HomeMy WebLinkAboutThermeau S125121,0○○ B丁U/ト
Max. woie「 flow 「ole (GPMI
Ne† Weig剛bsI
Shipping Weig回Ibs)
D壷enslons (叫
djmensions (叫
70′〇〇〇 B丁U/ト
鹸ode!s千〇「 i噂「O踊串○○!s
Dimensions∴Sulfcl⊂e Liters G副ons GOOD B帥ER BEST
(叫 (岬 U §
80,0○○ B丁U/h
13l,○○0 B丁U/h
870○○ B丁U/h
葉菜黙諾遣熊一謂無L. &鴇潜g戟粥鱒装薬轟鵠〆P○○L HEA丁PUMP
The placement of the pooi h軸e。S Very impo軸in keeping insta闇on
COStS t。 a minimu…向Ie provIding for maxrmum e輸ency of operat町aS
We順S ahowing adequate access for service and nlaIntenance,
The T畦RMEAU po〇両eat plrmP IS 。eslgned for ou亡cIoo子insta臨on and
ShouId not be一圃ed旧a帥y encIosed area, Such as a shed, garage, etC.
Rec!rcu輸1 Of co剛scharged air baclくinto the evapora亡or oo間greatly
reCluce un剛eating capacity and e軸oiency.
The面t s軸d be l。Cated as cIose as p「actlCa吊o the existing poo恒mp and
航er to面n面ze water piping.
Mount the unlt On a stu「dy base, Prefe「ab恒COnCrete slab or a set of bloclくS,
The si之e軸e base should not be iess than 36,, x 36,, (91 cm x 91 cm).
Ve面仕ation systems.
CO= and d!scharged軸“ough the top g刷e・
of 48 inches should be a"owed above the unit fo「 unre-
air discharge. The u雨must not be insta帖ed under a porch書Any side
of the unit should be located a口east 12 inches from a wa= or from any other
obstruction for unrestricted air而ake and service access, The back slde of the
u涌t o「 one of the two sIdes (Ieft or right) could be insta=ed at 6 inches f「om
any obstruction as Iong as the two other sides are at a minimum o=2 inches
distance of any obstruction・
8 、車軸2 議畿蟻⑪ owN輔,S MANUAL
must be anchored †o a s廿uc†ure for hurricane resisfance.
Anchor are required on each in§†alIation.
!n§talia†ion :
1. Place †he TH撤MEAU⑮ HeaI Pump
a† i†s permanen† ioca†ion
On †he equipmen† pad.
1ns†a=er †o provide anchors boIts
and †he sul†able concre†e anchor
†o a什ach †he angle s†eel b「acke†
†o †he equ直men† pad.
2. Place †he angle s†eei bracke† a† †he
bo廿Om Of †he THERMEAU⑪Hea† Pump
as indica†ed (Fjg. ]J
3. BoI† on †he angie s†eel b「acke†
†o †he base as indica†ed (Fig.礼
4. Mark †he position of †he hole
in each angle i†eel bracke†
On †he backlng ma†enal.
5. Drill a hoie a† each mark
in†o †he equipmen† pad.
6. inse什a bol† anchorin each hole
7, Line up anchor†he angle s†eel bracke†
hoies and bol† anchors (Fjg. 2).
8. Pu† an anchor bo旧n each angle
S†eel bracke†.
Figure l. Anchor Poi楠On§
A††ach ancho「 bracke†s †o base of heq† pump
Where indica†ed by †he arrows.
Figure 2. Angle §leel B「acke†
OWN輔ISMANUAL \蝶理製鰹態惑⑪ 9
斜 ̄.Tl[ユ’ ̄高子胆I Ai高手Cくj講話{項二,諦! POOしHEAT PUMP