HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimbeline HD- UL Listing UL Product i0rm B� TFWZ.R21 - Prepared Roof-covering Materials Prepared Roof-covering Materials GAP R21 1 Campus Dr Parsippany, NJ 07054 United States Asphalt glass fiber mat shingles-"Royal Sovereign@","Sentinel®","Sentinel®ASTM D3462","Timberline® HD","Timberline® Natural Shadow®","Timberline® NS","Timberline® Ultra HD","Timberline® UHD","Timberline® Cool Series®","Timberline@ American HarvestTM" "Timberline® HDZTM" "Timberline® AH"or"Timberline® CS","Fortitude""","Timberline®ArmorShield*'" 11","Timberline® AS II","Marquis WeatherMax@","Grand Canyon®","Grand Sequoia®","Grand Sequoia®ArmorShieldTM","Grand Sequoia®AS","Camelot@","Camelot@ II", "Slateline@", "Woodland@","Sienna@"or"Glenwood®"for installation as a Class A prepared roof covering.Suitable for installation on minimum 3/8-in,thick plywood roof decks in combination with a minimum of one ply of"Shingle-Mate® Roof Deck Protection",Type 15 or Type 30 underlayment.Also Classified in accordance with ASTM D3161/D3161 M,Class F.Also Classified in accordance with ASTM D3462/D3462M.Also Classified in accordance with KC ES AC438. Asphalt glass fiber mat shingles-"Pro-Start""Starter Strip Shingles"for installation as a Class A prepared roof covering.Suitable for installation on minimum 3/8-in.thick plywood roof decks in combination with a minimum of one ply of"Shingle-Mate® Roof Deck Protection",Type 15 or Type 30 underlayment.Also Classified in accordance with ASTM D3161/D3161 M,Class F. Asphalt glass fiber mat shingles-"WeatherBlockerTM Premium Eave/Rake Starter Strip Shingles"for installation as a Class A prepared roof covering.Suitable for installation on minimum 3/8-in.thick plywood roof decks in combination with a minimum of one ply of"Shingle-Mateo Roof Deck Protection",Type 15 or Type 30 underlayment.Also Classified in accordance with ASTM D3161/D3161 M,Class F.Also Classified in accordance with ASTM D3462/D3462M. Asphalt glass fiber mat shingles,"Royal Sovereign®","Sentinel®","Timberline® HD","Timberline® Natural ShadowgV% "Timberline@ NS", "Timberline® Ultra HD","Timberline® UHD","TimberlineG Cool Series®","Timberline@ American Harvesff","Fortitude'""',"Marquis WeatherMaxs","Grand Canyon@","Grand Sequoia@"and"Camelot@"for installation as Class A prepared roof covering when used with minimum Type 30 underlayment over existing wood shingle roof. Asphalt glass mat hip and ridge shingles-"TimbertexG Hip and Ridge"for installation as Class A prepared roof covering.Also been evaluated in accordance with ASTM D3161/D3161 M,Class F when Henkel"PL Roofing and Flashing Sealant"or Sonneborn"NP1 Gun-Grade Polyurethane Sealant"is applied as specified in manufacturer's application instructions." Asphalt glass mat hip and ridge shingles,"Z@ Ridge Cap Shingles","TimberCrest M Premium SBS-Modified Ridge Cap Shingle","TimberCrestG AS Premium SBS-Modified IR Ridge Cap Shingles","TimberTex@ Premium Ridge Cap Shingles","RidglassG Premium Ridge Cap Shingles",for installation as Class A prepared roof coverings.Also been evaluated in accordance with ASTM D3161/D3161 M,Class A. Asphalt glass mat hip and ridge shingles,"ZG Ridge Cap Shingles","TimberTex@ Premium Ridge Cap Shingles",for installation as Class A prepared roof coverings.Also been evaluated in accordance with ASTM D3161/D3161 M,Class F when Henkel Corp."Loctite PL Roof&Flashing Polyurethane Sealant"is applied as specified in manufacturer's installation instructions. Asphalt glass mat hip and ridge shingles,"Seal-A-Ridge@ Ridge Cap Shingles","Seal-A-Ridge@ ArmorShieldT""'and "Seal-A-Ridge@ AS SBS- , Modified IR Ridge Cap Shingles"for installation as Class A prepared roof coverings.Also been evaluated in accordance with ASTM D3161/D3161 M,Class F. Asphalt glass mat hip and ridge shingles,"TimberCrestG Premium SBS-Modified Ridge Cap Shingle"or"TimberCrestG AS Premium SBS- Modified IR Ridge Cap Shingles"for installation as Class A prepared roof covering.Also been evaluated in accordance with ASTM D3161/D3161 M, Class F when ASTM C920 Henkel "Loctite PL Roofing and Flashing Sealant" is applied as specified in manufacturer's installation instructions. Last Updated on 2021-09-09 The appearance of a company's name or product in this database does not in itself assure that products so identified have been manufactured under UL's Follow-Up Service.Only those products bearing the UL Mark should be considered to be Certified and covered under UL's Follow-Up Service.Always look for the Mark on the product. UL permits the reproduction of the material contained in the Online Certification Directory subject to the following conditions: 1.The Guide Information,Assemblies,Constructions,Designs,Systems,and/or Certifications(files)must be presented in their entirety and in a non-misleading manner,without any manipulation of the data(or drawings).2.The statement"Reprinted from the Online Certifications Directory with permission from UL" must appear adjacent to the extracted material.In addition,the reprinted material must include a copyright notice in the following format:"©2021 UL LLC"