47289 Stuh Total cooling load calculation 41919 Btuh Submitted freaking capacty % of calc Btuh Submilt6ed cooling capacity %of coic Btuh Total (Electric Strip Heat) 65.5 31000 Sensible(SHR = 0.75) 108.2 34125 Latent 109.6 11375 Total 108.5 455DO WINTER CALCULATIONS Winter HeatingLoad for 2824 Load component Load wn . Window total 4-8a sgft 3923 huh Wall total 2483 se 8460 Btuh Doortotal 60 sgft 828 Btuh Ceiling total 2824 salt 2722 Btuh aa�s[a ] Floor total 2824 sgft 10797 Btuh Infinration 94 clan 3099 fth Duct Ives 17460 133uh Subtotal 47289 Btuh E7oort(1 Bl11 Ventilation 0 dm 0 Btuh TOTAL HEAT LOSS 47259 Btuh SUMMER CALCULATIONS Summer Coolie Load for 2824 Load com onenl Load 411irrdow total 485 sgft 6007 8tuh Wall total 2483 sgft 5632 Btuh WaH�{13. 7C} Door Mal 60 sgft 85% Bt%jh Ce,lnys.o5 i Ceiling total 2824 sgft` 2722 Eftu 1 Floor toted 0 81uh 7r--34-7%--� infiltratiar� 70 cfm 1239 Btuh Y4i��do�rs(148l) Iniemal gain 6240 Btuh Ouch gain 8756 Etuh Sens_ Ventilation 0 ctm 0 Btuh Blower Load 0 Mull Llt iin 38'1<,t Total senalble gain 31543 Btuh Latent gain(ducis) 5807 Bich Latent gain(knTntHaton) 2960 Btuh L2�tent gain(�renti9atian) Q Btuh Latent gain(intemsUvooupanWaffier) 1600 Mull Total latent gain 10376 Btuh =TOTAL HEAT GJUN 41219 Bash EnergyGau9 Sys M Ediflon SPARED S ; DATE: EnergrUu i USRCZB v7.0.00 System sizing Calculations -, Summer Residential Load w Room by Room Component Details Prajec#Title: 8401 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE SYNERGY BUDNICK 2801 FT_ PIERCE, FL 5ft12021 Refem in City_ Fart Pieroe, FL Temperature Oi#ferer»e: 16.01;(TMY3 99%) Hurniddy difference, 62gr. GONVOrWN Lpwds f*ftM#I; Tyke* Overhang Window Arm(sgff) HTM Lead _ HF4_0_W Pams SHM U In3h IS Ornt Len Hgt Gass Shade(J Unshaded Sfiade4 Urshadcd 1 2 NFRC 0.15,0,26 'No Nc hJ 1,0ft 0 8ft 5J 7 05 ryl).2 7 19 9�43 Slob 2 2 NFRC Q.1$,0.26 No No E 1.011 O.Bft 213 18.7 2.6 7 8 'so awh 3 2 NFRC 0.21.0-30 No No N 10 4.6R 33.3 0.5 32.7 9 25 829 I31uh 4 2 NFRC 0.29,0.31 No No E 32.0f OAR 33.3 33.3 l}.0 11 13 371 Mali 5 2 NFRC No No N 12.OF 2.OR 33.0 83.0 0.0 9 27 307 Btuh 6 2 NFM No No N 12,Of 5.5R 101.3 W.5 "13 7 19 1256 Rtuh 7 2 NFRC 0-15.0.28 No No N 12.0( 5.511 40 0 22.3 17.7 7 19 496 S1uh fi 2 NFRC 0,21,0.30 No No E 1.0ft 0,81t 12.0 12.0 0.0 8 10 112 Stuh 9 2 NFRC 0.21, 0,X No No E 1,0k 0.8ft 4.7 4.7 0.0 9 10 44 B#uh 10 2 NFRC 0.19, D.31 W No 5 I,Oft 0.8ft 23.6 0.4 23.3 9 23 548 Btuh 11 2 NFRC 0.19,0.31 r4o No S 7.Oft 3.Oft 16.0 8.0 7.7 9 23 261 Btuh 12 2 NFRC 0.21,0-90 No No S 21.0f 0.5ft R.O Ri.O 0.0 9 25 74 Btuh 13 2 NFRC 0.24. 