HomeMy WebLinkAboutMANUFACTURER CERTIFICATIONDe�partrnent of Business [Vr & PrCtrtS I.,i ReguMon Halsey Beshears, Secretary June;,28, 2019 Robert -Moore Lark Builders, Inc. P.O.Drawer 629 Vidalia —GA 3-0479. RE: Manufacturer Certification, ID M1717-1.14;• Expiration Date; June 28, 2022 Dear Roberf_;Moore - FLa, :Manufactured Buliding Program 2601 Blair StoneRoad Tallahassee, Florida32399-0772 Phone: 860.487,1824- Fax 960.414.8436 Ron D.eSantis, Governor 409'DIXON;STREET, P,O DRAWER 629,ur VIDALIA,GA 30475 m you that has been located t approvedth e Manufactured Buildings Program, as provided for under -Chapter 553, Part'I, Florida Statutes, to manufacture Factory Built -Schools, Storage. Sheds, Manufactured Buildings for Installation in Florida. Construction or modificatlon on -a manufactured building cannot begin until the Third Party Agency has approved the plans in accordance with the current Florida Building Code. Your Third Party.Agency Is:a contractor for the DePartmentand has statutory authority and responsibilities that must.be.met'to maintain approvedstatus. YOU may expect and demand quality, plans review -and inspections. Each Code change .will make your plans obsolete until they have been reviewed`, approved and indicated. [on the cover page of the plans) -for compliance with the Code:by your Third Party Agency for plans review. Please ensure that your plans are in. compliance and are properly posted on our website. All site -related instal lation'lssues are subject to the local authority having jurisdiction. The•Departments contractor will make..unan iounced monitoring: visits ataeast once each -,year: You must.grant.cofolete access to you-' manufacturing,'facrlity'aiid records:to remain in compliance with :the- rules and. regulations of this pro.graM., ; Yourcertifi ation is approved for three years from this, date. You Will receive a renewal notice; by Email_gerierated by the BCIS (Niww ftoriilatiuildino,org) foronline renewal. If.you have questions you may contact Robert Lorenzo at'.850-7.1.7-1835 or -our FAX at.850-4 4-8436. Please visit our website at www:floriI abui dino.orgao see valuable Information on the. Florida Manufactured Buildings Pr6oram. ,A copy of this. letter mustlaccompan.y applications for local building permits.. ee,; Top Line Engineering, LLC Sinncce�rely, Robert Lorenzo. Manufactured Buildings'Program FILE Ce __A0E_TOP LINE ENGINEERING LLC STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS December 22, 2020 Mr. Thomas Campbell Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation 2601 Blair Stone Road, Building C Tallahassee, Florida 32399-6563 RE: Plan Approval Lark Builders Plan # LB-S-LBE-170D-20 Dear Mr. Campbell, Pursuant to the requirements of the Department of Business & Professional Regulation, the above referenced documents have been reviewed for compliance with: 2020 Florida Building Code, 7th Edition . 2017 National Electrical Code (NFPA-70) Florida Product Approval Rule 61 G20-3.006 (FAC) All mandatory comments have been satisfied and plans are approved for construction by a currently approved modular building manufacturer. These documents were reviewed for only what performed at the site, such as the foundation, is Building Official. is to be constructed in the factory. Any work, under the authority and jurisdiction of the local Third Party Agency.approval in no way alleviates the builder/manufacturer from complying with all the applicable codes, which may or may not be identified in this review. Approval also does not preclude the local building official from requiring work be performed that was not previously reviewed, approved, and constructed under the State of Florida's Manufactured (Modular) Building Program to make the building, code compliant, for the intended use. A signed and sealed set of plans are maintained on file with Top Line Engineering, LLC. If you require my assistance in anyway, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you. ia ectfully, m E. Neary, I Business Partner Top Line Engineering, LLC BILL.TLE@yahoo.com *** Please note: Any questions regarding local permitting should be directed to the Manufacturer. The Manufacturer's contact information can be found in the title block of the plans. 10649 Oakview Pointe Terrace • Gotha • FL 34734 • Phone (407) 421-4037 • Projects.TLE@yahoo.com FL Certificate of Authorization 31785