HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval6/10/2021 0 Requbst Notice ,To Owner Service Confirmation Notice to Owner Request Confirmation WARNING: This order is not placed until you press the "I Accept" button below The next screen will have the accepted order information for you to print your copy of this request NTO Order Request nbr 0001639962 for GER25, GERELCO ELECTRICAL CONTR INC Job Ref#: SM12330 Job Start Date: 8/0912021 County: FLAGLER Job Name: HUTCHINSON ISLAND BEACH CLUB, INC: Job Addr: 9800 S. OCEAN DRIVE Job City:' JENSEN BEACH Legal: 4 Material/Service: ELECTRICAL/LABOR Comments: Your Customer: HUTCHINSON ISLAND BEACH CLUB, GenContractor: HUTCHINSON ISLAND BEACH CLUB, Owner: 9800 S OCEAN DR 9800 S. OCEAN DR JENSEN BEACH FL 34957-2369 JENSEN BEACH, FL 34957-2369 Contact: TAMMY SMIDTSROD TAMMY SMIDTSROD 772-229-9317 772-229-9317 HIBC.PROPERTY. MANAGER@GMAIL.COM AGREEMENT I understand that BuildersNobce Corp is a property research firm, not a law firm, and may not be able to ascertain to whom copies of the NOTICE: TO OWNER or preliminary notice shnuld be dtfivered. Further, it is expressly understood that I hereby waive any claim against Builders Notice Corp. that I or my firm have or may have in the future due to the inability of Builders Notice Crop, to ascertain who should receive NOTICE TO OWNER or • preliminary notice copies. 1 hereby agree on behalf of myself and for my firm to pay for any research, prgi ratlen and service expenses generated by my request or my duly authorized representatives upon the receipt of the invoice. In the event payment is not made within 30 days of the date of the invoice 1 agree W pay interest at the rate of I B4% per year as well as all costs of collection including reasonable attumey reel. 1 also understand that should I or try firm suffer any damages as a result of perforating in response to this request, or from negligence on the part of Builders Notice Corp. In the researrhing, preparing or attempting to send eilhewthe NOTICE TO OWNER, a prebminary notice, or any copy thereof, it Is agreed that the liability of Builders Notice Corp. and/a• its affiliates, officers, employees and assigns shall not exceed one thousand dollars (s3,000.00) Indush, of any Interest, costs, and attorneys fees. In the event that additional protection is desired that would require snore than our standard servim you may choose to make arrangements through a local law firm. 1 autho12e Builders Notice Coro personnel to sign on behalf of myself or my firm any notices that result from our request. Only click ACCEPT one time to avoid duplicate orders By clicking "I Accept', I, BILLIE DELONG have read and do accept all of the terms of the above agreement, as registered web user GERELCO at internet ip address, for customer GERELCO ELECTRICAL CONTR INC, to place Notice to Owner Request 0001639962 for job HUTCHINSON ISLAND BEACH CLUB, INC., on 6/10/2021 at 1:18:36 PM I ACCf-P'l BILLIE DELONG 772-340-7474 orders.buildersnotice.com/bncn/ntoreg2n.pgm?TASK=DEFAULT&SEQ=0001639962&tim=131836 1/1 D-Series Size 0 Amber Series LED Area Luminaire Specifications EPA: 0.95 ft? (A9 mV Length: 26' (6Qo (n) Width: . 13' (33A(n) Height,: 3" l.� (7.67pl Ht Heightz: 7' H (17Bcn) : Weight 16lbs (max): 0 zssq) 7 rw Introduction The modern styling of the D-Series is striking yet unobtrusive - making a bold, progressive statement even as it blends seamlessly with its environment. The D-Series distills the benefits of the latest in LED technology into a high performance, high efficacy, long -life luminaire. The outstanding photometric performance results in sites with excellent uniformity, greater pole spacing and lower power density. It is ideal for replacing up to 40OW metal halide with typical energy savings of 70"/o and expected service life of over 100,000 hours. •In • • W EXAMPLE: DSXO LED P4 AMBLW T3M MVOLT SPA