0.26 No No E 7" 0.5ft 16.6 1fi_6 0,0 9 11 155 snub 14 2 NFRC 0.21,0.30 No No W 1.0il 0.81t 4.7 0,0 4.7 9 9 44 131uh 15 2 NFRC 0.21,O-3O No No W 1.Oq 0,9R 4.7 0.0 4.7 9 9 44 Btuh 16 2 NFRC 0 19,0.31 Nu No W 1.ON. 0.811 16.6 0.0 16-6 9 9 150 Rtuh 17 2 NFRC 0.19.0-31 No No IN 1.04 0,9d 18.R1 0.0 18,6 9 9 150 Utuh I8 2 NFRO 0.01,0.1$ Hd No 5 21.01 2.DB 50_7 50.7 0-0 3 4 157 Rtuh Window Tatal 498_(sgft) 6097 Bhuh Vi_alta Type U-Value R-Value Area(sgft) HTM Load CavlShealtl 1 Concrets Blk,Hollow-Ezt 0.12 6.000.0 258.6 2.4 705 1hurr 2 concrete Blk,Hollow-but 0-12 6,010,0 864.1 2.4 2039 etuh 3 Concrete BIk,Hollow-Ext 0.12 6.0(0.0 160.4 2.4 355 Btuh 4 CorLorete 13M,Hollm-E)d 0.12 6.OM-O 928.0 2.4 2190 1310 6 Frame-Wood-Ada 0.09 13.010-0 241.3 1.4 343 Btuh Wall Total 2483 (sgft) 5632 Btuh Doors Type Area(sgft) HTM Load 1 lnsulalted-Exlerlor 40.0 14.3 570 Stub 2 Wood -Garage 24_Q 14.3 265 Stuh Door Total 60 (sgft) 856 Btulr Ceilings Typel alort urfar-e U-Value R-Vaiue Area(sgft) HTM Load 1 Unvenled AltirlLighrVShirple 0.241 0.001-0 2824.0 0.96 2722 Stuh Ceiling Total 2824 (sgfl) 2722 Btuh Floors Type R-Value Size HTM' Load 1 Stab On Geode 0.0 2624(it-perirmter) 0.0 0 Btuh Floor Total 28 4-4 (sgft) 0 Btuh Zone Envelope utto al: 15305 Btuh EnergyGau960 f USRCL9 0-0.0D Page 1 Manual ,J Summer Calculations Residential Load - Component Details (continued) PrajectTi0e: Climate:FL VERO—SEACH MUNI IPA A 8401 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE SYNERGY BUDNI K 2001 FT. PIERCE, FL 811 f20 1 InflttraClon Type Whorehouse A H Volume(cuft) Wall Ratio CFM= Load Natural 0.16 26263 1.00 70.8 1239 8tuh Internal Occupants Btuhloccupant Appliance Load gain 8 X 230 + 4400 6240 Btuh Sensible Envelope Load: 22787 Btuh Duet load Ayerage sealed. Su"IV Attic}.WtuNR6XWMk) (DGM of 0.384) 8756 Btuh Sensible Zone Load 31543 Btuh EnwgyGaugev!US RCZB v7.0.00 Page 2 Manual J Summer Calculations Residential Load - Component Details (continued) Project Title- Cfimate-F HERO Br-A N MUNI )PAL A 8401 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE SYNERGY BUDNIDI(2801 FT. PIERCE, FL 51112021 WHOW HOUBM TOTALS eWble Envelope Load All Zones , 22787 Stuh Sensible Duct Load 8756 Stu Total Sensible Zone Loads 31543 Btuh Sensible verrtjIation 0 Btuh $lower G Btuh Whole House Total sensible gala 3i 43 Btuh Totals for Cooling Latent infiltration gain (for 62 gr, humidity difference) 2969 Btuh LaWnt ventila#on gain 0 Btuh Latent duct gain 5867 Btuh Latent occupant gain (8.6 people @ 200 8 tuh per person) 1600 Btuh I Latent atl}er gain 0 B#uh Latent total gain 10378 Btuh TOTAL GAIN .. 41918 Btuh .......................... # - - --- 1- Gentral Unit 4550tuh 'Key wordow types(Panes-Number and type of panes ofj;IagS) (SHGC-Sfiad!09 COfr}Frcienl of glass as SHGC n+imeflcal value) (U-Window tl-4--aclor) (InSh -Intarl r shading devim: norw(No), Bllndy( ), Draperiws(D)or Roller Sha(lles(R)) For Blinds,Assume medium Co4or. half nosed For Draperies:Assume medlum weave, NO clawed For Roller shades:Assume translucent, haK dow (IS-Insect Sagen:no ne(N}, Full(F)Or Haft(%)) (Orrif-=mpaSs OrlerrtaWrp ) I"1,0"T, Version 8 E nergyGaugea i USRCZB v7r.o.00 page 3