HomeMy WebLinkAbout2106-0506 Termite Treatment�Foot<ng _I" Treatment Re -Treat Driveway ��` Tr�trrient -Re-Treat Other 1" T ! eatrnent Re -Treat --4 _ Planning & Developrnent Services j:j i- Building & Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Ave Fart Pierce, FL 34882 772-"2-2172 Fax 772-462.6443 CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENT CONSTRUCTION SOIL TREATMENT : f :, BUILDER/CONTRACTOPU CNCTOPEST CONTROL �����. 7rus[y's Pa3t C;c,r;ltof ��CONTROL LICENSE *:,�aia��o? e, the undersigned, hereby Certify that we have pretreated the above described construction for subterranean termites i n accordance with the standards of the National Pest Control Association, Square feet if area treated; � Chemicals used: Vais 6� Percentage of solution: U. �-' � Total gallons used: Date of reatrrierst; - Tune of T tment: : `t �matment Re -Treat Pools Treatment Re-Treat -imeter for Final Inspection Signature of mina j--' V re: 7b6fP MI'St b8 a cumpleted form for each required treatment or re✓t1e0tr776r7t dV this farm must 6k-- on the)ob site to be prckr?d up by the Irrsp or at frme ofeed, j p ion or the SC} edufed 1r�Sp�rt will fai! arrd a r� ir�pe rr fed C##arq'. FBC 104.2.6 Certlfrcatu of Profecdve TreatTneat for preyenft6n of t6vmPEF, A weether prz np boald drill be prov7ded to receive duplicate TmMment ('er[r'frcates as n3ch requked pro tef V ge trewtrrrent fs awnpleted, Pm vAng e copy fOr tfhe person the perm) LF {,Sued to and another copy for the 0weing permit files, J he Treatment certif to SNFI/ prowe the product used r'dendty Of the applicator, time aw date of Me fir Lrnent, site moon" aria tr wtad, ctrawr al user, pefr� t cancerrtratlorr - I d numbEy' ofgallons asec, to establ h a verifiablL- r&Vtff of prof 'r m ?ent JIf the Sol/ Chdmfcel barrier method for tfrmite pmvmtjon is used, f_Latmarrt shall be completed prior to final building appro Val. t Lncle County req u ires for the final inspection for CO, a Permarient SUCker to be placed on the electrical panel box covert listing all the treatments and dates of applications.