DDBXD DSXOLED DSXO LED Forward optics AMBLW Limited T1S Type Ishort T5S TypeVshorts MVOLTIs Shipped Included Ill P4 Amber' Wavelength T2S Type 11short T51111 1ypeVmed1um3 1205 SPA Square pole mounting P2 PS AMBPC Phosor T2M Type II medium TSW TypeV wide' 2085 RPA Round pole mounting P3 P6 Converted T3S Type III short BLC Backlightcontml 2403 WBA Wall bracket s Rotatedoptics Amber T3M Type III medium LCCO Left comer cutoff 2775 SPUMBA Square pole universal mounting adaptor, P10' P12' T4M Type IV medium RCCO Rlghtcomer cutoff 3473 RPUMBA Round pole universal mounting adaptor' P11' TFTM Forward throw medium 4809 Shipped separately TSVS TypeVverysboits KMA8DDBXDU Mast arm mounting bracket adaptor (spec4finish)' Shipped Installed Pill High/law, motkxl/amblmtsensor,8-15'mounting NLTAIR2 nLghtAIR generation 2enabled 0 hdghtamblentsensor enabled at5fc117 PIRHN Network high/lowmotion/amblentsensor " PIAH HgAowm/asmomou nrbedunrg 4mtneneo5fc PER NEMAtwist-lock reeptackonly (contrdaderedseparate) " PIRIFC3V- ighAow,molWambientser a,8.15'mouming H*h4amblemsensorenabledattfcu" PERS Win 'Liz PER7 Seven -on receptacle only (leadsexit fixture)(controlordered PIRHIFC3V HighAav,motion/amblemsensor,l5-30'mounting separate)'(17 height,an-bkntsensorenabledatlku" DMG (WOVdlmmin extend out ba(kofhousing forextemalcontrol (control ordered separate) FAO Field adjustable output" Shipped Installed HS House-sideshield16 SF Singlefuse(120,277,347V)S DF Double fuse(208,240,49OV)s L90 left rotated optic' R90 Rghtrotatedopliar DDL Diffused drop lens Shipped separately BS Bird spikes "- EGS External glare shield" DDBXD Dark bronze DBLXD Black DNAXD Natural aluminum DWHXD White DDBTXD Textured dark bronze DBLBXD Textured black DNATXD Textured natural aluminum DWHGXD Texturedwhite ._........... ................................_......._._.........._.-...._..._............. .... _..... _........... ........ _... ............... _........... ............ __..............................................................._................._.................................__...._-......_............._..................... .......... - ............ ... ...._. 'A LIMOMIA One tkhonia Way • Conyers, Georgia 30012 • Phone: 800.705-SERV (7378) • www.lithonia.com DSX0-LED AMBER LMNT/NG ® 2011-2020 Acuity Brands Ughting, Inc. All rights reserved.. Rev. 03/77/20 COMMERCIAL OUTDOOR Page 1 of 9 I Ordering Information Accessories Ordered wd&%-,ped wpararely. .DLL727F15)0 Pholadl-SSLNAttladtp2g27N)° .110401501.0 Mtolotdl-SSltwlst-Ind1(1479)° MUROF1513I1.19" Phatrkdl-S1LtwDd4o k(4801t)n DSHORTSBRu Shortingop" DS)(OHS7000 House-9deshlddforPl, Pt,P3andP40 DSXDKS30CU House.IdeshlddityP10,Pill ardP12" DSXO11S40CU How -side shlddforPS, P6and P7" 1151WDISL11 OlOhseddropletts(p*athmm)" PUMBADDBIDU• Siloamand badottadsptord(speofirdsh)11 XMI118DUBXDU Al nnmounting la4dxtadaptor(spedfy fiNs For more cenadoptsona, vtdton and ROAM ordina. Lrnkto rrughr Air2 EGS - External Glare Shield L90 or R90. 2 AMBLINonly avaibbb in P1, P4and P10. 3 Mrs 5 distribution, b not sballable with WBA. 4 MVOIT driver operates on any lima voltage from 12 VN W60 HA , S Mollie lose (51F)requires 12W,27Nor34N. Double fuse (DF)requires 2084.240Vor480V. 6 UnNersd mounting bradash intended for ratmilt on ads8ng preddled poles only 1S G vibration load rating per ANCI C136.31. 7 Must order fixture with SPArnourr". Must be ordered as a separate accessory, we Accessories Information. For use sWth 2-3/8-roast arm (not included). 8 - Must be ordered tv:th PIRHN, 9 Sealer caw available ordyIndark brorm,bladr,vddNand round dumtnumcolors. 10 Must be ordered wish NL AIR2. For mom Information on nUght Air visit this Parole - 11 Photoml ordered and shipped as a separate Has Item from Andty, Brands Controls. See accessories. Shorting Cap Included, 12 UROAM*node required, it mutt he ordered and sipped as&separate gne aeon from Acuity Brands Controls. Shorting Cap Included. Not available with DMG w FAO. 13 Reference Motion Serm table. 14 ReferencePERTable. 15 Not ■wadable with other ftmhg controls options. 16 Not evallabb with III LCC0 and RCCO distribution. 17 Must be ordered with fixture for factorypredrAirg. 18 Requires luminahe to be specified with PER, PERS or PERT option. Sea PER Table. ' 19 Far mtmfituse only. 4.31 B' .r ,30 6.63 38 12A5 12A3 QT M I cis f( ** HANDHOLE ORIENTATION (from top of pole) C r p rB air s A Handhille Template #8 1350• f, alumim' 2.750' - mh&rpe tYPe anon cunt rag totter - TenonO.D. :t t t r t 2-3/8' SPA/EPA Afl•5190 A53-5280 Afl-5290 ASi•5320 Afl-5390 Afl•5490 SPUMBA Afl-S190 i AS-5280 ASi-5320 AS4-5390 AS{ 5490 RUPUMBA SPA/in AS3-5190 AST25.190 AS3-5290 AST25 280 0.5290 25- 990 AS3-5320 AST25-320 AST25-390 'AST25.490 2-7/8- SPUMBA RUPUMBA ASTZS-190 AST2S-190 AST25-280 AST25-2B0 AST25-320 AST25-320 SPA/RPA AST35.190 AST35280 A5135-290 AST35-320 AS735-390 AST35-490 4° SPUMBA AST3S-190 AST35-280 AST35-290 AST35-320 AST35-390 A935.490 RUPUMBA AST35-190 ASTMS-280 AST35-3I0 I DrillingTemplato, Minimum Acceptable Outside Pole DimQnsion 88 2.7/8' 2-7/8° 35' IV 3' 3.5' FIA ire 2-7/B' 2-7/8' 3S° 35° 3' 3S° A A5 2.7/8' 3' 4' 4' 3.5' 4' A AS 2-7/8' 3.5 1 5' 5' 3.5' S' -..........................................................................._....... ..................-........._......................................._..............-..._........._....-.._......-...........................................-...................--..........................._.....................-......._..-.. f L/THON/A One LkhoniaWay .... Conyers, Georgia 30012 a Phone: 800-705-SERV (7378) a www.lithonia.com DSX0-LED AMBER L/GHT//IiG 49 2011-2020 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. All rights resolved. Rev. 03/27/20 Page 2 of 9 COMMERCIAL OUTDOOR Date: May 4, 2021 Page III Transmittal Power & Lighting Systems, Inc. 392 S.W. 12TH Avenue Deerfield Beach FL 33442 Phone: (954) 360-7608 From: Mike Scott Project island Beach Resort Quote# DEER21-153214 Location Hutchinson Island Contact: ATTACHED WE ARE SENDING YOU 1 COPY OF THE FOLLOWING ITEM: ❑ Drawings ❑ Specifications Other: ❑ Prints ❑ Information ❑ Plans ❑ Submittals THESE ARE TRANSMITTED FOR: ❑ Prior Approval ❑ Resubmittal for Approval ❑ Record ❑ Approval ❑ Corrections Bids due on: ❑ Approval as Submitted ❑ Your Use Other: ❑ Approval as Noted ❑ Review and Comment Type MFG Part NEW POLES Hapco 33777-0725-01 (32' OAH) SATIN ALUMINUM FINISH 25' Mounting Height Item Note: 25FT MH 32/FT OA RTA DIRECT BURIED POLE SINGLE DRILL FOR ACUITY DSXO EPA .95 FF00009 Power & Lighting Systems, Inc.- Deerfield Page 1/1 Submitted by Power &LJahtlrwi Systems. Inc. Catalog Number ypa: Job Name: 33777-072"1 (32' OAH) SATIN Island Beach Resort ALUMINUM FINISH . Architect: No Eciinee SINOLL¢DRILLFDaR rot DAgD crBURIEDaolE Engineer: No Engineer FBC 2017, Ultimate Design Strength Wind Seed With EPA Radn s9.(s . ft.) Item No. Ha co Part No Weight 120 30 140 1050160 170 180 RTA20C7B0 30720 210 lbs. 173 4.4 12. 1 18.0 1 X O RTA25C7BD 33777--0725 109. IM 7 1 140 l s The EPA is Calculated At 1' above the shaft, and offset by 1'-6". For different loading cases, please contact Hopco. —,Alum. Pole Cap With S.S. Screws 4 112" 0 D. \ Drilling Specified By Customer SATIN FINISH Internal Damper (Factory Installed) Tapered Alum. Tube /156' Wo11 Alloy 6063-T6 Satin Ground Finish Frame Topped 3/8 =16NC For Grounding. 7" O.D. x 6' Reinforced Handhole With Cover And Stainless Steel Hex. Hd. Screws 1,-6" Ground Line 2�-O* - Tx .C" X 6" Long Slotted 1'=6' —i-- Wire Hole (2 0 1809 Flattened N References: 3 112 SKKPO60410A 30155 - WARNING: 00 NOT INSTALL LIGHTING POLES WITHOUT LUMINAIRES N0Reams "" M 20' dr 25' EMBEDDED POLE Revised rice Suster. apCo mom r, sm NTS am6.14,18 Abingdon, Va. or R4D v"°' Na 33777 tied On: May 4, 2021 1/1